June 16, 2007




Tamurile:  I’m happy to announce to all of our listeners that we have the pleasure of welcoming Alan Watt back.  We had some technical difficulties, which remain a mystery, but we took that instead of an obstacle, we took it as an opportunity, and this brought Alan back to us.   The lost 15 minutes will be compensated with a full additional hour.  I’m happy to say we took a negative and converted it to a positive with Alan’s good graces; and I welcome you back, Alan.


Alan:  It’s a pleasure to be back.


Tamurile:  The pleasure is ours, as well, so it’s really good when it’s mutual.  I would like to start again because you have your own podcast, you have your own information outlet and I’m not about to usurp that.   My objective with our continuing dialogue is to get a little bit more of the man behind the message.   When we were rudely cut off in the first attempt at continuing our dialogue, we had left off with you talking about going into the short wave radio.  Can you give us a little bit more of chronology so that we can take it from there to where you’re at now?  Also, include please, you had embarked on a musical career and I have heard your music and it is absolutely wonderful.  Can you address that a little bit in terms of what made you leap from music and what you were doing in that to delve into this?


Alan:  Yes, music was something I was always involved in from an early time.  In fact, I got into it so easily that it did not seem like work to me, to be honest with you.  It was so enjoyable and easy to me the way it came, that even when you were doing it and earning the money, it just seemed like you were not working. 


Initially I studied other things and so on, and I have a few things to put on the wall if I ever wanted to, not that I have even bothered.  Eventually in my career, I traveled across most of the world. I noticed the changes that were happening from Britain and laws being passed, and then going into other countries, maybe the following week, to hear the same things on the news in those countries, which made me realize that the same laws are being passed across the whole of Europe at the same time.  However, no country thinks that any other country is doing it.  They think they’re all independent because the newscasters never mention the fact that these are European laws that are being passed in all countries.   It was easy to see that there’s a form of an equalization process in the legal system going on at that time.  It was also happening with the economic system, of course; and they’re telling the public all the time that it was just to do with trade and commerce.   Every student of economics knows that the laws of a country, all laws of a country, all the criminal law revolve around your economic system; so you can’t sort-of or kind-of integrate an economic system and retain your sovereignty.  That was obvious.  I knew they were being lied to.  Then I got to talk…because after big shows or concerts, I did all kinds of music, because I also wrote music and sold a lot of music.   I could do from folk, to rock, to whatever and even classical occasionally, on my own, in large concert halls.  Sometimes you get asked back to politicians’ homes in other countries after shows.  They’d often say little things to you as they sort of looked at you and almost analyzed you, and they’d feel you out.  It wasn’t until afterwards, of course, that these little things would come back to you, like ‘what did this person actually say to me?’  One of them in Norway was a woman up in the parliamentary system there.  She’s now at the United Nations.


Tamurile:  No surprise there, I’m sure.


Alan:  Yeah, and I remember her saying some odd things about some reality to do with culture, because I was in that business, it’s culture creation.  Most people don’t think of it as that, but it is what it is.  I already knew, of course, by meeting different managers and arrangers and people that there was a tiered system within the music system of what they wanted from the top.  They even put on a rumor mill where they made suggestions at the top for formats of songs that were likely to be wanted in the near future.  Little politically correct things would be inserted and come down to the writers.  Therefore, you knew there was a political agenda at work as well.  Sometimes you get around it depending on how carefully you phrase the words in a song.  Most of musicians go along with it.  Much of the music is rewritten in the studio by professionals.  Then the bands are made to be hits or stars, because the elite have decided that’s what they want pushed. However, she was talking about this, this politician, and she mentioned the fact that most people don’t know that they haven’t had any sovereignty since the United Nations charter was signed at the end of WWII; and that the person who inherited it, there was a parallel government at work which was not elected by the people.  These things are floated through me.  I gathered them as I went along, hearing other people say the same things in powerful positions.


Tamurile:  Now was she sharing this with you in order to determine whether you could be manipulated? 


Alan:  I’ve had this often.  I mean even when I had scholarships given to me, and people would come up from the Ivy League colleges or universities from London.  Not just once either, no, they kept coming and kept to trying to convince you to come along.   I knew by they really did analyze you.  It wasn’t just a conversation.  They were feeling you out to see where you’re ... See, most people, here’s the thing, I don’t think people understand this—and it’s what made me delve into the whole area of the psychopathic personalities who generally dominate history through violence, force, and cunning, primarily because they are willing to use violence or get others to use it for them.  In this kind of system, that’s what conquers.  That’s what generally wins in a commercial, monetary, ‘winners and losers’ type system.   What happens is that the higher the intellect in most people, not all, but in most people, it’s almost like they lose or they don’t have that little part—they’re more psychopathic, they lose compassion or they don’t have that little part of the brain working which gives them compassion.


Tamurile:  Missing a chromosome.


Alan:  Yeah, and that’s very true.  See, most have it, but not all have it. There are some good people out there, but very few. Even the ones who have that compassion or empathy, once they’re in the Ivy League system and being groomed for higher positions, they’re afraid like everyone else is in the system of poverty, loneliness, bad health, and no money.  Therefore, they get a payoff and status in the society, which guarantees them a fairly easy living; and they’re reluctant.  Even when they know what they’re doing is wrong for the people in high bureaucracies, they will still go along with it.   I gathered all of this down through the years.  It’s the same thing in all culture creation.  Culture creation was mentioned in the days of Plato, by Plato.  That it doesn’t come along spontaneously. The dominant minority in every era, the same term that Aldous Huxley used in his speech at Berkeley, the dominant minority always exists.  Often they are very quiet behind the scenes, but they have a total grasp on everything because they hire underlings to keep the pulse of the public, take the pulse all the time. 


Therefore, any change that came from the grass roots that was not planned by them or authorized could have unforeseen consequences on the power structure.  Therefore, they implemented culture changes from the top on down. That was the old, old agenda.  Many of these, strange in all the years, all times and periods, you’ve had secret societies in one form or another or fraternities where people swear allegiance to each other, to uphold each other, stand for each other, and, if necessary, lie for each other in court as they still do today in Freemasonry.  They all swear to lie if need be to save a brother.  That’s how they pick the ones they can use and push up the ranks. There’s no doubt about it, a lot of the people at the bottom who do believe initially that it’s a charitable organization, a self-improvement type thing, they become the front cover unwittingly, most of them.  Those who are psychopathic get picked out and put further up the ladder, because they are tested and tested and tested to see if they can keep a secret. 


Tamurile:  It’s almost like a selective survival of the sickest?


Alan:  Yes, it is, and little payoffs come along, along the way.  Because behind all the charitable things, once you go up, you find out that one scam on top of another scam where all the money and benefits come form the public purse.  That’s where it all comes from.  They get into the big honey jar of the public purse is what they’ll do, ultimately.  They’ve been tried and tested to see if they can keep these secrets; and that’s why they’re selected.  They really are tested along the way, because they’ll take certain gifts, or some people would call it bribes, they’re now blackmailable, should they change their minds.  However most of them, even at the Ivy League level, where they’re often initiated, hand-picked, know that they will open themselves to blackmail if need be and they’re quite content with that situation, because to the psychopath that’s a natural thing.  They would blackmail if they had to too, so they understand that.


Tamurile:  And given now that they try to attract you with honey and you didn’t bite, I think that there were a few of my listeners who were asking about how you would be able to broadcast this information without any threat and without any potential harm coming to you.  If you’d like to share a couple of anecdotes, I know you’ve had specific incidents occurring where that indeed did happen to you.


Alan:  Oh yeah, I almost had my last place burnt down.  I had both of the flexible brake lines on the front of my car cut.  Luckily, I didn’t have far to go.   I just went backwards down the driveway and went in the ditch; and, of course, I had different agencies watch me.  One of them watched me with night vision one night when I was walking the dog.  A green light, a luminescent light was reflecting off his face.  That’s how I spotted him.  He didn’t have them up to his eyes.  I set the dog loose on him and he chased him and he ran into the swamp, which I knew was there—so I left him there.   Then I had my phone line, it started to go at half volume.  I opened up the box outside to see if it needed to be cleaned.  This little chip was wired into the circuit.  You could see it was a semi-transparent chip wired into that circuit right there, so I just cut it out.  You get all these things. 


What you have really in this system, which is like a pyramid, it truly is under total control, pretty well total control.   You have different agencies, a myriad of agencies, and each using different levels of science down to agencies at the bottom that use standard old fashioned stuff, which they think is the latest. They overlap each other.  Meanwhile the ones at the top keep silent.  They are the ones who’ve always tapped phones, long before 9/11 came along, without warrants and so on.  That’s the real world.  That’s how the real world has always been since we were given the telephone.  You have one system for the public to believe in. That’s what this woman, this politician, was referring to.  That is the matrix.  That’s why I use the matrix in my talks, because that’s the matrix that we’re all conditioned into believing is natural and real.  It’s like Jack C. Lowell said, and he was a top sociologist who eventually worked for the United Nations.  Jack C. Lowell said, “The public never know what’s really going on”.  They’re given their reality from the news and they believe it.  They truly believe they are on the cutting edge of all information.  The same guy, Jack C. Lowell said “The western society are completely unaware that every individual from the city to the smallest village to the isolated rural area, every individual has had personality profiles made on them since 1952”—that was before the public cared about computers or anything.  He said this information has been gathered in such a way that the public must never be told how the data is collected. 


We’ve always been under…You see it’s like the Reese Commission, I don’t know if you’ve heard about Norman Dodd, who was sent by US Congress to investigate the big, charitable foundations like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford and so on.  This guy was just a typical example of a guy who believed in all of his own indoctrination from school up.  He talked to the guy in charge of Ford Foundation, because the Congress had wanted to know why these big foundations, these charitable foundations that were tax-exempt and dishing out millions and millions of dollars every year, were funding what seemed to be left-wing organizations.  They guy at Ford told him, and I’ve got it on tape, and he said, “You don’t understand.  Everybody here at this foundation is an ex-OSS member.” That’s the precursor of the CIA, and is also staffed by people that are ex-CIA.  Then he said “We take our orders directly from the White House”.   That ties in with what Professor Carroll Quigley talks about in “Tragedy & Hope” and “The Anglo-American Establishment”, where Quigley said “For 50 years or more there’s been a parallel government with its own agenda which gets things done in society.”  They realized a long time ago that with the conflicting party system and the arguing and debating and the egotism that goes on, they couldn’t get things done fast enough.  Therefore, they have this sort-of private organization powering it, which would then go ahead and make the big moves; but it also funds culture and the rest of it.


Tamurile:  They always say the pen is mightier than the sword.  I was in the film business for 16 years attempting to try to change the system, all single-handedly.  How’s that for naïve? My son is completely obsessed with music, so what you did before is certainly near and dear to my heart on a personal basis, because I would really like to tap into your wisdom on what I could possibly recommend to him, since music is his passion.  I really don’t know how to advise him effectively.  Nor do I want to burst his bubble prematurely and say ‘Unless you want to play the game and act as a puppet on behalf of an agenda by people you’ll never meet, you better just play your guitar for yourself and never take it any further than that’. 


Alan:  Yeah, it’s true.  No-one bursts out as a star unless they make you a star.


Tamurile:  Oh yeah, this I’ve seen on more than one occasion working within the Hollywood machine.  Definitely.


Alan:   This all started in Britain; and even yet, today the big foundations all go back, through the White House even, back to London.  It was at London they formed the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which was to bring in a League of Nations, which then was to bring in a global government system, a standardized world of efficiency.  The Council on Foreign Relations is just the American branch.  You’ll find most of these characters who run the big foundations are members of the CFR in the US, and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs in Canada, for instance. 


Tamurile:  So geographically speaking, London would basically be what would constitute head office?


Alan:  Yes, it’s the main office.  In fact, their office at the Royal Institute of International Affairs became the MI5 headquarters during WWII.  It was one in the same thing because the guys were all working in the same company.  They work in both. 


Tamurile:  Tell me Alan, going back a little further, as far as say the French Revolution and Russian Revolution.  Were those also set up not by the serfs who were attempting to knock a few monarchs’ heads off, was this also something that was orchestrated?


Alan:  Yes, it was orchestrated, because we know the history.  I read all the old books written before, during, and after to do with these revolutions…


Tamurile:  Yeah, I’m not about to trust, which is probably why I had a resistance to history.  It all sounded bogus to me when I was expected to memorize and regurgitate it, so it was definitely not my best subject.  Could you share with the audience what your version how these revolutions came about?  Certainly any type of these massive uprisings wouldn’t be allowed. 


Alan:  They wouldn’t be allowed, and not only that. The elite are never stupid. They don’t wait for something to happen.  They always have spies out.  It’s traditional that London had over 1,500 spies working for the crown, just working in the city in London on a full time basis, just going around the bars and coffee shops listening to gossip; because that’s keeping pulse on the public, what their chat is, what they’re talking about, what their topics are.  Also, even then, in the 1800’s, the elite were inserting pieces in newspapers to keep the people debating and talking; and then they’d go round to bars to see if that was working and they were taking sides.  They gave us our thoughts then and they still do today (and our topics).  The French Revolution followed the United States Revolution.  The United States Revolution was the first openly Masonic revolution in history, openly.  The used all of the symbols of Freemasonry, prior to them building up and through the revolution itself.  Even some of the tokens they used during the revolution, most of the tokens had the pyramids on them, the great seal, long before it was put on the dollar bill in the 1930’s. 


Tamurile:  Was that just to stake their claim on that territory?


Alan:  It was, what they claimed was a New Ordo Seclorum, which was a new secular, or you could say worldly, it’s up to yourself, secular order.  In other words, what Thomas Jefferson said in his diary, he said, “we shall make the natural aristocracy rule the country”; and by “natural aristocracy”, they were talking about the high intelligentsia.


Tamurile:  Were they actually anti-monarchists?


Alan:  Not totally, no.  There was a schism there.  Even the Founding Fathers, some of them wrote about the myths that they had created to get the war going.  Franklin himself said that it’s a myth that the taxation was the cause of the war, that Britain wanted to tax them.  He said “who cares whether I’m spending a couple of pennies on tea every year?” That was a myth they kept going to get it all going.  In fact, they used, as always, young men to stand up at Lexington and kick it off.  It was just to get the ball rolling.  However, they had taken almost 30 years to prepare for it.  It was not spontaneous.  It was the first time in history they themselves called it a ‘great experiment’, a form of government.  It was followed by a similar type, but went a step further, which was the French Revolution.  Then we find in the old books written at the time from England, by some of the aristocrats, that the Soviet or Russian Revolution was the second ‘great experiment’.  Then you had followed up by Time-Life “Man of the Year,” twice in the 1930’s, Adolph Hitler.  The aristocracy, just like the Soviet Union, they’ve gone over from London, and visiting, and watching, and observing because this was another experiment.  They had chosen long ago that a form of collectivism would be the best and easiest way to govern the people by a small, aristocratic elite. 


Therefore, what you have today is the coming together of what, they claim, are the better parts governing the people, a Fascist new system of international corporations.  Carroll Quigley, in his book, called it the “new feudal system”, where the feudal overlords will be the CEOs of international corporations.  He was all for it. 


Tamurile:  In your previous podcast you were talking about many movers and shakers today in the film and television arena were present at these meetings, where this type of agenda was being organized and planned out.  People like Gene Roddenberry and members of that ilk.  Could you elaborate on that?  A lot of people simply don’t look at their entertainment as a means of programming them. 


Alan:  Yes, Tavistock Institute in London was the base for the world’s psychology; and the changes too, come from them.  They experimented in areas where, today, you would begin to become horrified, not that the lesser laboratories aren’t using the same techniques.  Tavistock was using wires on peoples’ brains back in the 1900’s.  Alfred Huxley was part of that.  He went there often, he was a member.  He observed it and he thought it was just great. 


Tamurile:  He was indeed an author as well. 


Alan:  Yes, he was descended from the Thomas Huxley, who championed Darwinian theories.  He was a best pal of Darwin.  That’s another part of the story of selective breeding.  People don’t realize that Darwin himself was one of quite a few families at that time that were selectively picking their mates.  Charles Darwin’s grandfather married only from the Wedgwood family, the big pottery company.  His father married a Wedgwood, he married a Wedgwood, and when his wife died, he married his mother’s sister. 


Tamurile:  “All in the family.”


Alan:  This has been going on, this selective breeding.  His grandfather had written the actual “Origin of the Species” before he did himself.  That was the first proclamation of a hidden religion, in fact, that had been here and traced back for thousands of years.  Nothing happens by chance.   I can remember watching a panel of people in London.  These were middle aged people, had the Ivy League education, they all wore tweeds, male and female.  Sitting right up at the table were about twenty of them and they were deciding who were going to be number 1, 2, 3, and 4, right down in the charts for the coming month.  Now most people think (it’s propaganda to the public) that those who sell the most records and albums will get number 1, 2, and 3, and that’s how it works, but it doesn’t.  Panels of very much older people decide which ones are going to push and make it.  The public, you see, buy what they believe are the winners.  That’s how easy it is.  As long as you say they’re popular, they’re the best, youngsters who want to fit in with their peer group are afraid to be left out, so they’ll all start pirating the same thing, saying “so and so is great”, “this guy is great.”  This works very well, but they’re actually chosen long before and it has nothing to do with sales, because that’s been guiding the type of culture that the want. 


Tamurile:  That indeed was the case with The Beatles, was it not?


Alan:  Yeah, with The Beatles too, they gave them a cover background.  A few flashes of them supposedly in Germany, and suddenly you call it a rhythm and blues type band with the basic three-chord stuff, and they’re just churning out hit after hit after hit.  Literally, they were getting a hit every week at one point.  Most groups who sign contracts are lucky to get two albums out in a year.  That’s part of what I did at one point, was to go in when they hadn’t fulfilled, or they couldn’t fulfill, their obligation to churn out another album.  I’d write the stuff and lay down the tracks for them, and get paid and walk away and leave it to them.  It’s nothing that the people think it is.  I’ve seen some of the top producers come down to the studios as well and literally alter or demand this be changed, that be changed, certain formats be pushed—because it’s a culture guidance and alteration technique.  I wasn’t until years later that I found out that the top think tank, part of the destruction of a culture in order to rebuild it, is the creation of nihilism and apathy.  Especially during the time I was going through it.


Tamurile:  Oh, it’s rampant now as well.  I can assure you from what I’ve seen, indeed.


Alan:  I can remember when they really started cranking up the volume of the guitarist and so on over the voice, and so you couldn’t really hear the words too well.  I wondered why this was so? —It was for the segregation of the generations.  The parents wouldn’t think about trying to find out what the words were.  At the same time, they started to print the words inside the albums or the cassettes for the youngsters to read, and these parents had no idea what these bands and groups were all about. 


Tamurile:  Now the way that they’re getting around that, based on the music that my son is listening to, again by virtue of peer pressure but he has a much more eclectic taste.  Nonetheless, the stuff that’s quite popular now, you don’t have to worry about the volume of the vocals, because they’re screaming.  It’s not singing, it’s screaming.  You can’t make out the words because it’s so loud.  I don’t even think the guy who’s singing the words can hear what they are. 


Alan:  Yes, that’s a fact; and again the parents never know and they don’t think to check. 


Tamurile:  It’s unbearable if you can’t even stick around long enough to listen to it, to be able to figure out what the words are. 


Alan:  Yes, that’s right; and yet the top think tanks again, for cultural change, must demolish the old to create the new.  What they were doing was creating literally a stage of apathy and nihilism and helplessness amongst the young.


Tamurile:  Yeah, I’m seeing that amongst Richard’s generation.  I either see anger or defeat.  There’s this fatalistic, “there is no future, I have no role models, there’s nothing for us to do, there’s nowhere for us to go”.  That’s literally the feedback that I’m getting from the vast majority of them, and it’s breaking my heart. 


Alan:  Yes.  It’s awful, but it’s all around.  It’s in every country too.  It’s the same thing in every country; and again, this is traceable.  It didn’t happen by accident.  Nothing in culture, let out to the public, happens by chance.  Even the art, even the paintings, it’s now declassified information that the CIA from the 50’s onwards, and probably before it, but from the 50’s onward they had a Department of American Culture and they were the ones who led all the cultural changing, including the nihilistic art.  They funded all the major ones.  They funded all the major authors, novelists, and poets from the 50’s on down to today. 


Tamurile:  Rumor has it that Stanley Kubrick was embraced into the fold, but the moment he released “Eyes Wide Shut”, shortly thereafter he mysteriously expired.  According to them it was a heart attack, but…


Alan:  Yeah, he was colluded with Arthur C. Clarke, a high mason with a Masonic agenda, actually, in allegorical form written into the movies 2001 and 2010, and 3001 was his last novel, with their whole agenda in it as what they hoped to bring about.  That was done in the 1960’s; the first movie was done in the 1960’s.  He said there that this new sun would be born in the sky, kicking off in 2001.  9/11 happens in 2001.  That was for the higher ones in the know.  They like their entertainment, their own entertainment.  2010 was to be the completion of the unification of different continents. 


Tamurile:  You had the mass panic of Y2K.  Everyone assuming that because the computers were all, because of the binary code, everything was just going to do a global meltdown as a result. 


Alan:  Yes.  Everything is given to us, even the things we worry about, how we should respond to things that happen in our lifetime.  Culture creation is the most important thing.  If your parents didn’t know that the songs that they danced to and sang were also done by the same people, for different reasons than just entertainment, then they don’t know to tell the child.  If a child is born into a world where an adult does not warn them or tell them about things, they will take it all for granted, thinking it’s natural, it’s a natural evolution; that’s how simple it is.  All mammals look toward an adult of the same kind to warn it and show it what is dangerous to it.  If the adult doesn’t know, the young have no fear.  They think it’s all natural. 


Tamurile:  Of course in this case, ignorance is not bliss.  Do you think the elite scored a big success, at least in my humble opinion, the fact that the family is fragmented and you’ve got this obsession with consumerism that has both parents working, children in day-care, elderly in homes that are visited twice a year for Christmas and Birthdays?  I would say that that was a serious coup, in terms of the cohesion of the family being a means of people feeling assured of that support that you were talking about. 


Alan:  Yes.  Again, when you read the biography of H.G. Wells, H.G. Wells was initiated early as an author.  They did pick certain people with certain abilities.  This was common from the 1700’s, actually, onwards, was to write novels with social problems contained with them and give them solutions that would seem to the average reader to be desirable, never realizing there was another ulterior motive behind it.  We never get what we fight for.  Wells was picked up and trained with a small group in the 1800’s by, again, Thomas Huxley, granddad of Aldous.  They were all given red ties.  Red was the color of revolution, and for High Freemasonry too.  They have red, green, blue, and black and also yellow or gold.  He was picked and trained for his position, along with many others that became very famous at this time.  They wrote these things in fictional form, but also put in predictive programming.  Predictive programming is the Tavistock method of familiarizing you with and idea which does not exist at the present time, so that when it comes along in your lifetime, because you are so familiar, it seems like a natural progression and you don’t really analyze it any further, of all the consequences of this.  Mainly through fiction, they programmed people for what was to come.  That’s been done through cartoons today, all the way through.  It’s a science that Beria talked about.  He was the head of the NKVD of the Soviet Union in the 1930’s that became the KGB.  In the Comintern meeting, internationalist communists meeting at the time, he said, “It used to take us 70 years to alter the culture of a people in a more desirable direction”.  A whole generation took 70 years.  In 1934, he says “now we can do it in 5 years.  We can make major changes through scientific indoctrination by getting the young, about the age of 2 or kindergarten.”  That was the same agenda that, on the supposed other side, you had Lord Bertrand Russell writing in his book, “Roads to Freedom”.  “Education and the Good Life” had the same agenda.   They said, both decided that we must destroy the family unit.  Russell said “we used to think that we’d have to take the children from the parents at birth to sever the ties of contaminated indoctrination from the parents.”  He said, “but now if we can get the child at the age of 2, in kindergarten with specialized indoctrination, when they go home anything the parents say will be negated.  The child won’t even listen.”   They already knew these techniques back then. 


Tamurile:  Oh yeah.  It’s going on its merry way.  The polarization between home and what rules might be set by the parents, versus what the teachers are telling them, with regards to curfews, and mental abuse, and you must report anything that you would consider… the definitions are almost absurd, and I’m not even going to give the time to pursue that.  Even things as ridiculous as curfews suddenly become mental abuse, and you can’t discipline the child whatsoever, so you definitely have the polarization.  The parents’ hands are tied.  The teachers’ hands are tied.  They’re completely at opposite ends of the spectrum.  The kids know full well now they can go around and murder people and not have to answer for it or face the consequences if they’re minors.   This is almost like a rite of passage where if you kill somebody, then you can join this particular group.  This is a way that you can prove you belong.  By resorting to planned homicides before you turn 17. 


Alan:  Yes, and also then the elite themselves that bring all this on.  Again, through culture creation and music and movies and so on, which actually began in the 40’s when they started putting out the gangster movies.  Then the elite turned around and said, “Look at the chaos in society.  None of you can be trusted.  We have to take all your rights away for safety.”  This is an old technique. 


Tamurile:  Between that and now what they call ‘New Age’, which doesn’t seem to be new at all, where everyone is supposed to just hug everyone else and assume that everything is beautiful.  Everyone is handed the rose colored glasses and is programmed to ignore what’s happening right before their eyes. 


Alan:  That’s a fact.  The New Age movement was vastly written about in the 1800’s, because that’s when it really started the big engine rolling.  It took 100 years for it to get fully implemented.  They wrote about it then, what they would do, what the public would think of it, what they would believe and then they also wrote about the real agenda. 


Tamurile:  So you went from minstrel to messenger, and that was a result of encountering all of these highly powerful people and realizing what they were really after, and not being able to produce music for the sake of producing music?


Alan:  That was part of it; and yet, even before that, from a very early age, I was already digging into histories to find out the real reasons for things I couldn’t understand.  Why an empire like Britain had the vast majority of the people, their working class, who rented and who lived just from week to week?  I couldn’t figure that out.  I knew the money was going somewhere.  The wealth was going somewhere.  It was all going to London to the same elites.  I thought, “how come, if literally, we’ve evolved emotionally and we’re not so supposedly primitive as we once were, how come the same elite have no conscience, they haven’t evolved?”  Then I clued into the whole con-game of the reality we’ve been given and that we’re constantly changing.  Again, in declassified information from the CIA, said the Department of Culture for America was working hand-in-glove as the same department as MI5 and 6 in England.  They even sent their agents there to get trained in the culture industry, to harmonize it all across the western world at the same time.  The departments in France and Holland and everywhere else had offices everywhere.  They funded it through the great foundations and blank budgets.  They funded the present culture and the culture from the 50’s onwards into existence; and that’s in the art worlds, all the arts and entertainments, and in the music. 


Tamurile:  I assume that those in the film business, that’s the only area that I know anything about, during the McCarthyism era I’m assuming that those that were blacklisted and ostracized were the ones that refused to fall in line. 


Alan:  That’s right.  In fact, again in the Reese Commission or Committee that investigated the tax free foundations, you find that the head of the Ford Foundation, which is now run by the head of the Rockefeller Foundation, that the head of them told them that they were promoting the culture of the future, in all areas and all countries, for a different kind of world than one that presently existed.  Yes, they really do hold all the reins of power to the things that we think are all normal.  They funded the movies.  They decided what movies they’d make popular, what format they’d have to make popular.  You know, even the gangs of motorcycles, Hells Angels, didn’t exist before a movie came out with Marlon Brando.  When the movie came out, before you knew it, it was like ‘monkey see, monkey do’.  Here’s the young malcontents, is what they thought themselves, emulating what they saw in the movie, and suddenly you had motorcycle gangs in existence.  That’s how it happens.  The whole sexual revolution was part of it too, because they thought…and it’s so clever, because how would you get people to accept everyday abortions across the world?  That was their goal, depopulation.  They said, ‘What you do is create promiscuity, create the problem of pregnancies and then you come out with a solution.”  That’s what they did.  They tried it in the 1920’s when they introduced jazz.  Prohibition was the greatest thing that they did.  The Bronfman family that was based in Canada, Bronfman in Yiddish is “whiskey man”, just happened to have the name to fit what he did.  He was getting contracts from the Canadian government to open up these booze towns along the up-and-coming railroad lines, and brothels and all the rest of it.  Old Sam said himself, he said: “I’ll get what I want”.  This is when he was accused or his brother was accused of murder.  He said, “I’ll get off because every politician, I put him there.”


Tamurile:  They were all in his pocket. 


Alan:  Yeah, and during that era he teamed up with the Kennedy’s and other families in the US; and he ran the booze.  It made this exciting to the youth.  Anything that was prohibited, it becomes exciting.  They’ve got the booze cans; they brought out the mini-skirt for the Charleston and all these dances.


Tamurile:  When it comes to understanding human behavior, they’ve certainly got that locked down; and it’s quite unfortunate that we’re that predictable.  Was it Bertrand Russell that coined the phrase “useless eaters”?


Alan:  He repeated it, for sure.  He did say that in a couple of his books, talking about the “useless eaters”.  When he was talking about a world efficient system that would come to pass, he did say there would be no place for useless eaters.  See, everyone in this up and coming system, and it’s still promoted as a tenant of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the world they’re bringing in, it’s a world which will constantly be in transition, because they have goal upon goal to go through.  Our lives are just single phases of it.  We are the building material to be used, altered, and worked towards it.  Everyone must become a servant to the world state, to serve the state.  The world state will be your reward.  Russell said that those who do serve the world state may be given the right to breed their own offspring, because at the top of this you have a eugenics system.  They’re true believers in eugenics and superior genes. 


Tamurile:  Which produces people like Paris Hilton.  Oh, that’s joyful.  So, Alan, how did you go from a small mining community in Scotland to landing on the Canadian Shield?  So, you went from one mining area to another? 


Alan:  I got so fed up going back to Britain and watching the devastation during the 70’s and 80’s, as it was being completely industrialized and people were out of work.  Every night on the news you get these bland statements of factories closing down, so many thousands unemployed.  This was daily.  Then when Maggie Thatcher came out on national television and said in her very arrogant way, “There’s a generation of youth growing up now who will never see work in their lifetime, get used to it.”  That was the end for me, because pretty well everyone I knew in Britain, and had gone to junior school with and so on, fell under that category.   Their lives were devastated.  They lived on welfare.  I mean, this was amazing.  Thatcher also opened all the bars all day long.  She changed the laws so they could be open all day long. 


Tamurile:  Well, yeah.  That way they’ll all be drunk and they’ll either kill each other or pass out. 


Alan:  She said, “It’s better having them in the pubs, spending their welfare checks, than rioting and protesting on the streets.”  Big brother was alive, had never left Britain from World War II.  The authoritarian, bureaucratic system is a model for the world - Massive bureaucracies and ministries for everything, which simply dictate down to the people every night on the news.  It was such a depressing state of affairs.  In the 90’s, they altered it just to get us through this part of the big change.  They gave people increased pensions.  For the first time, they let anyone get a credit card, before you couldn’t even get a bank loan unless you had some collateral to back it up with.  For the first time they started showing credit cards.  People are living on credit cards today. 


Tamurile:  Most definitely.  People are mortgaged to the hilt, and you’ve got to pay for the car, and the cottage, and the Rolex, and the BMW.  You just wake up in the morning and go to work, go to sleep, and start all over again. 


Alan:  That’s right.  Everyone, pretty well is only about one or two months away from the street themselves. 


Tamurile:  Yes, it’s really living hand to mouth.  What really makes me agonize all the more is the fact that our children become indentured servants. 


Alan:  That’s right.  In fact, we have all been put down as collateral to pay off the debt, since the last Great Depression. 


Tamurile:  I was loathed to even register my son for a social insurance number, because I know what that social insurance number really means.  He might as well tattoo it to his forehead. 


Alan:  That’s a SIN, yeah? 


Tamurile:  Yeah, precisely. 


Alan:  It also means you’re in the darkness, an old Hebrew word for the moon.  You’re in the world of darkness.  You think there’s a light you’re going by, but you’re not in the sun.  That’s for the higher illumined ones.  Everything is a joke in our faces. 


Tamurile:  Well, but I don’t know, I’m not laughing.  Where do you see us 10 years from now, given what you know, Alan? 


Alan:  There’s no doubt about it, the agenda was to really kick off big time for the big change in 2001.  We’re now headed rapidly towards the amalgamation of the world, where that has to at least have it in the open that we’re now under world government.  Getting to there in 2010, 2012 is this world government, 2010 is the amalgamation of the Americas to be completely integrated.  They have to bring enough chaos on us, too, that the public will go along with it thinking, ‘I guess this is the only solution.’  That’s what they have planned.  However, this is called the “never ending story”, that’s where the term comes from; because once this goes on, they expect riots for the next 30 years as they bring on greater changes.  You see, eventually, like Bertrand Russell said, you won’t have a job, as such, with a paycheck or a reward.  You’ll have little credits given to you that go into your bank every week, but you cannot save up. 


Tamurile:  Right, and then you’ll be allocated a specific amount of food for that, enough to put clothing on your back, and have to be grateful for that alone. 


Alan:  He said that this will be a form of social punishment.  If you don’t go along with the system or you criticize it, they’ll withdraw your credits for the week and you won’t be able to buy food or pay rent.  The world to come will be a world of renters; and that’s written into the United Nations’ Habitat, the charter. 


Tamurile:  Where does the brain chip come into play?


Alan:  The brain chip will come in, again, for world peace.  There are two methods to get it in.  They’re always working, they bypass the older generation as they go for the young, to get the young to want it.  That’s why all the superheroes now have brain chips. 


Tamurile:  Right, be a mutant, it’s superior. 


Alan:  Then you start at the other end of the spectrum.  The young and the elderly, they’re always the first.  They’ve already passed laws in Britain and California and different states to mandatorily put in chips.  Now the chip, it’s just accepting it.  Regardless of where they put it, you accept it first, but they want it put in people with Alzheimer’s [disease] in hospitals, in patients and so on.  That’s the start of it, the elderly and the young, then they’ll make the system so difficult to get along without it, because all your registration in a cashless society will be from a chip.  It will eventually go into your brain.  That’s where they want it put.  They had the meetings at Loyola University 4 or 5 years ago.  I have the 600 pages they put up there.  It was a world meeting of scientists, the top scientists and bioengineers and all the rest of it, and I got it pulled from the library before they pulled it down.  I knew they would too.  A guy from Japan talked, a specialist in this area, they created a plasmic-type chip.  This chip is almost like a form of tissue. 


Tamurile:  So the body doesn’t reject it. 


Alan:  It won’t reject it, but it is also meant to integrate with your nervous system, directly into the neurons.  Therefore, it will receive and transmit to the person its put into.  He says, “This is ready to go.  We already have the original supercomputers, which will then program and run the people.”—Because you can be programmed to do any task.  He said, “The only problem you have, the only problem, is now to convince the public to accept it.  This will be done partly through the promotion, through movies and fiction and novels and so on.”  Again, through predictive programming, so we’ll think it’s quite natural. 


Tamurile:  I’m quite fearful of that being executed, simply by witnessing all the people lining up for flu shots. 


Alan:  --And even fighting each other.


Tamurile:  Yeah!  In the malls!  It’s just baffling to me that everyone is just walking, completely willing, into the ‘gas chambers,’ so to speak. 


Alan:  Yes, they are; and that’s always been the way of it.  For the people that swallow the complete, 6 o’clock news version of reality and the newspaper reality, never question. 


Tamurile:  You’ve got your work cut out for you, Alan. 


Alan:   I have, and we all do. 


Tamurile:  Yes, but you’re one of the front runners with regards to attempting to, in any way, shape, or form possible, relay this information to as many people as are willing to understand and listen.  How would you recommend that we try to get the youth listening?


Alan:  It truly is difficult.  I always say it’s best to concentrate on those who are trying to wake up, at least ask questions, because they are confused.  They’re at least asking the questions, they just don’t have the information.  It’s the information you must impart to them, in the proper way that you don’t overload them and you don’t depress them. 


Tamurile:  Right, that is indeed crucial because they’re already in that very delicate state of mind.  I don’t blame them, quite honestly. 


Alan:  I was reading the lyrics that someone sent me, from a typical album that’s popular here.  It’s a sort of apathy and nihilism.  This is from a guy called Gnarls Barkley. 


Tamurile:  I’m familiar with him.


Alan:  G…N…A…R…L…S.  Gnarls, a dog can chew a bone or can gnarl a bone.  You have “bark” after it, you see, that’s a typical little giveaway.  Then it’s called “St. Elsewhere, 2006”. 


"Necromancer" Lyrics:

Wake up, wake up, wake up
Don't wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up


Alan:  Ah-ha, by the way is from the OTO, the Ordo Templi Orientis, which runs the New Age.  It’s a high Masonic group that runs the whole New Age.


Tamurile:  Really?  There was an Icelandic group by the name of Ah-Hah as well.


Alan:  Yes, that’s why it’s there.  Aleister Crowley coined it; he worked for MI6.


(Lyrics continued)


wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
It's naughty, very naughty necrophilia
Without a care I'm compassionate about killing her
I'd have my way with what's left of the will in her
Cosmopolitans, and cocaine, and an occasional pill in her
When she spoke I saw a spark, but it was dark so
I drove her home when she died, sexy suicide
Sweet nothings for the numb, you feel where I'm coming from?
Have no fear, everything's fine, my girl parties all the time
Did you hear what I said? With this ring I thee wed
A body in my bed, she was cool when I met her
But I think I like her better dead
Ha ha ha...


Alan:  I mean, this is what the children…these are the words to the stuff that you hear them screaming, chanting.  These are the words they’re listening to. 


Tamurile:  Oh my God, I’m horrified. 


Alan:  This is exactly what they set-up: nihilism and apathy.  That whole gothic era that the youngsters went to, the ones who think there were rebelling, copied something from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.  It starts off fighting vampires, ends up as good vampires, bad vampires and they can drink blood.  They all wear the dark clothes.  It was created by the culture industry, by people, very old people, very wise and they’re guiding that whole culture.  Every movement the youngsters think they can join is actually planned that way.  There’s nothing coming out of their own minds. 


Tamurile:  We’ve just got to do as much as we possibly can to circumvent that.  I know that 2012 seems to be the cutoff date that everyone is talking about, with regards to the Mayan calendar, but I think it’s clearly got nothing to do with the Mayan calendar. 


Alan:  No, Mayan, even the calendar supposedly, is nonsense; they had it for 100 or 200 years and still didn’t come up with the idea of calendar until they decided to write it.  See, predictive programming uses prophecies.  You create prophecies.  People, if they believe in them, will let it happen.  Like the Christians think, “Oh it’s God’s will, Revelations said we’re all going to get punished and killed.”  There’s nothing in Revelations that cannot be done by science.


Tamurile:  Right, and you relinquish your own free will because you become fatalistic about everything. 


Alan:  Exactly, it’s the same with all the whole New Age thing.  It is written and then you had…


Tamurile:  Then you’ve got instant surrender.  No bloodshed.


Alan:  No bloodshed, and then you have people like Zechariah Sitchin.  Zechariah Sitchin is typical; he comes out with a unique version of the translation of the Sumerian Tablets. 


Tamurile:  Oh, is that how it started?


Alan:  Yeah, and everyone else at the universities don’t even talk about it, because that can’t even take him seriously, because he’s got his own translation to try and make people think “oh it’s the Gods from out there.”  That’s where all the serpent stuff comes from (and walking lizards).  Again, fatalism, with the year 2012 wrapped up in his writing.  His final book of course just happens to be the 13th one.  He is a member of the Ashmolean Society, which is a High Masonic group in Britain, all connected with MI5.  They give youngsters fascinating stories and then end up brainwashing them into fatalism, that this is inevitable.  John Dewey, who was sent out to set up a standardized education system in the US, was the first one to say, “If we were attacked by aliens from outer space, we’d all have to come together and work together altering the world.”


Tamurile:  Then you had War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells and Orson Welles. 


Alan:  Yeah, and then again a book put out by the Club of Rome, one of the top think tanks on world policy and planning, published in one of their own books, The First Revolution, it’s called.  It had looked around for common enemies in the 1990’s, and this is written by the two founders of the society.  These guys put their plans to the Bilderbergers and all the rest of them, because the Club of Rome is the big think tank for policy for long-term future. 


Tamurile:  To this day?


Alan:  Yes, to this day.  They had looked around for a common thing to unite the planet, because they tried all these ideas and this wasn’t working, that wasn’t working, etc.  They said “We decided eventually to use the weather as an enemy, and annihilation of our atmosphere as the enemy that would unite mankind, because only a war against something has ever really helped us in the past to create changes.  We shall conclude that the enemy then, therefore, is man himself.”  That’s what they said in their own works. 


Tamurile:  However, would that not also backfire on them, because they breathe the same air? —Because if they’re spraying the chemical trails, they’re breathing that air, as well. Does that not impact them and diminish their capacity to travel freely?


Alan:  What I’ve come to see here—I do know that from professorship down, in society, they themselves are taught one level of each of the sciences, which they believe is latest cutting edge stuff.  Above them, you have another group.  The CIA, from stuff that they’ve even shown us on television, were using technology which can insert thoughts in a person’s mind—in the 1950’s.  They got shown that on CBC television, with the Wendy Mesley show.  That was obsolete, she said; so that was on that was a higher level.  This is long before we even knew there was even micro-circuit or solid state circuitry; they had micro-circuitry back then. At that time, we were still using old tubes in the television.  There’s a higher level above them, above the CIA, in medicine, physics, etc, which are even further ahead of that.  They have methods, just like they do for people with kidney problems.  You see these huge, bulky machines in the hospitals where they do dialysis.  They have small portable units that certain people can wear all day long.  It fits in your pocket.  They can decontaminate themselves on an ongoing basis.  Then the President Manning was in all the newspapers, an odd thing was mentioned.  In all countries at the same time, this was for the politicians.  The politicians were putting a bill forward, for themselves, that all politicians and their families, and their members of their families, would be given special treatment in high advanced military hospitals.  That was in the newspapers in Canada, too, at the time.  They were doing the same in Britain at the time, and everywhere else at the same time. I said, “Why would they be getting special treatment?  Why isn’t the treatment that regular people get good enough?”  It’s because they get advanced treatment for what was to come.  Now we’re being sprayed, and these characters, they all know it; they’re all getting paid off, getting privileges, which the public will never see.   The same thing happened when Bouchard, do you remember Bouchard, that so called flesh eating disease?


Tamurile:  Yes, Ebola. 


Alan:  The little bit in the Toronto Sun at the time, if I remember, it was interesting.  It said he came down with it quickly.  Eventually they had to amputate his leg.  He was the head of the Quebec party.  However, it did mention that, it was two lines; it said his wife and his daughter also had it superficially.  Both of them had it on their upper arms.  The two of the three main sites for injection or inoculation are upper arm or the thigh.  Therefore, it dawned on me, and this tied into declassified stuff that told us, in books like “Deadly Allies” by the Toronto Star writer, that in bacterial viral warfare that they’ll always have antidotes to every new disease that they make in laboratories.  That’s international law.  For every step of that disease, they must have antidotes. 


Tamurile:  That’s my understanding where AIDS is concerned, as well.


Alan:  What they’ve been doing for years is giving their good workers inoculation against certain diseases which are going around in society.  In every so many inoculations, you’ll have a batch where the virus or bacterium is not quite dead, and it will actually start working within the person.   I guess he got a bad one, or maybe it was intentional.  However, the fact that his wife and his daughter…


Tamurile:  He might have been getting a little too big for his britches. 


Alan:  It could have been that, a warning of some kind.  Anyway, they do get real stuff.  In a world of depopulation, they wouldn’t give this stuff to the rest of the public. 


Tamurile:  Of course not.  Share with us some positive feedback with regard to the people that you yourself have touched and helped in some way, so that we can end this conversation on a positive note. 


Alan:  What I find, by trying to get through to the ones who are asking me questions and who have just joined sides, or solidified they’re thinking into someone else’s opinions - I find the young ones, a lot of young ones who have gone through incredible confusion, who are getting in touch with me; teenagers, early 20’s, and so on; who are putting together for the first time, to make sense by listening to what I’m talking about.  Knowing that stops them from thinking they’re just crazy, or the world is just crazy.


Tamurile:  You might even avert potential suicide.


Alan:  That happens; I’ve had quite a few of like that too.  It’s almost like a social work department here, without an agenda. 


Tamurile:  Well God love you.


Alan:  Yeah, you can get through to them, and you can give them reasons now for all the bewilderment they’ve had growing up.  It truly is difficult today, it’s always been difficult for a teenager, but today it’s worse than ever, it’s a Fantasia, a circus.  When you give them grounding in something, then they can start becoming active and do deep, quick studies and start to inform people in the right ways, especially their own peer groups. 


Tamurile:  Yeah, that’s where it’s got to happen.


Alan:  Then we have to rethink the whole thing of life, because we have never had an input into what we exist for.  It was given to us. 


Tamurile:  Yes, and anytime there’s been a fight against a particular system, quite often there hasn’t been a good one to replace it.  You would end up, as my mother would always say, “Same trough, different pig”. 


Alan:  That’s right.  I always say this all began with the commerce and money system, thousands of years ago. 


Tamurile:  So you would advocate as a better way to going about living one’s life?  Because you certainly are an example of that, given that you cut your own wood and lead a very aesthetic existence.  Which is not to say that a person has to turn around a become a monk, but, still, you are relying on the technology to get the message across, but you know that it’s just a tool, and that would apply to how you live the rest of your life as well.  So that you’re not compromising your principles by subjugating yourself to just make that extra income happen and make yourself cluttered with things around you. 


Alan:  Yes, that’s right.  You see most people who attack what’s happening in system we’re in really want to stop time here and now, and ask it not to get any worse in their lifetime.  Rather than saying, “wait a minute here”, because I know people in some of the shows I’m on hope and think the technology will save us.  I say “How could it save you when you never a say in the direction it’s going?”  However, the elite know where it’s going, they directed it.  You can’t compromise with something that’s already planned and stated that most of you are going to be destroyed.


Tamurile:  Looking for the easy way out is never the right solution. 


Alan:  It’s not easy.  I tell people that’s the hard thing.  You got to think, “What is life about?”  We have to bring humanitarian thoughts into this system, because not only do you have a pathocratic, psychopathic inbred culture at the top running the show, you have a psychopathic culture created by them that everyone else adopts.  When you adopt it, you have winners and losers (most folks), there’s always 100 or 1,000 that don’t get that job—the one “winner” gets it. 


Tamurile:  A lot of people go off at the mouth, but when it comes down to what people are prepared to sacrifice, that’s a whole other story. 


Alan:  Until extinction of consciousness, that’s when they say there will be world peace, when the majority are unable to even perceive themselves, as it was said at the Loyola meeting, as an individual, distinct being.  That’s your alternative; and we have to regain the humanitarian bonding, the natural bonding.  We could not have the same system, because this whole system is theirs, not ours. 


Tamurile:  This may be why I’ve always gravitated and worked extensively with the First Nations people, because at least they, well they have a lot of problems with their young as far as high incidents of suicide and alcoholism, which is why they open their doors to people like myself who are not native born, to pass on their traditions because it is basically their last hope; and it’s our last hope to share that knowledge.  Now this is not all about that “tune into Mother Earth” thing, which is the next agenda, the whole “Gaia”.  They just have an understanding of the cycles of existence and synchronize with those cycles in a completely natural fashion.  That’s something we need to do to just save ourselves. 


Alan:  We have been trained to earn money and buy things, which are supposed to—every ad will tell you, from toothpaste to exercise machines—it’s going to make you smile.  It’s a big lie; we all know it’s a big lie.  We’re losing, but we’re losing our humanitarian aspect along this whole process.  That’s what’s allowing all of this to happen without our objecting to it.    We have a psychopathic culture given to us, where it’s a shark-infested ladder where everyone is forced into a system, where it’s dog-eat-dog; you have winners and losers.  The ones who get to the top, who claw their way to the top, are called successful regardless of whom they destroy on the way up.  That’s success—and that’s not humane, yet we are using the society as if it was normal.  This is not a normal way of existence.  It’s anti-human. 


Tamurile:  We’re putting those people on pedestals.  The cutthroats are the ones that are emulated. 


Alan:  We’re told, those are the stars, those are the successful ones, and you too can get that if you’re ruthless enough. 


Tamurile:  Alan, can you share with the listeners who may have missed previous episodes where they can get further information?  You have published several documents and put out CD’s.  Tell the folks where they might be able to get a hold of you and order that. 


Alan:  They can check into, .net, or .ca.  There they’ll find lots of free downloadable talks I’ve given, with a lot of the history in all of this.  The players involved and the societies in the pyramid structure, all the way down to the bottom.  I tend to try to use their own books, put out by the elite themselves, or written for them by well-known authors, “authorized” authors, that’s why they’re called authors.  Then they can’t deny their own words or agendas when they put it out themselves. 


Tamurile:  Absolutely, that’s a brilliant strategy. 


Alan:  It’s not debatable when you see what they wanted in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc to today.  You’ll see that they planned it all.  They made it happen.


Tamurile:  I applaud you for what you’re doing Alan, and anything we can do to bring that out to as many people as possible, you can be assured, once again, I’m on side with you.  I would very much hope that, I know that your schedule is insanely busy, but perhaps we can keep in touch with you, maybe on a monthly basis, just to get a progress report and share some additional anecdotes and insights, with regards to what you’re presenting and what the state of the world is. 


Alan:  I’d be happy to. 


Tamurile:  Thank you so much Alan.  We will be talking to you again very soon.