Feb. 10, 2019 (#1707)
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)
Materialism =
"Societal Breakdown, Financial Mess,
We All Pay
for Our Rulers' Success."
© Alan Watt Feb. 10, 2019
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt -
Feb. 10, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
P.O. Box 815
Keene, TX
76059 USA
EMAIL: alanwattcuttingthrough@yahoo.com
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The
Matrix on February 10, 2019. I
should really start off by reminding myself as well as you, that I should
really be mentioning the books and discs @CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com
websites. You can buy them, you can find out how to do it @CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
Also take a note of all the other sites I have on that page in case any
of them go down for any particular reason and you’ll
always be able hopefully to access my shows and so on. Also, you can donate if
you’d like to. Because I’ve had so much stuff up for many, many years for free.
It’s only the occasional person once in a while, or
the same handful of people in fact, who will donate on any kind of semi regular
basis. That helps me to tick over.
But people from all over the planet use the website
constantly, a lot of talk show guys do it too for their own shows, etc. And so
many people are into all kinds of occult and New Age things, because they’re
bored stiff probably, and they want information on these old religions and
things like that, and the present ones too, and I used to cover them all in
pretty good detail… and many other things too, to do with our existence on the
planet. Because our existence, again, your life is pretty
short, you know, it will fly by. One day you’ll sit back and say, why
did I waste so much time on this or that or whatever it happened to be? Or even
just entertainment in itself?
Because the biggest problem with people today, it
will get worse and worse and worse by the way, as, really, the old, old, ha,
the joke and the reality too, of the meaning of life
and the purpose of life, etc., as you go through rapid changes... Because we’re trained by the masters of the
world to behave in certain ways, with each generation, and to believe in
certain things and even to have causes, that will always suit those at the top,
which generally are the international bankers and I’ll touch on that tonight.
However, I do go into the fact too that there’s much more
to humanity than what you’re given. I think we’ve all experienced, and hopefully,
hopefully we’ve all experienced, I think you’re cut off through pure
materialism if you don’t experience it, but the occasional sensation of someone
going to phone you or something like that. It used to be more obvious before
you had cell phones, because people didn’t phone you all the time, especially if it was long-distance and
things like that. But the cell phones now, people are
actually, they expect phone calls all the time.
But in the old days, not so long ago, which are
the old days now, you would get senses of people either going to visit you,
just unexpectedly, but you’d get a sense it was going to happen. And you would get senses. These are senses, the
natural senses that we do have, sixth senses. I think really children probably
have more awareness of the senses, they don’t suppress
them. Because they haven’t been told to yet. Once they’re in school they drum
all of that out of you with so-called practicalities for survival, so they
claim. But it’s really just to get your early
indoctrination of the system so you’ll obey and work for the system without
even knowing it. But it’s drummed out of
you through materialism and the worries of just surviving and getting through
life, etc. etc. etc. And dealing with
all the natural drive that you’re born with that develop even later. There’s
lots of drives that will distract you, and there’s massive businesses to help
them on, because they get money off you as they distract you. It’s quite
surprising, the detail that goes into creating any particular
batch of years. And that’s how I see them, are batches of years.
So as I say, I go into all this stuff in detail
over many, many years and lots of people use them. So remember, you can buy the
books and discs @CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com. I would churn out more books really, but the
reality is too, I’d prefer just to tell the people information that might help
them get on through life, or survive through life, at least on a personal
basis. It might not even be successful financially but at least it’s helping.
What is success, really? Hm? You’re told you’ve got successes, and
believe you me, you won’t find any real genuine people out there that have what
you would term big, big
success who are really happy. You’ll find too with
incredible alterations in society and functions, etc. and expectations, that it
will get worse and worse and worse.
That was also known back in the early 20th
century by people like Aldous Huxley who also talked at Berkeley in the 60s
about it and he said that people really
are not terribly happy, basically, intrinsically
they’re not terribly happy. And happiness is a strange term because
today, under psychiatry, which helps to rule you, and psychology, and you have
behaviorists all ruling you, they promote the idea that happiness is success and happiness is what they tell you success happens to be. And they give you all these idols to follow,
that really are just fronts for big corporations behind them. The making of a
star, Hollywood, music, whatever it happens to be, takes a lot of money, or
even books for that matter, it takes a lot of money to promote the person and
to create them into the star image. And when you get big television stations
immediately grabbing on to somebody you know it’s one of the establishment’s
creations. Because they give you people, from all walks of life, or
thoughts of life, or segments of thought of life, to guide people who are
looking. In other words, they give you a guru for every particular
area that you happen to look at in fact.
People also will condemn you for even voicing
certain concerns, and it has to be done at times.
You’ve got to be honest about everything, as best as you can. And being honest will mean you’ll be
condemned. You’ll find even the old religions were suited to the time, what
they called old religions. And even
though you have different criticism of old religions, in all countries, and all
types of religions, you’ll find at the same time that
some of them, especially those that came into Europe, you find that they give
you values, or they give values to the people that stopped total chaos.
It was bad enough being plundered by nobility and futile systems and so on,
like that. At least they give a sense of
worth to people that didn’t exist
anywhere else in the world. You were either a loser or somebody. And if you
were a loser you were a slave generally, and the property of somebody; serfs
were obviously property too.
The big condemnation in hindsight, this is the big problem that you have today, everything
is judged in hindsight, according to today’s standards. And you can’t project
today’s standards on to the Middle Ages or yesterday’s past. It can’t be
done. Different times. Different
era. They didn’t have welfare systems.
They didn’t have social work departments.
They didn’t have all the different things you’re used to today. And
people really didn’t have the drive
for materialism that you have today, where there’s mass consumerism, it didn’t
exist before. It was basics, that was it. And it wasn’t easy. And life was
tough. And we only got out of that in some countries in the 20th century because of world wars. And that is
Different movements took place to allow some of
the cash to stay in the pockets of the earners, for a change, and to get
something back for your money. The US was the same too… And I’m talking just
off the top of my head, this wasn’t planned or anything like that. But I was
just thinking of the US revolution, much more to it than meets the eye
too. It took years in preparation,
Benjamin Franklin mentioned that too, with the secret societies that ran the
day. They were intragenerational revolutionaries. Like Tom Paine for instance, who in his own
writing said that he belonged to a
family of intergenerational freedom fighters, or revolutionaries.
Revolutionaries was the term, actually.
So you don’t realize that things are not
spontaneous in life, anymore than today, the different values you’re given
today, and the switches are spontaneous and that’s so far from any kind of
reality. I’ve mentioned so many times about some of the books I have here, old
books, because I studied as much as I could
about certain things which interested me, as to the whys of things. And one
of the whys was, how, what shaped
society’s values? It’s like George
Bernard Shaw, for instance, a member of the Fabian Society. He defined along with
HG Wells, to the readers of their different publications, what they meant by
socialism versus socialist.
And all these… it sounds subtle, the difference, but they’re not subtle
at all. There are big differences. Where
he said, literally, socialism was the
complete reordering of all society. Complete, that’s man, woman,
child, everything, nation, purpose, function.
And it was intertwined with Marxism of course. That’s
why Marxism was pushed too, in London, by the way. Don’t forget where Marx… Marx was kicked out
of Germany, he went to live in London and he was kept in a good lifestyle
there, he even had servants and so on.
For those who think he was a poor little guy, it’s far from the truth.
And let’s be honest too, since the whole point of Marxism was to overthrow,
again, of all organized governmental systems and monarchies, believe you me,
the British monarchy was not a system that took this kind of lightly. So they gave permission for him to live there.
There’s much more to everything than meets the eye, obviously.
Communism was basically a big, big test. The first one was the American Revolution,
could people basically, and this is a bit of a joke of course, run their own
lives without having experts and the proper people managing them? That was part
of the test, supposedly, the big study, the
big experiment. And the next experiments was the
Soviet system that came along, where they had, again, the epitome, supposedly,
of true socialism where the ‘Soviet’, which is a ‘rule by councils’, councils
for every type of function in life and department and so on, and unions, would
be run by the Soviet, these councils and it would be a perfect utopia for
everybody. Which was a big lie because humanity always overtakes any idealism,
and that means the crooked psychopaths are always at the top. [Alan chuckles.]
I don’t care what the system is called, it’s the same system, really.
But getting back to what I’m saying. Beria who was the chief of police at one point
in the 1930s in the Soviet system, or the and KVD and
the Cheka, etc, he ran the Comintern for the Soviet
system, like the Young Communists International. Many leaders that eventually
even ruled Canada at one point went over there because they were members of the
Comintern, and other countries too attend it.
And bankers too by the way, you know, bankers were not out of this
picture at all. Beria said that it used
to take a whole generation, about 70 years, that’s how they took a
generation at that time… He said that, it used to take 70 years to make the small
social changes necessary before they could make the next step, to push
it further, on any particular area. But he said, now with the scientific study of humans in society, talking
about behaviorism and psychology and psychiatry that was still fairly new at that time, then he said, we can, and with the proper indoctrination, we
can literally by intense propaganda and indoctrination alter behavior and
opinions and segments, within every four years.
Every four years. So if you’re taking the span
of, say, 16 years, you could get the first group of children coming in at
school at four or five, and then four years later you could have an
indoctrination which would up the
indoctrination of the first four years, and a step further, and within 16 years
of doing this technique, you could have a reversed opinion on it, the particular topic could be reversed
completely and the belief could be reversed. And that’s happened so fast in
fact. Today with mass communication, they
said that mass communication would be
more and more perfected and available to everybody, would be the technique which would be used. That’s
television, radio, they have cell phones and the Internet and so on. It’s
all been done.
It’s interesting to stand back and just watch it,
and to see it happening. And to even see the fronts that are developed and put
out for the public to follow that pretend to speak for different segments of
society and the public. Segments
which they’ve actually created in fact, as though
we’re a separate species or groups or whatever. Which is nonsense, you’re
either all human or you’re not all human. But this is what they’ve done. It’s easier to control society and that way,
in voting blocks. By segmenting them all
it’s easy for those who rule the planet, and the future. It’s very important to
understand this idea of the future, and the planet itself. And unfortunately,
it really does eradicate the natural human abilities, techniques of being human,
that are techniques of being human,
and it takes work to be a good human.
And unfortunately, as you throw religion out the
window you’ve lost, you’ve thrown out the values that helped your ancestors up
to the present day, your predecessors, survive, so that you are here today. Because it took a lot of social involvement by
neighbors, as I say, even in places like Britain to help each other out before
the welfare system really came in. And you’ve got mass unemployment and so on,
people had to really help each other. It was only because of the vestiges of
religion that kept them alive. Today, they’ll tell their relatives, just go on
welfare, before they’ll help them out. That’s what you get unfortunately. So
the state has become supreme, exactly as HG Wells said it would it be made to be, supreme over any family
involvement. It would be the head of the family in other words, whatever family
that happen to be, or kind of family it would be. It’s all happened.
It really is fascinating to see it all happening
and to live through so much of it and to see the massive well-financed pushes,
and organized pushes, not just for segments of society, but through
entertainment and through everything, to make all of
this possible, to make it happen the way that it was planned to be. So before,
as I say, even 20, 30 years ago you had ideas of where it was all going, how it
works, etc., and you’d study enough to understand where they said it would go,
and bingo, it’s happened. But every generation, once you hit 20 you’ve
got folk who think it’s somehow all their
generation, that they are in charge.
They really think that. They believe
that. They have no idea that the music, the entertainment, even the jingo talk
and vernacular that they’re given for each age, they really think it’s theirs,
it’s their creation. They really do believe that. It’s fascinating to watch it over and over and over again.
But what I’m trying to say, ha, what am I trying to say? I’m trying to say
that basically things are vastly different, vastly, vastly different than you’d
imagine. I read some articles this week about some people in Britain who like
to have debates, who get, you know, in public and universities and so on,
who’ve been banned from universities because of the previous views, and the
present views on certain topics. And he
was banned. I think his talk was going
to be freedom of speech and censorship.
[Alan laughing.] So, the student
unions and so on banned him from giving his talk at university. And
universities are supposed to be, at one time, the pinnacles, supposedly, I
don’t think they ever really were, but they were the pinnacle supposedly of
free speech. If you lose free speech,
you’re under tyranny, if you don’t understand that. And if you lose one area of free speech then there’s
always one to follow and get added to it and get added to it and added to it
until literally, you’re in a corner somewhere, like George Orwell’s 1984 and Winston has
to write in his diary trying to be out of sight of the camera in his
room. That’s where we are. That’s where we are right now actually. But this particular guy,
it was Peter Hitchens, he said that you have to remember that these students,
it’s easy to forgive them, all your students and you’re young and all. But the students, he said, will become the civil servants, the CEOs and
the teachers and professors that will teach the next generation, and if they’re
so intolerant now, what are they going to be like when they’re in charge of everything?
Really, what you’re seeing is the implementation
of the worst tyranny this planet’s ever seen.
And I really mean that. Because as bad as 1984, George Orwell’s book, was in his portrayal of a future, at
least, at least there were some
places perhaps outside of the camera you could get away. In our total surveillance society, hell is
staring us in the face, and you’d better become a good PC robot if you want to
survive. That’s what is going to be, when you will eventually be picked out
because you had wrong thing, you thought something and
it was the wrong thought. Like Winston’s neighbor in 1984, where, when Winston is in the jail, you know, in the Ministry
of Love or whatever it was called, where they tortured you, naturally, then he
met his neighbor there. And his neighbor said, oh, he says, my
daughter, his young daughter who was about 10 or something, wearing
the little outfit of socialism, because they all… All socialism has outfits,
uniforms, for those who don’t quite get it.
There’s also uniformity of behavior. There’s uniformity of speech.
There’s uniformity of topics which you’ll talk about and push and opinions
you’re going to have. It’s like a cloning in fact they all have with each
other. But he meets his neighbor in there and he says, it’s my daughter that found out,
I was saying something in my sleep, I didn’t know it, but thank goodness that
she did the right thing and turned me in.
That’s how you’re all going to be. You’ll feel
guilty for thinking something. You already do. Pavlovian style. Because indoctrination
is so scientifically incredibly amazingly accurate with today’s technologies
and methods, methodology. I’ve already mentioned the different nudge units
that you have out there that are in charge of everything put across the
Internet and your cell phones and everything else, and your chat rooms, and
pushing you and nudging you to be good good good, and good depends on what flavor the tyranny that runs
you wants today. Not kidding you.
But getting back to what I’m talking about. If
you say the right things you’re going to be definitely
attacked. That will happen.
There’s a lot of rather fake people out there too that have made massive
businesses, massive businesses out of
being the fake fronts for a lot of the stuff. That’s when you always know, if
they’re rolling in the bucks, believe you me, they’re part of the system.
Even if they pretend that they’re opposite, they’re rolling in the bucks,
that’s one of the clues, and will have no problem getting on television or
whatever it happens to be. But when you
forget and throw out your natural humanity, and that was the connection
with what they called the world of spirit, all through religion, when
you throw that out then you’ve are at the mercy of the worst materialistic
scientific tyranny the world has ever seen.
And unfortunately, because you have nothing to hold onto faith wise, and
in terrible times of stress and evil, then you’ll crack completely with
nothing to hold onto.
When you look across the world today at the
incredible corruption, everywhere, everywhere you look in the West amongst
the general population now, now that it’s on a roll for materialism, easy
credit and disposable products that don’t last very long, but just constantly a
consumer society, it’s really scary when you look at
it. Really scary. Where life is becoming
so cheap, and folk are being trained
to see life as being cheap… and, I’m okay, Jack, as they say,
I’m all right Jack and so tough luck on you. And it starts with youngsters, babies, and
ends up with elderly people or folk who are just sick, being offered euthanasia
rather than having treatment for problems which are easily treated today but
maybe costs a bit of money. So what? Your governments have got plenty of money
to blow on their own incredible salaries and expenses, and the massive civil
servant, multilayered civil servant system that you have that would terrify
when you when you see the incomes of these characters.
And I’m so out of touch with a lot of the income
brackets and so on that I get kind of shocked at what I see. Then I realize
it’s probably fairly normal, when I see the incomes
that the greedy society that we now live in has created. Because there’s way
too many folk getting churned out of university and college’s now that are
taught that greed
is good and they deserve it. It used to be just
the ads to sell you things, you deserve
it, go and have another chocolate, you deserve it. But now it’s, yeah, take the world by the you know what,
you deserve it, you can have it all and then go for it. It’s like there’s
no humility left anymore. It’s really
something else. Because the culture, and the old cultures have been destroyed,
interesting, that, in itself, and replaced with
another culture.
Now, here’s an example of how out of touch I am
about what folk earn. And the cost of living of course, which is going to go up
because of the bank scandals, which is simply the fact that the money system has
always been a scandal, it’s backed by nothing.
There’s nothing backing, you know, the paper or plastic or digital
currency. There’s nothing there. It’s a whole different topic, but the fact is,
society now wants to be the multimillionaires, everybody’s been trained that
they deserve it. I was looking this week in Sudbury, the city nearest me, and
it’s not a huge pace, Sudbury. Even in
Greater Sudbury, it’s a lot of scattered places and so on, little villages and
all that. But Sudbury, it’s not a huge place, like Toronto or anything like
I just looked into the
local papers for a change to see if
they mentioned anything about the ice storms that we’re having here in this
area. And sure enough, I had tremendous
ice storms. Well, not tremendous, there
could have been a couple worse, I suppose. But this is backed by very high
winds too for quite a few hours in the middle of the night. Trees went down all
over the place and my roof got covered, on top of snow, with about 2 inches of
ice. I had to get up there today and crack a lot up, or crack it off I should say, [Alan chuckles.]
…cracking up doing it I suppose. But it’s
quite something, this has been one of the coldest and earliest starting winters
I’ve experience so far here. Because winters now are becoming longer and
longer, starting in September with snow all the way through to the present time
with lots and lots and lots of snow. And very low temperatures at night
sometimes, -48° without the wind chill, that’s just the temperature, that’s
Fahrenheit too.
So I was looking at the papers in Sudbury and
around the same time this happens, this happens there just the last couple of
days or whatever, they also had earthquakes in Sudbury. And immediately they
bring out the experts, oh, it’s just probably just mining related,
probably. Even though east of Sudbury was one, and another one was in the west
of Sudbury, quite a distance apart, but they, oh, it’s probably mining
related, nothing to worry about, etc. Meanwhile too there are, well,
there’s one, at least one that we know of, underground accelerator not too far
from Sudbury in the area. It’s been
there for many years in fact. And there’s also a big lab deep, deep down at a
different place in Sudbury. And it makes you wonder what really is going on.
But that’s another thing, again. [Alan
Because you’re living in an era of incredible
secrecy, it’s not your right to know anything.
It really… And that’s how you are
being trained by the way, have you noticed that? You’re getting given no real
news to do with, before, there’s no debates in parliaments or governments about
upcoming this or upcoming that, you’re told nothing
now, until things are just, laws are just passed. Have you noticed? You’ve been trained. You’re given lots of
dramas and soap operas to fill it up and pretend that it’s news. Entertainment
news is not news, to me. News is what’s
going to affect your lives. But anyway, I looked through the papers and one of
these articles just hit me. I guess if I read more and more of the local papers,
I’d see more of it. I know there’s always scandals and politics and money and
all the rest of it, and taxpayers cash put up. But this was in the local paper
and it was about a policeman that…
Sudbury officer found guilty of discreditable conduct
thesudburystar.com / 6 Feb 2019
An 18 year veteran of the Greater Sudbury Police Force has been found guilty of discreditable conduct.
(Alan: And what it was, he said something on Facebook. Like, he’s kind
of like a whistleblower. But he aired a grievance that I think people should be
[Alan chuckles.] …should be allowed to know about since we’re all paying for
this kind of stuff, heavily, and they keep upping taxes and everything. And
it’s the same everywhere, every city across the planet is the same, we’ve got
psychopaths running the shows, folks. We
DO. We do. Anyway, it says…)
The complaint stemmed from comments Constable Robert Rheaume made on social media back in March 2018.
problems started due to some Facebook comments about the wages of several
colleagues that were published through the annual Sunshine List. (A: …whatever that is.)
On March 24, 2018 he made this comment on a Facebook post titled “Sunshine List swells in Sudbury, Ontario.”:
“What people should really be looking at is how someone like Sharon Baiden at the Greater Sudbury Police Service (A: I guess she’s up near the top or whatever. Actually, she might not even be near the top. Anyway, it says…) went from making $130,000 just four years ago and is now at $205,000!! (A: Annually. I mean, what’s this?!? What kind of…?!? I really am living way in the past, I guess, with cost of living and what folk are earning.) That’s almost 50 percent raise in less than 4 years… (A: This is only one of them.) As a matter of fact, the year that former Chief Frank Elsner left, she got a $48,000 raise. (A: Not bad, ‘eh?) Sudbury taxpayers should be asking council how that happened?”
And on March 28, 2018 he posted another comment:
“Don’t take this the wrong way my friend…But after seeing the Sunshine List last week, you should be posting about how some Managers at the Greater Sudbury Police Service got 33% Raises…They’re [sic] are a handful of them the [sic] got extremely hefty raises..Your taxes and mine going up because of the Police Service Board’s approval of these raises..Look up Lori Marconato..From $106 thousand (A: …this person, this other person…) in 2016 to $149 thousand in 2017… (A: Not bad pay raises, ‘eh?!) How do they justify that..Here’s another one..Melissa Bamberger $110 thousand in 2016 to $148 thousand in 2017…(A: [Alan chuckles.] Not bad at all.) Again, how do you [expletive] justify that?? Carrie Lynn Hotson..$109 thousand in 2016 to $132 thousand in 2017. Three people..over $100,000 in raises.”
So of course, they all come down on him for
informing the public. And it’s true, the public wouldn’t, we’re pretty well in ignorance of what so-called civil servants,
right, public servants are earning, ‘eh, aren’t we? We’re completely ignorant of
it. You see, the public are the
business and folk who go into college and university now are told that’s what
the business is, and they want to get in managing the public where the big, big
money is. Quite something. Anyway, the
fellow’s pleaded not guilty to the charge, etc. but they’re going after him.
Because the public are not supposed to know it, it might upset the public, who
get upset enough to complain about
this nonsense going on, ‘eh. Really. Think about it.
But yeah, I’m so out of whack of what folk are
earning, it’s just… [Alan chuckles.] astonishing to me. It really is. And I’ll
put up the link to Sudbury’s earthquakes.
Sudbury experiences two earthquakes in less than 48 hours - thesudburystar.com / 8 Feb 2019
And then an ice storm too happened about the same
time. Quite amazing, hey. [Alan
chuckles.] And incredible temperatures to boot.
So yeah, it’s quite something.
It’s one of the coldest winters I’ve experienced, and longest lasting,
and it’s got a few months to go yet,
I’ve no doubt at all about that.
Now, as I say, tonight’s talk was going to be,
and hopefully I’ll get back onto it, about the fact the materialism has been
indoctrinated into the public, where everything was just me-me-me, and
narcissism, and hedonism, and get what you can. How many folk, and I’ve herd
too, maybe you’ve said it yourself, when you say about scandals of folk dipping
their hands into the till and coming out with big, big bucks and so on from the
public. How many folk have you heard saying, well so what, if I was in that position, I’d do it too. I mean, do you understand that when society
applauds criminality and this kind of behavior, as I say, you’re in for a
horror show. Because it just gets worse
and worse and worse. It really does.
It’s like George Bernard Shaw who did say what
socialism really was. And the socialist, he said, expects, whether it’s a man or woman expect to get all
the money back in taxes to help them on their way, etc., and pay for all the
different social necessities that they need.
He says, it’s far from the
truth. He says, there will be no
marriage, there will be no man and woman getting married in the state, and
he says, and bringing up children
themselves, etc. He says, that’s
the difference between socialism and a socialist. What are you living through today?
What have you already lived through? And he said too, he says, why should we keep you alive, you’ll have
to come to us and explain why we should allow you to live. Because
if you don’t eventually work for the system, and work for them, the ones who
rule the system, then he said, why
should we keep you alive.
You tie that in with the Georgia Guidestones for
instance, hm, and all the UN, and all the so called, the front groups for the
environmental movement, which are just eugenics movement, too many people,
too many of the wrong sort of people, bring down the population, it’s the
people who are the problem creating all that carbon and creating all this
needing of all these things, it’s all your fault. And they use environmentalism and
sustainability as the excuse, and that’s the front of it all, that’s the front
for it all. The Club of Rome.
But yeah, you are looking for horror. And folk
who think they can just keep voting and somehow get their champions in… Oh,
you’ll get all kinds of front group champions, well-made presented champions
for you all because that’s how easily you’re all played today with politics. Really.
There’s so much you could say, and things you can’t say anymore, about
politics. Really, you can’t say it, you really can’t say it. But it’s a
complete joke and a racket today. When
you see who runs them all… When you see
who they are obedient to… And it’s not you, the voters. In any country. And the
rackets that go on is just incredible. The greed has never been so open
It’s… I remember reading a long time ago, I think
it was maybe Thomas Jefferson said that the people, it was regarding good and
bad societies, and workable societies, eventually gets so crooked you don’t
really have a workable society. But he said that a good society can only be as good as the corruption which they
tolerate from those who rule over them. And today folk accept the
corruption as a normal thing. Because they themselves will say that, they will
say what I said before. Well, if I was in
the same, I would do the same thing if I was in that position. That’s what
you’ve got today. That’s all your game shows
on television, for many years have been winners and losers, winners and losers,
don’t you want to be a winner?
And now you’re living through it as they all go
for the people who are earning the money. Canada as well I think recently just
said that, I think about 40% of the population that
should be paying taxes, including corporations, are not paying any. 40%! And a lot of folk will say, well I wish I was
part of that 40%. Because they want to be the same. The corruption, you see. And when things go belly up the next time,
which it will because it’s planned to go belly up, the financial system, to
bring in the next stage of the same dominant elites’ plan for the next stage of
ruling society. And ruling is the
word, to get away from this idea of democracy which the Club of Rome keeps
telling you, doesn’t work, it wasn’t
intended to work, but it was an awfully good battering ram to get folk
to believe in it to push different agendas.
So you need big upheavals to make it happen. And they won’t get what
they want if you think you’ve got rights. So they take all your rights away
because you’ll have crises, you see. Oh,
it’s an environmental crisis, it’s a catastrophe.
With all the weather warfare programs on the go,
very old ones, since even before World War II, nevermind the present ones, they
can make anything happen, can’t they. And even natural phenomena. And don’t
forget, all climate change is natural.
We’ve always had it. We’ve had
how many ice ages that we can detect? And between the ice ages, you had what? Warming trends. Warming up until the
glaciers disappeared, then back to the ice ages again. Hm! Before
humanity even trotted across the planet. But facts don’t matter anymore.
Well, let’s get back, and I hate to just jump all
over the map but getting back to this corruption system that we live in,
winners and losers. Now, here’s one from Australia. I’ve been mentioning it. It’s a good example
because Australia is very similar to Canada with the old British colonial
system and the banking system copied from
the central banking from London, you see, and the kind of old-school tie set up
too that helps run the system. And again, they always give you leaders every so
often to vote for who pretend that they’re different from the other ones by
saying the opposite and all that, but what they do is different. It’s always the same, what they do is the same,
that’s the key, not what they say. Never it’s what they say. Anyway…
Hayne's findings won't be a shock; the banking scandals were decades in the making - mobile.abc.net.au / 4 Feb 2019
I’ve been talking about this for quite a long
time building up and building up, watching the same bubbles with real estate
that was created by the big banking industry and the chains of real estate organizations that help shove up the cost of
housing, up and up and up so you’ve got bigger loans from the banks, they’re
all in it together, you see, that’s how it works. And then your local governments, they get all
the tax money from property taxes, that go for big pay raises and things like
that for civil servants and public servants. [Alan chuckles.]
So Australia is just the same and it’s a good example
because they did the same with the homes in Australia. They’re out of site as
to their real value, any real estate value. So…
Hayne's findings won't be a shock; the banking scandals were decades
in the making
mobile.abc.net.au / 4 Feb 2019
How did it come to this?
How did we arrive at a situation where banks and financial houses slugged dead people with fees?
(A: They do that, you know.)
Where billions have been sucked out of Australians' retirement savings by bank-run super funds profiting at their members' expense?
Where many vulnerable people were doled out credit they could never afford? (A: …to buy the houses. Same thing with the last collapse too, right.)
Where households live with an unprecedented debt burden fuelled by lax lending standards that inflated a risky property price bubble?
After months of exposés, the banks and regulators will now face the fallout from the Hayne royal commission's final report; but the truth is there are many culprits, and the poor conduct and culture were decades in the making.
The genesis goes back to the 1980s and 1990s when Australia shifted from a world where banks were tightly controlled and credit was rationed, to a world where credit was free and easy, and banks — embracing an aggressive sales culture — flogged products to make money.
Alongside the floating of the dollar and the dismantling of tariff walls, the deregulation of banking was one more step in the liberalisation of the economy during that era.
(A: Now, that’s what led, they
took all regulations off, all the watchdogs off of
banks. And guess what happens when you do that? Well, we lived through it with
the big banking crash of 2007/2008, and into… we’re still paying for. It’s
because that’s why your currency is devalued constantly, because you still have to pay back the loans to bail out all those big banks
from then. But this article goes on…)
How did the banks become so big?
(A: You could actually
change this from Britain to Canada to Australia, the same article
because it’s identical everywhere, it’s identical. Mind you, it’s one system at
the top running the banking system because the boys and gals that ran and
created the Royal Institute of International Affairs were also run by the
central banking system that came into Britain long before that... And gave you
the British Empire actually… And profited from that Empire, these big banks…
And use the countries as their battering ram, including the people, the armies
to conquer for the big corporations. But it’s the same system... across the
world… for global domination. It hasn’t died, it’s still running it all. It
gave you free trade and amalgamated countries into big trading blocs.)
So it goes
into, again, the same repetitive stuff. Nothing will be done about it. After 2008 and 2009 they’re right back to
square one with the big bubbles and multibillion-dollar bonuses at the end of
the year. If you’ve ever seen the movie, Ewan McGregor was in the movie [Rogue Trader], it was about, I think it
was Nick Leeson the guy’s name was who was to be given charge of the stock
trading for Barings Bank back in the 90s. He did the usual kind of
back-and-forth trading, borrowing money and trading, pretending they were making
fortunes, and into multimillions and getting big, big salaries and bonuses. But
it was all conology. And the guy in the documentary, the actual guy himself,
not the actor, the person who got caught doing it talked about it in the
documentary, about the incredible cons of banking and how they were, the greed
factor overtook them all, all the different representatives who work inside the
big banks, near the top. Not the little guys at the bottom with your local bank
where you go in and walkout or whatever. But the big banks themselves, they
don’t care as long as the balance that they’re showing shows massive income of
profit, profit, profit. They don’t care how it’s done, even if it’s fake. It
hasn’t changed.
How the biggest shake-up in Australian banking history will affect YOU - dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
When you
take the watchdogs off it, during Margaret Thatcher’s time, and Ronald Reagan’s
time, that’s what happens of course. Now, here’s another one here too…
Cold calling customers to flog insurance and superannuation deals will be BANNED as part of crackdown on greedy banks - dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
They’re into
everything now. They’ve got sales driven bank culture, they called it. And
that’s what they are now, big sales. And they churn out these characters,
again, from college and universities, they got their little courses on banking
and profit and investments. And the greed factor is phenomenal. And raping the
public is just the way it’s done. Because that’s where all the money comes from
eventually. We pay off the debt that’s incurred all the time, every time it
happens, we pay it off. The government
uses your tax money, you’re put down as bailing them out. Next time it’s to be
the bail-in’s as well. So this is a good article here. And then there’s another
one and it’s to do with…
Big banks accused of ripping off customers may not face court for a DECADE
(A: …a decade, for 10 years.
That standard. Because lots of
politicians and judges that are the old school tie, they’re all part of the
same clubs, will postpone it as long as they can. By that time no one will care and it’ll just fade away. So…)
Big banks accused of ripping off customers may not face court for a
DECADE despite the royal commission recommending criminal charge
dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
•Kenneth Hayne's banking royal commission recommended criminal charges
But I don’t
see anything… it won’t happen. It won’t happen. It’s a good enough article, you
know, to show you how it’s happened.
They do this over and over. Again,
no one ever goes to jail for it.
Now, the big
con too with the guys who gave you the central banking systems, it’s one big chain you understand across the planet,
these central banks now, it’s a chain. And they’re all under the World Bank,
the big, big one at the top. They have the
International Monetary Fund that come in when countries can’t make their payments. They take over the running of your country
until you start paying off the interest, at least, if you can manage that. It’s not meant to pay the whole thing off,
and compound interest is not meant to be paid off, it’s impossible to do it.
They know that. It’s all a racket, that we accept, isn’t it? Anyway…
Goldman chief says sorry over ex-banker's role in 1MDB scandal
theguardian.com / 16 Jan 2019
The chief executive of Goldman Sachs has apologised to the people of Malaysia over the role of a former employee of the bank in the (A: Malaysian Development Bank, they call it…) 1MDB scandal.
In a rare move for a Goldman chief executive, David Solomon joined the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call and gave an update on investigations into corruption surrounding the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund. He also said the bank was sorry for the effect the fraud had on the country.
(A: Well, that’s nice. That’s nice. He’s, oh, he said he’s sorry. Well, let’s just forgive him then, ‘eh.)
“It’s very clear that the people of Malaysia were defrauded by many individuals including the highest members of the prior [Malaysian] government,” (A: …because psychopaths always go into power, that’s what they head for, folks, they sniff it, they want it, and they go for it, in every country.) he said. “Tim Leissner, who was a partner at our firm, by his own admission, was one of those people. For Leissner’s role in that fraud, we apologise to the Malaysian people.”
The investment bank has consistently denied wrongdoing, and said it was lied to about how the proceeds of three bond sales it conducted on the fund’s behalf between 2012-2013 were used. Solomon echoed the bank’s stance on Wednesday.
(A: It’s quite a good article, you know, they try
to make it as light as possible, [Alan chuckles.] believe it or not, as they sink a
country. Again, you had the Cayman
Islands involved for tax-free havens, and billions of dollars. And not just,
you know, a lot of it’s given to these countries, you understand, for
development banks through the World Bank and the United Nations, etc. The
racketeering is phenomenal, it really is.)
(A: As I said at the beginning, WE ARE the business, the public are the
business. That’s where the money comes from.
For everything. And when there’s tax money involved from different
countries and handouts and so on and we’re put down as guarantors, they’ll
plunder and plunder and plunder, folks. International crime. And it says here…)
News reports claim Goldman’s former chief executive, now chairman, Lloyd Blankfein, held initial meetings with Low. While Solomon did not directly address those reports, he said the bank was sceptical of Low’s dealings.
And also, I’ve got another article on the same thing, a couple at least.
Goldman Sachs plans to cut bonuses
Goldman Sachs plan to cut their bonuses…
Oh dear. You know, these multimillion-dollar bonuses at the end of the year
that they get on top of all their massive paycheck.
Goldman Sachs plans to cut bonuses as 1MDB scandal deepens
theguardian.com / 8 Feb 2019
(A: Isn’t that a shame, hey, isn’t that a shame. How will they survive, these poor guys, like that, ‘eh?)
Goldman Sachs’s decision to potentially cut bonuses for top executives over the 1MDB scandal reflects an acknowledgement of shareholder and public outrage over the debacle.
(A: Because this is fairly common this kind of thing. And it says
In Blankfein’s case, the bonus began at $7m (A: Not a bad bonus, ‘eh? Good work if you can get it.) and nearly doubled, according to US securities documents.
Beyond the bonuses, Goldman also said it could claw back compensation from the current chief executive, David Solomon, and two other current senior executives, president John Waldron and chief financial officer Stephen Scherr.
Solomon was paid
$23m last year, (A: How on earth is a guy going to manage, ‘eh,
how will he get away without his bonus.) including $15.4m in stock
options. (A: Tt, dear poor fellow. Iy, the weight of
the world on your shoulders, that’s what you have when you read these articles,
1Malaysia Development Berhad - en.wikipedia.org
1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal - en.wikipedia.org
But that’s
what you live in. That’s the system that you’re into today. Isn’t it? And it’s
getting worse and worse as greed-is-good is the national policy of indoctrination
throughout society, from the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom,
winners and losers.
Another one
too in Britain, right. Have you ever,
ever seen, have you ever seen in any country, ever seen the real cost of any
project that’s estimated by governments, even local governments, have you ever
seen it fulfilled? Always quadruples at least, or more. You know that. Once they put it in and say,
well, because there’s no intention of doing it for that particular
amount of money, once they start it, well
we’ve worked on it for a whole year and we already put, you know, 20 million
into it, so I mean, you know, we can’t very well… So the government is, oh well we have no option but to put more
into it, ya-da. This is the
racketeering that goes on. And there’s no checkups, real checkups where all
this money goes. You know that. You really do know. I hope you understand it. Here’s the Defense Secretary in Britain…
Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson 'lands taxpayers (A: …that’s a bad headline.) with a £300million bill ' because he objects to his VIP (A: …very important person.) parking space at Parliament being used for building work on the £5billion restoration - but is he really trying to protect a nuclear bunker? - dailymail.co.uk / 9 Feb 2019
(A: Well, they’re building a
nuclear bunker, it’s another one. There’s already one there for Parliament to
scuttle into with their ill-gotten gains if a nuclear war starts. They have
them all through London for important people and royalty too and so on. But
it’s all the taxpayers’ money, naturally. Isn’t that wonderful, they all hope
to survive there for many, many years, through anything that might happen,
living on your tax money. But you’ll all be kicked out and… I even read the
article years ago, because it was signed when Maggie Thatcher [Alan chuckles.]
was in, and they would have special forces surrounding the entrances to these particular places to stop the public trying to get in, the
folk who paid for it all. Again, that’s what equality is in this democracy,
isn’t it? And people think democracy is
all about different groups with special particular little
idiosyncrasies getting the right of this and the right to that. They have no
idea what [Alan chuckles.] they’re losing along the way, for everybody. So
anyway, it says that…)
The restoration, which is being studied by the joint committee on the draft Parliamentary Buildings Bill, follows warnings that the Palace of Westminster is becoming a ‘death trap’ beset by falling masonry, leaking pipes and lethal electrics.
Equipping the new building with a chamber and offices would require extensive work,
(A: …etc, etc. So this is why it’s going to cost, you know, £300 million pounds or something. But actually, it’s where Pindar, that’s the name of the underground, three-story, at least, that they admit to, shelter is for all these people, even with kindergartens and stuff and schools, you name it. For the proper people, you understand. And it says…)
How nuclear bunker known as Pindar is connected to Downing Street by a where Britain’s future would be decided in the event of a catastrophe or conflict.
(A: These are the characters who allow things to happen. [Alan laughing.] And for nuclear war sort of thing, they’re going to try and save themselves, ‘eh, and you all perish. M-hm. Well, there you go. They’ve got secret tunnels, it says, that can exit from Downing Street to this particular underground place. Quite something isn’t it, though, ‘eh. Isn’t it something, really.)
And the general public, as we lose, as I say, to try to get back on
the initial topic that was vaguely in my mind at the time, are losing so much
to do on the spiritual side of everything.
Most folk, you go into anything to do with what you’ll call modern New
Age type religions, want power, to affect other things, you see. They don’t
want to work on themselves so much, but they want power by simply learning
different little rituals, whatever it happens to be, to conjure up and get
power for themselves to manipulate those around them for their own, so that
they themselves can benefit from people, etc., or whatever it happens to be. Very old, as you know. In ancient times it
used to be just love potions to turn a guy’s head, whatever it happened to be. That was long before they created the
miniskirt. It goes on and on and on with
power power power. Where really, the spiritual side of
thing was about improving yourself and changing yourself. Really, that’s
what it was about.
Everyone’s got the great equalizer eventually, which is death in
itself, isn’t it, you end up dead. Whether
it’s in the grave or you go up in a pile of flames and gas, it’s all the same,
you end up dead, whether you like it or not, in the physical world. Most folk want to come back into this world, if
they’re very rich and wealthy and they love life, like the ones who rule the
world, they want to live forever. If
they could simply clone a body, a brand-new body and download the engrams from
their brain, their whole memories, everything, and take it over, they’d be very
happy. They’re actually working on all that. Because they really do, they don’t have the same,
oh my God I’m getting worn out with
working and I’m worn out with my joints because of working, or whatever it
happens to be. They don’t get that
because they get incredibly high medical care, the real stuff.
There are three levels of medicine, they’re at the
top level. Not at the professorship downwards, that’s the
bottom level. And
that’s why they live so long at the moment. And
because they do love life, and they’ve never had a care in the world, and they
have servants that deal with all the management and their land managements and
their domestic management and everything else for them, they don’t even know
when the car’s being serviced, it’s all being done for them. And these are petty things, not to distract them from what they’re really into,
you see. And they do want to live forever.
It’s the opposite, interestingly, of really what
religion at one time was about.
Now, religion too has been abused all down through the ages, on and
off. You’ll always get bad, you know, segments and bad people in charge of
things. You’ll always get it. It
doesn’t matter, anything that starts off even with the best intentions over time will become corrupt when money
enters into it, and a good lifestyle enters into it.
It’s very much like the Franciscan society, as
an example. St. Francis, his idea was that they would serve humanity for
nothing. The monasteries grew the food and all the rest of it, the monks would
go out and help the poor and feed them and so on. That’s how they started. Then
he went off to do his rounds to other places and travel and came back, and he
was so disgusted how fat, no kidding
you, the monks had become. Because so much money was being donated to them by
people, by rich widows generally whose husbands died of either wars or
whatever, or just old age, and they would leave their money to them, and they were getting rich. And fat. And they weren’t going out to help
the poor anymore. So he literally turned
his back on it, on some of the orders that he’d started,
on some of the monasteries he started. He wasn’t the only one.
But that’s always human nature. Because we’re in a world, a physical
world, a hard physical world, aren’t
we? You can’t deny it. Some climates are
easy to get on with than others and live in, but it’s pretty
harsh for most places. And, survival in a
moneyed system doesn’t have much time for people who are either sick or getting
older and can’t do the hard hard work, just to scratch the dirt even, in a
system where they don’t have the welfare state, etc., etc., etc. And that’s the dilemma folk are in, always, how
to survive and get along and just survive, basic survival, and at the same time
keep your humanity and your link to something greater than yourself.
Without it, you truly are in… the worst horrors in the world have
been committed under socialism, the atheistic system. The worst horrors.
National Socialism was a Nazi thing that they tried and that was carefully studied by the Royal Institute
of International Affairs because they were awfully interested in maybe using
this across the world. It hasn’t disappeared, that technique. Forget Germany, it
was meant to be international. And so they used the international communism, Soviet system, the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics. Horror, I’m
telling you, horror is where it goes when there’s nothing else. Because natural
human decency goes down the tubes because there’s nothing to hold it there,
something bigger than yourselves. And I don’t mean government. And that’s so sad, isn’t it. So sad.
And horror will come when they collapse everything again. Because it
will come. Because the system they, and
they keep repeating… They’ve got so many books put out by the big members in
society, the big members of all these big organizations that help to rule us
all, about the future and even the size of the population they’d like on the
planet. Now, they’re not giving you some fantasy that they have. They’re giving
you how it’s going to be. And
they will drive you into it, painlessly, with your own cooperation. Just as Aldous Huxley talked about, a kind of
painless concentration camp, he
said, where you’ll love your servitude. And along with your servitude you’ll say, oh well, my life isn’t that important, I’ve
had my… That was what the whole Brave New World was about, once your
time was up you could get euthanized, painlessly, with the right drugs and so
on, happy drugs. That wasn’t, oh, that
wasn’t imagined. He talked about how it was going to be, Brave New World Revisited. He mixed with all the top world rulers
of the day who helped plan all this stuff. They planned the next 100-200 years.
Many committees, that still exist today, and foundations.
Anyway, it’s not, I’m not… You see, here’s the thing too. I’m not
bitching about things. I’m beyond all that. But you have to
point out to others, who literally might save themselves a lot of misery by
falling into so many traps that’s going to be presented to you. And it’s
possible you might find others with a like mind who will also have a wary eye
on the happenings of their time that they live through and find out the real
reasons for it. As opposed to, just be happy, don’t look at anything
important, and, oh, that’s heavy man,
as they used to say. But they might help themselves because a lot of folk do,
as I say, become self-destructive knowing things are just plain wrong. And they
find that there’s no purpose anymore. The old purposes were often thrust upon you but they were natural purposes, families were natural.
But they were being destroyed before I was born, very, very intensely so. And it’s
affected everybody. Everybody’s been affected by it. No one escaped.
The massive propaganda through movies and fiction of what you should have and what you could have, all these temptations. It
wasn’t just glass beads, folks, was it? But it’s an interesting technique, it
works awfully well. And they’re turning to all the different drugs, hey, as
your elite members of society have decided to make it the painless
concentration camp, as you go down the tubes and give up all your rights and
freedoms. Quite happily along the way, you’ve
got more drugs than ever dished out across the planet, at the same time, the
same drugs, isn’t it? Your Soma, it’s everywhere.
Opioid strong enough to sedate elephants on rise in Ohio, coroners warn
theguardian.com / 9 Feb 2019
Carfentanil (A: …is one of them…), described as ‘extremely potent’ and often undetectable, involved in multiple overdose deaths
(A: This article I could
exchange for British Columbia, Canada, and countries across the planet, at the
same time, they’re ALL doing the same things at the same time. What’s
interesting too is when you see the breakdown of the age groups and the genders,
mainly men, and it’s often men in their 30s and 40s
who are killing themselves with these overdoses. But it says here, this is in
Ohio, right…)
Drug overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the United States last year (A: Right. Now that was ‘registered’ as overdoses, right. It doesn’t include all the deaths by cars, as overdosed and then crash the cars into things and things like that. This is just straight overdoses.) – a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The CDC estimates that 72,287 people died from overdoses in 2017, an increase of about 10% from the year before. A majority of the deaths – nearly 49,000 – was caused by opioids, according to the new data.
And then you find, there’s so many articles about the same kind of
problem, in British Columbia…
Nearly 1,500 died of illicit overdoses last year in B.C.
ctvnews.ca / 7 Feb 2019
(A: This is at the same time as
they are pushing legalizing drugs, ‘eh.
And don’t forget, it’s all been declared in Canada that legalizing
marijuana and cannabis is basically the first step in legalizing ALL these
drugs. But the rulers, and believe you me,
Canada‘s got rulers, that you don’t vote for, that
don’t even live in Canada. The same as every other country. Because it all
happens across the world at the same time.)
VICTORIA -- More people fatally overdosed in British Columbia last year compared with 2017 despite efforts to combat the province's public health emergency, the coroner says.
So again,
they go into the different, again, it’s mainly fentanyl but there’s many
others, there’s crystal meth and all the rest of it too. There’s over $1
billion by the way of ice, the particular drug that
they’re using now, I think $1.5 billion worth was caught, made in the US and
meant to be exported to Australia. That’s how big the money is now, these kinds
of drugs, hey.
But the
public, I just hope as I say, enough folk who really are asking questions,
getting depressed about society and trying to find purpose, maybe they will
hear my talks occasionally and find that there’s other reasons to keep alive,
and you don’t need to kill off your brain cells with booze, with alcohol and drugs
to try and quieten it down. There’s other ways to do
it. The more you
learn, you’d be surprised how much it helps you cope with getting through this very corrupt system, this well
controlled system that we’re living in.
But that’s the answer to everything today now, drugs drugs,
drugs, and your governments are legalizing it all. Quite something, hey.
Also with
big businesses and banks, and corporations helping, helping to run the world,
with the foundations, on behalf of the international bankers, and on behalf of
the very, very top dominant minority. That’s
what they call themselves, dominant minority, Aldous Huxley called them that
too. They’re doing awfully, they’re
really, the taxpayer funds everything. I’ve mentioned before about the big
factories that are set up in their countries, and your countries bribe other
countries businesses to come into your country, they bribe them, using your tax
money. Standard practice. If you did that you’d be in a jail for it. But your governments do it.
Nissan was offered secret state aid to cope with Brexit,
minister concedes
theguardian.com / 4 Feb 2019
(A: Brexit, the British exit.)
Business secretary vowed to maintain manufacturers’ capacity to trade with EU.
Well, listen. It’s quite simple. If they won’t put a
factory in your country and pay for all the infrastructure to build the place
themselves with the massive profits they’ve got, then pass a law so you don’t,
so they can’t bring cars in and to try to sell them in your country. That’s how you deal with that, folks. You
don’t build their factories for them, bring in the electricity, bring in the
septic systems, bring in the plumbing systems and the roads for them. But there’s kickbacks all over the place,
isn’t there? That’s how it’s done. And that’s the system we’re taught is
normal, for those above, above the normal, ha ha, arm
of the law, I suppose. Isn’t that something, though, ‘eh. Isn’t that something.
But as I
say, that’s really all I have time for unfortunately. This week’s been hectic. Even today was hectic. Because it’s going to snow Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday I think again, and I already had layers of snow, with ice on top of
each layer like a sandwich, and the weight was incredible on the roof. On one
side there still is, so I’ve got to get up there as soon as this talk is done
and get back at it. Because as I say, this is a very severe prolonged winter
and it’s only February and it can snow here up into March and April, quite
easily. And it’s true enough, it’s becoming longer and longer as… as global warming is the advance guard, because
they picked the loser, they should’ve picked global cooling actually.
Because it’s
got nothing to do with facts, the whole agenda has got nothing to do with
facts. It’s simply an excuse for eugenics to depopulate and rule your lives
from beginning to end, including consumption too. It’s quite easy to phase folk
out of what they’ve been used too, they can do it just as easily over a few
years. And with the right drugs and all the rest of it, and folk will comply go
along with it, until within 15 years, 20 years, it will be the normal. I’ve
seen this kind of thing happen through my life and in quite a few different
areas. The
techniques of behaviorism and neuroscience all coupled together with
propaganda, their nudge units, your behavior management teams, your BIT units
they call them, working internationally, I’ve done the shows on them too, are
responsible for most of your thoughts and opinions, and to nudge you into
feeling bad about having the wrong opinions. And they decide who decides what’s wrong in a free society.
As always,
you can go on and on and on. But as I say, I’m not a prophet of doom. I’m just mentioning that it’s good to be
cautious and to think once in a while. For those who
want to. Most, and there’s a lot of folk who don’t want to think, they really
don’t. I know that. It’s always a shock when you’re growing up and you find out
that, when conversations start with people your own age, even when you’re 10,
11, 12 and so on, it’s always a bit of a shock to find out that so many of the
topics you would bring up they’d never even thought about or questioned. So, people
are different, absolutely.
And for
those who do question and you don’t want to simply
become rich and screw the rest of society, then I hope you’ll find a lot to
talk about, and think about, from all the talks I’ve given you, thousands of
talks over the years. And I know for
a fact that people who do get in touch with me generally have good comments.
And that’s all it is, you don’t have to agree with everything I say. I don’t
have to agree with everything you say in reply. But there’s no need to fight
over it either for that matter. Because we’re living in such an intolerance
society today, under the guise of tolerance it’s become completely intolerant
of any other opinions except from the ones who are at the very top pushing it
all. Because they are given authorization from the masters of the planet to do
so. And that’s why it’s happening.
For myself,
Alan Watt from a very cold and icy and snowy Ontario, Canada, it’s good night
and may your God or your gods go with you.
Topics of show covered in following links:
Hayne's findings won't be a shock; the banking scandals were decades in
the making
mobile.abc.net.au / 4 Feb 2019
Cold calling customers to flog insurance and superannuation deals will
be BANNED as part of crackdown on greedy banks
dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
How the biggest shake-up in Australian banking history will affect YOU
dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
Big banks accused of ripping off customers may not face court for a
DECADE despite the royal commission recommending criminal charge
dailymail.co.uk / 4 Feb 2019
Goldman chief says sorry over ex-banker's role in 1MDB scandal
theguardian.com / 16 Jan 2019
Goldman Sachs plans to cut bonuses as 1MDB scandal deepens
theguardian.com / 8 Feb 2019
1Malaysia Development Berhad
1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal
Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson 'lands taxpayers with a £300million
bill' because he objects to his VIP parking space at Parliament being used for
building work on the £5billion restoration - but is he really trying to protect
a nuclear bunker?
dailymail.co.uk / 9 Feb 2019
Nissan was offered secret state aid to cope with Brexit, minister
theguardian.com / 4 Feb 2019
Sudbury officer found guilty of discreditable conduct
thesudburystar.com / 6 Feb 2019
Sudbury experiences two earthquakes in less than 48 hours
thesudburystar.com / 8 Feb 2019
Nearly 1,500 died of illicit overdoses last year in B.C.
ctvnews.ca / 7 Feb 2019
Opioid strong enough to sedate elephants on rise in Ohio, coroners warn
theguardian.com / 9 Feb 2019
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