July 21, 2019 (#1730)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

I Think on The Look of Changes:

"Behaviour Modification, We're Dwindling Individuals Forlorn,

 Going Deep to Resist the Sleep, Living, Rather than Conform."

© Alan Watt July 21, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 21, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on July 21, 2019.  The first thing I should really say is I hope you’re all getting by, as we say, getting by with all the hype and hype and hype about, my God it’s summer and we’re supposed to roast, etc.  We’ve never had a summer before, you know. Because all media now as got to have a hype, when it’s on the format and on the agenda of constantly training the public we’re living in crisis. And the reason you’re living in crisis is because you exist. So because you exist and you’re causing the crisis, they’re going to tell you, you gotta pay for it… and you’ve got to allow the big professionals to manage your lives from birth to death, you see. You just can’t go on like the way you’ve been going on forever.


There are certain things that are allowed, mind you, and certain things which are absolutely taboo. And it’s not hard to find what’s allowed and what’s not and so on. It’s very much along the lines actually of what Aldous Huxley said. He said that people will come to love their servitude. And I’ve known that’s been true probably all my life I suppose.  Because most folk want to get by without drawing attention to themselves. They don’t want to get noticed.  Which is fine.  And the problem is, it’s fine until really you need people to stand up occasionally and say, that’s enough and stop it, to make people back off and governments too with the policies. Because the governments are certainly not there to serve the public. That’s a complete farce.  If you can’t figure that out by now, when it’s never been so evident and in-your-face, then you’ll never figure it out.


But you are going through, again, transition. This is the century of change, remember, the great transition that they kept talking about, where everything that existed before in your system had to be annihilated really and to bring in the new. That’s how it’s done. And that’s all the old moralities, the old religions that were basically taught in all countries. And you can have new ones, which you’re told what they are, you’re trained what they are.  Because they sound exciting and you can start to manage magic basically.  All the programs on TV for, oh, 30 years now probably, to make it all enticing, you can have power over everybody and everything. That’s allowed.  Because there’s no rules to it.  


Except once again, you’ve got to obey the system that allows you to do all this. D’you realize there’s a trade-off for everything you do, and the system which will knocked down any other system of religion, and they are all religions, I don’t care what they try to say, some of them are spiritual, spirituality. No, no, no, it’s the same thing. All religions have spirituality in them. Don’t kid yourself.  So believe you me, if you’re allowed to do certain things and get away with them, then there’s a payoff, a payoff and a payback. You must pay them back for what they’re doing.


Because the system you’re living in is very clever. It’s very old. It’s not some… abstract… amorphous… willy-nilly, will-of-the-wisp system at all.  It’s incredibly well coordinated. It’s incredibly well managed. And it’s been here for an awful long time. And of course with the Internet today it’s got more power than ever before with tracking everybody’s movements and what they do what they think, right down to all the experiments they’ve done, and you don’t even know what they’ve done on you, to prompt you and nudge you into thinking the correct ways of looking at certain things, you see.


And that’s how it’s done, most folk don’t even know they’ve been trained. They don’t know why they get angry at certain topics that are brought up.  It’s because in a Pavlovian style sense they’ve been conditioned to react like that when certain topics, or words even, come up.  And more will be added in the future and they’ll adapt to them too without even thinking about it.  They’ll get angry when these topics are mentioned, or any topics are mentioned, or names, again, or whatever it happens to be at the time. And they really will think that whatever opinions they are professing are their own. It’s very, very easy to do.


You can take a basic search, any basic search, for those who are interested in it at all, into behaviorism and the psychologies to do with behaviorism. It’s unbelievable, you can go on forever looking at all the different universities teaching all the stuff, all the jobs that the people have got out there for big corporations, etc. And governments too using them all the time. It’s endless, it’s so much of it. To do with behavior management basically. And to change behavior.  Again, to make it malleable to suit those who own you. You’re owned, you understand?


That’s how companies and corporations see you. You’re becoming a product. You are a product. In fact, when you go into… I don’t get out much and so when I get into town I do see the changes very quickly. And I don’t watch television. So I have to sometimes ask people, where did this come from, that come from? Where did these, the fad for instance, this is an example, of these very, very narrow pants, generally black, they’re all wearing, men or women, it doesn’t matter.  And I guess their strategy or something… because I swear they were painted on them.  And huh, they’d have to be stretchy because I don’t know how they’d even get their feet through them at the bottom.  It must be an awful, awful nuisance.  


But they all conform. And that’s part of the talk perhaps, a little bit of the talk, maybe, maybe not. But the fact is, people tend to conform. That’s what I’m talking about, people keep their heads down, most folk conform. They don’t want to be noticed too much. So they want to be like everybody else. And the behaviorists understand this perfectly well, and psychologists, the neuroscientists, etc. And they’re always testing out on you. They truly are.  Every town has got a university, even high schools for goodness sake, they do this experiment sometimes on behaviorism and get some shopkeepers to agree to participate with silly little things, you would think. But they’re showing you how people conform to behavior changes.


I saw it myself even in Sudbury one day in a store, a small store that sells things very cheaply, which means you can understand what they are, you can figure out the name of it yourself. But there was a bunch of people in eventually kind of walking around. And in a sense, you have a sense there when there’s something up, you know, like candid camera type thing. But when I went down to the checkout counter a whole bunch of folk just all went down just before me, you see, and they’re standing there. And they were at least 30 feet from the checkout counter, like it was a little corral type place.  I looked around to see why they all stopped there. There was no sign anywhere saying stop and wait here, you know, until so-and-so before you is being served, who’s standing at the actual checkout counter.  And there was only one person at the checkout counter getting served. And I looked at the people and I said, how would they all know this? how would they all know to stop right here?


And of course, it’s an experiment and I’m sure it was probably done with one of the colleges or something, and being on camera, to show you conformity and how people conform. And the few folk in the front would be little paid, or even students getting a few bucks for it to participate and pretend that, you know, that they’re a customer. They all stand there, and you’re supposed to stand thinking, well this must be some unwritten code here. Most folk will stay there, you see. I didn’t, naturally. But I’m sure that’s what was going on.


I’ll put up a link in fact which ties in maybe to the talk, or talks I’ve given in the past as well. I’ve mentioned Mr. Brown before who is a great stage performer with his acts, who certainly has a lot of training for sure in behaviorism and the psychologies of people, especially in groups, etc.


Conformity - Derren Brown Social Experiment - youtube.com


He shows you in one of his shows how people conform so quickly, so incredibly quickly. I think he called it the ring test, maybe, that’s what he called it, just because there was no name at the time for it. But you have a little waiting room... Well, it’s a bench there, or a bunch of seats I should say, all next to each other, maybe six or seven, and everyone’s coming in to fill in a job form basically.  And the person comes in, the rest of them are already there filling out the form. And they all sit facing the same way. And the person at the end doesn’t know, and a bell rings, and everybody… three people stand up I should say.  There’s only three there, and the new person comes, that’s four. So the three of them stand up and the other one says, ooo, I’d better stand up too, you know. And stands up. Then it rings again, they sit down, you see. So the person sits down with the other three. Well, the three of course know what they’re doing and they’re the actors. And they do this a couple of times. And then one or two of the three who are actors leave and is replaced by new folk who are genuinely trying to get a job and they want to fill in the form. So they come in, but this time you’ve got half-and-half basically of folk already conditioned to stand up, who are new, or fairly new, and brand-new ones, and who will automatically copy the ones who’ve just been trained.  They’ve just been trained, that’s the whole thing, they’ve just been trained, in a matter of minutes, to conform to something that makes no sense, but it’s almost like custom habit. But it’s conformity.


Of course, there’s always one or two in any group that won’t conform. They think for themselves and they’re more, a little bit brighter actually. But these are the kind of people who will see trouble coming because they’re aware, and probably vamoose long before it actually arrives. The rest of them, I’m afraid… If even the fake actors for instance, the actors saw danger coming, stayed there, the rest of them will probably just copy them and stay there too, to the bitter end.  That’s unfortunately how easy it is to alter the behavior of people, by using their behavior.


Most folk are conformist.  They’ll adapt.  They don’t want to stand out.  They don’t want to be pulled up for, well didn’t you see you’re supposed to stand up when that bell rings… They don’t want that. They’ll avoid anything, actually, any kind of conflict at all, especially something that’s a reprimand for their behavior or not doing certain things. That was even in the movie Fight Club. In Fight Club, it’s a comedy of course, there’s a little piece in there where it shows you that people who are passing by getting water sprayed on them and things like that, would do anything rather than confront people who are annoying them or doing the dirty. They’ll do anything, they’ll try to get around it, or walk away, or ignore it, until you can’t ignore it and so on. But they wouldn’t retaliate. That’s most people. And that’s how things really are.


Not only is this understanding so important to behaviorists in order to change and alter and have you adapt to new behavior that they’ve planned for you, and that’s how bad it is today, it’s so obvious, Aldous Huxley talked about it quite a lot, that governments actually depend on the knowledge that most folk will always just do what they’re told. And of course, that’s also why horrible things happen in history. That’s what you always have incredible slaughters, even from the Bolshevik Revolution, even before that, going back to the French Revolution, incredible slaughter once these things get started of course. And they tend to eat their own as time goes on, the communists did the same thing too.  That’s just the way of it.  You’ll find they end up eating their own because they can, things get out of hand. And then personal fights and power plays get in the way too and they try to get each other beheaded with the guillotine as they did in France. All they needed eventually was an accusation and the mob just complied immediately without thought and… it just kept going and going and going.  It was really bringing France to, not just to, it wasn’t into a new era, it was almost to the end of its existence, it got so bad, of pure horror.


But most folk will comply.  Again, even Animal Farm had it too, with George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the compliance.  That you had the sheep. And the sheep of course are always the cheering mob. They’ll cheer for the system that the leader tells them to worship. And they will shout four legs good and two legs bad. Against the humans basically. And they’ll chant it and chant it through slogans. And when the slogan changes to four legs bad, they still say it, because they don’t think much, you see, they’re like automatons.  


You look at the crowds that are, and you can rent, in England, and elsewhere too, you can rent huge crowds pretty well.  They’ll come out and protest anything at all. And they’re actually international now, for in Europe. Some of them were trained years ago, I remember it years ago. And I can’t remember if it was Hungry, it might’ve been Hungry at the time, or Czechoslovakia, one of the two. But they had a school there.  Because in Canada and in the States you kept seeing these folks dressed in black outfits, that now they call Antifa. But back then it was always anti-globalist meetings at the time. But they were professionals.  I think a few documentaries were made on them actually by I think Canadian television and others too. They were trained on agitation and disruptive techniques and so on. They would go out to these globalist meetings and they would do the real violent stuff to get riots going, that’s what they were hoping to do.  It was found out they were actually paid to do this by an organization based over, as I say, in Europe.  So it’s turned into something else. And I’m sure it’s the same financing by the same people that are behind the Antifa as well.


The whole idea is to get the riots starting. Because most folk are peaceable in their protests, that’s just the way it is. No one wants to get their heads bashed in. And governments and the authorities will do that if necessary in fact. I can remember when they were training people in Canada with the initial anti-globalist groups, how to combat them basically. They showed you the techniques that they were training the police in Toronto with, for instance.  With the banging on their shields. And all dressed in black, these guys, like something out of some Star Wars movie, black armor and all that. And then their big shields. And then their bang-bang-bang. And then they stepped forward and a bang-bang-bang. And it was like something out of Zulu the movie, and that’s probably where they got it all from.  It’s all psychological intimidation and fear and threats and so on.


But don’t ever underestimate them because when it comes to the crunch these guys will go in swinging, whatever they’ve got to swing, on your head, etc. Because ultimately government runs on force. You’ve got to remember that. And police forces are called ‘forces’. So intimidation generally has you to comply, and then force is used. And when force is authorized to be used they generally go all out. That’s just the way it is.  So when you get professionally trained agitators to go over into any meeting and group or whatever, who literally will throw the firebombs at cars and trucks and so on, and do other things as well to get the riots starting…  In the hope, you see, because this is another thing to do with human behavior, once they start swinging clubs, other folks lose their temper who normally wouldn’t riot at all and they’ll fight back. So you’ve got all the mob fighting the authorities, that’s how it’s done. It’s all worked out in strategy. The anarchists of course, some of the anarchist groups are well trained in this stuff too, how to get it all started.


But we live in an age where government counts on conformity… and the knowledge, the perfect knowledge, and the constant surveys that are done on people all the time to show the people are just the same, a certain percentage will go, they don’t like this, the policies here, they don’t like that, a certain percentage will say. But overall X amount of people, which is the majority of them, will just accept it even if they don’t like it.   That’s how government works today. Constant surveys. Constant, constant.


Again, through technology, and that’s the key to it too, they have perfect understanding of the technological system, the cybernetic system really of Norbert Wiener who came up with cybernetics on how to control people. And even wrote another book along with it called, ah, The Human Use of Human Beings.  You see. It really is.  His whole theory was the world was just too chaotic. He worked with other bigger groups of course, naturally. But the theory was that the world’s too chaotic and people are too unpredictable, because of different varieties of personality types, that they’d have to really create a form of training of conformity and training people into conformity in order for them, him and others folk like him, to feel safe basically. So the idea was even to link people with machines and technologies, and through technologies they could then prompt human behavioral changes. Well, we are completely immersed in that stuff today, even though he wrote his books initially back in the late 1940s it was.


So you see, things aren’t happening by themselves. The computer, and he even mentioned the computers about early 1950, would eventually help run our lives, etc., to make us conform to a set of behaviors which our betters, the professionals, would manage for us through the use mathematics and algorithms. And it’s all here. Nothing happens by itself.  Anymore than the theories that he came out with were his own either.  [Alan laughing.]  That’s really how it is. Most of the biggest characters in history that you’re given to do with technology, especially through the 20th century and 21st century, are in a sense front people who are selected by very powerful organizations that run basically the planet today. People don’t come out of nowhere and are elevated, with big, massive, millions, maybe even billions of dollars of publicity to make them into some kind of, you know, genius figure. When all they are, generally, are businessmen, not inventors or anything. Quite amazing.


Wiener himself, his main thing, he was a mathematician. But he was a political mathematician.  [Alan chuckles.]  And that’s where he put the mathematics to. Just like mathematics, you always want to make sure, at least we used in the old days, used to make sure the two and two equals four. Then, Wiener wanted to be absolutely certain, without doubt, that even if there was a glitch in our human makeup or our brain, an aberration for a split second, that you are guaranteed two and two to come out as being four every time in everybody. Or maybe five, it depends how… what he’s… Because don’t forget too, to create people who are conformists you also have to eradicate, or even make it taboo to have certain kinds of behavior, or opinions naturally, especially if those opinions are very individualistic, you see.


We’re living through all of this today. We have all the nudge units working, the behavioral insights teams working. And of course, you get punished for even mentioning this stuff that I’m talking about right now. That’s how bad it is now. You understand, you’re not, nothing’s missing you.  You can’t say these things and get missed. You will get punished by them. Because we have the overlords who have been put in front of us to worship, you see. And they’re incredibly rich. They’re front people, really.  But they’re following a mandate that was on the go and planned and published long before they came along. You understand that they’re basically fulfilling a role, a role-player basically.


And just like Aldous Huxley said, they can make it seem in a sense for most folk who are, again conformist remember, who will always adapt to being the same as everybody else... They were the ‘lumpen proletariat’ that Marx talked about in fact.  So they don’t have to understand things.  But, they want to just not get noticed, you see, so they adapt.  And if literally, if  Hhhh, everything they adapt to including what they look like is a telling sign... I mean, I was in town just on Friday in fact.  You see, I don’t go out much at all. Especially to town.  I have no interest in town or looking at crowds or stacks of cars traveling and so on. I do the basics and that’s it, just get out again. But you do notice things. And you see how quick things change when you only go in maybe every month or two you see, sometimes three. But you see big changes in the dress, the modes of conduct and so on, what people wear. Right down to even tattoos, more and more and more tattoos.


And even the tattoos, if you understand in the 1960s psychologists at that time in the 1960s and 70s, they said that, lots of studies being done on human behavior. We’re always studied by our owners. And at that time, you see, people who were in prison and who rebelled against the system got into prison, that’s the kind that would have tattoos. They were pirates in a sense, you see.  That’s also validated by the big crime lords in the world. You have a, like the Japanese, they have their own system there too for crooks and they have their incredibly tattooed bodies. And everything’s symbolic of course, all the different things that are put onto them. And you’ll find that in China too in different triad gangs. But you’ll also find it in the Russian gangs. And some of the Russian gangs aren’t just Russian.


It’s quite amazing, I didn’t even know it myself until I read a great article on a guy who was in, getting released from a prison in Britain, after serving years, but he was from Russia. And he had all these tattoos on him. And he was a pretty much older guy now. But he was boasting about what some of them meant.  He was explaining about, just like masonry you know. But he was explaining about the different star ones for instance and this one means that you’re, this is your rank. And this one means… And this is talking about big crime, big organized crime. And he said that, and this one means that you never kneel to anyone, you’ve reached a higher degree, you don’t have to kneel to anyone. And if you’re below the certain degree you do have to kneel to the guy above you. It’s quite fascinating to see that this is getting done, and him talking. Amazing tattoos, covered with them. This is an old idea with them.


So tattoos, as I say, back in the 60s, the psychologists had: ‘generally criminal classes or people who had been put in prison’. In the Western countries it was generally folk who were tattooing themselves in prison, etc. just to rebel to say, you know, get lost, etc.  But now, you see, now the studies all say something different. This is the beauty, again, of having the access to a lot of the information that you get, you can compare things.  It’s great to see psychologists having great beliefs in this, that and the other, and then the latest study comes out a few years later and it’s completely opposite.  Because they say that, well see, now tattoos are to show your individuality, you know, and that kind of stuff, you know. It’s, yeah, you’re showing your individuality, you’re not like the mainstream. 


Well, guess what? When you get all the folk looking… [Alan laughing.] with tattoos… [Alan laughing.] their individuality… [Alan laughing.] how can you be different when that becomes the majority? You understand what I’m saying?  So it’s all, that’s all bogus too. So of course, I said, well who’s the main target? Who’s the main target of tattoos? And on whose skin do you see most of the tattoos? with all the colors on it?  Hm? Well, it’s rather obvious isn’t it. So you’re seeing them being mutilated and put into category in people’s minds of being, oh, degenerates in a sense. Even if they’re not. Even if it’s become popular, by the creation of popular culture, which creates all the fads, you see. Because that’s really where they’re all getting it from, from years and years of… So I did a search on that to find out the first series of TV programming on tattoos and then make it popular with characters in the TV series. And also characters in then reality TV shows of tattooing going on, etc. Stacks and stacks, like you wouldn’t believe it, going back for years.  And that’s what creates it. The people would never think of this themselves, folks. 


You’ve got to remember too, back in the 90s, actually even, I don’t know if it was even as far back as that. You had the girls, I don’t know where it all came from, again, through TV again, suddenly they all had these, wearing pullovers, with sleeves that went past their fingertips.  Hm?  That all came from TV. Do you understand how you’re handicapping yourself if you can’t use your hands, ‘eh?  Hm?  And they look like waifs, like nobody’s child, you know, poor sad looking things.  And then after 2000 they had a fad there where in the middle of winter they just had to, because it was all through TV programming and so on, and they would always copy what they saw. Again, conformity, copy, copy.  Bare bellies. In the middle of winter. Frozen stiff.  Huh?!?  I bet everybody’s glad that one away, that one, ‘eh? 


And now of course is tattoos and it’s basically, it’s almost like spandex pants and tights, men and women are wearing them pretty well.  And even then they can’t figure out, apart from maybe to show off with sleeveless stuff their tattoos and all that, you know, as more and more are getting them.   [Alan chuckles.] Which means, how can you be an individual when you’ve all got them?  [Alan chuckles.]  That’s the way it will go eventually, you see. 


But again, what you’re seeing has a purpose by those who give you the fad, you see. When you look at, I mentioned the cashless society for instance and I’ve done talks before about how clothing was designed, with cargo pants and no deep pockets so you couldn’t even have a wallet back in the 90s. And the young folk again, always the same age group, would adapt and adapt. They had these kinds of flat looking pockets with the buttons or whatever on them and they’re called cargo pants, and that was so that you would start walking around with credit cards and debit cards as opposed to having actual cash.  No nasty bumps of cash and etc. or coin, you see.  So you get trained that way. So easy to do it, isn’t it?


Because your masters want you to go cashless. Because then they can track everything you’re buying, you see. And that will come down to your credit score eventually, just like China has it too, but they’re using the same data that we’ve got here on all of us, you see, where you’re going to be, you’re going to get pointed out for breaking certain rules. Oh, you had meat twice this week, you see, and they’ll know you bought it because there’s the electronic receipt on the Internet.  You see, they’ve got all your stuff.  And you’ll feel really nasty. And they’ll point it out to all the people, isn’t, you know, citizen so-and-so a really nasty person, he’s letting you all down by having more than his fair share of blah blah blah, and he’s destroying the rain forest and that by having that beef burger.  And you think I’m kidding, don’t you?  You’re getting trained.


Of course, when you look at what they’re wearing right now, hm, there’s nowhere you can put anything pretty well on what… not hardly even a credit card, maybe just get that somewhere.  But it’s meant so eventually you will take a chip, which is going to be… And they’ve done many shows of different things they can do with chips on your skin, or even ones they can even stencil onto your skin, just like a tattoo, and scan it over and it will be so trendy.  And you want to be trendy, don’t you? You want to be really trendy.  Also too, with these, it’s almost like painted on pants they’ve got, it makes them all look so skinny. So it’s meant that thin people… thin people are the in people, you see.  And they’re telling you to eat less.  And definitely cut out pretty well all meat, hm.  


Because that’s the agenda. And it’s published by the big big groups that run the environmental system for you.  And no, it’s not the guys in the streets protesting at the bottom. It’s the folk who gave them all these ideas, you see.  You have the Club of Rome, you have all these different groups, dreamt this up long ago, you see. Long ago. So yeah, you’ll be really skinny, you see, and all that will be… Oh, that’s the way to be, yeah. Until you hit the winter and you’ll be frozen stiff. Because you need some kind of something on your body there, like fat to burn off and keep you warm. But again, once they get you into, off of all the proteins that you need, and the enzymes that go along with it, you know, that you get from meat and so on, then they’ve already admitted, you’re all prone to different diseases and infections and so on. 


And with the subsequent push, or the parallel push to reduce energy consumption, energy consumption and so on eventually to rationing status, then people might start dying off.  Maurice Strong talked about this gleefully when they talk about the necessity to eradicate Western civilization, including its industry. Years ago. These great heroes, you see, Maurice Strong, the Biodiversity Treaty, etc. That eventually ends up being, you know, they’re dealing with the whole environment and the climate and everything else that comes along. Because it’s all one system of control.


But you’ll be okay with your painted-on pants, and everybody will look much the same, you see, conformity, conformity, because you can squeeze into them.  And say okay, yeah, I accept if you go overboard and you’ve got an extra, you had an extra beef pie there, you know, or an extra sausage. Oh my God! And everybody will point to you. Just like they did in that movie, The Body Snatchers, ‘eh, where the woman eventually sees Donald Sutherland, and they’re all trying to pretend that they’re not infected or taken over or cloned with these big aliens and so on. She walks across the street and Sutherland turns around, because he’s been taken over too, she doesn’t know it until he looks at her with these strange eyes and opens his mouth wide and goes, ooooooo, and points at her, you see. Because that’s who you’re going to be, because you’re being bad bad bad and everybody’s going to give you nasty comments.  Nasty citizen so-and-So that’s nasty, you’re letting us all down.  Conform, you see, conform.


And just like Derren Brown’s conformity experiment, which is a standard experiment, it’s been done forever, it isn’t his idea, they’ll all be, you know, they’ve all conformed, and you haven’t. So you’d better do it fast. Or you’re an outcast, my goodness, you’re an outcast.  And you’ll be bad bad bad. And you all want to be good good good and get little plus signs, little gold stars for your report cards.  And I’m not kidding about this, folks. You’re already having incredible backlash from the systems that you’ve been forced into, which is the Internet and everything that goes with it. And again, you’re given people supposedly who now control it.  Again, these walking gods, you see, these new gods that are launched with massive money behind them, into a star thing, they’re kind of stars. When they’re not stars at all, they’re just little businessman front people. 


But they’re going to hit you hard, hard if you point out the reality of what’s going on. Reality is forbidden, folks.  It’s forbidden. Absolutely. Absolutely forbidden. Warning about the system, just warning folk to be cautious, that’s forbidden to do.  And they’re ruthless about it. And they’re penalizing folk for having opinions. Do you understand where it’s all going to go? Now, most folk, sure enough, will conform and have conformed. And they’ll play forever. They’ll play away all the years of their life looking at fantastic seascapes and things.  And play play play. And be good. And be left alone.  But at the same time they won’t do anything either, you see. They’re dust in the wind. They’re forgotten, that’s it. They’ve been good citizens.


But the world and civilization was never built with just good citizens. It took real individuals. Not front people parading as though they are real individual geniuses because they’re not. But it took real people in the past, in the recent past too, to give us any ideas of true beauty. And even respect for human life. And for the human condition. And even compassion for the human condition. You can criticize the things that humans can do at times, but you’ve got to have compassion as well because we are all human.  I think.


Anyway, I’ll put up some links tonight too, to do with this very topic of cybernetics, and things, as I say, that Aldous Huxley knew. He knew that, he mentioned it on the Mike Wallace show, that he was worried about the techniques, he knew the techniques existed.  He called the hypnopedia and things like that. He knew it was way ahead of that, the behavioral sciences. He had good access to the data too in his day, including the fact that he was so well connected with the Tavistock Institute where they did all of this experimentation.  And even then, way back in his day at that time on that show they were already putting wires, straight wires into folks brains doing the Delgado type experiments on actual humans. 


They did some excellent movies about that too by the way with Christopher Walken, by the way, one of his earlier movies, The Mind Snatchers was about that. Where he plays a young American soldier, who’s a bit of a cocky little, low-level type psychopathic type in the military.  He suddenly gets transferred to this private hospital and ends up being used as an experiment. And right to the very end he’s never going to work with them, he’s not going to.  But he ends up getting basically the wires put in. In those days they did have the early Delgado stuff too where they had an external buzzer thing basically, it would just buzz the part of the, it would make a connection and the wires in the brain would make contact, and certain parts of the brain could be stimulated to make you very passive.  Or the other one too was a rat experiment, on humans, where they could make them sexually aroused so they would do nothing except play with themselves forever, even to the stage like the rats, they wouldn’t eat, etc. That was done. These things were done on people.  And it’s not imagination.  There’s old documentaries that were done… Not… Well, it was actually filmed for the experiments at the time, and some of them are now available to the public if they do searches for them. So Walken plays the young officer that this is actually done on.


So we’re living in a system with things that you see manifesting in your lifetime are just the latest version of the same experiments. Today it’s, you have mind manipulation, not just through all the data and the sequencing of data and how they format the data to be sequenced when you’re looking at certain stuff. If you follow all the prompts and that, you wouldn’t believe… You’re being guided perfectly to come to an opinion you haven’t even thought about yet. Because you’re following what they’re prompting you to do. It’s so perfect, the system.  And it works with most people.


I can remember a long time ago they talked about, in warfare for instance, that most of the weaponry for warfare is made to hit the vast majority of people.  And especially when it came down to even biowarfare. There’s always a certain percentage, they thought back then, who had a natural resistance to certain bacteria that they actually made to be evolved etc., and some people still had a resistance to it, they knew that. But most folk would succumb and that’s what most weaponry is for, to hit most people. Of course, since then too they’ve been trying to get weapons even in that area of biowarfare that would kill everybody that they’re targeting.  Including ethnic specific warfare where it would hit those with certain genes, from background ethnos, they would get targeted and very very effective too.


Like Kelley in fact that was killed in Britain, that’s part of their, the reason I think he was eventually found suicided, as he said he would be, pending the court case that was coming up. He was found the way he said he would be found.  [Alan chuckles.]  Exactly. He knew it was going to happen.  But that’s what he had been doing with a joint British, I think it was, Israeli, I think at the time, with the two governments working together on that particular thing. They had articles, I don’t know if it was The Daily Mail or The Telegraph, I remember I kept them, I’ve got them somewhere. Years ago a reporter was allowed in to Porton Down establishment in England, that’s the big biowarfare, one of the big biowarfare facilities there. Not just biowarfare but all kinds of advanced warfare techniques are drafted and tested out there. But he did say he was fascinated listening to the scientists come in, in the morning around the table having their coffee talking about, quite casually about death, destruction statistics and coverage, and ethnic specific viruses and bacterium, and some of the viruses could be released that would travel across the country, do all this damage within a week, and in seven days exactly it would just start dying off itself, pre-program them. And then an army could then go in and everybody’s been killed off, you see. It was very precise, very precise stuff.


That whole area, you’d have to be a psychopath to work of course in those area.  And a lot of them are. Like most of them are in fact. And they have families and they can… But they don’t crash with the knowledge of what they’re doing. Psychopaths don’t hold onto frustration or anger, they must release it immediately on, generally by working it out through some other people. But they will sit back and smile as they get people arguing and fighting. But they’re excellent for scientists and so on because they don’t, nothing worries about them, nothing at all worries them. I think you all saw the 12 Monkeys movie, a comedy, but it also showed you at the end, which is more realistic actually, that the person who will release hell on the world is probably someone who will work at some big biowarfare company, or some big pharmacological or vaccine company because they deal with all the terrible viruses naturally. And someone who’d would walk out with the vials and just start spreading it.  The actor who played the part fitted it very well, the psychopathic personality, of not worrying, very calm and collected and free from any anxiety as he was carrying all these lethal stuffs through the airport, etc.


And again, convinced he was doing the right thing to kill off humanity.  You see, it’s the same with if you look at those who want to, who do rule the world actually, and who are not worried about any population that you have today. They know darn well that the population is declining and folk are becoming sterile.  And that’s not by accident naturally. You’ll see the side effects of it too where they use mass migration as an excuse that they need replacements.  And they’re not completely lying there. You understand, it’s no switch to the next system, just like a switch. There’s always a transition period, over a long period of time, maybe a generation, like a full generation, maybe less.


But when you hear people for instance really screaming about Trump okaying almost about half a million workers in high-tech from India, yeah, they should be training them here, absolutely, etc., etc.  But they’re looking towards more than just that. They’re also looking towards, they’re bringing them in from India knowing, you see, that the workers from India still have family values. You see, yours have been destroyed deliberately. But those from India have strong traditional family values, and they will bring in wives, or decide, because they choose wives and so on, and they’ll have big families.


And they will definitely produce a crop, because that’s what we are, the present crop is dying off, they’ll bring in a crop of workers for the future.  Because they’re not getting produced in the West here. Everybody’s running around in their tight pants and getting covered in tattoos and playing themselves, you see. But they’re not having children. Because that’s what they’ve been trained to do and how they think and so on, not to have children, not to get married. There’s been a war on the West for a long time. And so many of the big players, as I say, for instance like the Maurice Strong, were quite open about it.  They had a hatred, an absolute hatred for Western people and the societies they’d built, they called it the biggest curse on the earth, etc., etc. It hasn’t changed.


There’s elements behind this too that I won’t go into here, but it’s to do with occultic, an occultic system that even the folk who think they are in it today don’t even understand because they’re low-level. Even if they think they’re [Alan chuckles.]  high-level, there’s much much higher levels, but they don’t know it’s completely intertwined with what’s happening today.    The things that are happening, right down to even the necessity for population reduction, etc. That is not a new concept at all. So those who are complete existentialists like Weiner was, with the cybernetics, and The Human Use of Human Beings, the other one he wrote too, he was definitely an existentialist. So you have them, and then you have all the people down below who go along.  And they play with what are called the New Age, allowable, and pushed, promoted through television for years and years and years, they call it, spirituality. Fine.  Fine.  Candles and things and cardboard with paintings on them and stuff like that, that’s fine fine fine, folks.  But you don’t know what’s behind it at the top, do you? and what the big players from the past were really involved in? You have no idea.


It’s so sad, so sad that people think they’re making their own decisions. Everything’s got a purpose. As I say, even right down to the fashion of the things you wear. Because that well, it’s not kidding you, you look at some of them, there also proud of how skinny they are. They look like anorexic, a lot of people. I’m not kidding you. And it isn’t just pictures and newspapers or magazines. It’s in your own areas. Even in Sudbury you’ll see it too.  How they all copy something that’s put out for them to copy.  And they want to all be the same… So I don’t want to look different, you know. Yep. And then they start becoming anorexic to fit into all these clothing, to look really good. Because being anorexic is the look now. 


They have all the stories about vegans and veganism, and how they have these paid little armies of NGOs, again, to attack farmers across the world. And getting away with it, folks, hm?  It’s because it’s the agenda. And that’s what’s getting promoted. And you will be good good good when they can hardly see you, you’ll be so skinny.  But you’re eating all the right things you’re told to eat, like your cricket burgers. Remember the cricket burgers? That was the big thing they’re going to push and so on.  And no meat.  You’ll have like-a-meats, that’s okay, like-a-meats, you know, fake stuff and so on. Because that’s, your masters have decreed that’s the way it’s going to be. And they’ve decreed that you’re good if you do what you’re told, you see. And most folk definitely will. And they want good social credit scores. 


And even though I’m saying it in a jocular fashion, I’m dead serious about it, that’s what it’s all for.   Absolutely. And the people at the top, who will probably penalize me for saying all this stuff, and I do get this, will make my life a bit of a hell.  Because they’re completely intolerant. Because this is a solitary system you’re living in, folks. It is totalitarian. Absolutely. ABSOLUTELY.  Absolutely, no doubt about it. 


So let me see now before I run of time here. Once again, the systems which control you, and have got power, they can control finances, everything now, and my God they’re using it. And there’s not a peep from your governments, you know, to say that this isn’t right. Have you noticed that. Because you see, you’re in a new government system, this is the new governance system. All planned for you.


But it says here, there’s an article about…


Google’s 4,000-Word Privacy Policy Is a Secret History of the Internet

nytimes.com / July 10, 2019


The late 1990s was a simpler time for Google. (Alan:  …you know, when it was starting up or getting known by people.) The nascent company was merely a search engine, and Gmail, Android and YouTube were but glimmers in the startup’s eye.


(A:  But anyway, the first privacy policy they’re talking about here was simple. Then it goes on…) 


That version of the internet (and Google) is gone. Over the past 20 years, that same privacy policy has been rewritten into a sprawling 4,000-word explanation of the company’s data practices.


(A:  4000 words. Now, who’s is going to spend their lifetime reading this thing?  Hm? It’s the same with everything now isn’t it.)


This evolution, across two decades and 30 versions, is the story of the internet’s transformation through the eyes of one of its most crucial entities. The web is now terribly complex, and Google has a privacy policy to match.


I’ll put that link up for you. It starts in 1999 and goes up through [Alan laughing.] all of them. If you want to waste your time looking into it you can do it. But everything’s the same now, you see.  Because you must consent, you must consent, you see. Like Huxley said, you must consent to love your servitude. Because you’re owned, you understand. If you use all of this stuff you’re owned, and they have authority over you and they can make your life hell. Or they can actually close down your life. I’m not kidding you.   I’m not kidding you, folks. Think about it.  This article…


Elon Musk’s Neuralink plans to hook human brains directly to computers

independent.co.uk / 17 July 2019


Entrepreneur (A:  He’s a businessman, right, not an inventor.)  says brain chip will ‘ultimately achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence’


(A:  Well, there is your cybernetics right there. This is all from years and years and years ago, now is the time to bring these people forward to implement them, you see.  M-hm.  There you go. Artificial intelligence.)


Elon Musk’s secretive neurotechnology startup Neuralink has made its first major public announcement, revealing flexible “threads” designed to link a human brain directly to a computer.


And so on and so on. They float the idea every so often, even in movies. But it’s here, because it’s here. And these people are really, they’re fronts as far as I can see.  They’re not inventors.  They’re just put out there with the fronting the money basically to make it all happen. And a lot of their funding is actually government-backed as well, isn’t it? They don’t use even, whoever the backing money is, it’s generally coming from government too.  The Gods, the hidden masters, ‘eh, coming forward, eh?  But they’re not the masters either. 


Swedish people are getting chip implants to replace cash

nypost.com / 14 July 2019


Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash.


(A:  Now, a few years ago I did articles where they had nightclubs, one in the States and I think it may be in Sweden too at the time. But it was the trendy thing, oh my God, yeah, I’m ahead of the pack, I’ve got little chip in.  And they can load up the chip with credits or cash of some kind and you just put your hand over the bar thing and the code reader and it would deduct it from you so your beer was taken off, etc.  M-hm.  But they go to the next step too, and the next step and the next step. And here they go. It says…)


“It’s very ‘Black Mirror,’” Swedish scientist Ben Libberton told The Post of the similarity to the TV series highlighting futuristic scenarios.


Well, that’s what these futuristic scenarios are for, they’re predictive programming, getting you used to the idea so you think it’s all quite natural when it comes along.  Another thing too, you’re owned, as I say, like an animal. That’s really how the existentialists see you, as animal behavior. They actually use the terms in their own writings. So…


Selling yourself: There’s a growing market for your DNA data - geneticliteracyproject.org / 8 Jan 2019


No kidding. Wow, I can make money off my DNA data.  Hm.  Well, run for the hills, folks, if you fall for this kind of stuff, and you’re a good match for somebody who’s awfully wealthy, anywhere in the world. Because they actually do have these networks, ‘eh, were all the stuff is instantly put up on the web in different sites, and if you’re for good match for somebody you might just have a nasty quick accident, you know. Or disappear. Because that’s the world you’re living in. And the National Service in Britain…  


NHS to sell DNA tests to healthy people in push to find new treatments - theguardian.com / 26 Jan 2019


You see, they want to help you, ‘eh. As they’re cutting back giving healthcare to people, they want to treat you better, you know, they can tailor make the treatment to suit your illness. Well, they certainly can, actually, in a lot of illnesses. But they won’t do it for you or me, you see. But they do it for other folk who are much more important, and wealthy. That’s reality as well.   And…


The US has picked the DNA centers that will sequence 1 million genomes - technologyreview.com / 26 Sept 2019


…using volunteers. But some folk who get the grants, $28.6 million, it says.  They’ll do themselves awfully well for careers, I’m sure, and jobs for life, ‘eh, with that kind of money for a few folk. But they’re going to track your health, your diet, environment, of 1 million people of all races. I like how they say that too, who have handed over their genetic data to the project. They give over your genetic data.  And then…


China’s $9.2 billion precision medicine initiative could see about 100 million whole human genomes sequenced by 2030

nextbigfuture.com / 7 June 2016


…and more if sequencing costs drop.  M-hm.  Then you have, ah, some nasty stuff too I won’t even go into. But it’s really a rehash of what’s been happening before, about what they really do burn to keep some of the hospital’s heating costs down.  [Alan chuckles.]  You don’t want to know. I like the term, though, human waste, you know.  If you understand what they’re saying there, well, phew, that’s it.  There’s nothing left for you, folks, where folk are called human waste. 


Also an article too from last year from Holland who, they were one of the first countries to start euthanasia. And of course, naturally, it blossoms once they get it on the books. And they’ve even, well, they’ve even killed off the wrong people here and there who didn’t want to be euthanized. That’s what happens when government takes over, you see, that’s what happens, folks. What do you expect it’s really all for? To help you? No, it costs money, you see, to treat you. Even though you can be treated with many, many things today and live longer.    But, nope.  It’s cost-effective. And now of course in Holland they actually allow euthanasia for folk with psychiatric illnesses.


Euthanasia of Dutch Patients with Psychiatric Disorders between 2015 and 2017 - researchgate.net / October 2018


That’s what Hitler was blamed for too, for his racial hygiene and all that kind of stuff and purity hygiene stuff. They bumped off those who had congenital problems, in the hospitals. And here they’re doing it now. But it’s a good thing when the rest of the world does it, you see. Because it’s authorized. You don’t want people suffering, do you, for goodness sake, ‘eh?  So it’s okay. D’you understand that you can be convinced of anything? And you already have been in many ways… by the professionals of emotion and the way they present things to you. Just too easy, folks. Because that’s what runs us, the behaviorists and so on, with an army of helpers and techniques and specialists to bring you to the right opinions, on pretty well anything and everything. I’ll put that article up too.


And then there’s one to do with Lyme disease, biowarfare again. Now remember, you’re talking years ago about Canada that really led the world, during World War II and after it for a while, in biowarfare. In fact, Canada, I don’t know if it’s still doing it, but they were breeding what they called the bomber mosquitoes. That was the nickname.  The big mosquitoes, they can carry a larger dose of bacterium. Because you see, it’s a large dose of bacterium or viruses that can decide whether it’s going to take once you get bitten, and too small it might not work, your immune system might fight it off. But if you get a big enough loading dose, you see, you often succumb and you get the infection that was designed, or desired, in that particular case.


House orders Pentagon to review if it exposed Americans to weaponised ticks

theguardian.com / 16 July 2019


The US House of Representatives has called for an investigation into whether the spread of Lyme disease had its roots in a Pentagon experiment in weaponising ticks.


And the ticks of course are well known for it. As I say, Canada led the world for a while and there was a book called Deadly Allies. Deadly Allies, about World War II and afterword’s, but it was Canada secret war and how they, some famous people including Banting, that was a hero for giving insulin, getting that going for diabetics for instance. But he actually worked with the war labs for killer diseases for the enemy, to be used on the enemy, and their agricultural system for crops by the way, like fungal systems. Which it’s already happened if you noticed in the western States and all that. They’re saying it’s really reactions to all the herbicides that they’ve been using, it’s allowed these definite funguses to take off. And now they’re adding, they’re giving funguses in different parts of the country in the States, and also Latin America, the fungus to kill off mosquitoes, that’s the excuse they’re giving.   But once they sprayed this stuff often it takes off by itself and it just keeps growing, ‘eh. 


Hhhhh.  Anyway, Canada as I say, they also developed stuff to be used for livestock, for instance, to be used on enemy civilian populations and livestock for long long long-term warfare.  That’s how you work things out. If you can kill off their agriculture, kill off their livestock, starve them to death and so on, then eventually you will have won. Unless they’ve done it to you as well. Canada did create these giant mosquitoes, really, that were to be exported to the States eventually, after World War II, to Plum Island initially.  They would then attach the different viruses and bacterium there. But Canada had its own biolabs too where they designed pretty nasty lethal awful things. And in the book, I think they said they even sprayed it over parts of Alberta in Canada on herds of deer.  And I think these things had something similar to spongiform encephalopathy, and it would be something akin to Lyme’s disease. Well, here you go with this story now.


Because the US now as got an awful, for years now, and in some of the states an awful problem with Lyme’s disease. And so many ticks just, argh, like, some folk literally, get their dogs coming in just being in the garden maybe for an hour, and you gotta take about 12 ticks off them, like, commonly, every other day.  And the folk are getting them too.  Anyway it says…


The US House of Representatives has called for an investigation into whether the spread of Lyme disease had its roots in a Pentagon experiment in weaponising ticks.


I’ll put this article up. And they’ll say, well that’s stopped years ago, that, you know. Meaning, they did it. But remember, they’ve got all the bacterium types that they use to attach to ticks that they want to use it again and the viruses too.  I remember two years ago I did a show, because I kept the articles from the British papers, where a man and his dog, that commonly walked around the outside perimeter surrounding Porton Downs years ago, he’d walk his dog every night around the same walk. He eventually came down with, they thought it might have been a tick bite, and the same with his dog. They called it the X factor or X disease because they weren’t sure what kind of disease it was that killed them. But he was dead before 24 hours passed, and then they put it down to some experimental thing, that’s what folks thought at the time. 


So they definitely have this kind of stuff of course. But of course, they’ll say, oh we’re not using it now, and oh no, we just did it just to see what would happen, you know.  Yep.  Just like they used the cadmium back then years ago too to spray the people.  And that’s yellow cadmium, ‘eh.  In the hope that people would mistake it for pollen. Highly carcinogenic. But again, you can go on for hours with this kind of stuff, and I’ll just… had no plan to do that. So anyway, another article…


Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans - businessinsider.com / 9 Nov 2015


Nevermind the fact, as I say, folk are going sterile, like, all over the place, ‘eh.  Come on.  Too many people, there’s too many people, oh my God. And you start going…  What a coincidence, ‘eh?   M-hm.  And then again, because you’re goody-goody and you can fit into your, you know, painted on pants basically, and you get a good credit score, and listen to this, this is definitely an ad, you see. This guy, there’s a little article that…


Cricket Juice Healthier Than Orange Juice? Many Insects Loaded With Antioxidants, Study Finds

studyfinds.org / 15 July 2019


(A:  Oh, my God!  That’s what you want, antioxidants, isn’t it? Even though, mind you, there are stacks of studies out now saying that all these radicals etc., if you don’t eradicate the antioxidants and add antioxidants then cancers will take off. I mean, for everything that they tell you there’s always another study that will tell you the opposite. So… )


Insects and bugs aren’t exactly the most appetizing food items, but that doesn’t stop a quarter of the earth’s population (A:  …a quarter…right…)— an estimated two billion people (A:  …’eh… what?  And I tell you, this population statistic, what a joke it is too, when you really look at what folk were putting out years, just a few years ago, not long ago at all, about the population of the planet. And there’s no real survey being done, we know that, across the whole planet, no way at all. In some countries they won’t even give out those statistics. Some of the big ones. Anyway, it says…)


  — from eating insects on a daily basis. It can be hard for the rest of us to wrap our heads around eating bugs, but that doesn’t change the fact that many insects are excellent sources of protein, fiber, and vitamins. (A:  M-hm.)  Now, a new study out of Italy has found (A:  There’s just stacks of studies getting paid, ‘eh, to put out this kind of stuff.) one more reason to consider eating insects; certain types are absolutely packed with antioxidants.


There you go.  Maybe you can get all the sticks gathered up, ‘eh, and dehydrate them and fry them up into tick burgers.  How’s that?  Hm?  I-yi-yi.  This is a big push to get this.  Because then they want to get rid of cattle and pigs and everything else for you. But the elite will always have their own special private places for their own Buford’s, folks, just like the royal family in Britain, hm. And then this article… 


Cricket Juice Healthier Than Orange Juice?

studyfinds.org / 15 July 2019


Oh, wow, that’s beautiful, that, wow.  And then you’ve got [Alan chuckles.] this article…


Beyond Meat: Tim Hortons will start selling Beyond Meat sandwiches across Canada

cnn.com / 12 June 2019


Tim Hortons discovered Canadians have a real appetite for fake meat.


(A:  Wow.)


The coffee chain announced Wednesday. . . 


(A:  This is obviously an ad, right, disguised as a little article. Because I’ve never met any Canadians that have a real appetite for fake meat at all.   Hm.  This is what you had in 1984, in the movie versions as well as the book, where Winston is sitting in the canteen, and they’re always sitting eating that white goup kind of soya product, and his neighbor says, well look at it... And his neighbor is always wanting to be accepted, you see, and saying all the right things, oh look at this, it looks like meat, taste like meat, you know there’s not a bit of meat in it at all, he says. Yep. There you go.


(A:  You think we’re just hitting this point by itself? You’re living to a timetable, folks. They knew this stuff years ago this is where they’re going to bring you to.  Right. So anyway, Tim Hortons going to make this available, this beyond meat it’s called, ‘eh, breakfast sandwiches…)


. . . that its line of Beyond Meat-filled breakfast sandwiches are now available at all of its 4,000 restaurants in Canada.


(A:  There ya go.)


I wonder if they’ll put cameras there to show the people, the customers eating. Eating… maybe I can get some good points because I’m getting hammered right now, by putting on these black pants, you know, paint them on, and go into Tim Hortons and order one of these super super burgers, you see, with no meat in it all. And stand in front of the camera showing that I’m being awfully awfully good by eating them, and smiling, as I choke it down, you see.  Ha.  Get some good points for my social credit system. There you go.


Another article too, it says extinction rebellion.  This is the big movement they’ve got across Europe now to try to force everybody to go along with all this stuff, you see. Because there’s too many of you and you’re destroying the planet and you’re causing global warming and all that rubbish, you see.  You’d think we never had summer before.  The summer, the summer here is your pretty typical Sudbury summer up here. Incredibly high humidity, which is the norm. Lots of rain here and there, you see, in between. And high heat. And buggy as can be. And no, it’s not abnormal.  It’s… I’ve got a memory. I don’t need to have the news tell me I don’t. I can remember last year and the years before. Last year was the driest summer I’d had for a while, now were going back to normal again.  That’s the weather normally happens. But…


Extinction Rebellion is led by extreme Marxists who want to 'bring down the government'

 and say people 'might DIE in the process of uprooting capitalism' (A:  Yep.)

dailymail.co.uk / 20 July 2019


(A:  The guy who is supposedly head of it, the street level head, not the one at the top that really planned it all and funded and so on, is called Roger Hallam.  He’s one of the leaders in Britain. And he’s actually said that they might have to make it go bad and folk will die, you know.)


A leader of Extinction Rebellion called on protesters to bring down the government and warned that some people 'may die' in the process.


(A:   Yep. I don’t know if Britain will ever react to anything anymore because they don’t even bother even investigating a lot of the knifing things they have now in certain areas because of the certain areas. And to put folk in prison over there, the country’s so broke, it’s SO broke, and you keep getting more and more folk to put in prison, well, that’s when you’ve got a failing system, you can’t afford it. So anyway, this guy says that he was being trained to go into university, for a training course, an actual… [Alan chuckles.] How you do it, they actually teach stuff like that at University now, kind of anarchist type techniques and so on.  I guess you get a degree in it. It says…)


The shocking statement was revealed in a Policy Exchange report, authored by former counter-terror chief Richard Walton, which added that XR is aimed at achieving a breakdown of the state and democracy.


(A:   Well, no kidding.  Well, what are they gonna do with them?  Hm?  What you gonna do about it?) 


(A:   Again too, you understand that the big folk, even the Club of Rome said have said this, they would use… you see, those who rule the world use the term democracy for a long time, but had no, ever, illusions they would actually give real democracy to the people. It never happened. And they’ve always said, like the Club of Rome said, that they wanted to bring in a new governance system. Very explicitly so. And they used environmental movements as the big push to try and convince the public to say, well, we can’t survive unless we change the system and let us rule you, basically, the specialists and so on, etc., this democracy thing is in the way, we can’t get things done, to save you all we’ve got to just change the system. Well, this is what this guy is doing in a different way, only on the street level with his followers. It’s all the same thing.  M-hm. And it says…)


Others claim (A:   And some of the members are getting fed up now, you see, because they were using vegans and that to shout and rebel, etc. But it says that some of them have left claiming…) that infighting (A:   …amongst themselves, that’s pretty typical…) is rife within the group and that some are 'being bullied' by vegan members.  (A:   …who are the most radical of all.   The VEGAN members are the most radical.)


Well, that’s exactly what I’m telling you, folks, that that’s what’s held up to be goody-goody, you see. And that’s what you’re going to get with your very tight painted on black pants, you know, and showing how skin-ily vegan you are, you know. And you’ll be goody-goody, you see. And you can be a revolutionary at the same time, I guess that’s plus-good, isn’t it, like Orwell would say this was.   So there ya go.


Google again, the big monstrosity under Alphabet, this, phew, that’s running everything, financial systems, electronic cash, your whole life.  They’ve got total power now, folks, if you haven’t quite figured it out. Most folk, as I say, don’t care and they keep their heads down and say all the right things, they all know what they’re supposed to say about anything. And they hope to be left alone.  They’ll be goodie-goodie-goodie.  Google…


Google to pay multimillion-dollar fine for 'targeting children with adverts on YouTube and illegally collecting their data' following FTC investigation

dailymail.co.uk / 19 July 2019


And they’re using it right down their lives.  They’re doing studies on them all too, you see.  It says that, the multimillion dollar fine anyway. It won’t stop it. Of course it won’t stop it. This is all part of the new form of governance, folks. It is. And it’s not by your vote. No. It’s by policies… our policy says, you know. And they change their policy whenever it suits them. And depending on who you are. That’s how it’s done.  And as I say, they’re completely intolerant, that does not bode well at all, this complete intolerance. You cannot have a society of clones, you can’t have it. You must have different opinions on different things. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not.  Or what’s being said, it doesn’t make it… If you can’t take stuff that you don’t like, well don’t look at it, right. It shouldn’t bother you. But once it’s gone, you’re in trouble, folks.


Anyway, this whole thing with Iran, as you know, is being, building up. Because Iran has been given the choice to start fighting back, ‘eh.  And Iran is on the list as we well know, that wasn’t finished off when Bush was in. They’re still going at it. And Britain of course had seized one of the Iranian oil tankers, I think it was near Gibraltar, under a pretext.  And so what Iran has done now [Alan chuckles.] is to seize a British one, you see.


Iran Seizes British Tanker -

dailymail.co.uk / 19 July 2019


If Iran is under embargo and the only income they now get is from exporting oil, if they can’t export oil then they starve to death.  And that’s their choice right now. I’m not standing up for one or the other I’m just saying, this is your geopolitics. And they want everyone to hate Iran as being the bad guy. But the fact is, they were complying with their treaty that was drawn up, they were asked to sign.  And the Atomic Energy Commission folks went in there every, twice a year or whatever, gave them clean bills, they had not made the dirty uranium stuff to make the bomb and all that. There’s other things behind it, as certain folk just don’t want it in the area. They don’t want what they call… they want a secular government running the whole show.  Completely secular. That’s what they did with Egypt, remember, they weren’t happy with who was voted in, so they had to get him out to get in another character and so on.


There are people in this world who run the world who are never happy with anything.  And even if they comply, they’re not happy. There’s other agendas at work. But Iran is supposed to be turned into the Stone Age just like Iraq and Libya.  And not quite Afghanistan because of the hilly country, etc., and how old the Klansmen are there, the tribesmen. As I say, we’re living through a script, you see. Everything’s a script.  Because the future is always planned by those who are in control. And who own it basically, or think that they own it or say that they do. I guess they do since no one else is…  I don’t know, do you have the authority to tell armies to go here go there or whatever? Of course you don’t. And of course, the world’s always been scratching his head since at least Gulf War One, at least, and probably before, as to what on earth, what’s America even doing over there?!  And everywhere else!  Over hundreds of bases across the world.  H-hm.


And don’t forget, they’re trying to say that the other possible enemy could be China.  Otherwise you wouldn’t need a military, you see, they’ve always got an enemy. What a farce, since your own countries signed [Alan chuckles.] agreements to export the factories in your countries all over to China years ago under the free-trade deals.   M-hm.  But that’s the way of it.


So as I say, we’re not going, I don’t sit and fret too much because you can’t live by fretting about how nasty things are. You can understand them.  That’s all you have to do, is understand them. And hopefully sometime in your life you can pass the information on to other people.  Down through time information has been passed on by a few. To those who pick up the knowledge of, if you don’t understand the past you’re done for, and the present becomes the past, you see.  And they’re constantly changing the histories of the past, aren’t they, like Orwell said they are.  Hm? 


So you need people who have the facts to pass it on. Awfully important. Because it’s always a few in every generation, it’s always the few who have whatever reason, who knows why, they have that need to know, and the need to take the bad news too. Because you’ve got to understand how the whole system works including how nasty it’s been in the past, including in your own lifetime. 


This is not a utopia by any, any means. But they keep telling you how wonderful it is. No, that’s Disneyland, folks, that’s not reality.  That’s not reality. And you will as you’re, as I say, having fun and you’re surfing the net and you’re looking at all these faraway places with sweet sounding names and going wow and oooo...  and you give little comments and it’s all noted immediately with a thousand different programs just working on you.  [Alan chuckles.]   Yep.


And then they’ll come down and say, but you spent 10 minutes more than you should have watching this naughty naughty, because you should’ve been in your bed 10 minutes ago, you see, or you won’t be refreshed for working tomorrow, for your Lord and Master.  But you, you’ll come to love your slavery, as I say. Because the yoke is light, isn’t it? With this particular one. It seems so at the moment. But it’s not always going to be so light. And it isn’t already when they’re telling you, you know, about social credit systems for goodness sake.


Total conformity to the boss. Total conformity. That’s what they mean. And every opinion you have is downloaded into you and you better repeat it, or else. Complete intolerance of viewpoints. That’s your masters today. With the blessings obviously of all your governments.  Or if they’re not really governments, what are they nowadays?  Oh yeah, they are called governance.  Hm, okay.  Mm, okay.


Anyway, don’t sit and dwell on it. I’ve crammed in a lot, maybe more than I was going to do tonight but... Time does fly in.  And to survive the summer, for those who are getting a decent summer, you know, don’t fret about it all. Don’t listen to the high numbers. Just before I go, I looked up the hottest days for the UK, for instance, as an example. And a few other countries too. Over a few years. And when they say that Britain’s had the hottest day for X amount or whatever, since they started in, whatever, the 1900s you know, it’s not true. They’ll say the highest point they hit was about, then they’ll mention a little county somewhere in England, or Wales hm, generally a concrete forest where they put the thermometers and sensing equipment and so on, electronics, so it’s got all that stuff reflecting back on it. But the fact that they use that reading for that one place, for the whole of the country, the highest reading for that one wee place, you see, for the whole of the country.  Whereas the county next to them, it could be quite a few degrees lower.


The cons that they pull!  This is from their own websites at the MET, the MET office.  You have to really…. How the games are played, ‘eh.  Hm?  How the games are played.  Quite something. So agendas must be pushed through. Everything’s counting on it.


Now, before I finish I gotta remind myself, [Alan chuckles.] as well as you, that you can buy the books and discs @cuttingthroughthematrix.com. You can use personal checks or even send cash or use PayPal and different other methods of doing it. You can send postal money orders too outside Canada and make sure it’s international postal money order that you get at your post office. It’s a lot cheaper actually in some ways to do. And remember, you can buy the books and discs there and you can donate.  That’s always acceptable because I certainly need it.  And these days I’m sure we’re all having hard times of course.  It helps me tick along… as the cost of living goes up and up and up. We’re all suffering from it.  We all know what’s happening is the currency can buy less and less you need more more dollars or whatever it happens to be to buy the same amount of things. So remember, go into cuttingthroughthematrix.com website and you can purchase items. Or you can just donate to me and help me keep ticking along. And take note of the links to my official sites listed on the .com site in case the .com site ever goes down. Thank you.


Anyway, for myself from Ontario, Canada, I’m Alan Watt and may your God or gods go with you.



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Iran Seizes British Tanker

dailymail.co.uk / 19 July 2019




Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"