July 28, 2019 (#1731)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

Freedom is Fighting Crime of Losing Time:

"Through Windows You are Studied by Creatures Hidden,

 Which Stroke Authorized Thought, Punishes Forbidden,

 There's Innocent Play forever if You're In The Mood,

 In this Dystopic Utopia and Your Lifelong Childhood."

© Alan Watt July 28, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 28, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on July 28, 2019.  The first thing I have to mention is that I was comparing the income for this time last year, and I’m under half of what I was getting last year. And summer’s generally pretty bad as it is because folk are maybe off on holiday and so on. But that’s how bad it is now. I know definitely I get shadow banned as they call it, I’ve had that for years, long before the term became popular.  But it’s getting pretty bad now. So for those who want to buy the books and discs, remember, you can go into cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  My official websites are listed on the cuttingthroughthematrix.com website.  You’ll see all the sites I have. These are the official ones. Anything outside of these, if you’re buying books and so on, they’re not my sites, someone’s printing them up or whatever. That’s happened before by the way, a few times. So let me know if that ever happens. But yeah, cuttingthroughthematrix.com website has my official sites listed and you should always make a list of them in case anything happens to the .com site.


Because things are changing rapidly now with the social training of the populace through electronic means, and all kinds of media. That’s on the go. It’s not conspiracy, they admit it.  That’s just the way it is, we’re all getting trained into the next part of the system. So you can help me tick a long hopefully or else I won’t be here much longer at all, by getting some cash to me. And remember, you can use PayPal and you can use personal checks to order or to donate. You can send cash or you can send an international postal money order from outside of Canada. Or a postal money order from inside Canada. But international postal order, you have to stress that, from outside Canada. And they’re cheaper than most means of sending money. And I’ll get it too. You can find the address and everything @cuttingthroughthematrix.com, as I say. Because things are getting pretty, pretty bad now. That’s months, a few months in a row and just plummeting.


Lots of weird things are happening, we all know that. But you’re in a system, we’re all in a system, globally in a system where this was planned before you even heard of the Internet. It was definitely planned that a new system would come in. I was reading through a book from the Club of Rome from the 1990s and they were going into how they would have to train the public, and change cultures and so on, so we’d all get along in the big mix as we get push towards more and more integration in a globalist society. But they mentioned how they’d train us, and with new moralities and so on so’s we’d all get along. And you’re going through it now. 


As I say, you can go way back to Bertrand Russell, and many others even before some of his books in fact, talking about the training of the general populace and how it would be done. Well, we’re going through it. We know for instance that, of course the Chinese have a social credit score where… It’s so amazing. People really think that everything they have in the West is ours, that we, it’s all ours. You know, you’ve got your Facebook, you’ve got this, that and the other. But you don’t realize that many of these organizations are fronts, I think.


The same thing that’s coming out even about Epstein. He’s definitely a front man for much bigger operation.  And there’s a lot of panic going on right now with intelligence agencies, because there’s so much obviously blackmailable information on so many people coming out of all of this, that deals are getting made left right and center.  Very quietly of course. Because it’s just too many important, as they call, important people involved in all of this. So that’s the system we’re living in right now.


You find the same thing with our training through Internet and all kinds of electronic connections that we’re using, and techniques we’re using with instruments we’re given, the nomadic devices as they like to call it, to train us into a new system. And it does work awfully well, to be honest with you.  They have awfully good behaviorists and scientists working with them, with all these companies to do just that. And of course, there are government agencies involved in all of it too. Because this agenda we’re living through, it’s not conspiracy. It’s published for goodness’ sake. It’s published by those who are in the doing of it all.


Because the public really don’t care so much now. They really don’t. Aldous Huxley was awfully right when he said that the people could be trained, in a sense, and led and guided and prompted, to love their servitude. If you give children access to the candy store and say help yourself, they’re going to do it, aren’t they? Well, in this system, knowing all the different drives and instincts that people have, you’re given free reign to a good extent to do what you want, with sexual impulses and so on. To an extent, as I say. And people go at it. Nothing comes out of it generally. But that’s been permitted now. Awfully interesting to see how it’s all done.


I was going through again the old documentation from Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley, the two brothers who actually were descended from a whole family that were interbed, in fact, down through [Alan chuckles.] a few hundred years, even with the Darwins to an extent too.  That’s just the way it is. Selective breeding has been awfully important.  It’s actually preferred, selective breeding.  And eugenics has been, really, a big thing from Britain for instance, I’m sure it was done in many other countries too, in say the early 1800s, maybe even late 1700s onwards. But we have records of it in Britain at least that are published, to an extent. 


We know that Charles Darwin’s family were intermarried for two or three generations with the Wedgewood family.  So that’s all they bread into was the same family, these two families, right, for a while. And out of… I mean, even today you had the Tony Wedgewood Benn that was in Parliament for his whole life too. I think one of his daughters is in there now too in Britain. And they were titled people, they had titles, which they don’t like to talk about, but they do have titles, and of nobility, even though they run the left-wing side of things.  [Alan chuckles.]  Which is quite amazing in a sense.


Eugenics and selective breeding for the right qualities, it was nothing new. It was highly talked about even in some of the so-called occultic societies. Very prominent in fact. You’ll find that, the secrecy there too, and the prompting of their higher members and so on of the societies as they’re going up through their degrees, they also get a little training in what, what makes us different from them? You know, them, those people down there. And they would go into, you are more intelligent, or, you come from a better family. They had no problems talking about this in the upper crusts in the European nations. And Britain was really a champion for that.


Folk don’t know much about, because all they know about Britain is the last, oh, 100 odd years really, most people. And they think of prior to that is, with the BBC movies or documentaries or TV dramas, with coaches and wealthy people. They don’t show you much of the utter incredible poverty of the masses of the people. They don’t know either that in reality that Abraham Lincoln talked about the difference in the US working class compared to the mob, they call them in Britain. And that’s what the elite called them all, them mob or the masses. He said that, he actually used the term too, because he understood, and he knew Karl Marx, at least they corresponded. He said, we don’t have that same kind of proletariat, he called it, in America. He said, we have a different type of worker with more rights and all the rest of it. Whereas in Britain they lived in an awful state, really, of poverty, crammed into the buildings, especially in the industrial era, earning not enough even to really keep themselves alive. The death rate was phenomenal.


But they don’t know…  In fact, there’s so much the folk don’t know these days. They used to know, and they used to get taught it, and in my, the last 20 years I’d say, I’ve seen such incredible changes happen in, as this new order came through, the New World order as President Bush called it, and his father did too.  I think 10 years apart they both gave the same, similar speech, on a new world order coming into view and all that kind of stuff.  And they meant a new system, a global order, new system. And you’re seeing the gradual disintegration of borders, naturally. So someone’s obviously in-the-know. Those who control what’s called the far-left are all in-the-know. It’s just that the rest of the public don’t understand it because they don’t hear laws getting passed, or even declarations, well we have no borders now, from those who are supposedly in power, they don’t hear it.


But obviously plans are made, and they’re put into operation. And we live through it.  Our whole lives are living through changes, that are not willy-nilly, they’re planned changes. And again, it’s not conspiracy theory when you can get their books now… [Alan laughing.] It’s awfully good to get the books from those who helped plan a lot of what’s now the past or recent past.  But getting back to the US, the US really was the dynamic hub for a different type of society. At least in a hopeful way. That was the hope of America, to most of the people. As opposed to the countries they’d left behind them in Europe.


We also seem to think that in the past, as I say, the 19th century, they didn’t have sciences, like studying, the studying of populations and people or workforces. Of course they did. You can go back into Roman times and they kept records on types of labor and what was detrimental to the profit margin if they would cause slaves to possibly not put their backs into it so to speak, whatever it was, and ways to overcome things like that. Well, the same thing happened eventually in the US. And Lincoln also was aware of it too, I’m sure, who knows. We don’t know much about the guy, really, except the romanticized stuff really. Most stuff about people who are put up to be heroes is added much later by subsequent authors.


But we do know that in his time, and even before he got in, that there were British managers or owners of big factories. Because they dealt with the cotton and so on coming in.  They had the factories for weaving the cotton. That was one of the biggest things that Britain had for a while was cotton, and the wool industries too of course. But the manufacture of clothing and cloth. So they wanted to get cheaper… Like everything, it’s always the same, today we get the cheapest things made or the things made cheaply in China. We don’t do it, actually, but those who run countries do.  [Alan chuckles.]  And your politicians all helped to send them off to China by paying their way. Actually, that was all part of the trade agreements, for those who don’t know. But that’s another story.  And I’ve seen it all. I’ve talked about it for over 20 years now to the people. And lived through it.


But the big owners, and the merchants too, in Britain at that time, in Lincoln’s day, came over and they had told to the Northerners as well, and they had plans, big businesses.  You understand that combinations of business have always overridden any government policies down through time, when the big money and big producers and owners generally decide what’s going to happen with the future of any nation. And they can pull stuff out, immediately out of a nation or even dump cheap cotton from other countries, say, on the likes of Britain which they did eventually. And it caused so much riots they sent in the dragoons, actual Dragoon Guards I think it was, and set them on the public in parts of England.


So chaos can happen so easily by those who are in power and who want even more profits. It’s a greed factor in humanity, that’s always been a big big problem in society, this… when is enough, enough? You see.  And then you get into the opposite side of it all, well, they bring communism in, you’ll all have shares of equality. Utter nonsense!  There was no such thing as equality in the communist system. Because the greed factor, still in humanity, it still exists. And those at the top have everything. And again, those at the bottom have pretty well nothing. That’s the nature unfortunately of humanity.


So anyway, in the 1800s they, the ones in Britain, London, that’s where generally they always hung around was London. That was always a hub, a big hub of international shipping and taxation and finance and so on. They sent delegations over to America where the people who owned the cotton pickers and so on, they tried to convince them, because slavery was starting to die out everywhere, and many countries had already banned it pretty well.  The real reason, it wasn’t humanitarian, it wasn’t humanitarian feelings for others that really fought it all.  I’m sure that existed outside of the big moneyed classes of course. But the moneyed classes really wanted more profit, and they said, you know, if you have slavery then you’ve got to take care of the slaves, even when they’re beyond working for you.  Otherwise it would be such a horror show, you’d get more slaves running away. And again, they’d put less and less work into what they were doing. So it took part of their financing to take care of slaves too as they got older for instance.  If you free them, then they have to take care of themselves, if you give them a wage, a small wage. That was really big big part of it though, for those who don’t know. And that’s why Britain was so involved in really stirring up animosity, you might say, between the North and the South. And the North of course was the financing system and it was a commercial system, versus the South which was mainly agricultural pretty well.


But yeah, it wasn’t to help people. Unfortunately.  I don’t know if it’s unfortunately… You see, we are human and if you feel things, actually feel things as a human being you can be blindsided by the intent of psychopathic types who are way ahead of you.  The educated type of psychopathic, with a good mind, a good IQ, say, and they can run rings around you so easily. It happens all through society.  And it’s not my opinion. Look at all the studies they’ve done over the last, oh, 20 years especially, on CEOs of corporations and how they fit the bill for being good psychopaths. So really, we do have problems as societies. And we do have those who…


I mean, look what you get for even on TV shows. I don’t have TV, I haven’t seen TV for about 30 years I think. But I still get stuff sent to me on the Internet, an article sent to me about shows.  And I put winning the lotto, you see, in the same category of, say, an American Idol stuff and everything else they give you.   All these long, long shots at getting what? Not getting a living but getting rich. That’s the whole point, getting rich, you see. And it’s so ridiculous now, it makes a mockery of everybody who’s really working and scraping by, doesn’t it?  When the media keeps putting out articles and shows on someone who’s got a hit song, without telling you it was a whole, they probably didn’t write it, it was a whole machinery behind them promoting it all and giving you fake backgrounds and stories on the person who’s now the new idol or whatever. That’s how it’s, that show business. It’s a business. 


And it’s a show, you see. You can’t believe what the show is. But it makes a mockery of the folk who are really, really struggling to get by. Or people winning incredible amounts of money today that just puts you into shock when you see it. And again, and it’s a wonderful thing, as we are all scraping to get by.  That’s how ridiculous it is. Again, most of the news you get now is about the so-called stars, what they call stars now. And now they call them celebrities. So we’re supposed to be happy that they’re so incredibly rich, etc. etc. I mean, this is not news. This is not news. That’s not news at all.


Have you noticed how we’ve been weaned off, very carefully, and easily, from being told what governments are signing or about to sign? And even what laws are coming up or not coming up? We don’t get told anything. Because they don’t want you to participate in what’s called democracy.  Because you might object to what they’re planning here or there somewhere else or whatever it happens to be.  But you’re supposed to have the right to participate and maybe sign petitions or object to it. You see, you don’t even know anymore. Except for the publicized ones which are to do with the agenda, which is, again, oh the climate change, and how we all have to stop breeding for goodness’ sake, to bring down the population to save the planet, or we’re all going to die, again. We’re always all going to die, that’s how it’s done, you see. 


But those ones who are authorized, and as they try to get you to get off of meat, for instance, which is energy. Remember, all forms of energy are to be cut back. Well, meat is the primary one too for a lot of people. Don’t forget that Gandhi had to eat meat to an extent because at one point he was ill.  And he accepted, he asked for it, he actually asked for it to be put in his diet.  So come on here!  But they’re training armies of almost fanatics, who seem to know that they get away with an awful lot, which they shouldn’t. In England they’re bringing sometimes the cities to standstills, and they want to block trains from getting in and out. They want to block everything and do crazy things.


And again, they’re doing all the right things that they’ve been trained to do growing up through school, and what’s good and what’s bad. And all the new values given to them. And they feel that they have the moral high ground. Well, that’s a dangerous thing to have in a society when big agendas are at work. In so-called democracies, remember, where other sides of things can’t get a word in to complain or even put their point of view in at all.  This is a dangerous time. And it’s meant to be because you’re getting weaned out of what’s called democracy. As even the Club of Rome in every publication I think keeps reiterating that, they can’t get things done with democracy so let the right people manage the world and manage our lives and manage us from birth to death.


Which is the old eugenics agenda, going way back before anybody even thought of climate change. Literally.  Where they just wanted you to get sterilized. I really mean that. I really, really mean that. We’re run by people who are very clever. The ones who are selected, that is, to work out these agendas to manage us all from birth to death, as I say, they’re given big big salaries and selected very quickly by teams of people, from college even.  They know who they’re going to pick and select and train to be future leaders, or even the ones behind the scenes who work with the behavioral teams that manage us all, that you don’t even know are managing you.  [Alan laughing.]  And I’ve done some talks on it before.


But anyway, let’s go back a bit here to Julian Huxley, was quite the character because he was unstable himself, that is understood, he had problems, mental problems. But he was a runner to promote, again, sustainability in his day from the 1920s on. They knew at the time there were too many of you. And the British system, getting back to Lincoln and all what he talked about too, and blah blah blah, and the difference with the proletariat compared to the British worker. The British system never had a problem talking about them and us, you see. The elite would always look at the masses and that’s them, that’s them down there. There was never a question, like, what do you mean by… They all understood who the them were.  [Alan chuckles.] 


And then there was the us, you see, who had better marriages, and blueblood, and they selected their mates well from good families, who prospered, who were in the right crowds, the right circles.  That’s never gone away. It could be a bit more carefully hidden but it’s always been there. Because the people who rule you truly believe in it. Truly do. And it might shock you if you ever overhear them talking and they forget you’re standing there.  [Alan chuckles.]  Because that’s how they really, that’s how they talk about you. 


And if you read enough media or news, say, what’s given to us as news, all you got is violence, and violence and violence all over the place if you read some newspapers. And on the other hand, you’ve got these folk who are just winning millions and millions of dollars, or winning song contests, getting made for life and things like that.  It’s a bizarre schizophrenic world we’re looking at, really, isn’t it?  That’s the impression you’re given. It’s going to get a lot worse. 


I’ll put a couple of links up. One is about Aldous Huxley, and one is from his brother, of course, who set up UNESCO for the United Nations. Who specified too that the problems they would have with UNESCO, creating a world system and the uniform world educational system, not just for children but for the whole society, and they would train you and train you to accept the new moralities, and new acceptances of lowering your populations yourselves and accepting it too. And the difficulty of if we help them, with health, etc. to live longer and to be healthier, then there’s a downside. And the downside is they might breed more, you see.


HG Wells was more open about it, he actually said that. He says, we give them food, to the starving people. We give them food, we give them vaccinations to fend off diseases, he says, etc. and we give them some medical care. And what do they do?   He says, they breed. That’s how he said it. They breed. They, they, again, it’s they, them.  [Alan chuckles.]   They breed, you know. Nothing has changed.  It’s that they’ve trained their target not to think about it, or to believe, oh they say that, but they don’t really mean it. How often have you heard that, ‘eh?  Oh, they don’t really mean that. And you say, why don’t they mean that? Well somebody would do something. Well, who would do something? [Alan chuckles.]  That certainly won’t be most people.   Because that’s how they are lumped together. And this is about that too.


Aldous Huxley, right, the Brave New World Huxley, the brother of Julian, as he got older, he camouflaged to an extent, and both brothers kind of ducked, ducked out of sight, not out of sight, really, he toned it down and changed it a little bit. Because they were eugenicists, remember, and they wanted population reduction. And because Adolf Hitler had the same policy when they brought the Nazi party in, because they copied the eugenics from America and Britain, they actually copied it. Because they were already doing it in Britain, eugenics, and they actually were sterilizing what they called the unfit and they got a lot from that too. But here is Aldous Huxley 1932, right, and he got Brave New World out then.


Aldous Huxley on the Imbecility of the Masses



Aldous Huxley, writing shortly after the 1932 publication of Brave New World, despaired about the real-world significance of one of his novel’s principal themes: About 99.5% of the entire population of the planet are as stupid and philistine...as the great masses of the English.


(Alan:  He’s [Alan chuckles.] Talking about the whole planet, right. So…)


 99.5% of the entire planet are as stupid and philistine… As the great masses of the English.  The important thing, it seems to me, is not to attack the 99.5%...but to try to see that the 0.5% survives, keeps its quality up to the highest possible level, and, if possible, dominates the rest.


(A:  For the hard of thinking I’ll say that last bit again.)


The important thing, it seems to me, is not to attack the 99.5%...but to try to see that the 0.5% survives,


(A:  He’s talking about the elite minority, you see…)


keeps its quality up to the highest possible level, and, if possible, dominates the rest.   


The imbecility of the 99.5% is appalling but after all, what else can you expect?


Don’t forget, he came from, they came from that class, you see, that talk this quite openly amongst themselves. And they had no, absolutely no hesitation in saying that you couldn’t help those down below because they were too, they truly believed completely you were born that way because you were just, you’re bad genes. Don’t forget that they said that poverty, at that time, poverty was labeled as a mental illness basically. Poverty was a genetic problem. You inherited it, you see, that’s what they thought.


So there you go, these are the heroes who did work with all the big organizations that led through the United Nations to UNESCO and other organizations.  And the Department of Population, used to be called Population Control, that the Rockefellers actually paid for to get set up in the UN, but they dropped the ‘Control’ part at the end.  But it’s still the Population Control department.  So they all work together for the same agenda.  And when you go into their how much each human being will cost in their lifetime to the planet, this is how they work it out, it’s interesting to see that your government’s part of them taking all your data, who your parents were, and how much they might get out of you in taxes in your entire lifetime, and the government also has the data and they’re paying for all these studies to see who might get sick halfway through their working life, and they’re testing your DNA and so on. You have no idea. We’re just livestock, folks.  Livestock.


Getting back to the clever psychopath who decided in the 1800s to try to convince them to give up slavery, not because they romanticized the people love them. But because they get a better profit and save the money looking after the aging population of slaves and sick populations. And let them pay for it themselves.  You know, for everything that happens in society there’s always another side of things. And because we are decent people, we have a hard time figuring it out. Until it often happens to you. To you personally that is. And that’s why we are manipulated so easily. That’s how your behavioral teams prompt you and nudge you into what you’re supposed to think, what you’re supposed to say, what you’re supposed to, what your opinions are supposed to be. And when they change the normals of anything, you’d better adjust immediately to the new normals and new opinions. That’s literally what we’re going through now, folks.


And that’s part, getting back to the Chinese credit system, social score…  It’s here! They gave people the Facebook, and people took to Facebook like ducks to water. Without a thought. Without a thought. And they give you years before they let you know what was going on.  And that’s only one. I’m sure all the rest of them pretty well are much the same, all the alternatives. Really.  But again, what I’m pointing out here, and by the way, occasionally get people who are happy types, you know, they’ve been trained in the happy-happy new age, which was given to you by those who control you if you haven’t figured it out. The happy-happy type, you know, don’t look at the negative, look at the positive, be happy. You see? They had books out on this, if they could train the public like this, the public, no matter what happened they would, oh well, you know, oh well. They wouldn’t blame it on any… they would just go and try and get along and be happy, you know.


It’s beautiful, isn’t it? for those who are in control. Until the people now, I don’t want to hear that, no, I don’t want to hear that, tell me something that’s happy. Well, turn on your favorite TV show or whatever, I don’t know, whatever makes you happy. But you don’t understand, if it wasn’t for the folks who could see things and know things and come out with what was happening, you would’ve been run over by the system, the whole, the lot of us would have been completely runover by the system long ago. It’s only by those who know, who watch and say something, that can explain it, that makes them have to, they really grit their teeth and have to slow it down a bit here and there, or adjust it here to get around you, because it’s been pointed out what they’re up to. There’s nothing that they hate more than having the truth pointed out.


Now, the ones at the top give out a lot of fake things to follow. Because it’s an intelligence system.  Like counterintelligence and intelligence. If you come out, like I did years ago giving you the facts, they’ll give you other ones who will grab those same facts.  They are heavily financed, they can churn out the books because they’re not writing it themselves, they’re ghostwritten, but they’ll spin it off into the aliens or something. That’s how, that’s called counterintelligence. So the people who brought up the facts in the first place are now lumped in with the people whose names are so well known. Oh, you’re one of those who believe that, oh, okay. That’s how it’s done folks.


But whether you believe in aliens or not, I’ll tell you one thing. No one’s going to help you down here except yourself.  That makes the whole point of, do you believe, like, in a religion or aliens or not, completely moot. You see?


But yeah, Brave New World and Aldous Huxley, the great Aldous Huxley, who before World War II as I say, that’s what he was saying quite openly…


About 99.5% of the entire population of the planet are as stupid and philistine...as the great masses of the English. The important thing, it seems to me, is not to attack the 99.5%...  (A:  …because a lot of them were talking about openly culling off a lot of the people, and still are in some places.)  but to try to see that the 0.5% (A:  …the elite classes, himself included…) survives, keeps its quality up to the highest possible level, and, if possible, dominates the rest. The imbecility of the 99.5% is appalling but after all, what else can you expect?


There you go. There you go. And I guess in later years too the guy came out… It’s hard to figure out if he was having second thoughts about it or not. He did say, he did say that the sciences were out there, he said, that you could be persuaded into doing things, anything at all, by professionals, you see, without knowing, things that weren’t even good for you. And that’s where we are today, we are being guided by what they call professionals. And it’s like an invisible group running you. Because now it’s in everything that’s electronic.  So you don’t have to have a confrontation with them or an argument or saying hey get out of my life. You don’t even know they’re there most of them. People forget.


People forget.  They forget their phone calls... Out of all the incredible documentation that was spewed out after 9/11, on ALL, all transactions, ALL electronic communication, ALL, that included phones too, could be kept forever. Everything that you ever said, or joked about, forever.  And yet people once they are on the phone, all they think about is the person they’re talking to. They don’t realize there’s another ear on there, electronic one, but it’s recording everything. And it can be pulled up at any time at all. And it’s all analyzed as you’re talking. All of it.  It’s analyzed as you’re talking by algorithms and so on.  And before you’re finished, a little talk about groceries, it’s been categorized into all kinds of [Alan chuckles.] nefarious and so on, ‘eh?  You don’t even think that’s going on, it doesn’t even occur to you it’s going on. But it IS going on. Yeah.


But again, the happy-happy people live in faith. They’ve been taught that there’s a kind of world spirit taking care of it all and so the nasty people won’t be able to do anything to you, as they’re doing it. You see? Because the big world spirit thing that you’re all part of won’t allow it to happen. Well, guess what? I guess the world spirit has gone to sleep for a while, ‘eh?  That’s complete denial. A lot of folk really can’t handle what’s happening. A lot of folk actually will think it’s fantastic. Because a long time ago others said the same thing, and myself included, a lot of folk will come to love, they already love this thing called socialism.  It’s a scientific socialism and it’s not the old socialism that you thought about too.  It was Stalin who said that communism was socialism in a hurry, that was the difference with it, where they owned all the means of production, the state technically owned it.


But what you have today, it’s the same socialistic policies.  Because all fascism, socialism, it’s all the same. When you have the rich, and that’s what you always end up getting no matter what the name of it is, the wealthy industrialists and rich owning it all at the top, running it all at the top. They can have any proxy below them managing it all for them under any guise or name they want.  And they have all the experts running everything else in your life. You have no say in the matter.  Therefore, today you have the specialists as they call themselves, the experts running your lives. In a thousand different ways every day. Quietly. And because it’s not intrusive or you don’t really see it happening you ignore it. And you’re oblivious to it. 


But you have a form of socialism, of control from birth to death, that’s what it’s about, right, coupled with eugenics, and it’s all run by those at the very top, the dominant minority that Huxley talked about too… who own everything and run everything, and they run the financial systems and so on. A massive superstructure above us all. Look at all the kinds of financing there is today with hedge funds, and things you can’t even get your head around, most folk, you know. All the different ways to make more and more and more off of more and more. Right down to using debt, all the debt that’s out there, because all money that’s printed is just based on debt. Even using that, the debt itself, as though it was real, and putting that down on the books as collateral, actual, what is owed to you, as really collateral and put in the books as collateral. It’s astonishing, really, this debt system.  Different topic again.


But the fact is, what I’m saying to you, Huxley talked about a dominant minority, and he said on the Mike Wallace show and other ones too, he says, which has always existed and I suppose will always exist, he said. Because in his day he was part of the scientific elite managers, the manager class of scientists, you see, who manage us all. That’s what he said to about himself too. So did his brother say the same thing.   So they manage us all in different ways. There’s all kinds to manage your mind.  You’ve got all kinds of scientists that manage your behavior today. You have the teaching class to make sure you’re programmed properly, at an early age like Jacques Ellul said, you’ve gotta have that indoctrination so that you don’t question things, you just obey, obey. And they have all these techniques of peer pressure in the school so’s you’ll all conform to the same opinions. And you’ll be good.   And by using that technique they can make children believe anything.  And that’s what they’re doing. And children want to be liked. Not just by each other. They want to be liked by the teachers. They are people pleasers at that age, it’s well understood. Again, different topic again. So anyway, I’m just mentioning, I’m way off… Again time flies, doesn’t it, really flies.


It’s interesting, Aldous Huxley, at least back then they could still be open enough on what they thought of people. Today it’s more camouflaged. Royalty, all the royal departments for the Queen and Prince Philip, they have their own PR department.  The ones for the rest of the offspring, they have their own departments too of public relations, the experts, full-time employees. They have documentaries their own staff put out about themselves for public relations and so on.   You see. And that’s what we get, even the stories of they’re falling out here, they’re falling out there, or they get back together. Just like the stars, same thing.


There’s a character came out recently who was part of the public relations for the stars and for making movies. I said for years that all the stuff about gossip with the stars falling out and so on, it’s all made up nonsense. And his job was to make it up for them, to give them publicity, to get you all believing this rubbish and being interested in oh, oh, they’ll get back together.  And because we want to see happy families, don’t we? We really do.  Even if they’re not a family in the first place. The same with the old music bands with the same, often the people would phone up and say can we get an interview? And if they were too busy, they would just say no, just make it, and they would, they would make it up. And they’d say, do you mind if we say this?  And, oh no, on you go, you know. Because any news is good news because it’s all publicity, you see.  And if you’re bad boys, bad boys, the old rock ‘n’ roll stuff, then that was all the better, the badder the better, it didn’t matter, you see. All fiction.  Big machinery to make the stars. 


Now I want to just give a few things up here too before the time’s up actually. I’ll put Julian Huxley, a good article, I’ve put up before, from the National Library of Medicine. It’s about…


Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in 20th century Britain - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


He was very clever how they did it and how he managed to keep it going. He was a member too of the Darwinian Society and Eugenic Society. But they managed to keep it going by changing the terminology after World War II and Adolf Hitler, you see.  But still it’s as adamant as ever. And a lot of what’s happening today in eugenics all came, still going from the organizations that were founded way back then. I’ll put that one up.


Also there’s one about addressing climate change and how it’s even linked again to UNESCO, and the Club of Rome of course naturally.  And then you have this one here on…


UNESCO, Its Purpose and Its Philosophy - by Julian Huxley – unesco.org


…where he talks about the need to basically train people, and there was the big dilemma, should we treat them and make them really healthy, and if they’re healthy they might breed more and blah blah blah. So you had to get a balance between what you give them. Which means really of course we’ve always known this, you get a completely higher level and standard of medication and medicine for those way above the general population. There’s no doubt about it. No doubt at all. A lot of the stuff even to do with gene therapy now and stem cell therapy, for curing cancer, it’s old old stuff that the elite have had for the last 50 years or maybe more. And they still don’t want to dish it out to everybody here, you see.


Also here’s an article here on Technology Review, and think about eugenics and how everything is presented as a wonderful thing for you. Think back to what the Huxley’s said about you, hm?


UK Biobank Supercharges Medicine with Gene Data on 500,000 Brits

technologyreview.com / 15 Nov 2017


The long-anticipated release of genetic and health data on 500,000 British people last summer by a public consortium in the U.K. is generating a shock wave of genetic discoveries that could speed the development of new drugs and tests, scientists say.  (A:  It’s always this vague thing. They don’t give you names of people so much now just scientists or experts say, and that’s all. They’ve trained you already to accept that.)


The data from the UK Biobank (A:  …right… a bio bank…) hit in July, after scientists in charge of 406 different projects had the chance to download several terabytes of data, including DNA data and information on everything from who has diabetes to whether people like coffee or tea.


(A:  So they always give you these little innocent, oh it’s just coffee, they can tell if you like coffee or tea by your DNA and all the rest of it, all this biobank information, hm?  Remember last year or the year before it was in the papers that Google in England had set up an agreement with the National Health Service to collect all the data on all the patient’s, millions of them, millions of patients.  And they wouldn’t tell you what they were doing with it. When they’re doing this kind of stuff think eugenics, folks, think family-planning of now and the future. Because now that they’ve got your DNA they know what you might, you might be prone to, ‘eh, and where it’s supposed to go. Remember the racial hygiene thing of World War II?  Hm?  Get rid of the people who might be a burden.  [Alan chuckles.]  And there’s your Huxley talking about the same thing from Britain. So anyway, but it’s wonderful, it’s all to help you. So what’s the difference between…)


What’s the relationship between genes and diet? Or between DNA and schizophrenia? (A:  You see, the collecting all the data, with mental illnesses, all these things, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, you see.  Are the alarms going off?) With 2,500 different phenotypes—or traits—measured in the British volunteers, (A:  …volunteers it says…) on the basis of weigh-ins, surveys, and national hospital records, this data dump is the largest of its kind and the best chance yet to figure it out.


(A:  Now, you think the folk volunteered for this? They don’t even know it’s happening. So then they tell you…)   


Just a few years ago, linking a gene to a human disease would have made a whole career…


You see, now they’re talking about gene specific treatments. Now, that’s going way back. As I say, they really had that for years and years and years. You ever wonder why a lot of them never get arthritis or old age diseases and things like that? You ever wondered about these things? Don’t go into, oh it’s good breeding.  [Alan chuckles.]  Forget that one, folks.


And another one too…


New NHS mental health data hub, (A:  Oooooo.  There ya go.)  Babylon Healthcheck and more UK digital health news briefs

mobihealthnews.com / 10 Oct 2018


NHS Digital introduces new mental health data hub, Babylon (A:  …called Babylon, right…) creates new Healthcheck feature, and institute launches £3m competition paving the way for a UK-wide infrastructure for health data research.


NHS Digital has created a mental health data hub to give (A:  So it’s supposed to give, really, information here on your mental health, and probably your history, and your family history too…) healthcare workers, patients, Charities and others easier access to national mental health statistics, with its launch coinciding with World Mental Health Day. The new online tool provides links to additional sources of mental health data from other organisations, building on NHS Digital's GP data hub initiative developed last year.


“As well as improving access, we hope the hub will assist in our efforts to improve data quality by enabling organisations to see how they compare in terms of data submissions,” said Ramesh Notra, NHS Digital Principal Information Analyst in Community and Mental Health.


Everybody that’s a specialist, they’re all living off of us now, aren’t they? That’s where the money is, living off of the general population.  So they can manage us. But this is incredible data about, you can understand where this is all going?  Hm?  Nothing is safe these days too. You know that. Every country busts into every other country’s databanks for everything.  They keep it quiet. Often, they’re and in and out, and you might suspect they’ve been in, but no one says anything because they don’t, it’s different from, they’re not taking money, they’re taking data. You understand?


And then that’s important stuff to other people. Insurance companies too.  Hm?  All the stuff will be used eventually to see who can breed and who will not breed. This is all what it’s all for as well, folks. It will take a while, it might take another 20, 30 years before that happens. But it might be a lot sooner, it depends. We’re going fast now, and by our training it’s awfully fast. And the coordinated worldwide indoctrination from the same sources of what’s called news, and entertainment, by the incredible entertainment propaganda, this stuff is embedded in so much of your fictional works to train you.  It’s just astonishing.


Now, it’s interesting, they are admitting it, in Star Trek, they helped to change our opinions and our views on things too over many years. I knew that years and years and years ago and other folk did too. But now it’s, they actually admit it now, your entertainment, honestly, is how really most of your opinions are changed. Slickly too, by using emotions as opposed to just fact, real fact, you see. Another one too is…


23andMe competitor Veritas Genetics slashes price of whole genome sequencing 40% to $600 - cnbc.com / 1 July 2019


…and they say eventually, very shortly, they probably could bring it down to about $100 or so, maybe $200 to $100. And they can really do a genetic, break it down very quickly. And that will be used in mating. I think it already is in some countries, already, where they don’t have all the rules on and they can go there and say, if we mate up, we two, and have genetic testing of both of you, they can tell you what… Again, it’s so iffy as well. Because these arguments are old arguments too, as to what you might come down in the future with.  Well, you might get an allergy to this. Well, is that reason to have your tubes tied or a man to have a vasectomy? Because you might get an allergy? Or have you sterilized altogether? Or put down as a risk and you won’t get a mate?  You’d better think about the things.   And…  


Origins of depression brought into focus in large-scale genetic study

sciencedaily.com / 5 Feb 2019


(A:  Mental illness, you see.  M-hm.  It’s to help you though.) 


Hundreds of genes have been newly linked to depression, (A:  You see, so they’re linking your genes to it.  M-hm.) shedding light on the origins of the condition and highlighting personality types that could be at risk. The international study, involving more than two million people, is the largest of its kind.


(A:  There you go.)


It could inform treatments for the condition, which affects one in five people in the UK and is the leading cause of disability worldwide.


(A:  Actually, honestly, I used to, I couldn’t watch… the BBC was so bad.  It was bad enough when you’re going through a financial depression in the UK, for years and years and years. Really bad, you know. In the 70s, literally Britain got the highest rate of suicides in Europe. It used to be Sweden, then Britain headed, took over.  Because every day on the news you heard your factories closing down and big companies are closing down and moving offshore. They didn’t tell the public it was all planned that way with government and different free trade.  It came later to the US and Canada. But it was all planned that way to deindustrialize.  The people had no say in it at all. And suicide was just rampant because they had nothing there to fill the void, nothing at all. I remember a next-door neighbor of mine, the son who was much older, you know, got laid off and he killed himself. That was quite common by then. It was just terrible.  Terrible. And the BBC, I’ve said it before, if you want depression, watch the BBC’s dramas, those things would, hhhhh, drive you to the wall, literally. Yep.  M-m-m.  But here they are as I say, looking at your genetic information, ‘eh, and…)


Scientists led by the University of Edinburgh studied information pooled from three large datasets of anonymised health and DNA records and pinpointed 269 genes that were linked to depression.


(A:  Do you realize how many studies they do, and it can be, and they’ll declare amazing things, and set treatments or more data collection on individuals in motion, for years. And then 15 years later they can reverse their findings.  [Alan laughing.]  I mean, [Alan laughing.] you can do an awful lot of oops in between that, can’t you, in treatments?  There you go, here they go.  They want to ensure they can eventually predict anything. This is what it’s all about, predicting. And then they’ll label you, it’s almost like getting branded without the brand on you. You get stuck in a databank, oh so-and-so got this, you know, they might have this down the road.  N-n.  Or they might not. Anyway, it says…)


The findings suggest that depression could be a driving factor leading some people to smoke, (A:  …to smoke, it’s all to do with smoking.  Sure it is, sure.) but more research is needed to explain why, the team says.


(A:  Well maybe it’s because they’re encouraging you to smoke weed now, [Alan laughing.] ‘eh, maybe that’s the reason, ‘eh?! [Alan laughing.] Like they don’t know. But this isn’t to do with smoking.) 


Results also show that neuroticism (A:  You see, here’s the real thing, to see, you know, your neurotic tendencies…) -- a tendency to be worried or fearful -- could lead people to become depressed, which could shed light on personality factors that put people at risk.


Maybe there’s a thousand other reasons they’re all worried about things, ‘eh?!  Maybe they’re… You see, there’s different kinds of depression. And people who don’t get depressed once in a while are not normal. THEY are not normal. And that’s also put down in the books too. Because you get hypomanic states as well, people who are just under manic states, who can get a lot done actually, if they don’t go overboard into the manic state, you can be envious of them. But there’s also ones that go overboard into the full-blown mania, and then they also can swing, as they say, bipolar, which used to be called just manic depression, because then you go into the depressive phase. Some folk don’t go into the depressive phase. Other folks are in the depressive phase most of the time.


You can get endogenous depression, which they can find no reason for you having it. You see?  Then they go into, oh it could be biochemical, it could be that…  They’ve got all these theories.  But they can never prove anything, it’s called theories, ‘eh?  And people in endogenous depressions can literally hear voices accusing them, or just, you’re a failure, you’re a failure, etc. And it’s a terrible existence for them until they get something, something, or it just clears up itself, for temporarily usually but for a little while and that’s fantastic for them. 


Well, all the stuff is being noted, who your parents were, did they have similar things, they go back and back and back. Because the whole point is to create a new type in the future, naturally, a much smaller population to be the ones that will go on into the future. Don’t forget the Huxley’s themselves were prone to depression.  Bad depression at that. So I guess that 0.5% he talked about will get the better treatments, or the gene substitutes. Because they want to perhaps substitute certain, what they’ve called, defective genes, you see. Anyway, I’ll put this article up too. And another one…


Researchers Want to Link Your Genes and Income  (A:  Woah!  Does that maybe start bells going off in your head, ‘eh?!)  —Should They?

wired.com / 12 Apr 2019


(A:  The working classes, again, all your poor, back to that old stigma again, well you’re poor because you’ve got bad genes, you see.   M-hm.  [Alan chuckles.]  It’s just strange how it always comes back to the same old thing, with the same old theory that they want to validate, ‘eh.  So they want to link your genes and income…) 


The UK (A:  …same place.) Biobank is the single largest public genetic repository in the world, with samples of the genetic blueprints of half a million Brits standing by for scientific study. But when David Hill, a statistical geneticist at the University of Edinburgh, (A:  Oh, it’s all percentages, you know…) went poring through that data, he wasn’t looking for a cure for cancer or deeper insights into the biology of aging. Nothing like that. He was trying to figure out why some people make more money than others.


[Alan laughing.] I guess you’re also paying for, paying big big bucks for this character, ‘eh.  There ya go. It’s not a bad article though for those who want to have a little chuckle. This is a good one, ‘eh… 


Genetic data on half a million Brits reveal ongoing evolution and Neanderthal legacy - sciencemag.org / 3 Jan 2019


This religion of evolution is something else, ‘eh? I-yi.  But then you go into the horror stories too that are going on, and I don’t know if you can really shock people today. I really don’t know.  In an age where we’re so mind numbed in a sense through entertainment too, and buckets of blood and horror stories. And I like horror stories, if they’re done well, with the supernatural stuff. The mundane human stuff is too, is just like reading the news in some newspapers.  But even today you’ve got to watch what, well, I’ve got to watch what I say, even when I’m reading stuff because they can come down on you for just, for certain words now. If they are after you, that is, you know, or they don’t like what you’re saying.  It says…


'Buckets of limbs, a cooler filled with male genitalia and a woman's head sewn onto a man's torso': Lawsuit against Arizona scientific center reveals the true horror of 'Frankenstein-style' research involving 1,755 donated body parts

dailymail.co.uk / 26 July 2019


(A:  You see, we are the business, I keep saying this folks, and we’re being so desensitized to the value of life, I’m not kidding you, by design, the things that should really shock us probably don’t.)


•A civil lawsuit filed against Biological Resource Center in Phoenix, Arizona, claims the body donation clinic misused loved ones' bodies

•At least 33 families stated that the company misled them into believing the bodies would be used for disease research or organ donation

• Instead, the company sold body parts and whole bodies for as much as $10,000, with some body parts being sent to a Department of Defense

(A:  …are you listening to that?) testing facility


(A:  I know what they do with them there too, but I won’t go into that.  But here’s the thing…)


•The one-time Florida insurance salesman was sentenced to one year (A:  I guess he ran the system.) deferred jail time, (A: …deferred jail time, right…)  four years probation and ordered to pay $121,000 in restitution


It’s amazing how they don’t… Well, they don’t really have laws on the books for a lot of this stuff. Or they’ve taken them off. You’d be surprised how many laws that they’ve discarded now. There was one I read about a month ago about a guy who broke into funeral parlors and literally to have sex with… with… corpses.  And he got a light sentence. He got off with it pretty well. Because there’s hardly any laws now on the, they used to have defilement of the body and that kind of stuff, desecration. Nothing like that now, you see. We’re so… Life is becoming cheaper, unfortunately. And we’re almost like test subjects for things now, hm.  Really, aren’t we? It’s not pleasant what’s happening. Honestly. The tracking of children is coming back… 


California is making plans to track your children

Dailynews.com / 16 July 2019


Starting at birth and continuing until your kids are grown up and in the workforce, California's new “Cradle to Career Data System” (A:  …that’s what they call it.) will collect data from “partner entities” in order to “provide appropriate interventions and supports to address disparities in opportunities and improve outcomes for all students.”


(A:  This is, you understand you’re listing to socialistic terminology.  [Alan chuckles.]   It’s like a different language, isn’t it, when horror can be so, basically camouflaged…) 


The “partner entities” include (but are not limited to) “state entities responsible for elementary and secondary education data, entities responsible for early learning data, segments of public higher education, private colleges and universities, state entities responsible for student financial aid, childcare providers, state labor and workforce development agencies, and state departments administering health and human services programs.”


Remember, the Huxley’s worked hard with UNESCO and other United Nations organizations in all of these areas of total management of the population. Like he said, that the 0.5% could totally dominate all the rest.  We’re here, folks, we truly are here.  And that was the plan from a long, long time ago, in different centuries too, to bring us to this stage.


And then the rest of the basic news now, you hardly get any news except what they want you to maybe go along with, like the Iranian embargo where they can’t sell any of their oil. They can’t… They’re supposed to get starved to death basically, or fight their way out of it. Because they want a war too, the West wants a war with Iran. Not just the West of course, but they want a war with Iran, no doubt about it. They wanted to level all of the countries around there back into the Stone Age. That all came out with the old list back in the 90s according to General Wesley Clark when he talked about the list, and all the ones that were added to the list, that he didn’t even know about at the time. After 9/11 of course.  They had it planned before 9/11. 


Noose tightens around Iranian shipping - reuters.com / 25 July 2019


Turkish military chiefs discuss possible offensive in Syria - uk.reuters.com / 25 July 2019


And it’s amazing to me to that years and years ago perfidious Britain, as it was called at the time, that was always in and out of wars in the 1700s and 1800s, really perfidious Britain, they would build up the countries and sell them arms. And when the country defeated the other country around them, they would then set someone up to defeat them. It was an ongoing thing. But often they would furnish weaponry to both sides. The same thing happened in World War I where the big banks in the US were financing all sides. It was J.P. Morgan was set up initially to be the go-between between the bankers and the countries to settle the debts. And that’s why they got the US into the war, World War I, in 1917, gave them a year to get it over and done with and then they set up the different reparations, etc. and who was going to pay for what. Everything boils down to the same thing.  But here it is here…


Washington Greenlights military sales to Pakistan and India (A:  …who are bitter enemies by the way.) months after air skirmish  

rt.com / 27 July 2019


(A:  Because there was a skirmish by aircraft in the air.  It says…)


The US has approved $125 million worth of support for Pakistan’s F-16 warplanes as well as $670 million of support for India’s C-17 transport planes. The two regional rivals had their first direct air combat in decades this year.


The sale to Pakistan will require the deployment of some 60 contractor representatives, who will “provide 24/7 end-use monitoring” for the country’s US-made fleet of fighter jets, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a statement on Friday. The package will service the Lockheed Martin F-16s delivered to Pakistan as part of the (A:  Guess what it’s called?) “Peace Drive” (A: [Alan laughing.]) program, which includes 12 F-16C jets and 6 F-16D jets.


Pakistan’s fleet of F-16s came into the spotlight in February during a security crisis, in which Indian and Pakistani warplanes engaged in direct combat for the first time in decades.


Now remember, both those countries have the atomic bomb, hm, as well.  So it’s okay for them to have the atomic warfare, which is…  Because no one, if anybody uses it, this is the whole point, the ones who don’t have it are going to get leaned on by the ones who do have it. You see? And this whole thing with Iran is to stop Iran maybe getting enough highly enriched uranium to have a bomb basically, supposedly. But other countries can get it, it’s okay. Well, we know all that, don’t we?  But it’s amazing. There you go, the Peace Drive program to sell them millions and millions of dollars worth of aircraft and stuff. [Alan chuckles.] Not bad, eh, peace?  [Alan chuckles.]     They cry "Peace, peace, but there is no Peace," eh. 


Another thing too, to do with the international trade. It’s just astonishing. I know beekeepers in Canada that, and some years ago, quite a few years back the government really were stepping up the new, oh, hygiene, you know, program for beekeepers. And they couldn’t make, spin the combs in the old type of spinners that they had, they were like big drums and so on. They had to get stainless steel ones. And very expensive. And most of these beekeepers, remember, are small guys, you know, that’s maybe a part-time thing with them. So they had to get that. And then they had to get a special little place built for inspectors to come in and put on their white suits and their white rubber boots and all that kind of stuff to inspect the honey and all of it. I mean, the whole thing was designed to put them under. Really, that’s what it’s… as far as… That’s what they used to say, the guys I talked to anyway.


And then they start to import the stuff, right, under free trade. Under free trade you don’t realize that you’re told what you can sell and where to, and what you must import, by bureaucrats at the World Trade Organization, place like that, you see, unelected people. For those who don’t understand really what I’m talking about, the European Union was a good example of real socialistic tampering with bureaucrats running everything. They conned the farmers in Britain into how wonderful it would be and take on mortgages and expand their farms, and then they turned around and says, oh you can’t sell your products anymore across to this country or that country, and they all went under.  Bureaucrats did that.


Anthony Hopkins was an awfully good movie about that. It was called Heartland, a portrayal of one farm basically. That kind of stuff is really happening. Put under. Intergenerational farms, you know, run by the same families. Put under by the government colluding with bureaucrats to get them heavily in debt and then saying you can’t sell your stuff.  Huh?!  There you go. Anyway, here’s the one with the bees. It says here the testers in Canada says…


Fake honey still pouring into Canada, (A:  …FAKE honey…)

and local beekeepers are feeling the sting (A:  No kidding, this is a little pun on them. They’ve had more than a sting, believe you me.)

cbc.ca / 25 July 2019


In an effort to crack down on food fraud, (A:  So everything’s fraud or fake, ‘eh?  You get fake news and you get fake food [Alan laughing.] I suppose.)  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency zeroed in on honey imports and found about 22 per cent of samples were 'adulterated' with cheaper sugars like rice and sugar cane syrup.


So there you go. And they name the countries that it’s coming in from, mainly I think China and India and places like that. It’s a big, big problem right at the moment. There you go.  Maybe if they left all the ones, as I say, instead of putting them under, all the little ones in Canada, you’d have good honey, ‘eh?  It’s amazing too how bureaucrats work.  Because the beekeepers who were making honey in Ontario, at least the ones I knew, couldn’t just go to a local store and sell their honey there. The bureaucrats decided where you would sell your honey to. It could be many counties away; it could be a hundred miles away.  And the person a hundred miles away might have to come to your place and sell. I mean, absolute madness. That’s socialistic bureaucratic madness when you see that kind of stuff happening.  It’s not good for business at all. It’s always the same story, ‘eh?


And it’s getting worse unfortunately. From an area that was hammered, absolutely hammered by the mites that were killing them. And then the nicotinamide, the type of spray they were spraying on crops and so on, and that was killing them off too.  Hammered and hammered and hammered. And then you had the bureaucrats on top, oh you can’t spin it in those old steel drums anymore, you’ve gotta get the stainless-steel ones, ‘eh, etc., etc.  There you go. That’s progress for you when you end up… [Alan chuckles.] you’re importing everything and no one’s working at home, ‘eh?  That’s progress.


Now, just to get back for the last part of this talk, before I finish it. Because I’ve gone through the different studies they’re doing, and on all of us, on our DNA, our family history, everything, you know.  It’s not happening by itself. It’s an old program that’s underway. It used to keep its head down after it got in trouble with the world wars and people were actually putting it into even more brutal and quicker effect you might say. But as I say, we’re going sterile in the West too and that’s not by chance. Anyway, that same article to do with Huxley, Aldous Huxley, who gave you Brave New World and talked about the 0.5% that you have the control of everybody else… should have the control, you see. He also says…


He further pondered the problem of dysgenics and democracy (A:   You see, a problem of dysgenics AND democracy, you understand that…) in several published essays dating from the late 1920s and early 1930s, with titles such as “What Is Happening to Our Population?” and “Are We Growing Stupider?” 


He defended the eugenic policies of encouraging higher birthrates among the “intellectual classes” and sterilizing the lower-class “unfit,” which he believed would improve the inherited mental abilities of future generations and lead to responsible citizenship.


(A:   So there you go.  This is for the planet, remember, folks.)


Huxley’s interest in eugenics was more than a “brief flirtation,” as suggested by one recent biographer; on the contrary, his ongoing support for so-called race betterment (A:   …that’s what they called it.) was typical of left-leaning British intellectuals in the interwar period.


His writing, including his dystopian novel Brave New World, reflected public anxieties about the supposedly degenerating hereditary quality of the population and how this decline would affect England’s economic and political future. For Huxley at this time in his life and in this social context, eugenics was not a nightmare prospect but rather the best hope for designing a better world if used in the right ways by the right people.


(A:   And guess who they are, ‘eh?)


This neglected aspect of his early scientific and political thinking must be taken into account when unpacking the multiple and perhaps conflicting meanings of Brave New World. It was simultaneously a satire on contemporary culture, a prediction of biological advances, a commentary on the social roles of science and scientists, and a plan for reforming society.


Now, it’s no joke that they wanted to drastically reduce the population. And they’re doing it actually. And they’re pretty… pretty efficient, I’d say, the ones who manage us all, they’re rather efficient. And they have lots of helpers who are awfully well-paid too, on the strata coming down from the little capstone at the top. It’s well underway, of course.  They’re quite confident that even the future studies, other futurist studies for the British military said the same thing, they expect by the year 2030, there’d be a sudden, in 2030 a sudden drop of population. That’s what they said. They didn’t explain why, but they never tell you much as to how they’re going to do things to you.  But it’s quite, quite fascinating to realize it.


Now, some people will write in, again, happy-happy types who don’t like bad news, as to, why can’t you give us good news, good news? Well, you’ve got plenty of good news. For the happy types, I’m sure that every happy type out there will know all the different things they want to look at, their favorite sites and stuff, it gives them happiness and wonderful feelings, you see, and they can sit and contemplate being part of the great ALL of the world, the great power where all your minds are combined, in the great ALL, you see.  It’s just strange though you’ve got all the elite at the top managing the great all, it seems, because they’re the ones who seem to manage, they openly manage it all. But everybody else down below thinks that they are part of it too, you see. And you can’t mention a deity of any kind, that freaks them out. Literally. Because collectively they are the deity, you understand.  Well, look at the people, you know, who are in these movements, do you really think they’re god’s? [Alan chuckles.] …they are, they are the gods? Really, ‘eh? Come on here. If you can’t laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at, ‘eh?   


And today people can’t laugh at all. It’s getting so serious with the conditioning and the conditioned armies that have been deliberately bread, I’d say. Because they’ve been conditioned for their functions as complete, well, you know, they’re going to be rioting. There’s already been rioting in the streets in some countries already with them. All for pushing the very things we’re talking about here, there’s too many people and we’ve got to have fewer folk living in the world to save the planet and mother earth, etc. etc. etc. It didn’t happen by itself.  And it’s financed, well-financed, isn’t it?  And so far, government response has been awfully, very weak and limited. If even any response at all. Which tells me it’s all part of the agenda. Gotta be part of the agenda.


In the book of Sherlock Holmes you have Sherlock Holmes saying to his detective partner, saying, when you’ve seen all the facts in the case, to find out, you know, who’s done it or whatever it happens to be, and he says, and you’re trying to get, and you’re stumped, you’ve ruled out all the possibilities, then the things which seem impossible, in amongst there, there must be the truth. That’s what you’re left with, you see. So when you see governments not reacting to having cities stop, by armies of pretty well uniformed youth, who’ve been raised and funded and trained for years for the coming riots and so on, then obviously it’s been planned that way and your government’s in on it.


Now remember folks hopefully, hopefully you can start buying the books and discs or donating some money to me @cuttingthroughthematrix.com website. As I say, you have to get all my official sites which are listed on the .com website. Because anything outside of that, where you’re sending money to, ain’t mine.  Hm.  And if you’re buying stuff too with my name on it, it’s not mine. Because it’s getting so bad now with the lack of cash coming in… And people get so used to you.  It’s just like, I can remember years and years ago when folk would just go off, that was it. Years ago, like 20, 30 years ago in fact I can remember where folk would listen to a thing and shunk.  What happened? What happened?  Oh, what happened?  They’re always, what happened, you know. Well, what happened is you didn’t help them out. You expect them to be there like a fixture in your life forever. And once they’re gone, that’s it, there’s no coming back, they’re gone folks.


I’ve also looked at some of the, a lot of the folks that have been pulled off, at different big sites, and certain video, that’s happening too as well. You have to be careful what you say now because they can pull you off for saying anything.   When you look at what’s left, it’s, believe you me, these are the people who literally are sanctioned to be there. These are the ones who are promoted from the beginning to grab everybody stuff, and have big publishing companies publish all their stuff, just like that, poof, and ghostwritten stuff.     And taking all the factual stuff, adding on the ridiculous, to destroy a massive movement that was on the go of well-informed people, until they gave up thinking everybody must be crazy. And the same people are still out there. That’s counterintelligence, folks, if you haven’t figured it out. There was a massive movement, massive movement because of the wars that were planned before 9/11 happened. And the fact there was enough people who were sentient of what was going on, with so many different programs, mainly in the US at the time, who were all knocked off the air by the fake ones that came in. It didn’t happen by itself.


You’re left now with basically what?  Politics again, back to politics.  Back to politics. And they keep, people keep falling for it over and over again, this party or that party.  The agenda continues between parties.  When you see it continuing between the different parties, regardless of who’s in, the same agendas, know you’re under Tyranny. Jefferson said that.  M-hm.  Thomas Jefferson. They knew it all, hm. They knew the wiles of humanity and the tricks that are played.


It’s amazing how we’ve all been trained into happy-happy types, aren’t we? Because we’re beyond, we are living better, most folk are living better now than they have been for years, and yet there’s no, hardly any work!  And they think this is always going to last. They’re ready to crash the economy again, folks.  And they’re still increasing the prices of everything you need, including your food.  Since the 2007/8 crash they’re still increasing everything. Everything has shot up since then. Because the money gets devalued as they print more and more up, only they just print it on the screens now. And they’re all talking about crashing it again. And they will crash it when it’s time to bring in the next part of the agenda. Which will be using private companies dispensing their little electronic units via the government, like Bertrand Russell said. And that will be your, you’ll be paid just to exist, because there’s not enough work to go around obviously.  In a world society, there’s not enough, and everything’s automated, etc., etc.   Even for farming, it’s massive machines. So they planned what’s happening a long time ago. 


And then of course, you’ll play.  You’ll play and they hope you won’t procreate.  I’m sure they’ll have many descendants as they do it. But you’ll play and play. And you might have a good life, you know, that’s what they say, you might have a good enough life. And that to them is humane, you see. But then you won’t breed, and we’ll all start dying off.  This isn’t speculation, folks.  [Alan chuckles.]  This is from their own writings.


I’m not depressed about things; I don’t get depressed like that about what’s happening. You can be disappointed at times occasionally when you see the awfully, awfully devious tricks that they’ve done to quash a whole big, varied movement. It was varied, there was so many, so many people at one time on the radio that were really up on things. Really, really up on things. And it was a hope to the world. Because the whole world was going dark at that time. And it sparked a light. But the big boys got together and then they reversed everything, so carefully, most folk don’t even know that whatever you’re left with is a completely different system, including the ones [Alan chuckles.] who are giving you the information. Back to politics.


Anyway, for myself Alan Watt from Ontario, Canada – remember, donate some cash to me hopefully – it’s good night and may your God or gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics



Aldous Huxley on the Imbecility of the Masses



UK Biobank Supercharges Medicine with Gene Data on 500,000 Brits

technologyreview.com / 15 Nov 2017


New NHS mental health data hub, Babylon Healthcheck and more UK digital health news briefs

mobihealthnews.com / 10 Oct 2018


23andMe competitor Veritas Genetics slashes price of whole genome sequencing 40% to $600

cnbc.com / 1 July 2019


Origins of depression brought into focus in large-scale genetic study

sciencedaily.com / 5 Feb 2019


Researchers Want to Link Your Genes and Income—Should They?

wired.com / 12 Apr 2019


Genetic data on half a million Brits reveal ongoing evolution and Neanderthal legacy

sciencemag.org / 3 Jan 2019


'Buckets of limbs, a cooler filled with male genitalia and a woman's head sewn onto a man's torso': Lawsuit against Arizona scientific center reveals the true horror of 'Frankenstein-style' research involving 1,755 donated body parts

dailymail.co.uk / 26 July 2019


California is making plans to track your children

Dailynews.com / 16 July 2019


Noose tightens around Iranian shipping

reuters.com / 25 July 2019


Turkish military chiefs discuss possible offensive in Syria

uk.reuters.com / 25 July 2019



Washington Greenlights military sales to Pakistan and India

rt.com / 27 July 2019


Fake honey still pouring into Canada

cbc.ca / 25 July 2019



Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
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Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"