Jan. 17, 2021 (#1812)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

"It's a Brave New World, Coming into View,

Years in the Planning, Owned by a Few

Who, In Generations Past, Were Quite Open,

Elitist Blueprints Declared and Spoken

To Stupefied Public by Celebrity Figures,

Which Parroted Twilight Speech Triggers,

Convincing Themselves, in a World of Plenty,

To Reduce Their Numbers, They Were Too Many,

Weaponized Speech is Efficiently Effective

In Public's Following of Each Directive,

The Targetted Herds Then Feel Real Shame,

Believing for All World's Ills They're to Blame."

© Alan Watt Jan. 17, 2021

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 17, 2021 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on January 17, 2021.  And I guess really, I’m speaking to those who are all under the new iron curtains, all locked down.  You know, locked down because of something that’s been really hyped out of all reality. By design obviously.  Because there’s so much contrary evidence regarding this, and I mean really substantial evidence, not rumors.  And by doctors and epidemiologists and virologists come out and saying that this thing here was pretty well gone even in June.  And that there wouldn’t even be a second wave, even when they claimed it was already starting. 


So, what do we really have here with the PCR tests that they’re putting out all the time, which are guaranteed to give you false positives?  And now they’re lumping, they actually admit it in some countries that they’re just putting people down with symptoms, down without even any tests at all, even the iffy ones, put them down and lump them in with positives or possible positives, you know. This is what we saw in 2009 with the flu season that year where they started off with the same kind of tests, and then doctors were told, don’t even bother doing the test, just put them down as having that particular virus of that year. 


It’s an incredible agenda how they’re following rehearsals, planned tests and rehearsals and tabletop exercises as they like to call it, involving all the different departments that they’re using now on the people on the countries, with Event 201 and Lockstep and all the rest of it and the Clade X, etc…  All to do with, basically in preparation for possible bio warfare. That’s what supposedly they really had it all readied for with Johns Hopkins University involved. 


But when you get characters like Bill Gates and his, I call it [Alan chuckles.] his World Health Organization since he’s put so much funding towards them, and nevermind the fact that… you know when they lockdown countries eventually and stop all economy you’re going to have famines, don’t you?  Now it’s in the papers just this past week there, he’s the biggest landowner now in America. That’s just America, that’s not other countries.  Again, he’s got all the patents on these different veggie foods and so on and meat substitutes, and some of the newcomers too, possibly, like the new worm, wonderful worm burgers. The stuff you used to see on Star Trek with, who was it, those characters, Warf, who was it that Warf belonged to…?  the Klingons, and his favorite dinner was this moving pile of stuff on their plate that was made of worms and so on.  Well, welcome to it, folks. You’re all the Klingons, I guess.  This is what you’re supposed to get your protein from in the future.


It’s just astonishing, all the stuff from the science fiction long, long ago, all the stuff that came out from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, even before actually, but definitely with Huxley’s Brave New World.  He was in a lot of big world planning committees at the time.  So was his brother of course Julian Huxley. Then you had 1984, George Orwell’s work as well, and Animal Farm.  So, you had a club basically that sometimes pretended to take opposite sides. But it was still a club. They all knew each other.  In fact, don’t forget that Aldous Huxley at one point tutored George Orwell, or Blair as his name was then, at university, or Eaton, I can’t remember which one it was.  He tutored him for a while.  They knew each other and they exchanged letters throughout Orwell’s lifetime to do mainly with the kind of system that would come in and how it would come in, and how government would achieve its goals of efficiency. 


This is where Technocracy definitely comes into all of this.  It was a massive movement in the 1930s when Huxley’s books were written.  Then in the 1940s you had the later ones. You already had in the 30s and the 40s Orwell working, as Blair, as basically an agent, trained at university to be a fighter for this new world system. The type of Lord Alfred Milner type of thing with the Young Turks and so on. They created them and ran these organizations to bring in a supposed democracy that would eliminate the past.  A socialistic type system, by eradicating religion and eventually the family unit.  And the more advanced ones, the more forward or what they like to call progressive ones, would definitely push out the family unit.  They had to bring it back in again in the Soviet system when they found out they weren’t going to breed another generation, [Alan chuckles.] by that technique, that would keep the system going.


Quite a fascinating whole history we have when you can get a hold of the actual truth of it. Because Orwell himself talked about the memory hole in his book, a system that would come where the hero, or the target, or the miserable character really, is an antihero in a sense, who is fighting the system on his lonesome.   Winston tries to write to the future to tell them what happened in the past. That was the idea, he kept a diary, you see, which was forbidden of course as well. He lived in a system where everything was watched, everybody was watched and monitored.  Your expressions were analyzed. Everything was analyzed constantly.


You’ve been in it yourselves actually for a long time and you don’t even know it.  Because you had a personal computer, for privacy, personal, it was your computer, not theirs.  It wasn’t Microsoft or anybody else’s, it was yours. You could do, put something on it, and you could get little choices, initially of course, would you mind if we put cookies on it and track to here and there, you know, it’s quite innocent really.  Then you had all the likes and dislikes, and everybody fell, immediately fell for it. Out of the ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ you’ve been analyzed and categorized and pigeonholed.  Quite something, ‘eh.  And they’re quite happy to do it, oh, yeah, I guess I like that one, m-hm, oh, I don’t like that one.  Then down the road you see, you got questions, why didn’t you like that one and this one and so on. And they quite happily answer all of that too.


It’s the same techniques that are used from polling to do with voting, or any other topic.  Even vaccinations.  There’s a sort of vaccine hesitancy, if you have any thoughts for yourself at all about rights, personal rights to make your own decisions with informed consent, they call it.  Because you’re supposed to go one way only, and that’s why you’re hesitant, you see. So, making your own decision after getting informed means you’re hesitant. You’re supposed to not have hesitancy, you’re supposed to do what you’re told, after being given your informed, your information, you see. 


That’s why they actually put lots of surveys out, why would you be hesitant? Well, I don’t like the ideas of everything we see now has got people sticking needles in folks’ arms, y’know. That’s true, isn’t it, it’s everywhere you look.  Probably thousands of photographs, all stock photographs too because they can’t really give you real patients, you know what I’m saying, that’s not allowed unless you’ve got permission and yada, yada, ya.  So, a lot of them are just actors and they’re stock, a lot of them will say that it’s stock photos.   So, hhhh…  But anyway, regardless, the whole idea is to get stick, stick, stick, stick until you’re just used to getting pricked, you know, you’re a porcupine.  Only you’re not putting needles outwards, it’s all getting pushed into you, you see, so that’s an inward turning porcupine.  That’s what we are now, you see.


So, conditioning has many functions, many techniques to be used upon you to condition you along the path to make the choice that they desire.  That’s what all modern information has been for your whole life in fact, psychologically designed with behaviorists and so on.  Of course, layered upon it is neuroscientists as well.  But they’re also, a lot of them are also into the behavior techniques of control. These things were set up, the behaviorists, for control purposes to alter behavior.  You don’t have to go very far to find the different books put out by many of the so-called founders, that are heroes of the movement.  One of them even put their own daughter in a cage for a while, you know, and worked her like a kind of Pavlovian dog. He’s a great hero to society though.


That’s what you’re living in today is all the outcome of that.  It’s the more perfected system I’d say.  Where before it used to be chance and trial and error, now it’s perfected.  They pretty well have an idea who will conform to whatever mandate the governments put out.  And governments again, are not there for the people. They haven’t been there for the people my whole life. I don’t know if they ever really were before that either.  Even with the election, the first election that Trump was in for his first term, I remember the run up to it and I remember what he said.  He said…  This is quite amazing really because he was backed by the Pharma industries. He said, I will give, again, it’s always for your benefit, I will give the pharmacology the right to express things through, bypass testing for medications and drugs and so on. And it obviously meant vaccinations too. Because when the people really need the stuff desperately, we’ll try this, and will try experimental things and bypass a lot of different testing. Well, that’s about the only thing he’s actually done, when he’s actually been in, isn’t it, pretty well, for Americans. 


All the other, and he ran basically on the whole agenda of a particular working class, like basically a people who have been written off even with free trade long ago, and the loss of work and so on, long ago. And who were demonized again by the oligarchy that runs everything. Because you do have an oligarchy, which you don’t vote in.  The oligarchy creates front people, and front massive corporations.  Massive corporations. They’re not just off-the-cuff things that are spontaneous sort of individuals doing this themselves. It doesn’t happen like that in real life. Because you couldn’t let, for instance, someone like a Zuckerberg, really come out with something that was to be a massive information system, or anybody even to do with the early Google for instance, you couldn’t allow them to just be the big, big search engine for the world and keep all the data to themselves. No, no. You always put out your own ones first, you back them financially, they cannot fail.  But you must have individuals that appear to the public as the real creators, to make you think you still live in a system which isn’t overwhelmingly oligarchic. 


You’ve got a system at the top which is incredibly powerful.  The CIA and MI6 in fact put out real huge corporations especially in the military-industrial complex, that way they can’t lose control of them ever, you see. You have lots of individual companies with real names for the corporations and they’ll have CEOs there and so on. They might even give you a fictitious founder of it. 


That came out by the way in the books that came out about Rockefeller, how the empire started up, quite openly now. When they pretended to be regulated under, you know, under the different agreements and laws that they brought out, because it was a massive cartel basically, a system, a monopoly I should say, under Standard Oil and Rockefeller.  So, under the pretense of basically selling different ones off to individuals, they weren’t at all. It was all done under the table.  It took years later, and some of the families that were set up to take over and pretend that they were running new oil companies, they were really still Rockefellers. Some of the family members came out long after that and admitted to it.  So, this isn’t hearsay of rumor, there are books out on it. Quite interesting books too.


But unfortunately, most folk today are never interested about the past. You’ve been trained not to look at the past, because it gives you too many clues of what could be happening today or going to happen tomorrow. That’s very important. You’re supposed to be in the now and stay naïve and believe what you’re told, you see.  That way they can always do the same things over and over again, and in a system that’s always been incredibly fictitious to an extent, that is, the form of government that you think that you have, and corrupt, because the ones who are given the reins to push the power over the public, and to be the faces the public see, they are allowed to scam like crazy. They’re well rewarded. Why do you think politicians end up as multimillionaires on the salaries they get? Why do you think that happens?  Come on.  They are preselected before they are put in for the fact that they’ll say yes to people above them, which we don’t vote in, but they all know this is who you really serve.  That’s how it really does work.  It really does.  And it always has.


People who think, I can remember a book that was called The Whispering Gallery and it was put out by a bureaucrat in Whitehall in London, lifelong bureaucrat. They all came from the upper crust mainly, or definitely at the very least the mid to high middle, really the high middle classes, or aristocracy a lot of them, minor aristocracy.  This guy, it was really interesting the way he told you he was in meetings with Churchill and his crew at his club, you know, they had their club even during World War I. They sat and chatted.  Then they heard the zeppelin bombers at one point, the big balloon type bombers that were coming over, drop a few bombs in London, and they were discussing the politics and this upcoming, well, he went pretty well straight to the heart of who was bringing in this new thing called democracy.  That’s how he phrased it at the time.  Winston Churchill pretty well said that there’d have to be a different form to retain real governance.  He was talking about a deep state, you see.


But for the people, they’d always have the appearance emerging of having rights. That’s why they brought in suffragettes and so on. And the suffragettes, a lot of them came from the same aristocracy. Other ones literally went over to the Soviet Union, had relatives already running the country there, these suffragettes. Read their histories, it’s quite fascinating.  Real history is always really more fascinating than the childish nonsense that they just dish out to you. That they know you’re never going to remember anyway, or you might remember bits of it, and you’ll parrot it off to friends, who also will agree because that’s the little bit that they’ve heard, you see.  But nothing just happens by itself. 


Power never gives itself away. It doesn’t say okay… like the movie, it was called A Blast From The Past with Christopher Walken. Excellent movie. Good comedy.  The guy literally builds an underground shelter in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War, and a jet plane was going to crash on the area, and they heard on the media, oh, it was a Cuban war thing that could be starting any time. So, they went into their bunkers, and he went into his bunker.  A jet plane actually just ran out of fuel, a US jet, and crashed on his land. Well, they thought that was a bomb, you see, so they stayed in the bunker with his wife and his son for, I don’t know, oh, 30 years maybe, you know, 20 to 30 years.


Eventually, throughout the whole story, it’s quite interesting and quite funny and the whole bit with the changes in society that they see when they go up in the elevator, up into the surface and look around and how they try to interpret what they’re seeing, the changes. But at the end they get enlightened that the whole thing had been a mistake, there had been no nuclear war on them, and what happened. They eventually get moved to a new place in the country on the surface this time.  The son is trying to tell them, the son gets married and he’s trying to tell Walken about the Cold War and what happened, and he says, oh yeah, the Russians eventually just gave up, you know. He says, what? Yeah, the wall came down in Berlin and the Russians gave up in Russia, or the Soviets, and the Politburo, they just, that was it. And Walken says, so they just, threw his hands up and he says, they just went home, they just gave up, just like that, ‘eh?  after all those years of fomenting the world domination idea and so on and take over.  Walken starts to pace out the size of another shelter and says, here son.  [Alan laughing.]  Because he’s going to build another one.


Yeah, in a sense that’s right because yeah, you’re supposed to believe the utterly ridiculous things at times. You really are. More so than, I’m talking about Russia, but more so than from daily news.  We’ve never had such a concentrated, and I mean on board with one voice. Why bother having all these newspapers when they all say the same, give the same handouts as stories?  Why bother having them? Well, the appearance of having different ones is for your benefit to think that they are all different. And rather than tell you the truth, there’s only one outlet.


You’re under Emergency Powers Act, that’s what they call it, I think, most countries. Britain, Canada and New Zealand and so on, the Commonwealth countries, they still call them Commonwealth association and Commonwealth associated countries. They still have, you know, crown representatives sent out to govern over them, for folk that don’t know it, Lieutenant Governors and Governor Generals, things like that. But of course, they tell you it doesn’t mean anything, they’re just like figureheads, ‘eh.  [Alan chuckles.] But all laws have to be signed by them on behalf of the Queen. 


So anyway, you really do live in a system that did have a deep state in the beginning. They had no intention, the rich have never had any intention of handing over, what, everything to YOU, so that you could do what you wanted, so you’d have a nice life.  Now, they had to give you the appearance, especially during the Cold War, even Britain wasn’t so good at it because it was so up in debt with World War I and II. But they had to give you the appearance that you had some rights now, and a few pennies left in your pockets after your weeks’ work.  And they made sure that you spent it.  Mainly the pubs, that was the British thing, for the pubs. They were the, that’s where, that was the drug, that was the soma quarters for most people after the kind of work that they did, especially in mines or factories, when they had factories and things like that, that’s where they’d go.  Eventually they’d open up to women, and they had big lounges, then they’d have the dances and so on. So, it expanded from there.  So, folks thought they were winning getting some rights and freedoms in certain areas.


But you’re still really a wage slave, aren’t you?  Because the British system was so well organized, I grew up reading the papers, I’d look at things that puzzled me, like, how come someone who, for instance, was a plumber, or a plumber’s apprentice, or if a plumber wanted a plumber’s apprentice, or a carpenter’s apprentice, they call them joiners over there, or any kind of apprentice or job, the starting wage was across the country for Scotland and England, it was the same?  It was the same for qualified tradespeople, I thought how come it’s the same everywhere you look?  You know?  Because surely if you’ve got independent companies hiring folk you could decide to pay them whatever they wanted, like, a range, maybe a certain basic minimum, but a certain range. If you’re short, if they’re short of workers, you bring them in, you offer them more cash. But no, it’s pretty well the same across the country.


Then of course you had the incredible taxations in Britain. They even put out from the British government, the Ministry of whatever it was, taxation, videos using actors sitting on park benches getting told by the other guy who works at the park, just telling him why his pound note doesn’t leave him much to spend for himself, you know, since inflation and things. They showed you a circle [chart] and a big chunk of it was to go for the tax for this, for the last war, you see. Another chunk was to go for World War I. Another chunk was to go for money borrowed by Britain by different strange entities across the world; these aren’t like your street neighborhood branch of whatever bank it is, these are the characters that loan to nations.  Then it showed you the interest rate, compound interest, that you’d have to pay back compound interest and all that.  So, you’re left with this little bit of the circle that was going to be for you, you see. That was to pay your rent.  That was to pay for your bus fare, because most folk didn’t have cars, the working class, bus fare to wherever you were going to work, you see, so you could get a wage to pay the taxes, and things like that.


It’s just fascinating to watch what they put out there, what the people put up with. And also, come the 50s and 60s, under the social system, the government, for efficiency’s sake they would give you brownouts across certain patches of the country at times. To save energy, they called it.  Getting you all ready for what’s happening today by the way. It’s all been tested out, beta tested out over the years. Everything that they’re doing right now has been beta tested in the past. Including vaccinations and how to put it across to the public so they’ll fight each other to get it. They tried that in 2009. 


But back to this idea of, say, Britain and you’re into rationing. I mean, the rationing in Britain, there were rationing cards still getting printed up to 1951 and may be implemented then too.  Even when they stopped the rationing cards, right through, it was before World War II onwards.  Because you went through a Great Depression that didn’t lift, then you went straight into World War II, that’s what lifted it out a little bit [Alan chuckles.] by borrowing money.  Isn’t it strange, the IMF is telling you to, every country to just borrow money, borrow money, borrow and spend, the consumer’s to borrow and spend.  Just like they did after 9/11, remember that?  So, as I say, it’s all been done before, been tested out before.


Then, when you start to think you’re getting ahead little bit, there was a bit more work at one point, they did open the door to mass migration. Again, when they cemented the European Union, even leading up to the European Union they started bringing in migration.  They had almost riots in London on the docks because they didn’t have enough, they were short of jobs already and they were bringing folk in from other countries and giving them jobs? This is intentional. That’s how you foment dissent, you understand.  It’s all intentional.


Those at the top can’t have peace.  And they can’t have you thinking you’ve got rights. So, if you still have work, and you have some kind of peace, you see, because you’re not fighting anybody else for the job, then you have some sort of contentment. If you have contentment, then you really are more apt not to budge if they try to lay off people, too many, or bring in, or replace you with other workers, then you really start to get a bit rough. This is how they manage people. It’s the same with ethnic wars and ethnic identity and ethnocultural wars. It’s all fomented. It’s all led from the top. All led from the top, folks.  And every group is supplied with its leaders to foment hatred or anger against the next.  And it’s paid, they are trained and paid by the top. Quite interesting.


I'll put up one little article today, in fact by Ann Coulter. She's in the bad books of most folk right now because she turned on Trump. But again too, she didn't say that much that wasn't quite true about Trump. Because he really hasn't done much for the people of America. He did a lot of promising, he did a lot of promising, a lot of Tweeting, but he didn't actually do anything, y'know.  He was really an object of an ideal that basically a disaffected and the forgotten folk used.  Because they had nobody else to choose. 


As I said before, Trump got in because they had nobody else vote for. You had Hillary Clinton or Trump. Isn't that odd? I even said at the time, how come you can't get better candidates, better politicians, who are politicians at least, than what they're giving you here? It was a set up, I really do believe that. And the build up of propaganda through, again, organizations that pretend to speak for everybody else as alternate voices, you know... You know, Trump was just an ordinary guy, a blue-collar worker they said.  He likes to eat pizza and talk to window cleaners, right, you know, that kind of stuff.  It's fiction, it's all fiction how they built that out, and people will give you the fiction.  You should never believe anything they ever tell you because they are operators, and operatives.


But yeah, Coulter did say a few things about, as an example, of some of the ethnic strife as put forward. I'll put it up tonight, that one article.  Whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter about that. Even if she is CIA, which she might very well be since they do pick up people in college and they promote a whole career for them in media. You know that too. All sides as well.  And it's not me making that up. You can find it from their own words, years ago, when it all came out on the mainstream news at the time [Alan chuckles.] that these characters, you know, a lot of these characters, didn't mention her name back then, but they had lots of people, agents working in all kinds of media. Of course they do. The CIA was not set up as some kind of deterrent to any foreign government that might have plans on America. It was set up to control a system to bring America INTO a world governance system.  And Americans unfortunately would fund it all, never knowing. That's why the USA was toppling country after country with the CIA boasting about it openly, you know, after the fact, how clever we were, etc.


But anyway, Coulter goes into one of the so-called heroes of the, or the martyrs that caused the riots, BLM and so on.  It's the one where the cops supposedly you're told, remember at the time, had led them to the wrong house and shot at this guy they were after and hit the girlfriend instead.  Innocent and all. But then she exposes stuff in this article, which was all know then, obviously, that it wasn't the wrong house they went to and they did know what it was about. They go through the fact that they had been tapping their conversations for a long time, the woman and the guy, because they were heavily involved in selling all kinds of drugs and fentanyl and so on.  I'm not saying that's the reason for invading them or shooting them, I don't believe in these home invasions. They're doing home invasions now by police on folk, because oh, someone tipped them off there was an extra person there, you know and that kind of nonsense. No, home invasions are for totalitarian regimes and police state and a Banana Republic.


    Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero - anncoulter.com / 16 Dec 2020


If You Asked Me If We Are In A Police State I Would Not Know The Answer - youtube.com / 8 Jan 2021


I don't care, it's like the David Koresh thing at Waco.  They could have got guy at any time, any week he went into town himself, himself.  It was for a show, it was a big show, it cast a spell on the American people when they want and made war on the civilian entities inside America. That's what it was for, a shock.  A new type of black clad military police, you know. And a warning to everybody else, especially religious groups and so on, it does matter if you like them or don't like them, the fact is, who's next?  And that, again, you've got to understand how the system really works. Don't get caught up in the presentation, it's this group against that group. It's much bigger than all of that.  Or left against right. 


The deep state decided they wanted to get Trump out, simple. I think it's possible, don't rule this out, folks, you know, I said at the time, the people of the US have no one left to vote for. No one liked Hillary, I think on either side really. Especially after her cackling display on television of we came, we saw, he died, of a guy who had bayonets put up his rectum on live television. She cackled like a psychopath, completely misunderstanding how that would go over to the public. As a psychopath she thought they'd all applaud her. Because that's what they do, they overdo things, psychopaths, y'know.  So yeah, the deep state didn't want her, she was up to her eyes in all kinds of things and so many different scandals going on. So, they gave you Trump instead.


I really do wonder if it was a set up from the beginning with Trump playing his role. Because the guy didn't really do much for the US.  You know, infrastructure stayed the same.  Basically, don't forget he put out the Insurrection Act before 6 January happened, he signed it, that's now going to get used on everybody else that attended that rally. You've got to start putting things into perspective, you know. And why did he sign it before and go after the ones, when literally they were trying to burn down the church next to the capital building in Washington DC? Remember that?  He didn't sign insurrection acts then.


As I've said before, there was a lot more honest discussion before the laws all changed for journalists.  It was evident in Britain because they did have two High Court judges come out and they were given the task of rewriting the rules for journalists, with all the rules to follow in Australia and Britain, and Canada joined in suit without saying so but they did. So, a lot of the conversations they could have had with the public in little talks and so on were gone. It was through the little odds and ends and their opinions that they'd bring in some, some occasional facts, you know, not a lot but occasional facts here and there which would give you an idea, you could put things together, you could connect the dots, things that they weren't saying.


But now it's completely different, it's a unified voice. As I say, they only keep so many of, we're paying for all these papers, you see, these news sites, you see, the BIG ones.  We pay for them. We've been keeping them afloat for the last 20 years now really.  Because you have to have the appearance of authoritative forces, you understand that? The appearance of authoritative sources, that they themselves say that, WE are the authoritative sources, you know, everything else is just a little blogger or something, as they discredit all, hhch, the voices out there that's decrying what's going on, in all quarters.


But don't forget that back in the early 2000 there were a lot of organizations inside the States and Britain and all over the world really, reevaluating the systems they lived in, with media, with government and so on, and left and right paradigm that seemed obsolete actually at times, you know.  I mean, what is the Republican Party anymore? What is it in the States? What does it mean?  The neocons under Bush Junior literally, you know, changed it all. They were really liberals than neocons, the war hawks and so on for a different agenda and for global war and domination and so on, of course, they were, using all kinds of pretense. So, a lot of folk were asking the right questions, what is government now, what does it mean?  And the press, the press is just the mouthpiece to permit the government to do all these wars across the world. While the American people and British folk and so on invaded countries, and the taxpayers paid for it all, with bogus stories of why you had to go and invade those countries and pay for it all.


I mean, you're living in fantasy land. We've lived in the biggest psy op for probably 30 years actually, at least 30 years.  Before that it wasn't quite as perfected, but it was still a psy op, a big psy op.  You have to go into the global agenda.  Go into those that give you educational systems. Very important.  And you read why they gave you educational systems. It wasn't to help you because they liked you, the peasants. Part of it was that they had to have a basic understanding of written regulations and rules, or even how to operate machinery and so on. So, they had to give, very unwillingly too, give you a basic education for reading and writing. They had meetings in the 19th century about it, if the people had too much free time... Because in those days they worked 16 hours a day, remember. If they had too much free time, then no good might come out of their discussions as they start complaining to each other about their working conditions. These were all recorded at massive meetings and brought up through meetings in Parliament in Britain.


So, suddenly you're free, you know, after World War I.  The women got the votes for suffragettes.  But even then, the guys still had to fight, a lot of them, the working-class people didn't have any property TO GET the vote. They never mentioned that do they?  They really don't mention that. Because it doesn't fit the present narrative, the modern narrative, does it, or the modern agendas. Everything is an agenda.  Everything you look at is an agenda.


Back to Winston Churchill, you know, talking about the future and those upstarts bringing in this new system called democracy. Quite amazing.  And today they've got people across the world more divided than ever, the oligarchy, you know, with all their operatives. Again, remember that Ann Coulter one, that story at least to do with, she fills in some things she could've said long ago, you know. It's always after the facts and they've served their purposes they let little things out the bag, you know.  Including the reasons, the real reasons for wars at times.  Sometimes a generation afterwards they'll tell you some of the real reasons, or who benefited from it financially and otherwise.


But you have to realize that no, most history is bogus, or bunkum as they say.  The ones who are given the real, used to call it the ivy school history, were to work for the system, not against it, or never for the people, but yeah, work for the system really, and keep the people again under illusions as opposed to reality.  Because they've got to make you proud of the country, regardless of the background or the history and what has really happened. 


Scotland is a great example of it. I always think of Scotland because it had so many rebellions against London, you know. Not just to get their own king back in, Prince Charles or whatever, but before that and afterwards, they had rebellions because they didn't want to get dominated by someone else. Who does?!  Who does, 'eh?  Every other country does the same thing.  The people in India wanted the British out of India. Quite rightly so too.  Armies go into your country and start kicking you around, sometimes literally. What are you supposed to do, like them?  An invasion is an invasion. 


It's the same, hhch, as the US took over from Britain, that's utterly broke, you know. And it's not world policing, it's the world military for an empire. Well, you're an empire now, remember that phrase? Well, who benefits from this empire? ...as people back home have fewer and fewer jobs through automation.  And then the politicians that boast about having an empire now, who are just fronts of course but they are well-paid fronts and they're allowed to finagle different other deals in businesses and so on with insider trading which they made legal for themselves.  And they can't fail, when you get insider trading, when you know what your governments are going to invest in, even across the waters and so on, you know.  It's called corruption, but it's legal corruption, because corruption is a state of mind, it depends on what the oligarchs permit and what they don't permit.  There's no justice, like Plato said, it's just the appearance occasionally of justice, you know, that's all they can give you. They can ever give you reality because you see, you might get upset. 


Again, Scotland is a great example because it was the last kind of feudal system in the white world, you know. They had a clan basis, a kind of remnant of a tribal basis, still remnants, but it was dying off in the 1500s to an extent, going weaker and weaker.  Then when they got together to try to reclaim their country at one time, long after, you know, the earlier version with Wallace, but much, much later with Prince Charles.  Not the character that's in, [Alan chuckles.] the Prince of Wales today, but the Steward lineage of course. Basically, a genocide happened after it, authorize genocide. Because again London was good at it, empire builders are good at slaughter.  They don't mince about with slaughter. They go to it, they DO it.


I mean, Lord Kitchener that was sent across to sort out Arab countries, and in India too, whenever there was uprisings he was sent over.  Because he got the job done.  He put in martial law and killed every fifth man. Round them up, every fifth man, line them up in villages and towns,  kill them.  That was classified 100 years under the official secrets act. Because you want your own children to get the nice fairy story, that the red bits on the map there that WE own, you own nothing, but WE own, you pay for it all, yeah, that's ours, they said. 


The US has been doing the same thing too, and paying for it naturally through the taxes, and supplying the manpower and woman power.  And the cost of it all, the massive cost of it all, you pay for it, but other companies get the profits. I mean, the US is still taking the oil off Syria in the northern oilfields, they're still taking that. You see, that's why they still got troops there.  And they'll be continuing the war in Syria to annihilate them because they haven't really stopped, you know.  It's on the list, the PNAC group list. 


Again, reality doesn't mix well with the idea of your country or yourselves, you know, does it, it doesn't really go down very well.  And you have all kind of fake people running your sides, whatever side you're on.  Of course, there's a, I said it before, whatever your particular thing is, or twist of a thing even, oh, I like this movement, but not that, I'm more of this within that movement, they've got a ready-made one already for you, with leaders. Guaranteed.  Why would they sit and wait for you to do it?  [Alan laughing.]   They supply you with them.


Again, back to Scotland, here's a country that had genocide put upon them in the 1700s into the 1800s. All you had across the Highlands in Scotland and elsewhere were regiments. Regiments of Scottish troops, you know, Gordon Highlanders, Seaforth Highlanders, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders with the Cameronians and so on.  All these different groups, stacks of them. When you look at the history of Scotland you pretty will see that their culture, and their identity was remade, a brand-new identity, to suit and serve the plans of the British Empire, or London, I call it the London Empire.  Which they did, they adapted into it and adopted this new pride, with uniforms, and the military being all over the place, lots and lots of recruiting offices across Scotland. They went off to fight for the British Empire, very quickly in fact until it became the new normal for them very quickly too.  They saw themselves as basically a nation that produced warriors, you might say, fighting battles across the world …that they didn't benefit from.  [Alan chuckles.]   Then they were made to feel proud about it.


Once they got in past the early 1800s, because they allowed the people to have some kind of pride, young guys, if they just joined the military, and sent them across the world to fight the battles for them.  They were the shock troops. Kept the population of young guys down in the Highlands. They were useful then for expanding the Empire for London. Then they go through World War I and II, you know.  World War I was a mass slaughter campaign, that's what that was, on all sides.  Then World War II after that.


Once they had realized that, yeah, they've got NATO in now and we've got lots of other countries involved for other troops and so on, to keep this world Empire system going, you see.  We don't call them empires, we call them unions, you know, that’s what is it, the European Union and so on.  An American Union for the Americas for NAFTA, the NAFTA agreement, you know. And they have amalgamations for the Americas all worked out within the NAFTA agreement. I mean, Mexico was just the start of bringing in Latin America.  And the Caribbean by the way was lumped in with NAFTA agreement, for those who don't know it.  Now it's the USMCA, the US, Mexico and Canada.  They changed the name of it, it's the same organization. Also, they created another one, they already had the one for the Far East and Australia and New Zealand and Japan and so on and a few other countries over there, by the CFR who drafted up the agreements long ago, you know. They also created the one for the Pacific now.  Obama started it under his reign, but he wasn't the boss of it either.  They all play their parts, you know, it's all pre-scripted. Then of course Trump came in and pushes it eventually through. Claims that he stopped one, but actually he used the same organization/system as Obama and then expanded it. They even included India in it. 


So, the Western countries are already falling apart. More so now with the Covid exercise, right.  [Alan chuckles.]  …the big war.  Trillions getting borrowed, from goodness knows where, but borrowed and spent out there immediately, one after the other.  Another 1.5 trillion, another 1.3 trillion, another 1.5 trillion every other month.  And you think you're going to get out of this?  You think you're going to escape this? ...this collapse, this planned collapse?  You see, the US is being brought down now.  Brought down.


You're getting taught that this is the end of nationalism, that's what the left is saying.  The left won't, the figureheads for the left aren't going to go around to the people that think that... [Alan chuckles.] who think that they belong to the organization, you know, the working-class people, the ordinary people.  The leaders have got nothing in common with you.  Do you think they're going to just keep feeding you money forever?  Do you really believe that? Do you really?  You wait and see the oligarchic conditions that come down the pike attached to everything, step by step by step. You wait and see.


They've got everybody so divided, you know, into ethnic groups, or, they think they are, 'eh, and they're all taught to hate each other.  They never figure out that the leaders, who are supplied to them, and WELL-paid by the way, who else can advocate total revolution in the street and get away with it? Including the leaders of it, of the left?  Hm?  But facts don't matter. Because the oligarchs, you see, really run the show with agencies that they have underneath them, the multitude of agencies.  The US apparently has just added a whole bunch more agencies to the agencies they already have.  Including the space agency, is an intelligence agency.


And really, for equality, right, I will state this, and don't forget it.  You'll know when we've got real democracy, right, and when every radicalized ethnic group will be happy and at peace, you know when it will be? When the oligarchic comes out openly and admits they hate each ethnic group equally. Because obviously you can't say stop hating this group, and then tell them to hate another group. No, that can't be. We all have to be given our share of hate from the oligarchy, by the oligarchy, who hate us all obviously, hm?  Of course, they do.  Divide/conquer, divide/conquer, divide/conquer, and divide/conquer. Well, who's dividing and who's doing the conquering, and who's benefiting from it?  It's all control, isn't it.


It's what I mentioned before on unconventional warfare from the military's own handbooks. This is what they have done, color revolutions, for years. They're still doing it in Syria and across the Middle East today and parts of Africa. Sometimes they're in there for 10-15 years doing this kind of stuff.  Using and even putting in their own bloggers… who speak for you.  [Alan chuckles.]   Then they have the twists on what you should think. And they are designed, they are actually designed to be appealing to people. Again, psychologists are involved, you see. Oh, I like so-and-so.  But how about what they're doing?  But I like them, you know, they're quite nice. That's how it's done.  It works all the time.


Then they give you your opinions and what you should… And even when you're... This is what's stunning, it really works, what I just mentioned there.  Because sometimes I'll mention to people, do you know that the whole Q Anon was promoted by an intelligence agency that specializes in overthrowing governments.  Some of them you've heard [Alan laughing.] on certain shows by the way, and they promote each other. When you'll hear certain ones whose profession it is to overthrow government, they admit that, promoting certain bloggers in your country… you should start to get the little hairs on your back of your head going up.  You're getting a clue there, you know.  Again, I can't think for people.  You can't think for other people, they've got to learn to think for themselves.


But the whole Q Anon thing too, you know, and this fracas they had on 6 January, to me it's all been orchestrated from the beginning.  They had the groups definitely ready to go in at the front of the building there.  That they've already got so much evidence of some BLM agitators, professional ones though, these are professional guys, and Antifa groups combined, they all know each other.  Right down to having their photographs taken. It's almost like, before the night was over you had the same spiel across all media.  Look at the nut cases, there's the guy with the cow gear on, his horns, next to the other guy wearing I think it was a badger hat. And we know who both of them are.  And that's what goes across the world, look at these madman people, that are Trump followers, you know.   Mad Republicans, mad white folk, you know, that's what they said, white people. That's again, the mantra of hate, you see, authorized by the oligarchy at the top.  All set to go.


This was all prearranged.  You saw them getting allowed into the building.  Giuliani, I don't trust most of these guys, but Giuliani had at least some good video.  I might find a link to it; it was on Bit Chute. Where it's obviously their own photographers they use.  I don't know if you know that, Antifa and so on use their own photographers.  They go for anybody else who's not theirs. You see them going up to the door where that woman was shot, and someone helped her up there. It's almost like it's…  You see the guy with the gun standing there waiting, it's almost like he's waiting for her, someone lifts her up there and she got shots. And she would have been the martyr that would have really been used to stimulate a real, a real attack on the house. That's what I think it was for.  She was a patsy, set up.


You see the ones around her are actually well-known members, professionally trained agitators. It's all come out. It doesn't matter though; the facts don't matter there.  But most folk on that day never went into the building. Multiple thousands didn't go into that building. Again, this, and it's so true, this idea of Trump saying I'll meet you down there. Well, they all went down there, and he doesn't turn up. But the setup was there with the guys with their, young guys with their grappling hooks and their ropes and everything else, 'eh.  You'll hear it for yourselves. Even the police being told, let us in, we're Antifa, and they moved the big barriers in front of the building and allowed them in.  All staged, all prearranged.


Because it's to stop anyone inquiring about voter fraud. That was one thing.  Now anybody who says now that they're, that the lost masses of, I would hardly even call them right wing… What is a Republican now?... Or right-winger considered? What are they?  Did you notice the left had no problem when Bush Junior was in and the neocons, with 9/11 and all the wars on the go.  No problem. Nope.  Even who Obama, as he's photographed taking all the time with them, with the Bushes and so on, and then Bill Clinton, all together, you know, all quite happy.  The happy coalition, because the oligarchy had put them there, and they did their little bits that were assigned to them and played the game.


But back to about the year 2000 as I say, so many people in the media asked the questions, what IS going on?  This is before 9/11 happened.  You could see the militarization internally of things getting all ready across the world, not just in the States.  It was obvious.  And the passing of Omnibus crime bills in Canada in 1998 I think it was. Nothing was happening at the time, what's going on here?  You know.  It's all scripted, the things that were to come. 


You can't have such a great crystal ball that you seem to be right most of the time. You get the events that you want, your Pearl Harbor event to kick it all off. Then they pooh-pooh other people who try to go by predictions or religions, oh, look at all those crazy...  Well, what are they using?  You know? Oh, we have experts who, who assess situations and they have a feeling, they test the wind, you know.  [Alan chuckles.]   


Back to the whole staged thing at the capital building there. Look at the, even the photography of this guy with the cow gear on, it's perfect, isn't it? Here's the face of the new white what...?  Republican far right character? This is what they said.  The guy is in the far right? He belongs to the other group. He's been at all the other meetings with Antifa and BLM too.  And I'll put this in, in case anybody complains, that guy, if he wants to believe he's a cow has a perfect right to believe it in this day and age! Absolutely. There you go.


That's what they give you for news. Staged events like that to eliminate even the return to any big group push to try to retain rights for ordinary folk in America, are now discredited and stopped. Remember, they said they would do it, Pelosi another said they would do this before the election even happened in November.  That when they get in, if they get in, she said they would never allow such an organization of the right ever form ever again. This is before anything happened.  And she's only parroting what her bosses are telling her. And they all have bosses.


I still think, as I say, because of discussions that were out there even by the mainstream at one point when they could say something here and there once in a while, that was almost, during the Bush era, as though they were getting the public to be so disaffected with government systems of left and right that eventually they would demand, they had lots of articles, that the people might demand, and they are promoting the idea from professors, that people might eventually demand a system because the left/right thing isn't working anymore. Well, isn't it possible that Trump was a con man from the beginning playing his part right through? Why didn't he do any of the things he said he would do?


He signed the bills which allowed lots of foreign techies to come in from India and elsewhere into the States rather than look after American jobs at home. And I think he did it twice. Under the agreements, again, the free trade agreements, you see.  So, the things he did were always contrary to what he would tell the people.  And really, I think the whole idea with his family involved, like some kind of dynasty, was intentionally put across to make, again, to push this idea that the old system is obsolete.


Don't forget that technocracy wants efficiency. Communism wanted efficiency, by again, elevating science above everything else, that was the idea. What have you heard during this whole Covid exercise?  Science, oh anybody who would, defies the science is a Luddite or a, you know, or mad, or dangerous even.  It all works together. Nothing happens by itself in our system. You're constantly getting programmed for different things which are to come. Constantly.


Now remember folks, cuttingthroughthematrix.com. Go into the site itself, my own site, just don't rely on outside sources. Because you can see that the oligarchs are on a warpath where they have told their puppets down below to be on a warpath against any contrary information out there, on anything pretty well now. It's going to get a lot worse than this on any topic at all eventually. As you're trained into the kind of Brave New World scenario, and George Orwell system too of 1984, where they are both combined at this moment.  Of course they are, I’ve always said they would use both systems at once.


So, cuttingthroughthematrix.com. Make sure you list the sites I have in case any go down. If anything happens hopefully you can still go in there and listen to me talking my head off.  Also, you can donate to me, and you’ll find out how to do it @cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  Personal check and PayPal, cash is okay. Money Gram still works. I can't get into the, unfortunately into the post office for a while because this is a lockdown for a month now. A month. Yep.  And they won't even argue the rights and wrongs of it, or the PCR tests… or the matter that maybe a few folk have tested positive. Testing doesn't mean you're sick, folks.  And if you have the cold, the common cold, you'll test for it too; it's a coronavirus.  So, I won't even bother arguing all these different points at the moment.


But the fact is, yeah, it's a whole month. For essential things only. I mean, they mean really essential. They've also put out supposedly, I don't know if they are police or a kind of civilian police force now or something, it could be the contact tracers they're using, that I said would get turned into something like the Stasi. Where, they'll put them through stores, which are allowed to open, like the food outlets and so on, to go after the people and follow them around the store to make sure they keep distancing apart and give them instant fines on the spot if they inadvertently get too close to each other or their mask slips down or whatever it happens to be, you know.


This is incredible tyranny, folks. Incredible tyranny. But again, I won't even go into that. There's no point anymore. It was planned before, long before you heard of Covid 19.  You've already had the gleeful announcements in the newspapers from a lot of the characters who planned, helped, were in on the planning, say that they admired China and they knew that China could order the people to obey right away. But in the Democratic countries they couldn't do with the folk the same way, and they were so surprised, happily surprised how quickly everybody became obedient in the West and did what they were told. They ALL said that. Neil Ferguson and different ones too. Canada did the same thing. Trudeau openly, is quite open about his love, complete love for the Chinese system of communism because you can just get ordered and people just do what they're told, or else, you see.


So, cuttingthroughthematrix.com and we'll see what we can do. We'll still get the books out eventually when I can get into town I suppose.  Don't forget too under these perpetual lockdowns, I say perpetual because I'll put up too the guidance from the government for Canada and for Ontario where it says right in there that there could be 30 days at a time, and immediately renewed before it's up for another 30 days. They can take it to a whole year.


Remember what Fauci said just last year, at the beginning of this whole thing, you know? When he said, it wasn't even going to affect America, ignore it, and don't bother wearing masks, you don't need them. Until the whole plan was unraveled step-by-step, and then he admitted that he had already lied to the people about this, and he lied about that. For the greater good though, you know. It's for your own benefit that they lie to you, you understand.  Then he said as it got towards summer, late summer he says, you know, I'd rather if the people locked down for even a year and a half, maybe two, he says. He said that again in the fall.  Who is this guy? I didn't vote for him! 


There are so many top people in virology and epidemiology who know their stuff, waay overqualified, way beyond Fauci, who completely disagree with him.  Because Fauci is a bureaucrat.  Well-paid bureaucrat. With his fingers in different pies. Of course he is.  But he's in on the agenda obviously. And he's in with the deep state, the real kind of CIA organization. He's got clearance, he works with bio labs, and that's where you make the bioweapons, isn't it? 


So yeah, complete lockdown and so on. Again, getting back to Trump, it does make me think, as I say, people didn't have anybody really to vote for the first time.  But they had been completely disaffected about all what had been happening in the country.  And the service economy we'd all been put into since all the free-trade agreements, and the closing of lots of factories, and all the spinoffs, and all the engineering companies, all the different ones who supplied the factories and made things for them and so on, so many different levels of work, you know, gone.  By the oligarchy. Again, using your politicians.


I'll say it again, you should go into, I gave James Goldsmith's talk to the Senate when they were debating about the free-trade things, oh we're going to.  I knew it was a foregone conclusion.  But he told them what would happen, what was going to come. Mass unemployment. Service economy, you just pass things around.  Import stuff, pass it around from hand-to-hand until it's in the stores and to the customer. Then the customer takes all the levels of taxation that's now missing that used to come from the levels of production.  From raw ore to a finished billet, say, of steel, to the next phase, to a plant that made it into whatever, etc., etc., all levels of taxation all gone.  Then import duties all gone.  So, all those taxes gone, have to be placed upon the taxpayer, under many different kinds of taxes and hidden taxes.  They used it with Britain of course and Canada as 'general sales' tax, and 'value added' tax. Then they lumped it into 'harmonized sales' tax, they call it now, you know.  [Alan chuckles.] 


People don't know what they're living through. Because we’re too easily led by emotion. Dissatisfaction shows itself first with emotion, and irritation, in the early stages, and then leading to anger.  Then leaders are supplied to you, who say everything you're thinking. Then they lead you up the garden path or use you. But everything that happened on 6 January is exactly what your own forces do across the world in unconventional warfare in all these different countries.  Everything.  To achieve an objective.


They achieve their objective and now those who are now serving the oligarchs as the pretended rulers for the oligarchs, are to be vicious, you see, now really vicious.  And all the different agencies they've set up will go out looking for anybody that's got a point of view that's not far left, or at least happily connected with Marx.  Don't forget the Marxist ideology was to be a collective society. A kind of sameness, boring sameness.  The United Nations, that was definitely Marxist, and they use the terms like Trotskyist, they’re different versions of the same thing, it's all the same thing, folks.  Because it's a collectivist type society they want you to live in, where individuality would be frowned upon. That's exactly what the United Nations said too, the biggest enemy to the planet is the individual, as opposed to the collective, you see.


That's what you had in Brave New World. The happy utopia, you see, where they eventually brought the savage into it from outside, from the wilderness into their advanced utopia. Where all the people who lived in the utopia were artificially bred, or created genetically from human cells, all the bad ones taken out, you know, the bad ones that would make them individuals, you see.  So, you had alphas, betas, and so on, all the way down, they'd all be bred for their place in society, for their work. That was the distribution of labor, you see, the Marxist ideology.  So. you would breed them for their work. They'd all be trained through hypnopedia, I think it was, that's what Huxley called it, when that sleep indoctrination was a big fad, you know, long ago, repetition, repetition.


Eventually of course it was more perfected with MK Ultra and LSD and the constant repetition of the same phrases over and over.  That's what they did in MK Ultra later on.  All by your own authorities. The CIA again, that's right, yeah.  Then again, 30 years before there's Huxley with Brave New World talking about using it through tapes, or even record players, you know, records.  So, every type of class for work was given its own indoctrination to be happy, you see. But collective.  So really, an alpha should be much the same as every other alpha. Anything outside of what they were supposed to do is deviant, deviant behavior. 


So, in 1930, was it 1932… 1933 it was published I think, Brave New World.  When you see the movies that came out on it there's different ones. One was done in 1980 and another one done in the 1998 perhaps, or the 90s for sure.  They updated the later one of course with more sex and so on, more explicit.  But in the 1980s version they go through the different rhymes that each person is taught to repeat, about promiscuity, it was your duty to be promiscuous, but have no partner you would go to over and over again.  You'd have different partners all the time.  But you couldn't breed, you see, because they had hatcheries to breed the perfect humans, and the removal of certain genes and the insertion of other genes to try and perfect the species. But also, to make them all happy so there's no conflict in the great big city they lived in.


Everybody had everything they wanted. In the actual book version, we’re almost past that phase. Because they also, in the analogy of the whole thing, they were taught to be happy consumers. So, the material goods were all being met, you see. Don't forget Marxism too is dialectical materialism, and materialistic produce is very important to them and the consumption of that was very important too, the right kind of consumption for the right products.  So, everybody could get everything they wanted.


They were given benefits, you see, coincidentally, where they would be at about the age of 30, maybe 35, they would stop at that age, they wouldn't look any older or feel old-age problems until they hit about 70 or 80, sometimes 90 years of age. Then they'd suddenly age as cells died off and so on. And because it was programmed into their genes to go, they actually programmed the death in their genes at a certain age.  But it was maybe a 10-year span among them that it could happen within, you see.  The children were taught to go around these places where they were dead or dying to sing happy cheerful songs. Because death was a happy thing, you see.  And if you didn't die on cue, they were happy to give you euthanasia.  We have that now.  We're past that phase, almost, not all of it, naturally. 


Promiscuity was awfully successful from the 60s onwards. With drugs too, 'eh, in the hippie era and then drugs and LSD and promiscuity. And the pill of course, you know, contraceptive pill.  And mass abortion. So, we're kind of passed it to an extent.  Because under the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, you see, you're going into post consumerism. 


What's interesting in Brave New World is all the slogans, slogans for everything. They even named the surnames after batches of the people in the great city.  They named them from the nursery onwards, from certain batches, as like Rothschilds, was one of them, you know. And Ford, the Ford Motor Company.  Different ones like that, you see.  And Marx as well.  Even Lysenko was in one of the versions as well.  So, the important folk, they call them important people in history, would be the, you would get their namesakes basically. 


You would perform your duties and be happy.  Having sex all the time, being physically well up until the time you’re due to die. You wouldn't have old-age problems at all. And you would look much the same, not much over 35 or so on until you hit your maximum years, you know, then you suddenly age.  They had soma, which was the answer to everything, all the stresses were dealt with, with soma, in all the different categories that they bred for work was soma, soma, soma. 


In the dialogues of course and in the movie, they'll actually come out with little bits of the dialogues of their system, if there's any questions about their system, why they did this and why they did that.  That science itself, according to alpha plus, one of the leaders at the time in one of them, I think it was the 1980s version, or 82 or whatever it was. But he actually says to another alpha, he says, oh no, a younger alpha, he says, I know you're doing you're best, you're doing things efficiently and accurately. But he says, don't forget that science isn't just to be accurate, science is about control.  So, you'd have to tell, often, lie to the people below you the reasons why you were doing certain things, but justify it by the use of science… It's really scientific, it's proven, you see, when it really wasn't.  You were doing things for control purposes.


That's what we have here today now, as I say, with Covid.  Oh, science… science, science. Science has proven, 'eh?  Science says.  Or, I'm following science, says Boris Johnson.  Hm.  The same science that told you not to worry about it in the beginning, from Fauci, who then says, don't wear face masks, they're no use to you. Who later on said, and says, most Americans shouldn't really worry about this, it probably won't affect us much at all.  And who completely reversed everything. Again, this is the guy that uses science, right.  He reverses it, you must wear masks.  And you should be fined if you don't.  And, you should just do what you're told, he actually said that on a TV show, you should just do what you're told.  Don't think for yourself, you don't have the ability to understand, just do what the experts say, do what you're told, he said.  And that will be the problem he said on the interview, when Americans… Because Americans are too used to having, making their own decisions. You know, what a nuisance it is for technocrats, isn't it?


So, you're living through amazing times. But yeah, I advise everybody to go through Brave New World, the different versions of it because you do get a lot from it, of how things aren't quite just openly developing by themselves, and weren't in the past by the way.  When you think that Aldous Huxley, who gave the speech at Berkeley in the 60s to students who were into behaviorism, and psychology, for control purposes, all experiments are done on innocent people who don't know they're being experimented upon.  They use a lot of students for that too.  But he gave the talk at Berkeley, and he said, well, all these things that I talk about in Brave New World are coming to pass, and a lot more will still come to pass blah, blah, blah. He was absolutely confident of it. 


So, although it was written as a kind of tongue-in-cheek look at a possible future, it was, it came from the fact that he already sat, and his family remember, they were actually related to...  It wasn't just the fact that the grandfather Thomas Huxley was Darwin's bulldog, a geneticist, you see, into genetics and superior and inferior types. But they belong to all the groups that ran socialism.  Ha, that's what Julian Huxley's brother was into for UNESCO, quite openly, the planned society, 'eh, the planned world society. 


That's what we're going into now, do what you're told.  Into a post, even though it was all fake they had to give you some slack at times in Democratic, it would be a post democratic system.  Because don't forget, Emergency Powers Act is a Martial Law Act, which you use under wartime scenarios.  And democracy goes out the window during that period. That's why Covid is the system they decided to push. They couldn't strip you of all your rights now without it, without a war. You either have a real war against a physical enemy, or you create one with an invisible one.  And you'll have to do what you're told now, you see.  Or else.  So much for, that's your… democracy, that's out the window, and that's why they chose this.


By the way, that's why, again it's no secret, this is just coincidental, that the Club of Rome, I've mentioned this before, the CEO of it, was quite open about the fact that businesses wouldn't be able to open up without being sustainable, and they will decide who is sustainable and so on.  It's not just the great reset, it's the green, the pretended green, the codeword for the socialistic technocratic system, the green system that's coming in.  Again, you've got the same thing from the World Economic Forum.  It's the same thing, the great reset is a reset of the way we live.  Postconsumer. You'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, and you'll be happy. That's what you got Brave New World from.  You didn't have to own anything, everything was supplied.  [Alan chuckles.]   


It is interesting how it works out and how it plays out. Generations come and go and never figure it out, 'eh.  They fall for the traps over and over, vote for this person, vote for that person. Don't you think it's kind of odd, again, leading up to Trump's first election, before we heard of Trump running for it, don't you think it's kind of odd that the Republican Party wasn't working overtime to supply you with viable leaders?  It was just like a silence.  That was one of your clues that something was already prepared. 


Getting back to what I said earlier, about 2000, even the mainstream said, there's something going on here.  Is it possible with what Bush was even doing at the time with all his wars, the neocons, that it would destroy the faith, people's faith in the voting system?  ... of the left wing/right wing paradigm?... and that maybe out of it would come a one party system. Well, that's exactly where it's supposed to go. 


You can go on and on and on of what Trump did too, but it wasn't for Americans. It really wasn't.  Yep.  Of course, hhch, I mean, you can go on and on and on, including about them cutting back on mass migration, and to find out, no, he actually signed a lot of things helping people to come it, if you dig into it. Then you have again, towards the end when he ran the last time there, he said, he just hadn't/couldn't get around to get it all finished. Well, he hardly got it started for the wall for Mexico.    Then folk would say, well it will cost too much to do it.  You're borrowing 1 trillion, 1.5 trillion dollars almost a month, maybe even more than that, probably more than that actually, under the guise of Covid, they say it's all for Covid.  No problem finding it for that, borrowing that, 'eh.


I-yi-yi.  Well, facts don't matter.  Now you have, again, the Stasi system, a kind of civilian kind of spy police force, a lot of these trackers that are now turned into now police, they're an official police.  What does that mean, unofficial police, with powers to issue fines? This is the Stasi.  That's the sort of thing they did in all the Soviet bloc countries with these groups, where they had different levels of them. 


You honestly can't make this stuff up, what you're living through. And folk don't get it. Right down to having neighbors turn on neighbors.  Oh, I saw an extra person go in there, I think there's maybe, that makes it three, it's only supposed to be two or something like that. You know. Then cops are battering down doors. And in Britain they're doing it without warrants or anything. On someone's tipoff? No proof?  When cops batter your doors down without proof, they're rather aggressive...  And cops, when they have no proof, and they're told they're given like martial law powers, have the power to beat your brains in! Are you getting the point here?  They’re not some nursing agency that comes in to brush your hair and make sure you're feeling okay and pat you on the back.  Now, I don't know if they're paying people rewards for tips. You don't even know if there ARE real tips. They don't have to disclose who tipped them off. There's no inquiries. This is straight out of the Stasi system.  Straight out of it.


It won't happen in Aberdeen there in Scotland, and luckily someone was using their phone to photograph it or film it, video.  The cops just barge right in the door, as soon as the people open the door, they barged right in. There was no, we're here because of so-and-so.  No, none of that, straight in.  And the woman confronted the policeman who was, the cop is towering over her, you know, she says, you can't come in here and do what you're doing here, she says, get out of my house.  He says, I can do whatever I want.  You'll hear him saying this by the way. They tried to play it down, that's in the mainstream newspapers.  I'll put this up, you'll see two different versions, the guy talking about it on Bit Chute, and another one with the actual family filming it.  The cop says, I can kick this door down if I want to.  Do you hear what… 


What you're hearing, you're in a hellish totalitarian system now, folks.  These are the kind of things that came out of Third World countries, Banana Republic's under dictatorships. And, at the height of the Cold War in the Soviet system.  The arrogance is astonishing.  You can't give cops this kind of power. And they have to go… They better start going backwards and saying wait a minute, the public have the right, especially when the public are getting hurt, and these folks got hurt. You see them getting beat to the ground and the whole thing. In front of the children.


The people have to have new system set up to demand and get into force, into legal force the names of the cops now and who they are so they can be SHAMED forever, and they get put out of the forces. You've got to do this. Because it's going to escalate.  Going to escalate, folks.  When there's no safe place for the citizen anymore, no peace anymore, none at all…  And cops, once they’re in, they will fine you, they will find something to fine you with, they always do, to try and cover themselves.


If You Asked Me If We Are In A Police State I Would Not Know The Answer - youtube.com / 8 Jan 2021


Police in Scotland barge into house. Coronavirus/Covid-19 'Laws'. Attack Family. - youtube.com / 7 Jan 2021


Three people are charged with assaulting police after officers entered family's home 'after being told too many people were inside' - dailymail.co.uk / 7 Jan 2021


You'll see it too in an Australian one, if I can find the clip for it, the link to it. Where a woman stops, you know, she's stopped. She's pushing her child perambulator or whatever you call it, the carriage I guess, coming out of a store and this punky cop approaches her, starts putting the gloves on as though he's going to stick something up you-know-what, that's the impression you get with that. He's doing that, he grabs her purse to get into her purse and the whole thing.  Because she wasn't wearing a mask, because there are exemptions, you see.  Over there she knew her rights and the whole bit. Obviously, something has happened to somebody who came off the worst of one of the search-and-seizures by cops.  Because she demanded, you know, her rights and NAMED the actual law.  The cop had to go off and phone his superior, using a landline I think, you know, I'm not quite sure.  The cop had to come back again, I wouldn't call it an apology to the woman after what he did but he had to just dismiss it and just let her go.


You can't give cops these kind of powers. This is what you saw in Third World countries, as I say, definitely in the Soviet system, and at the height of the Cold War. No doubt about it. Absolutely.  You can't have it. The cops are the same everywhere. Human nature is the same everywhere. You can't allow that thing to start and take off. You can't let it.


And you have to have citizens groups set up to make sure that such characters, you know, they don't continue, they don't continue in some career where they can have early retirements and a good pension, and citizens who pay all this, for their wages, don't get that if they worked until about 70 now.  Hm.  No, the people have to get committees set up that don't stop and don't give up and push and push to get more rights.  And have their own inquiry group set up, legally. You can't leave it to the police to investigate themselves here.


We are looking at years of this, you understand. It's meant to go on for years.  I put up the PDFs from the World Bank months ago when they talked about, because they’re now managing the fake loans to all the countries, blips on your computer and how much interest all of you are going to be paying for the rest of your lives, and your great-great-great-great grandchildren. You probably won't have children by then, mind you but...  Because you’re going into the next state of Brave New World.  That's happening right now.


The World Bank said that this, they've set a target of five years for Covid. With the provision, just like the other provisions, locally for lockdowns, with the provision for the World Bank that they can extend it for another five years if necessary. There's 10 years of total shutdowns pretty well, on and off shutdowns.  What is to come out of this system is a system where you are rationed on everything. In 10 years, children who are born, or are young right now, will think it's quite normal. Even ones that are 5 right now, maybe up to 10, they'll think it's all quite normal.  They'll be 20 years old by then.  Just like the ones, and I said this when 9/11 happened, I said do you realize with the martial law coming in, the techniques for total surveillance and getting your ID and all your information all the time, and having no privacy, that's going to be quite normal, I said, even for the five-year-olds then, come 2020 it's going to be quite normal.


They will be the ones who are indoctrinated in school for groupthink and for the Extinction Rebellion, all this kind of stuff. That's what's come along, isn't it, the greening groups and so on, taught to hate their parents, who you can assume that they destroyed our planet. No, you haven't destroyed the planet.  You haven't at all. The techniques of having children turn against their parents are ancient. And well known. Well known.


What I'm giving you isn't bad news. I've said before, if you want truth, it's like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. You've got to have faith that somehow, somehow you learn something that's going to help you. And it's not easy because people want security. It's a natural thing. In a wild state we are born wanting security, but we fight to get it. To get shelter. Because nature is not kind to you.  It's not kind at all. It doesn't matter if you live or die, you know. Water is beautiful, a lake is beautiful, but you can drown in it quite easily. Again, nothing is going to cry for you.  The birds will still sing, and the fish will swim by, you know.  So, the natural need for security.  But you can also be trained to be dependent. And you don't realize you've crossed a line when you're totally dependent, that you have an exaggerated need for an artificial security provided by your masters. Because you will have Masters.  That again is Brave New World. Definite hierarchy with the alpha plus at the top and the alphas who decide what happens to everybody else.  That's where we are with it all.


People think that somehow that battles that were fought long ago to get rights, and that they just stay there as rights. If there's a battle fought to get rights it really actually benefits you, that you’re going to be immediately attacked, quietly, and subverted or chipped away, or gone across, or gone over, or gone around to get past your rights, that's immediate, it never stops.  Everything I'm saying was talked about quite openly by one of the first massive compilations of arguments of talks and discussions about what freedom and rights happened to be. That was the American Revolution, where lots of the people involved discuss it at the time and put it into, eventually was all put into book forms, different dialogues. 


Today the folk don't even know a lot of things that are happening today that were talked about then, of the ways that systems of government take everything away from you and becomes a powerful and cruel tyrant, a master, you see.  They knew all that.  The same with the famous saying, whether he said or not, because a lot of famous sayings are bogus, you know that.  They want to put them in the mouth of people that you're taught are heroes, and intelligent people and important people, or even scientists.  A lot of the stuff is put into the mouth by later biographers. Otherwise, the same scientists now would be so busy trying to figure out new things to say they would have no time to work on science.


But you have Benjamin Franklin who said famously when he was asked on the steps of the Philadelphia Hall by people outside. Because people were not allowed into that meeting, it was all landowners at the top, and pretty well almost all of them Freemasons by the way.  And they admit that themselves, 'eh, there's no conspiracy thing.  [Alan chuckles.]  But they actually said, what kind of government have YOU given us? You see, they didn't get to vote on it. They were given one, right.  And they said, a republic, says Franklin supposedly, IF you can keep it.  What do you think he means by, IF you can keep it?


Well of course, if they've given you a republic, as opposed to the farce of democracy, then the democracy, those who already are the oligarchs of democracy are going to try to chip it away and get it back again, right.  That's what they do.  And democracy, like, countries like Britain has democracy, supposedly.  But what on earth, what kind of democracy do THEY have? 


Do you know thousands of folk were locked up who opposed going into World War I?  And then World War II, just before it was coming on, they were all, again, another bunch were locked up.  Is that because you have the right to say no? And the right to say, I don't want to go off and fight for something I don't even understand, nevermind want to, I don't want to kill anybody anyway. But they understood, a lot of them from previous investigations, that you're always used, you're always used for purposes you'll never figure out. It won't be for about 50 years after the end of it they might start leaking out the truth about why it happened in the first place.  And by that time no one cares, you see.  That's why they have the official secrets acts.  The official secret act, as I say, it can last 100 years, or more. It's so interesting, Pierre Trudeau resealed some of the cases using the Official Secrets Act for another 50 years when he left office.  [Alan chuckles.]  I'm not surprised, mind you.  So that’s your open society, your open, your real open societies, 'eh?  You're Democratic…


But a republic supposedly was to be, to fix in a system of rights and rules and regulations and laws so that, and again the division of different powers over the people, so they couldn't be taken over.  Well, have a look today. That went a long time ago.  A long time ago.


As I say, the CIA, what is the CIA, you know?  It's like an operative Army system, almost an invisible Army that the oligarchs use across the planet as a… And inside the US as well, which it's not supposed to be, but who cares anymore what's supposed to be.  But it's supposed to be restricted to outside the country. They're quite open about it now that they're completely, and they have been all along, totally tied up inside the nation of the US.  M-hm.  And when it comes to even, I think it was Kennedy at one point was trying, was thinking about disbanding them because they were overthrowing countries galore all over the place, and Africa too.  It didn't bode well for him when he mentioned that he'd like to see it disbanded.  Because they had discussions of what IS it?  It's a parallel government? Well, if it's parallel, who is it serving? It serves the oligarchs, what you now call the deep state. 


Well, how can you have both working if it's something that's there to serve the oligarchs, and it doesn't even have to report to politicians that you elect, then you don't have democratic republics, or any kind of democracy that I can see. Britain is much better at it because they keep talking about the British Constitution. But you have to search through piles of history books to try to find bits and pieces of, that might or might not, it's like Covid, you know, it might be, or it may be, or it might not be part of it, nobody knows.  [Alan laughing.]   


But out of it, folk say, well, we've got rights, you know, we've got rights.  Then they'll bring up the Magna Carta.  It was for nobility and freemen.  Most folk then and later were bondsmen; they were bonded by the Masters. They were serfs. Serfs... a nice term for slaves, you know.  You did need shackles for them, you went after them and hunted them, and branded them if they escaped from the area they were born in. Because they're born to serve the master that was appointed over them for that area, for the crown.  Yep.  I think that was the wonderful Norman system.


So really, no, the only rights that people started to have for a while literally came out because of the promises at World War I.  And even then, they had to fight and fight to get them to do anything at all.  And come World War II, nobody would have, they could've tried all they wanted to force them off to fight it, so they had to start giving them some, or fulfill some of the rights that they thought they'd won by World War I.  I'm not kidding you.


Now what I said earlier too about most folk can't handle the truth, and it's like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.  To an extent it is.  Because on the way down you're going to see all the different things, and you'll be clutching at this and clutching at that, and it goes through your hands and yada, yada, ya.  You’ll see lots of things you don't want to see. We've all had conditioning in one way or another, just like Brave New World and all the citizenries had massive conditioning, or MK Ultra. We've all had it in so many ways. Because the systems didn't develop by themselves, out of nowhere. They were designed by oligarchs. Always.  To serve the oligarchs. Absolutely.


Another analogy was it's like coming out of a tunnel underground, and you're going towards the light, you know, and trying to find the truth or whatever, get into daylight.  You see a little light at the end of the tunnel, and you start to get towards the surface. And when you just peer out the tunnel there's a field and across the field there's a forest on the other side of the field. Well, on the way you'll see all the signs, come here, I've got the truth here, another sign, no, the truth is here, blah, blah, blah.  And you've got all these different things, here's the alien truth, here's this truth, here's the blah, blah, blah truth. And folk will jump here and there. Literally they get trapped in a mine field of signs... I've got the truth, I've got the truth, I've got the truth, I've got the truth.  And you have no idea that literally the oligarchy has set up all these different fronts to detract you from what you're really seeking for.


Again, it's like Buddhism, I've mentioned Buddhism before.  Buddhism is a certain stage you get too, the monks get to where they get into a realm, a realm of being, a state of being, where something that Carl Young and others can experience or have experienced in other ways, and not really focused on that but it will happen once in a while. With the monks they claim they get to a stage where things, little powers appear around you, like, in the Christian ideas, or even... Catholic ideas I should say, more so, and going way back into Zoroastrian and different ancient… They're all related, intertwined with the mysteries as they like they call themselves.


But the fact is, the accumulation of what they saw as knowledge, from the magical, etc., all the way up to the present day and science being combined, etc. But when you jump into the science you can't rule out everything, that was what Carl Yung talked about too.  Because he was arguing with Freud, and how he fell out with Freud, he was the only one person in the class that didn't, that Freud picked to go into the world, into the rest of the world and to be accepted to push the dogma, that Freud wanted to put everything down to sex. Everything.  Everything was libido, libido, libido, and sublimation of libidos that cause anxieties and depression and even murders, etc., etc.  Which was a political agenda and still is by the way used by later schools.


But Yung really fell out. He says no, everything is not down to sex that humans do. Absolutely not.  So, when they were having the argument according to Yung himself, there was a massive crack in the room, a very loud crack. Apparently, I think it was the backing of like a chest of drawers or something, or something that maybe, the cupboard in the kitchen was it, cracked, split in half, right along its length, you know.  That's when he says, see, there are other powers than just all of this. Meaning science. And as he said that, it happened again, something, another massive crack and something else bust. An energy, you see.


Well, getting back to Buddhism, certain types of Buddhism. They would go through in their journey supposedly to get to a state where entities, or beings or forces would be out there, this is what they say.  And they would be incredibly enticing to draw you out or into them actually, maybe even to lose yourself in them.  They said, if you ignored them, you could go higher, and as you gain control over certain powers or whatever.  But if you allowed yourself to get… It's like, it's kind of like the old odysseys and so on, where you'll see sailors getting entrapped on islands, the Lotus and so on, eaters, etc. and they would get trapped into a kind of foggy, foggy… And time would just kind of pass, they would trap you. The things that enchanted you, and that's the key, enchantment, would take you over and you lose yourself and you would lose any progression, you'd be stuck there, but you would actually think that you had achieved your goal.  You're living in an illusion. Of course, the Buddhists say ignore that whole area, no matter what you see and how fascinating it can be, and go on to a higher stage, you see. Because you still haven't learned what's important.


That's what again Carl Yung was trying to get across to Freud, who definitely had the political agenda.   [Alan chuckles.] Folk never ever figured that out either. Most of them anyway.  Some people did know at the time.


So, you're living through incredible agendas. Of course you are.  The idea of oligarchies using mind control, of all kinds, of propaganda, what do you think propaganda is? Basic propaganda is mind control. When you standardize all opinion through owning all the media pretty well, then it's propaganda, which is mind control. It's channeling all thought down directed avenues approved by your masters, so you come to believe in them. Just like the characters in Brave New World. 


Or as Bertrand Russell put it simply, who belonged to all these different groups by the way, you know, of his day, who inherited the title eventually when his brother died, as Lord.  Bertrand Russell said that everybody in the world eventually could be made to believe they live in the best country in the world, and he says actually, they do because they're told that by their governments, that's why they believe it.  They're told you have the best education system; every country is told that.  You have the best health care system; you have the best welfare system. You have the best, best, best. Repeat, repeat, repeat, slogans, slogan, slogan, until the folk actually believe it.  Quite something isn't it.


I was looking at some countries the ex-patriots go, ex-pats as they go for retirement or whatever, and not just necessarily for retirement, just to get away from the tyrannies that they've been living under and hope to get some, use some of the bucks with value for their own life while they've got some life left in them as they keep devaluing your currency back home. And you never hear, again, from your own countries how wonderful some of these countries are when it comes to like medical care and so on. And the operations that they have in some of these countries are more advanced than the ones that you do in your own country. Unless you really can afford it. 


In Canada, forget it, you're written off unless you're a somebody.  You see, in a real socialist/communist type systems you're a somebody or a nobody.  You're already categorized, how many ailments do you have according to your age, how old are you, yada, yada, ya, whether you're going to get this treatment or that treatment or not. That's what bioethics has been pushed to the top for.  Bioethics is an old idea put out there again by the socialist communist, the scientific society, the technocrats, you see. 


But some of these countries that haven't got that yet, that we think of as Third World countries only because the propaganda that comes out of it makes us think that. Because they are different in some ways, you see, they're not Third World. What is Third World?  What do you mean, what do they mean by...  Is it economic they're talking about? The Third World state? What is it?  But yeah, some of these hospitals that they have, for very low insurance, will do all they can to keep you alive and make you better.


That's almost a foreign thing to my ears these days, after all these years listening to what they're saying in Canada to euthanasia. [Alan chuckles.]  In the present articles, we can save money by not giving treatments to certain people under Covid, we have to start restricting who gets the medications that will cure them. Because yes, they can, you don't have to die with it, folks.  They have different treatments now. They don't have to just stick something down your trachea that pops the alveolar tissue in your lungs anymore. They have medications, 'eh.  They like to keep that kind of quiet.


Once you get over it, you see, you've got antibodies that you developed yourself. They've come out with the studies too, that people who had even the original SARS, SARS 1, have working antibodies that work against the SARS 2.  19 too... SARS COV 2.  But they don't want you to publicize it too widely. They also want to say that the test they did from the folk who had the Covid last year, maybe in the early phase of it in the spring, still have antibodies yet, you see. Because they don't want you to think it will last that long because of their vaccination.


But the vaccinations they say won't last much longer either. So, what's the point of taking something that's very dangerous? And most folk actually, I literally think most folk have probably experienced or come in contact with Covid 19.  It would be almost impossible not to.  Then they come out with the big hype too, now there's another strain! Well, they had all the strains last spring, they published a lot of stuff then, same stuff.  Now you find out by the few folks who have inquired to, again, specialists in the area, reputable specialists, not little bloggers, folks, they're saying that this latest one, they say, oh this is a new one that could be more contagious. They have absolutely no studies on it at all so far to even make that statement.  You see, so, it's the hype, it's the fear, it's the war, a reign of terror upon the people to make them comply.


I'll put up another link to Del Bigtree talking to a professor in British Columbia about some of this too. He's saying the same things himself.


Natural Immunity To Covid Long-Lasting - bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


So, we're living through amazing times when a huge agenda is being pushed forward.  And again, the vaccine passport, all the stuff to me is just like repetition Groundhog Day because I said it, I gave these talks many years ago.  Folk said, oh, these things, that would never happen. I said, you won't get into a grocery store to get your food without some electronic device, and they'll know exactly when you come in through their facial recognition or some other way, because cell phones is the way with it too, that you haven't had your up-to-date vaccinations, and alarms will go off and you'll get arrested.  And it's coming. It's happening.  In some places faster too.


But yeah, suddenly with all the, you see all these, you have characters in your own societies that will sell you out over and over and over again for big profits. And you're in an age where, this is an age where because of Covid, oh, they're throwing billions and millions out to big high-tech company pals, you know, who are part of the oligarchs of course obviously at the top with all these little sub-companies below them, that's the ones you'll hear of. But they have massive ones above them, and they're getting all these grants to do… We pay for our own chains over and over and over, for the apps, for everything.


And now for the vaccine passports that I talked about 20 odd years ago or more. More than that.  And folk go, oh, that will never happen.  I says, this isn’t speculation, I was talking about stuff I was reading from the WHO back then, and different organizations associated with it, what they want to bring in and what they plan to bring in. Well, again, you need a Pearl Harbor event. And what was it?... cough-cough, a tissue, oh, that will do.  [Alan laughing.]   Is it winter yet? Oh, everybody's got the cold, okay, not the flu, that will do. 


Nothing happens by itself. Even the coordination for all of this took years to plan step-by-step. And going way back as I say to at least the big one that the Rockefeller Foundation had, in conjunction, working with the Johns Hopkins group, with the Lockstep scenario, you know.  Then many, many tests afterwards of what they would do. Then the meetings they had after about 2005 with what they would eventually say, if we ever really mandate something, we'll have to give the vaccine companies complete immunity from prosecution. Well, listen, I take nothing that I can't sue them all for.  You can't give carte blanche to people who literally have that kind of power over you.


They already have the fallout from people like the doctor in Florida there that had literally his immune system turned against him within two weeks. A very healthy man. His wife said this is definitely the vaccination. The hospital had to admit that when he was admitted to hospital he didn't have ANY of the blood clotting platelets left. None. Zero.  Where you have about 150,000 to about 450,000, you know, per milliliter.  None. Zero. He hemorrhaged to death because the mechanism, the clotting mechanism was GONE!  His immune system turned on him.


This kind of thing is happening everywhere. But I said this in the beginning, even if millions were to die, this mandate is chiseled in stone, they don't intend to back off.  That's very obvious. And you know from the media, the media will just keep it all quiet. Because you honestly have never had such, hhhh, collusion of media as demonstrated this past year or two, you know, even a few years, total collusion together NOT to tell you things that you should know.


That this noble lie nonsense doesn't wash, you know, well, we can't, we have to lie to the people because we can't tell them the truth, it's for their own good.  When they just decide, when oligarchs decide what's good for the rest of the public, for adults, for mature adults, good for you, you're under tyranny, folks.  What you should know and what you shouldn't know... how could you ever possibly blurt from your mouths FREEDOM?, oh, we're free and we're Democratic.  Well, they had to lie to us, you know, for our own good.


It would be nice for once, wouldn't it, again I'm dreaming here, I'm in the realms of fantasy.  It would be nice if they actually came out at times and says, here's all the facts that we have, and they give you the facts and that's it. No suggestions what to do, just give you the facts.  But that would be fantasy, wouldn't it?


You've never had the facts about the wars that have been going on, what, 30 odd years straight pretty well. Started with Desert Storm, then no-flyovers, then invasions and yada, yada, ya.  You never got the facts when they tried to give you mass vaccination in 2009. That's when they got another bill passed, well, you know, we won't make anymore, you know, if people aren't going to take them… We’ll have to mandate they take them.  Well, what a business that is when you pass as something which mandates whatever you come up with in the future, isn't that an incentive for a big con there…  for BIG private corporations to earn billions each time they say, oh, wolf, wolf… and governments are going to back them.  Isn't that called fascism?  Corporate fascism, that's what you're in, folks.


I had to kind of laugh too, because when you saw some of the speakers in the US House of Representatives there, after the supposed, they call it riots. But it wasn't riots, you know. How can it be riots when you see the guards and that letting them all in? And the ones coming in telling them who they were, what groups they belonged to [Alan laughing.] to get in.   Aaah.  But when you see them, the House of Representatives, look at either side. I gave these talks years ago, either side in that big, it's kind of a big stage in the back there, is the FASCI, left and right, the fasci. Like two pillars, but it's a fasci, the bundles of rods with the axe in the middle. Ancient symbol of Rome.  That's where they say, we are stronger together, you're bound together.  Individually you can be broken but together unified opinion, unified everything.  It's very difficult to smash the bundle that's tied together, you see. And in the middle of it is a weapon.  Hm.  Two of them, fasci, 'eh. The folk don't even know what they're looking at anymore.


Again, you pay for it all. Billions thrown out all over the planet to companies and corporations, who don't even have to come up with anything that's viable and works or whatever. As long as they say, well, we tried. [Alan chuckles.]  That's the cost of their trying, so many billions each, 'eh?  Not bad.  I can remember they had all the articles from when the first SARS came out in Canada here, Toronto. They had they said, oh, two students at one of the Universities there, we'll give a few million to them, or maybe it was a billion or whatever, because we think they could come up with the vaccine. I'd love to know how they were connected with these two students.  Who, of course they kind of dwindled away and I don't think any vaccine ever came out. And they didn't have to. Because you see, coronaviruses generally start to wither away into more harmless types, not into more potent types. 


If you get the more harmless type as it goes on, your body will get resistant to that too, which makes you resistant to the more potent types. That's how these things work in life. That's why the first SARS one died off by itself.  That's why of all the hype about new cases, because they're testing thousands, the hype started after they started using the PCR test. Oh, we have to start doing 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 tests a day.  Before that you didn't have the problem. Once you start the test, you're going to find what you're looking for. Because it detects particles that might be viruses... Then multiplies them many times over, they shouldn't get past the 30 cycles, they're doing 45 cycles per test in some places! Guaranteed to get all the false positives.  And they still can't tell you if you've actually got it, or if it’s live or anything else or if it's active or whatever… or if it's a cold virus, which is a coronavirus.


Again, you can look, you've still got all these things to look up for yourselves right now if you want to.  If you can, until it's stopped altogether.  But what a system where no one is allowed, including experts in their fields, to question anything or even put out any information that goes against this oligarchic totalitarian control of truth.  You know, the ones who are the gods of truth now that have set themselves up. What kind of God is it that eliminate any other, other, other observations, or even research and studies, what kind of God? That is totalitarianism.  That really is totalitarianism.  It's never, we've never had such a display. This is worse than you see things in history where you think, oh, that's in ancient history, they were really, really primitive back then. Well, you're seeing it RIGHT NOW.  You are seeing it right now, folks. You can't tell the whole truth because, you know, they might not comply with what we want them to do. 


The noble lie is for your own good.  Remember the article I put out a few weeks back there where Fauci admits that he been lying before about certain things?  Well, at the time I had to lie to the people. So, it's okay with him to lie to you.  When are you going to start believing a liar, the next time he starts lying?  This is not my opinion. Look it up. He admitted that he had been lying before about certain things, to get you to go to the next step or lockdowns or whatever it happens to be.  Well, it's okay to terrorize millions of people by lying to them?  That's okay now?  Are you starting to see the big picture here? 


The SAGE group in Britain, right, and Sir John Bell in Britain too that's part of it as well, who is also an overseer I think of one of the vaccine companies as well, but he's also advisor to the British government.  Talked about, I don't think it will sterilize everybody at once. This is what he said on that talk, for goodness’ sake!  Was it some kind of strange... How would a guy in his position make a Freudian slip? You see the guy interviewing, this is a TV show apparently, the guy putting his hand over his mouth and says, oh goodness what is he saying? But the SAGE group, he's advisor to the SAGE group, part of the SAGE group advisory group for the government in Britain. 


Don't forget, the SAGE group, I put the articles out where they had to admit from journalists who reported it, right, for the newspapers, that they had been given instructions on what to report and how to report it to the general public of Britain. It was a group, a subgroup that the SAGE group had contracted to put out there, and behaviorists again, psychologists, using even marketers, telling the media that whatever the stories are about, exaggerate, exaggerate the problems, exaggerate the dangers, to create anxiety, TO CREATE ANXIETY amongst the people so that they will comply with instructions from the government. 


So, terrorize the people in other words, right, for compliance. And you think that's… Do you think that's okay?  Then you have the same governments, Britain, Canada and the States, again in the mainstream newspapers, and the Ottawa Citizen ran a couple articles about it too a few weeks back there, or months, where yeah, they were going to use all these unconventional warfare departments of the military, our own military, that they had been using across the world for color revolutions to destabilize countries and so on, and to agitate countries to even fight each other within, which they used the color revolutions inside the States, as you well know, over this last year.  But they're using them against their own people now for Covid to go after all, anybody dissenting from the authorized version that you’re supposed to, and everybody is supposed to parrot Fauci, everybody on the planet is supposed to parrot Fauci.  Isn't that amazing. You talk about power... Whooof!!!  Or else. 


So, the characters who are the psy op operatives working with the cyber warfare operatives are being let loose upon their own people.  Your own tax money is paying your own people, your own troops to attack YOU? Because of opinions?  Or because you have other information put out by REALLY top experts who actually WORK in laboratories on all these things?


Something stinks here to high heaven.  You talk about ruthless. And I really mean it, it's not safe anymore to say what IS anymore. Regardless of if you've got verifiable sources. And this isn't going to stop with Covid.  Welcome Brave New World, 'eh.  Hhmph.  ...and such people in it.  What kind of people is going to be in this one? who all parrot the same things to be obedient.  You'll be nervous, you actually see that in the Brave New World where the different levels, even basic alphas, not alpha plus but alphas, if they were screwing up or whatever they'd, oh, profusely apologize.  Because they had all these goodies for them, you see all these plus things that they get, all these extra things they would get the higher levels of administration that they belong to, and they would do anything they were told.


I remember reading a long time ago about the totalitarianism, and collectivism, and the Soviet system.  Don't forget too, the Communists in the Soviet bloc countries, it was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It went through that and basic collectivism and the ideas of basic collectivism.  You had to go into the different ethnic groups across the world to see how they developed and through their histories. Because people, again, the oligarchs always want to know how folk developed, WHY is this group different from that group, etc., etc.? And you have to take climate into it and food resources and the plentitude or scarcity of etc., etc., all these things come into play, and to see what comes out of the types of societies that they have.


Incredible studies about who are quite happy, much more happy to be collectivist.  Also, to do with people who are ethnocentric, and you can have religious, nonreligious groups and so on. China really doesn't have much in its history of what you would call democracy. Even in ancient times they had already tried, in ancient times, like 3000 years ago, forms, different forms of administration, like socialistic, other times it was very feudalistic run by nobility's and bureaucrats working for them.  They had all kinds of things that they tried.  But you never really see them coming down to individualism at all, and to break out of collectivist type systems. 


Even today real individuality is frowned upon. You could be a pop singer or whatever, you can play the guitar and do their little selfies, etc., that's okay. They can ALL do that. Because again you see, collectively they can all do that [Alan chuckles.] collectively if they want to. But if you're doing something different, especially with thinking or saying something different, it's frowned upon.  That's the difference, you see. So, some countries have developed completely differently from others.


In the West there was way more individualism, even in the feudal times, feudal systems, even though they forced the people at times to live collectively in societies in the West.  But you always find it coming out, and bursting out into the Enlightenment and beyond, the whole idea of rights, and individual rights, and people who needed those rights. 


In Brave New World the movie version, in the 1980s one, you'll actually see that.  Some of the disaffected, the dissatisfied ones, the occasional one there, alpha or whatever, had a yearning to get out of this conformity - that's the idea is conformity, you see - and the need to experience life. Some of them wanted to go out and actually struggle in life, have challenges. Other ones wanted to go out and actually do something like poetry, which was kind of banned and frowned upon inside their utopia because it could lead to thoughts which would be, might sabotage the peace and harmony of the collective, you see.  But one of them had to go, and he eventually got his wish, he was moved off to a different island where he could write his poetry.  That kind of thing.


And it's true enough, we have, we need challenges in our lives, don't we? And when you stop getting challenged your mind starts to vegetate to an extent. I think that's very, very true.  That's how we do develop.  That's how real advancement comes and systems in society is through challenge.   The problems today within the scientific system is that those who control have better techniques by massive studies and experimentation and repetition of studies, that they control us in so many different ways that the people don't even know. 


Quite a few years ago I remember reading about the end of the consumerist system. Again, I think it was even from the World Economic Forum or one of the organizations associated with it.  Again, it was in big newspapers, and they said that we'd like to bring a system in that would, where the new consumerism would be non-tangible goods. They're talking about Internet and apps, apps for everything.  You'd pay for all these apps, etc., but we wouldn't have any tangible physical thing to hold or sell or trade or whatever or swap. And they’re nontransferable, you know, when you buy them, basically as far as I know.  That's what they've brought in, and folk haven't noticed.  And some folk are going into higher, bigger, more and more apps. Oh, you can get the low-grade one or the one that's maybe free to start with, but it doesn't do everything that the paid version does.  Then there's about 10 different versions of the paid version, and you go up the ladder in whatever it is. That's where the people's money is going, you see. Nothing tangible to hold onto. It's all been done.  Whatever they talk about they are going to do, they DO IT TO YOU.  And folk don't realize what they're living through when they're doing it when they’re living.


That was part of it, which is interesting too about Buddhism again, Zen Buddhism.  Is that you notice everything. The whole idea, that most folk go through their lives, and they don't really notice much. I've made this example and comparison before about how animals are wild, and ourselves, you know, who are domesticated.  And how foxes, I've watched them here when they come out and they literally will do the same pass. But if they see something like a tree fallen, and you get trees falling all the time, for folks who don't know it, who still think that nobody died until Covid came along and trees were always cut down by people, no, trees fall down all the time, folks. Some trees will last 10 years or 15 and just collapsed. And start rotting if they're not rotten already.  That's what happens in real nature.   Stop walking in these trimmed manicured forests and go into real forest and see what happens. 


We're trained to be domesticated, you know.  Again conformity, and the conformity leads to collectivism... Which leads to more authoritative control of thought, speech, actions and everything else, you see. That's what happens. It's all well understood.  Because as I say, we're so well studied.


I remember that Australian sheep I've talked about before. It was made into a kind of star at one point, a celebrity status.  This sheep was a Murano sheep.  It had that wool which is well sought after because I don't think… It's much kinder on your skin and doesn't cause rashes. Some people can't stand it, get allergic reactions to lanolin and so on. But anyway, the sheep was getting on, you know, he wasn't young, and they produced his wool.  They must've known it by watching him, he had that spark. He was a wild man...


As I've said before, The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin who talked about how the elite must always be wild. They mustn't be, they mustn't suffer the indoctrination that all the peasantry, for a safe happy society, is given, you see. He said, so we, the elite are the captains of the ship, we're steering the future, we are different because we are wild. Nothing, there's no conventions that will stop us from thinking or doing it the way we will do it.  You see, all those things that stop you are drummed into YOU, you understand, to inhibit YOU.  Deliberately. Here's one of the guys saying it.


Anyway, yeah, they domesticate you. So, this sheep must've seen something happening, they weren't just getting fleeced obviously.  Some of them would get put off to the side and they would go to the slaughterhouse. And this sheep wasn't having any of that, so he ran off. On his own. Now, sheep are generally so collective, because they're so domesticated, they'll all follow each other, you just don't get them running off on their own.  But he did. So he must've had that wild gene still in him, and he saw danger and he was off, that was it.  And they found him, you know, about two or three years later. He had found a cave somewhere far away and he survived.  And luckily, they didn't take him off to the slaughterhouse or fleece him again. They literally made him a celebrity for a while and took him around on tours and things. Because he was an example of something, a throwback to where, because it all started off along long time ago, all these domestic strains, as wild strains, remember, like wild goats and so on.


That's how we should be as well. So back to the Zen Buddhism idea. Just like the fox, wherever you're walking, look at, look around you. I don't care if you're just going to work, look and think, look and think, look and think.  Don't get off into some tangent of distraction, look and think, look and think, look and think.  Because you’ll be surprised what comes to you when you train yourself to do that. You have the ability. You really do have the ability. In every situation you end up in, think as you're going into it and towards it or into it, think, think, think.


When you start working automatically, moving automatically and not thinking, you've been conditioned by others outside of you - I'm serious - to be the way that they want you to be, to be utterly conformist in doing what THEY want you to do. The last thing they want you to do is to think deeply about things and be observant, and especially if you have the ability to communicate it to other people.


That's what Bertrand Russell said, he was part of a group intertwined with other groups that were given the right, the RIGHT, right [Alan chuckles.] by the oligarchy, they were given the right to create systems of indoctrination to keep everybody else docile and compliant.  He said that by means of diet, injections, and injunctions, they can control the size of the population, the minds of the population and so on. He also said that the occasional wild one that we find from outside our class, [Alan chuckles.] he said, we can give them a scholarship, bring them in, and put them to the best schools and the Ivy League schools.  When they get into the big granite stone buildings of like Oxford and Cambridge and all that, he said it will affect them so much to see all the paintings of all the prestigious people before them who have made names for themselves and altered destiny and so on of Nations. He said, they will feel so small, and once they get the rewards coming their way, he said, we'll open the doors up for them, make sure they get the awards, and they will be ours.  Under the condition that they always keep their families in their backgrounds and their old friends out of the picture, that they are kind of reborn into it, you see. They would be cut off in the past.  But he said, those who have the ability and the intellect, who will not accept their scholarships, etc., will be enemies, and he says, we will have to deal with them.  And he meant lethally.  Because they could down the road start by communicating knowledge, knowledge, verifiable knowledge to the people, and see through things that had been done to the people, that the people would use them as a leader and could follow them, and it could stop of the oligarchic system.  It's quite… They are quite open, especially when they’re writing books for their own people and their own class. It's quite fascinating to see how blatant they were about it all. 


Including Charles Galton Darwin. I mean, you can't be more blatant than that.  There's always been slavery by an elite over the majority in some form or another, and I don't see why in some form or another it shouldn't continue.  Hm.  You don't think you're a slave. Of course you don't.  Even when you get locked down under martial law with the possibility that you'll never open up, or get you to lose your job, like permanently, you might lose your home permanently or your rent, you can't get the rent money if you're not working, etc. This is all happening right now with people. 


Never mind their stimulus packages and the pathetic nonsense as they hand out billions to all their fellow corporations, 'eh.  Unless landlords have given up smaller landlords because they can't, they know that's the end of them too. I said this years ago, the world under Agenda 21 will have just a few handfuls of massive world corporations that will own most of the buildings, or cities we're all supposed to eventually move to. For the whole of the agenda for the 21st century, and all of its subparts, 2015, 2030, etc., with all parts that must be fulfilled a long way ticked off, being accomplished, accomplished, accomplished. 


They're not piddling around here. I used to say, do you really think, oh, here's the groups with Maurice Strong and the Rockefellers and the Club of Rome, all the different groups involved with them having their world meetings again on sustainability, do you think they go there just for fun, like a hobby?  …the system that they're going to bring in for YOU that you must comply with, like a hobby?  No, no. They plan it and they do it, you know.  And they'll keep doing it as long as you do comply.  It's that simple.  Then if you do comply, or don't want to comply, they'll already have trained your children through intense indoctrination at school, so that they'll never ever communicate with you on the same level at all, and they'll disregard the input from you if you're a parent or you're older. They've trained them to do that. Bertrand Russell said this in 1940s they would do that. They DID it.


Through the education system at school coupled with media, coupled with entertainment, which is massively perforated with indoctrination policies, and very effective too, they technically can't lose in that way. Again, what I say is how it really is. This is not, by saying it is not defeatist, do you understand that?  Most folk can't handle the truth; you don't talk to most people about it.  But it's not being defeatist to lay it all out. If you're in some kind of massive war the generals always lay out the battle plans, what's going on, to the other ones. They've got to know what's going on or they'll get wiped out.  If they know what's going on they can divert things, they can change things, they can alter things, they can stop certain things.  That's what life is about.  That's what life is about, you see.


Don't forget that the elites are technically a minority.  And it's always been a minority at the bottom that's changed the course of history against the oligarchies. It's the majority that always go along.  But once... the majority chomps you up quick when they see that whoever's been opposing this has been successful. That's how things have always worked in history. 


They truly do believe that using psychology and neuroscience, and I mean more than just neuroscience, you know, like understanding how the brain works and how to manipulate certain things, etc.  Only because they have done all the experimentation in other areas too, electromagnetic fields, energies, etc., the Corbin helmet came out years ago, a long time ago. They had professors openly talking about standing waves and how they could hopefully in the world to come we'll all feel the real physical pain of real starvation, so's that we'll have sympathy, if they could manipulate these waves, these fields, electromagnetic energy fields, like Persinger, that's what he talked about in some of his classes.  He thought it was wonderful.


Well, who gave people the right to do that to anybody?  You see, there are sciences there that have been used quite a lot. I mean, the very basic sciences of TV massively altered society. MASSIVELY.  They say that too, any new invention which they mandate pretty well to get put amongst the public will definitely alter a society.  Look at all the folk on cell phones. They have panic attacks if it's not working, or if they lose it, or they forget it. Panic attacks.


Getting back again to cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  Make sure you list all the official sites, and send a few bucks my way so I can hopefully keep going as we go through this...  this tunnel, you know.  And it is a tunnel, isn't it, where all the bigger world is being, again, wiped out from us, and you're supposed to concentrate, and all you see is this tunnel wall, and all around it says horror, be terrified, be very, very afraid, horror, terrified, be afraid.  Because that's ALL you're getting now, it's a complete war of terror under the guise of information, you know, of mandatory information.


I used to wonder how folk, it's one thing to live through something, it's another thing to hear someone else later on talk about living through it.  That's why people have a hard time understanding parents who lived through wars. Youngsters, anything that's past 20 years ago is old to young people, it really is old.  And when you had world wars on the go, and the whole world was turned upside down through rationing as I say in Britain and so on, and then this new kind of civilian type semi police, like air raid patrol wardens and that were given powers, etc. to fine people and charge people just for having a chink of the light showing out a window at night. Also, they had the right to arrest people, again under martial law 'eh, no more gatherings more than five people outside after 6 PM at the end of curfew. This is what you’re under right now, folks, and they're using Covid as an excuse.


Rationing is definitely going to come.  Because nothing has ever literally shut down the entire world's economy, nothing. No infection. No common cold. No flu.  Regardless of how many deaths previous flus we've have had; it never had happened.  Because the priority for keeping a system going is to keep the ECONOMY GOING, you don't shut it down.  If you do, there's a war scenario being placed upon the public, somebody is at war with the public.  For a reason. 


And the reason is, they told you at the last years' climate meeting in the speeches, the people aren't listening to us, they're not being sustainable, they're still breeding for goodness sake, and every child they bring in will create so much thousands of tons of carbon, yada, yada, yada, yada, ya, all that rubbish.  They're using climate change as an excuse for trying to implement it but it would take way too long. They're too impatient now.  So they said they'd have to do something more drastic. Well, bingo! outcomes a coronavirus, which is related to the common cold, you know; coronaviruses are a part of a family.  And stop folk working. 


If death rates go up, if you really dig into the death rates, then you demand from the officials, because they won't give it up willingly, they have to give it to you if you really force them to and demand it. They'll show you how many folk have died, because they couldn't get operations or cancer treatments, or even basic treatments for heart attacks and so on, and that's why you'll see death rates occasionally going up a little bit.  Are you starting to get the picture? 


You also have hospitals that would normally treat things, including viruses, who in the mainstream papers, I'll put the articles out by the way, and the Canadian papers are much more progressive, we're progressive here on who should live and who should die.  Because we have euthanasia, and we're very scientific, you know, and practical and technocratic. They say that we'll have to decide, if it gets worse in the hospitals, on who will receive the medication that might save them and who won't. We have to ration it all.  This is the stuff you're getting fed for getting ready for just an ongoing thing, if they can get their way.


And the currency as it stands right now, for the purchasing power, if they even go on for five years, then a dollar might, you might have 10 cents worth of purchasing power left on it. You might buy what we used to call a penny caramel, one candy, for your dollar at the end of it all because it will be utterly worthless. Which is intended. It's part of the RESET, that's what they mean also by reset, they reset everything. 


I've said it, the banking system is the technique that's used, the real, the real central banking system is what fixes the currency values every day.  It's all magic. It's a private club.  And all our countries run on it. It's the greatest con ever.  No ships go across the oceans carrying gold from one place to the other as they transfer it and pay off things with their...  No, it's backed by nothing… except the word of the people who manipulate it at the top. 


We live really in a fantasy, don't we?  Where again, people literally will fight, what they think, is to keep themselves free.  When in reality they really haven't had freedom.  The greatest time that the US had was after the Revolutionary War, I mean, actually before it too, and out in the sticks, if you could survive outside the main areas. Then after the Revolutionary War, for the ones who could still get out and live in the boonies and be willing to rough it to an extent, you know, and didn't mind the solitude either the same way, they had more freedoms to do what they wanted and build what they wanted, and without permits or anything else.  You know? That was the closest they ever had to real freedom.


Once they say civilization... The reason they expanded so well, the US, and took over all industry, apart from the fact that the big, big manipulators of money moved in quick, and they had all the battles about central banks on and off as you well know with Grant and the rest of them.  But really even then they could still, people could still get ahead of things and make a life for themselves. But the reason, when they compared it in the early 1900s with Britain, you see, America didn't have the massive governmental bureaucracies, like millions of people to pay on a higher level than workers obviously.  That's what the servants, these modern servants do, they don't live like you.  In other words, they're all bought off, and they all have to be fed well and kept well and so on, it's more and more money.  Then they keep churning out restrictions because there are governments for this and departments of that.  Britain already had that by 1900. It was an overregulated country. 


So, America could soar ahead for a while, and get a burst and go ahead. People could DO things.  They could even open up little engineering shops for instance, in metal or whatever, with lathes, etc., within a double garage for goodness’ sake.  They could take off without regulation. Now they can't do that. It's all regulations until they're stifled and strangled. That's what so-called civilization with its massive regulatory system does to you. 


Now, before I go into reading some articles just to show you, give you examples of how we're ruled and how we're managed, because it's important to see that what I'm saying isn't my own opinion and I'm just using their own articles to show you what they're doing, to explain what they're doing.  Most folk don't read much today. We know even on television that their attention span gets lower and lower and lower all the time.  It's worse with reading, reading is a chore to them. Everything has been going visual, which is much easier for them to control you even more, through the visual aspect of it. It's hypnotic when you watch screens flickering and the lights that are there, etc., that go right into your eyeball and your brain pattern changes.


You've got to remember all these things, in one way or another, so it's a good idea to read. Listening is good. Auditory is far better than having it hit your eyeballs, then you're stuck there watching something that you don't have to be if you just have the audio. You can put it on an MP3 player and go and do your own chores throughout the day, you know. That's what you have to do as you’re doing things. 


Also, I was reading as I've said before too, I used to find it was far more stimulating to read because even novels, when you’re a child, 'eh, especially, you can really visualize what you're reading. Your mind goes into pictures automatically. You see in your mind's eye what the author is trying to portray and paint for you in stories. It's very, very effective. I used to enjoy that a lot too.  But I also knew eventually [Alan chuckles.] that so much of indoctrination was done through fiction, even then.  Because that's how it's always been done, you know.


Getting back to indoctrination and misleading the people, the oligarchies understand perfectly well. I mean, knowledge is never tossed away, especially knowledge which gives them control over people, the how and techniques and so on.  Plato talked about it. He talked about the techniques, that if you understand the formula for any particular thing that you want the people to do or change their ways or whatever, if you know it's been done in the past, you know the formula, introduce it the same way, the same sequence, you do this first, then that, that next, that next, in the right pattern. Because these things are recorded by bureaucrats in all ages basically.  He says, it will all work perfectly regardless of the generation in time if you introduce it in the same sequence. That's what they always do.


Today of course it's just too easy with lots of universities that some of them specialize in these techniques of behaviorism, and how to make the people adapt and change and behave in a certain way. Look at all the different ones they hit you with through the Internet, the Behavioral Insights Teams for goodness sakes.  The Cass Sunstein groups that worked with Obama, and then later ones too, and how to nudge you into what they want you to see and look at on the Internet, what they want you to think. Nudge you to someone who's giving you the opinion that they want you to adopt.  It's happening endlessly now.


Even your searches, that talk, it was similar to a TED talk by a fella, a techie who said he didn't know himself that when he did a basic search on Google for a particular item, he had no idea that they’re tailoring it for you individually. They've got your personality profile; they've got everything about you.  He thought that anybody asking the same question on Google would get the same links to look up. No, they actually tailor it for you so that… because they know how you think and what will manipulate you.  That's how far ahead all this is.  And it was designed to go this way long, long before you even were given your, haha, personal computer... with your ability to turn things on and off, you know and, I've got privacy if I want it, it guarantees me privacy.  [Alan laughing.]  Oh-ho, what a lie that was, 'eh?  That was a good trick, that one.  M-hm.  My personal computer, it would never lie to me.  Then you find all the different programs for antiviral and anti-anti-malware, etc. that they're all selling your data anyway [Alan chuckles.] to the different organizations. Even if you pay for the programs.


Now remember that every oligarchy must control everything. Everything. Literally everything. It creates all movements and all oppositions to the movements. It runs a dialectical process, you see. They could head off at the pass any possible real wild movement growing up, in the wild as they say, just like the viruses in the wild, and if it does pop up in the wild it will immediately get its opponent set up, and supply the leaders and have them well-funded, and people will think they've been there for a while because they'll tell you they've been there for a while.  [Alan chuckles.]  That's how simple all of it is too.  They'll put out a lot of good information for you to follow, you see, because they must do that to get credence. Then they get you, then they seem to be even more rabid and standing up for you, than you are yourself, and before you know it you've been led up the garden path and used against... well, for many reasons you'll never… you won't even understand. 


As I say, it's so important to look into unconventional warfare techniques. Like government are all, all have our battalions, the 77th Brigade in Britain for cyber warrior systems. They attack everybody who speaks out against what's happening about Covid.  They attack professors, doctors, scientists, lab technicians, lab workers, all kinds of doctors involved in it, even in hospital, everybody's getting attacked, and reporters, for speaking their mind about what they see and what they understand about all of this that's happening now with Covid.  Your governments are doing this using the same brigades that they used across the Middle East, and they’re still using, to overthrow governments and so on and to create factions within these other countries that they're attacking, build them up, pretend to leave them and have them attack each other. It's happening inside your own countries. Has been for a while.  The color revolution is THEIRS, you see.  That's how it's done, and you’re living through it. 


They supply you with your leaders. That set up on 6 January was a set up, it was such an obvious set up to people who have watched this kind of thing happening in other countries over many years, and how your people were led up the garden path literally. And the right folk were to go into the building at the right time for the photo ops. That literally is shown, you'll find it in the Giuliani clip.  I don't trust many people out there, and maybe not even him either because they've been in the game for a long time playing politics.  But he does have some good film footage up on Bit Chute on that.  It's interesting to watch it from different angles and different cameras on what's actually happening there. You’ll see the Antifa group in the front going up the steps, and they've got the big metal barriers there, and this guy in the front of it shouts, we're Antifa, let us through, and the cops do it right away, immediately. 


Anyway, that's one of many things.  As I say, they always give you your leaders. Always. I've watched this for years, especially in the States.  Because the States at one point when the rest of the world was just wallowing in currency that was plummeting and the purchasing power was plummeting, while they kept boasting about the gap between the rich and the poor was getting wider and wider, like it was a massive, like it was the Grand Canyon eventually, as money was concentrated into fewer and fewer hands at the top.  And the changes were all coming, and all these big free-trade deals were sinking nations. Europe was already sinking, a lot, a part of it, with this unelected group at the very, very, very top, the commission that runs the European Union.  It's not meant to be Democratic.  It's very secretive. It destroys the nations involved. It destroys the spirit of the nations.  It tries to eradicate the culture and history of the nations. That is part of the big world agenda, mind you.


The same thing has been happening in the States too.  But at least in the States they had something, a little bit of a whiff, a whiff of what used to be a strength, a very strong strength of rights and freedoms that most countries had already lost long ago.  They never had written rights, or anything written into charters. You see, you're not given rights in real nature.  That's what it said in the American Constitution, that which is self-evident. That it already existed, it's just that you were taught that they didn't.  [Alan chuckles.]   You had to obey.  Unfortunately, they've got that out the window and your back to obeying again, aren't you?


But you used to, the only people you'd meet across the world that had some kind of optimism, tourists and so on, often working-class people that had decent jobs and good money coming in, were Americans. And they looked healthier than most folk too across Europe when you met them.  But they had that optimistic outlook on the future for themselves and that really shown. Unfortunately, it's pretty well destroyed now. But that was the one thing that made people in Europe looked towards the US.  At that time too, they hoped, they really hoped that the US would stand up against tyranny much, much more internally and externally than they did, for the rest of the people, y'know, and that would be emulated as well.


That's when of course the oligarchs simply have their minions going into real overdrive with unlimited financing, that you are all paying for, to make sure that you don't achieve your objectives. And they supply you with leaders. Whatever the problem is or the faction that you think you belong to, I'm a left-wing this, I'm a right wing that, I'm a... the different flavors of colors...  Whatever it is, they've got a ready-made organization for you, with the right flavors and the right colors, and got the right leaders, all ready for you, like ready-made suits in a store, one size will fit you, you know. 


It's all been done, and that's how you keep control of systems. That's how they also, as I say, create the divisions. They'll create leaders to attack that which has been pretty passive, even blame it for all the problems of the world, which they have done of course, then tell everybody to just attack you, just average white people as an example.  And yet during the so-called protests, as they're burning the streets and homes down you saw black people in the States watching their businesses getting burned to the ground and complaining about it. And it wasn't black folks generally that were doing it. We know it was the so-called other groups, all authorized. And again, some of these leaders as I say are well trained, of military age, and you can tell by the way they move that they’re well exercised in the military techniques. No doubt about it.  And some of them are trained in other countries and have been used across the world in color revolutions.


So, we've watched this kind of thing going on all the time. Your own, the oligarchs above told the politicians to leave all of these guys, let them have their protests and riots, looting's, whatever, burnings, and it will help terrify the rest of the public into submission, into a shock state when the government doesn't react to stop it. That was the first big, loud and clear message, wasn't it?  Wasn't it?  Yeah.  With the threat that they'll get loose again and, under the guise of if Trump wins.


But I think Trump really just did his job, to the bitter end, right down to he'll come down and meet you on the steps there. And he didn't.  [Alan chuckles.]  Just a bit of a trap there.  And then the photo ops of the right photographers, who by the way, they know who the photographers were too, of some mainstream that were in with different groups, the ones that you saw getting photographed with the animal skins on. All to put across the world, this is the radical right of America. This is how they portrayed it. What a set up!  It's wonderfully done with the scientific techniques of the CIA.


It was literally a Wag The Dog scenario played out in real time, just like the movie did it, you know.  Then they immediately come out with the bills [Alan chuckles.] that Trump had promoted for insurrection and hadn't used, and that will be used against all the other people, the ordinary folk that were there just for the demonstration, to be noticed. You know, thousands of folk who want to be noticed and remembered, 'eh, we're suffering too here... and have been for a long time.  And they didn't have a leader, that's what they said, a lot of them were interviewed that said there was not leadership. And all through the Trump term I don't think there is any leadership either.


Don't fall for, like, Trump didn't know.  Huh?  What?  And I think the whole idea again is to do as they did during the Bush era, project it to Americans that you need a change and you can't have the old two-party system, meaning a merger into a coalition of one, a new type, and it will be technocratic. That's what it will develop into naturally from that phase. This is definitely an exercise for the oligarchs.


Do you really think that, hhch, Biden's going to run the country? Do you really think that? Do you think that Pelosi could run the country?  Those that run the country have very cool heads. Very cool. And they don't get, they don't mouth off in front of cameras about destroying one side or another. It's just like the alphas you'll see in Brave New World, if you watch the movies.  Very cool. You could never make a logical rational decision if your emotions are running you. Especially through hate, 'eh. 


But yeah, they're definitely going use the insurrection act that was set up by Trump, you know, and it will get put into operation to start going after folk who just attended the rally and who were not inside the building or anything like that.  N-n-n.  It was pulled off very well. Pulled off with the media ready to go and announce Trump as a crazy guy, and all those folks that, all the multiple thousands of peaceful people who were there, all were part of the problem. That's how they're going to announce it, you see. 


So the ordinary folk have to rethink this whole idea of parties and what's going to speak for them.  And start creating their own leaders, that's what I would say.  You gotta have real leaders who are mature and intelligent people, who will do whatever they say that they'll do for the good of the people. 


As I say, Trump talked a lot, he Tweeted a lot, but he didn't do much, did he? Oh, he wasn't allowed to.  Oh, I forgot that, okay.  M-hm.  Look into all the different bills that he did sign, it's really interesting, and for whom. You should.  But yeah, what you saw was a psychological operation, all set in advance with the groups ready to go and the camera shots done at the precise places at the right time with the right people involved.  It's like photo ops to present to the world.  And I really mean it, you'll like, you often like the people they'll set out there for you to follow. You will. And they will be well-financed, well back. And they'll have teams behind them, even if they appear to be one person generally.


I know what it takes out of me doing what I've been doing for years.  And putting audios out.  I have to look over hundreds and hundreds of articles a week, by myself.  And read them.  Just that alone, find them and read them, on a censored Internet, because they slow my speed down to crawls.  And this is deliberate, of course it is.  But if I was doing videos too, you know, these characters, they put out video after video after video, do you think they do it all by themselves?  Nevermind finding stuff, like clips and putting it all together?  Come on, wake up here. 


Then they'll take you off on a tangent of ridiculous stuff.  That's called counterintelligence. They must take the basic facts that you're putting out and then you add absurdities into it, like the Q Anon, or cowman or whatever it happens to be, or the badger man, you know, was the other one that was there, and so on.  That's how you do it. Counterintelligence.  Then everyone who sticks to the basics facts is ridiculed and tarred with the same brush, by of course counterintelligence. Oh, you're one of these crazy folk that believes so-and-so, don't you?  You say, well I never said that, I just stick to the facts.  No, no, you'll be the same as so-and-so.  You know the different people involved.  You know that.  [Alan chuckles.]  I mean, it would be laughable in a comedy if it wasn't so serious, 'eh.  That's how it's done, ridicule it.  Add the absurd into it.  They also bring up people that you've never heard of before that say they're multibillionaire's some of them, or millionaires.  Yep.  Which again people say, oh this person’s in-the-know, they're so-and-so. Are they really? Do you know that for a fact?  [Alan chuckles.]


The counterintelligence will ridicule, that's how it does it, it ridicules those who are putting out some truth, with facts, known facts, and verifiable facts.  Because all they have left now is ridicule.  So, if you swallow some bad bait, you might say, they'll just attach it to you and say, oh they fell for it, so you believe in so-and-so, you think it's the aliens that are running the world, 'eh?  Okay.  No, no, I never said that. Because they'll put out their own person who DOES say it.  Yeah but, you're just like so-and-so, he says the same stuff, but he talks about aliens. You see, it doesn't matter what you really say then, they lump you in with others. That's old stuff, counterintelligence.  Happens all the time.


So anyway, I'll put up some links I've said before to Chris Shaw, PhD, Professor of the University of British Columbia.  He talks about, he says the Moderna vaccine is a vast experiment. This is what HE said.  Professor Chris Shaw says the Moderna vaccine "is a vast experiment that should have been done in the lab with animals, and now it's being done on people.'


Professor Chris Shaw, Moderna Vaccine is a Vast Experiment - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 14 Jan 2021


I'll put that up. Interesting to listen to people who are, again, are experts in their own fields.  I'll put up too the other articles on similar things. There's a couple by Del there.


What Do You Do If You’re Injured By The Covid Shot? - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


Report A Covid-19 Vaccine Injury - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 8 Jan 2021


I'll also put up the links to the videos from Scotland when the cops, you see them walking right into the house as soon as the door is opened… for Covid ‘laws’, that's why they call them, Covid 19 ‘laws’.


Police in Scotland barge into house. Coronavirus/Covid-19 'Laws'. Attack Family. - youtube.com / 7 Jan 2021


These are, we used to call them home invasions by muggers and robbers, now it's the police that are doing home invasions.  It's very similar, very similar to what you saw in totalitarian states in the 20s, 30s, through the 40s, then in banana republic's in Third World countries after that, up to the present day in some countries actually. Now it's everywhere. Again, it's under another excuse, it's always an excuse, of course it's always another excuse.  And they don't have to really verify that any neighbor even really existed, do you understand that too? Now it's carte blanche for home invasions by them because they don't have to verify or ever expose who told them, if anybody did, they'll just have to say, oh somebody reported this. So possible death could come out of this as folk get attacked by them. Because once the fight starts... somebody attacks your home, you'll behave differently from if you're in the street, you really will. [Alan chuckles.]  You're an animal in that sense.


It reminds me of Waco and the lawyer who stood up for those who survived that whole Branch Davidian thing, the few that were gone out earlier.  It was Randy, was it Randy something… Anyway, there's a video he did on it in fact about the rights that people have and how they're all being overrun. That was back then. That's why a lot of things, the government got more and more authoritarian after that, they were getting authoritarian back then that caused the whole darn thing, they knew the folk weren't happy about it.


But this particular lawyer said, as he is walking along with the reporter he says in the interview, you see that rabbit burrow there?  He says, yeah. Do you want to stick your hand down there and see what happens? He says, well...  He says, rabbits are generally scared timid animals, but you put your hand down there and if the mother's got cubs there she is going to take that hand off. That's a NATURAL reaction when you go into their HOMES.  Do we need to be told that?  Maybe we do.  But yeah, we’re literally… [Alan chuckles.] 


You're seeing excuses being given for the same stuff that we used to read about in totalitarian nations. And it's in the history books. And we're taught to really dislike, oh, we can never be like that, look how good our country is compared to that. Well, here it is all HERE.  Behaving the same way. Always with an excuse, you see.  M-hm. 


Dangerous times these, aren't they.  So, I'll put these links up too, the one in Aberdeen.


Police in Scotland barge into house. Coronavirus/Covid-19 'Laws'. Attack Family. - youtube.com / 7 Jan 2021


Also, the article, the Daily Mail's version of it, where they tried to side with the police.  But I don't think they show you any video of it. I'll put the video up that the member of the family took themselves.


Three people are charged with assaulting police after officers entered family's home 'after being told too many people were inside' - dailymail.co.uk / 7 Jan 2021


Also, the one as I say, there's a few video clips actually if I can find them all. So go through the website and you'll see the links at the bottom of the page. This one here is what to do, the Covid and so on, and if anything happens to you, and it's what do you do if you have any adverse reactions to vaccinations. 


What Do You Do If You’re Injured By The Covid Shot? - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


Report A Covid-19 Vaccine Injury - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 8 Jan 2021


Here's another one with an Ontario mum...


Ontario mom faces COVID-19 lockdown charges for leaving kids with grandparents to pick up groceries (Alan:  What a horrible crime, 'eh.)

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


The 34-year-old thought it would be better not to take her children to the store, but her actions violated an in-person gatherings ban and police nabbed her.


(A:  That’s your friendly police.  We're supposed to be using more, you know, relaxed systems, you know, not to...  But there you go, that's what happens, y'know.)


According to a NorfolkToday report that was updated yesterday with new information, a 34-year-old mom from Simcoe, Ontario, was allegedly charged by police under the Reopening Ontario Act…


(A:  I’ll put that up too, I actually got it, or else you can find it yourself, the Reopening Ontario Act, you can get that from the government, just look up the government and download the darn thing.)


Also charged was the 58-year-old owner of the home, which is located in Norfolk County.


By looking through “comments on Facebook,” the NorfolkToday report claims that they were able to locate the woman, who said she was leaving the house after picking up her young kids following a grocery and errand run. The report says the woman asked not to be named.


The NorfolkToday report stated that the woman told them she has taken time off her job to help with “virtual learning.” (A: …whatever that is. Oh yeah, that’s, they can’t go to school now, ‘eh.) due to her “significant other's” work schedule, she has been leaving her kids with their grandparents to “run to the store and get items for the family.”


Premier of Ontario Doug Ford announced a province-wide lockdown that began December 26 and banned all in-person gatherings.


On Thursday, Ontario introduced new lockdown measures that effectively place the province  under a state of near-total lockdown. 


(A:  So, there you go.)


In addition to declaring a second state of emergency, an order was issued that requires everyone to stay at home unless they are out to purchase food or for other essential purposes, such as outdoor exercise or going to visit a health or safety of an individual.


Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 - ola.org


Well, you see, you're still taking your life into your hands because they want to pounce on people and fight. Like they do in Britain. You know, you see lots of them in Britain and Australia where you have to answer the police state questions, why are you out? where are you going? how long have you been out? how long will it take you? blah blah blah.


Like that other couple too, that was in Manitoba I think it was, that went off to fill a prescription, like I mentioned last week, it was in the newspapers. And the video up there too. They went to fill the prescription for the woman, so they both went together, husband and wife, and for her condition the medication was for her condition because she can't wear a mask. The police nabbed her.  They went through and arrested them and handcuffed the guy and the whole bit.  And she was getting the medication because she can't wear the mask, and the cop had no interest in the law of Ontario with the exemption laws and so on.


Just like the woman in Australia, another clip that's there, who they grabbed her purse and the whole thing and wanted to rifle through it, you can hear the children screaming and starts and all the usual stuff.  Then he finds out that she is in the right, and he has to go through a pretended apology. And he wasn't apologizing at all.  And it shouldn't be left there.


None of these things should be left there.  You've got to hold people responsible.  As I said before, even in the military it's the same, there's orders you know are unlawful and they're wrong, and you don't have to obey them if you’re persecuting people.  The same in police, you can go around persecuting people under any guise, ANY guise, y'know, and getting off on it. And some of the folk get off on it, some of these cops do unfortunately get off on it. You see it in Britain too when they go into that home in Aberdeen… I could kick the door down if I want to, he says.  Yep.  There ya go, there's totalitarianism, 'eh.  M-hm.


COVID-19: Stay-home order does not allow random police checks, official says;

(A:  So, it doesn’t, hhhch, allow random police checks, although other cops say it’s a different story.)

 Province begins 'big box store blitz'

ottawacitizen.com / 15 Jan 2021


What you need to know, at a glance


(A:  I’ll put this one up too, for Ontario.  And you have 33 of them, just a coincidence of course, from the guys that wear the checkerboard around their hats and so on.) 


-Stay-home order does not allow police to randomly stop residents on the street to ensure compliance, official says


(A:  But if you read it through, it kind of contradicts it all further down, naturally.)


In Britain, you probably saw they actually arrested a woman too and gave her a fine because she wasn’t walking fast enough, either from or to a store.  This is how ridiculous it is.


In Ontario you see they've got these plainclothes ones now in the food stores, the only place you're allowed to go pretty well now, almost the only place, and they'll follow you around.  If you're not far enough away from somebody else, they'll hand you a ticket right off the bat.  This is the new, under the new laws, 'eh?  And a whole bunch. If your mask isn't on right, they can do that too. They can get you on anything they want, that's the whole point of it.


It's bad enough having to go through this, but when you're being, and this is persecution.  This is what you do, you persecute the public, you train them to be very afraid. You terrorize them. The woman in Manitoba, that's what she said at the end of the video, she says, we weren't really thinking about leaving home to get this prescription.  The FEAR ALONE of having to leave the home because they knew what police are doing the people.  You see? People know when they're getting pounced on.  They're vulnerable. They don't belong to any special groups, you see, with extra rights, so they are the targets that they go for. The cops can do that with impunity, you see.  So, the woman says, you know, that they were terrified to leave them, for things like that happening that they'd seen happening.  So, there you are. Now, these are terror campaigns.


All these different rules here for what you have to do, they're even using war type terminology.  The blitz...


The blitz will aim to ensure that workers and customers are wearing masks (A:  ...right...),  maintaining physical distance, and following “every health and safety measure,” according to the province.


Inspectors will have the authority to ticket supervisors, employees and patrons who don’t comply with the pandemic safety requirements.


(A:  Inspectors they call them.  Yeah.  Do you vote in these inspectors? What d'you mean inspectors!  This is like a civilian Stasi group.  Yep.  It says…)


However, “the focus for these inspections, not just at big box stores, but in other sectors of the economy and in other workplaces, will be ensuring that the Occupational Health and Safety Act (A:  So, they're going to go into businesses, you see.  It says that.) is being followed, that the businesses and companies and corporations as well as supervisors and managers have the protocols in place,” said McNaughton.


(A:  So, there's a list of the only reasons, the ONLY reasons they're allowed to leave their places of residence.  You're going to see the death rate going up again because the folk can't get to hospitals and stuff.  Have you ever thought about that's WHY it's going up?  [Alan chuckles.] They admitted that at the end of summer, that that happen. But you're supposed to forget it all, because it's all happening again, you see.  Dear, dear, dear, 'eh.  So you got...)


... a list of the only reasons they’re allowed to leave their places of residence. These include work/school/child care, obtaining a variety of goods and services, (A:  ...generally medical and so on, they let you see a doctor.) including groceries and curbside retail pickup, (A:  But they want to know what you're picking up, be it nonessential, you see, and you're done for.) providing care or support to someone who needs it, (A:  And then again you have to prove that, if you're just doing it to someone like a friend or something.) exercising, including using an outdoor recreational amenity permitted to be open, and if you live alone, gathering with members of a single household.


(A:  There ya go.  Quite amazing, 'eh.)


This is quite a statement for the history books…


Good morning, Ontario.  Stay home. --Doug Ford - toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 January 2021.


Stay home, there's your order, stay home.  And all you idiots that go and vote after all this, you deserve everything that you get!  You vote in these characters who are quite happy to be little petty tyrants on behalf of their masters above them.  Hhhhh, i-yi-yi.  There ya go.  M-hm.  Stay home. That's it.  There's your kind word from him, stay home.  [Alan chuckles.]   


Ontario still considering COVID-19 curfew

cbc.ca / 8 Jan 2021


(A:  So far…) Ottawa health leaders (A:  Goodness knows who they are.) aren't pushing a curfew to slow spread of coronavirus.


It likes to spread faster in the dark apparently. 


And again, the Toronto Sun…


ONTARIO INVOKES STATE OF EMERGENCY: Stay home, except for essentials - torontosun.com / 13 Jan 2021


So, there's more that’s in there too for those who want to read it twice.


Ontario temporarily pauses residential evictions for duration of state of emergency - theglobeandmail.com / 14 Jan 2021


Because folks can’t pay their rent.  You can’t work, you can’t pay rent, right.  Who would’ve thought of that? Of course, they thought of it.  They want to shut everything.  This is a bigger plan than Covid. Mr. Klaus Schwab at the end of it, right, don't forget him, the complete global reset.  Hm?  The great reset, 'eh.  That's for the whole way of living. Are you getting the picture? I'll put this one up.  And again, it's landlords, the smaller landlords are losing everything too because the tenants don't get the money to pay them.  M-hm.  And they can't pay off mortgages a lot of them too.  And they didn't think, boomf, a chain reaction, 'eh? 


In Sudbury, you know, Ontario…


More seniors impacted by COVID outbreak in Sudbury

thesudburystar.com / 12 Jan 2021


20 patients now in hospital for COVID or suspected COVID


(A:  Because you see, they’re lumping in the suspected now, regardless, if the tests don’t say positive. A sniffle might be enough to get you diagnosed. So, let’s close the whole place down, right, for 20.  And it doesn’t tell you anything else about comorbidities, age or anything else, you see.  Yep.)


They're getting it again at the old folks homes, because the viruses hit them every year. Unfortunately, that's generally the way most of us exit this place here, you know, is through the actual viruses in the wintertime.  That's always been the way. That's when the flu hits too, the worst, you know.  That's generally when we're so weak eventually where we can't fight it off and we all get… We all get our turn eventually.  But here you are, they're using this for Covid naturally. 


And Trudeau, you know, Trudeau, the great Trudeau, says Canada, the guy who loves China, right, and admires, and he said that in the newspapers, he admires China because being communist they don't have to cater to the people, people's rights... [Alan chuckles.]  That's what he said.  [Alan chuckles.]   ...things get done very quickly, effectively and efficiently.  Very much like Mr. Ferguson in Britain. He says…


Trudeau says Canada needs to 'buckle down' (A:  …buckle down he says…) as cases surge, vaccines delayed - cnn.com / 15 Jan 2021


I won't go through it all because it's just, everything is repetition. That's how, again, it's like psychic driving, isn't it? That's what they give the patients that were MK Ultra, psychic driving. Repetition over and over, when you're in a twilight state basically.  And it works, it's very effective as they depattern you from your old memory, depatterning they call it, and then re-patterning as they install a different memory into you, I new you, a new persona.  And you won't even know that it's happened.  Perpetual amnesia for a whole section of your life.  And of course, they're using electroconvulsive therapy with it too and is a side effect of that anyway if it's done frequently. And these folks had hundreds of so-called treatments.  Yep.  Your own governments are behind this, remember.


I wish folk could remember these things because when you look at the experiments that have been done, and I used to do talks on them, even the syphilis experiments in parts of the States on black populations, authorized by the government. Canada had its own one during World War II on so-called volunteer troops as they sprayed different things on them from above to simulate exercises they said in combat. But in reality, they all came down with cancers with the different stuff they were sprayed with.  I remember reading about the last one or two that were still alive, in their 80s. They're probably all gone now. 


Every government has done this kind of thing on their own population. You should be very, very wary of just obeying, blindly obeying anything, or anybody for that matter.  Even with medicine you're supposed to get different opinions, second and third opinions on major things, don't forget that too.  That's supposed to be you're right. You only have a right if you stand up and demand it. That's how you actually got them in the first place, when enough people did the demanding.  So you should start bringing it back into force, to look after yourself. Who else is going to look after you?  Hm? 


If you get damage from any vaccines, remember, the companies have got immunity from prosecution or paying anything out. That's what they're telling you.  So, they gave them, right off the bat they gave them, the companies that make all these different things, immunity from prosecution or liability. That's quite something, isn't it.  N-n-n.


Now this other article here too, again it's from the BBC News. It shows you, if you understand what you're reading, and remember too what I mentioned before, the BBC is part of the British government propaganda units.  It's run by the government, owned by supposedly the government. The other part, a few shares of this strange crown corporation was actually sold off to the CIA, remember, a few years back and when I was on the radio at the time, I mentioned that, from the mainstream articles, when they were allowed to actually talk about these kinds of things back then.  Yeah, we’re not to be told who owns these things generally but they did have to admit that the CIA put in a bid to own some of the shares, so they got it.


So, the British government and the CIA are running it. Remember too, with the SAGE units that I mentioned earlier, that has got a subgroup of insights teams and behaviorists and psychologists to try to increase anxiety level in the public by telling the media to exaggerate stories, you know, for compliance’s sake. To create, to heighten anxiety, was the wording in it.  So, here's the story…

Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two  (A:  Hhhhhh!  Oh, wow.)


Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths (A:  …even how it’s worded, most excess deaths… Who wrote this?)


Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two (A:  It says…)

bbc.com / 12 Jan 2021


There were close to 697,000 deaths in 2020 - nearly 85,000 more than would be expected based on the average in the previous five years.  (A:  Right.)


This represents an increase of 14% - making it the largest rise


(A:  It’s all percentages, this is the trick with percentages, ‘eh, and statistics.  They have courses, and these guys are sought after that do statistics, because they use them in advertising and they use them in selling too… big corporations, even for takeovers, they come up with statistics and charts and stuff. I think it was FDR said there are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics. Well, that’s what governments use all the time, the Department of Statistics. They actually have departments, ‘eh. As I’ve said before, you could have a survey where half the people said, you know 50% said, but it might be it only has two people, someone said this, and someone said that.  You understand how they play the games here?)


…the worst death rates since the 2000s.


(A:   …before they said World War II, here they say the worst death rates since the 2000’s. I don’t know who wrote this.) 


This measure - known as age-standardised mortality - takes into account population growth and age.


The data is only available until November - so the impact of deaths in December have not yet been taken into account - but it shows the death rate at that stage was at its highest in England since 2008.


(A:   Well, before that they said since World War II.)


On one hand, excess deaths are at their highest since World War Two, (A:   Well, which is it?)  while on the other, death rates, once age and size of population are taken into account, are at their worst level for a little over a decade 'only'.


(A:   Because the population is much, much bigger than it had in World War II, right.)


How should that be interpreted?


How should it be interpreted…? Well, the fact is, don’t forget, a lot of folk, how many folk, the hospitals weren’t taking surgery, they weren’t doing chemotherapy, they weren’t even excising primary tumors which could save people. What happened…?  They couldn’t get treatment for basic things. How many folk died? We’ve already had lots of stories on the deaths, lots of deaths at home, folk dying in agony because they couldn’t even get painkillers.  So, you understand how the game can be played with the numbers racket, ‘eh? So, the excess deaths, any excess deaths, if even that’s true, you’ve got to work through the statistics to work it all out, I’m telling you, because they use experts to bamboozle you.  [Alan chuckles.] I’ve seen these things really worked out by experts before and they’ll give you the real stories. But yeah, what about all the folk who literally haven’t got the treatment and who suffered and died etc., etc., etc., hm?  Yep.


Matt Hancock, remember that Matt Hancock, this... He is a prune of a character, you know.  He's such a yes-man to superiors, you know.  He's not what folk would say, the brightest guy, you know.  But he says…


Matt Hancock says it is ‘highly likely’ Brits will need annual Covid jab as 200,000 are being vaccinated every day - thesun.co.uk / 10 Jan 2021


I've got another article here where it says, now, guess who's advising Matt Hancock? Guess? Matt Hancock who said back last spring he says, you've got to remember, he says, that 10,000 people die every month here in England.  Hm.  Are you starting to get the picture how they get the statistics and so on? That's normal, you see, old folks dying.  But Matt Hancock is getting advice now, his advisor is...


Tony Blair ‘advising Matt Hancock on pandemic response’ - independent.co.uk / 10 Jan 2021


Tony Blair… Oh, you can believe Tony Blair, hm, the big globalist character. Oh, my goodness, Tony Blair, 'eh.  The guy who, the one-man band to get Britain into war in Iraq and elsewhere.  M-hm.  So, there you go. I'll put that link up too.


And I knew that too, I says, this is going to be an annual shot, right. Because again, that's what that Sir John Bell said in Britain, that yeah, it's going to be annual probably, you know.  Which is what the pharma companies want. Imagine getting billions across the world, billions of guaranteed money, dollars or pounds, every year from this.  This thing literally, every other coronavirus dies off by itself or goes harmless. So…


Scientists urge No10 (A:  That's Britain's... you know.) to increase social distancing (A:  So, scientists, I guess the guys who play with the computers, 'eh, they call them scientists.) to THREE METRES as Matt Hancock blasts people for flouting lockdown after Britain endures deadliest week so far with average of 931 deaths a DAY

dailymail.co.uk / 11 Jan 2021


(A:  Well, they shut down all the hospitals, they can't get the patients in, etc. etc. etc.  It's all hype, and again, exaggerate to the public every story. That's what they said to do, right, to create anxiety amongst the people. Well, this is another one of these articles.)


Derbyshire Police cancelled £200 fines for two women penalised for driving five miles to go for a walk;


(A:  Well, you can't really walk in a city, can you? Even there you could get mugged with, you know, by your overloads. Where are you going? Why are you going there? Are you going for a walk? How long are you going to be?) 


Nearly a quarter of care home residents have received their first shot of Covid vaccine;


Hospitals started rationing oxygen as it emerged that one in four coronavirus patients is under 55.


Now, wait a minute.  Is that why they're in, though? Or did they just test for coronavirus like a lot of folk do, without symptoms. Is that why they're in the hospital? Do you understand how they play the game here?  The con too, it's to show you how many folk die, often they'll make you think that's like this month. They don't specify anything, deliberately.  Or if they tell you a number, it could be since the last, you know, a year ago, like total, etc.  And oh!... they've got the fear that hospitals will become overwhelmed... So, they're actually [legally] charging people who go into hospitals... who filmed all of that, that woman last week there and put the video up, to an empty hospital.  They're charging folk, [Alan chuckles.]  because they don't want folks seeing this stuff.  I-yi-yi. 


From the independent…


Tony Blair ‘advising Matt Hancock on pandemic response’ - independent.co.uk / 10 Jan 2021




Norway urgently changes Covid vaccine guidance after 23 die in days following Pfizer jab

express.co.uk / 17 Jan 2021


(A:  They were elderly people in a home I think too.) 


Expert discusses adverse reaction to the shot. 


(A:  Adverse?  No, I think it's a normal reaction if you're getting something like this put into you. That's my opinion, right. Because it's the first time they put this kind of stuff into our bodies, this TYPE of vaccine. It's not a vaccine even actually, it's a modified... It modifies the genetic makeup in your lungs and your nasal passages and so on, like permanently.  It's based on the same kind of technology as CRISPR that they used to modify and reengineer vegetables and things.  N-n-n.  Anyway, it says…)


Despite the deaths, health officials have not expressed concern but instead plan to adjust their guidance on who should receive the vaccine.


Steinar Madsen, medical director with the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said: "It is quite clear that these vaccines have very little risk, with a small exception for the frailest patients.


(A:  Well, what about that doctor in the States?  Healthy guy, you know, gynecologist and obstetrician who literally, his platelets were wiped out by his own immune system after getting the shot. I’d hardly call that, you know, safe and little risk. Death is quite a risk, I would think, unless they’ve redefined it perhaps.)


"Those who are very frail and at the very end of life can be vaccinated after an individual assessment.”


(A:  But they're at the end of life, very frail, so that's what he said, they're very frail, at the end of life.  This is amazing what's being done here.  …that didn't have it before they got the shots.  Oooh, I-yi-yi-yi-yi.  It says here that...)


“The Norwegian government will also consider adjusting their vaccination instructions to take the patients’ health into more consideration."


(A:  You mean they’re actually going to consider the patient here?  Hm?  Tttt.  Wow.)


Besides those that died, nine had suffered serious side effects (A:  …serious, right.) including allergic reactions, strong discomfort and severe fever.


Well, that tends to kill you off too if you can't handle a fever.  Yep.  Quite something.  And…


Ontario premier (A:  That’s Ford again.) kicks MPP (A:  Member of the provincial parliament, that’s Ontario.) out of party for saying ‘lockdowns aren’t working’

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


Premier Doug Ford called MPP Roman Baber's letter stating the detrimental effects of lockdowns 'irresponsible' and booted him from the Progressive Conservative Party.


(A:  There you go, and the article, the letter is here as well.  His letter is also on LifeSiteNews...)


YORK, Ontario, January 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews)


“The Lockdowns aren’t working. They are killing lives instead of saving lives.”


(A:  And he was kicked out of his party caucus, right.)


“It’s causing an avalanche of suicides, overdoses, bankruptcies, divorces and takes an immense toll on our children. Dozens of leading doctors implored you to end the lockdowns,” wrote Baber.


Well, it doesn’t matter. You see, other doctors and specialists and top virologists and world-famous specialists, and who even invented the PCR test, you know, they’re all just out the window now because there’s AN AUTHORITY. We don’t know who they are but there’s an authority above it all so no one else’s opinion, or no one else can analyze what they see either, you know.


Remember, the same technique after 9/11, 9/11 ushered in the surveillance society.  No privacy, that was part of the big agenda there.  You can't have total control of your own people and the world without total knowledge of everybody's actions in real time.  Total information, you see, network. So, 9/11 happened, just a lucky fluke that happened, for the neocons who said that that they would need a Pearl Harbor event to get the backing of the general population of the US to back all these wars that they had planned. And out came immediately from the IMF and all the rest of the characters that are involved in it, the politicians, the lackeys, they said, spend, spend, spend, keep the economy going, they said, and keep spending, use your credit cards and everything. Bush said it too, they all said it, another chance at telling you to spend, spend, spend, save the country by spending. So, here's this one here, only this time the whole economy is shutting down, BUT the mantra is…


'Spend as much as you can,' IMF head urges governments worldwide

reuters.com / 15 Jasn 2021


 (A:  There you go. Because it's all borrowed money from their World Bank, 'eh.  They're all connected.  [Alan chuckles.]  So, there you go, spend, spend, spend.  Maybe you'll get caught and fined for being out trying to spend though. I mean, what can you spend it on if you're locked down and the cops are going to come after you if you try to buy something that they claim you don't need. So, Reuters, this is from Reuters…)


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Policymakers worldwide should embrace more spending to help revive their stuttering economies, (A:  stuttering economies…  I mean, they’ve been ordered to be shut down for goodness’ sake here!  Hm? And this is…) the head of the International Monetary Fund said on Friday at Russia’s annual Gaidar economic forum.


(A:  They're all connected today. Even Russia by the way is going to have their passport, the Covid passport and vaccination passport. They're all owned, all countries are owned. But yeah, they want us to up the spending...)


…governments to up their spending and that a synchronised approach internationally was best for growth.


In other words, borrow, I guess, to give to other countries.  [Alan chuckles.] To buy the vaccines maybe, who knows?  But it's great money for the big characters, the MAGICIANS who run the money system at the very top, the big magicians, you know.  Everybody else has to do bookkeeping. I don't think they have that. I think they tossed out bookkeeping long, long ago at the World Bank and the IMF and the central banking systems. That's why you have to get SPECIAL folk who have, they've got special techniques to count and subtract, and, you don't understand these things, you know.  That's why it's so secretive. 


If you have the right folk coming in to manage your central bank, they can do wonders. You might think, my God, we owe so much money, and we've got so many IOUs out there, that if we have another 500 generations we still wouldn't pay it off. These magicians could come in there and say, no, we'll lend you more money and spend it the way we tell you to spend it, and it will all work out just like that, you see, you just don't have enough FAITH.  There you are, that's how it works.


You think it's just the occasional big con they pull off? Occasional? That's what you think?  [Alan chuckles.]  You've been living in fantasy your whole life, you just don't know it.  M-hm.  Nothing is backing the cash.  Except governments putting you all down as guarantors to pay off the loans that your government is getting.  Where do the people put the loans? Into a computer. They don't bother putting anything in, there's nothing tangible into a vault or anything. It's a great business to be in. So, spend, spend, just borrow and spend. There you are, there you go. 




Silicon Valley (A:  Naturally, you know, what you think is just an independent thing that they're far left just by themselves, you know, that's what you're told to believe...) and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records

unlimitedhangout.com / 15 Jan 2021


(A:  It's to help YOU, you're going to have your passport and there'll be this foundation, you know. Do you realize these foundations don't normally help like that, they go for the really, really poor folk, but they're going to help you all out of this jam by making sure your vaccine records are backed for the World Economic Forum and so on, and they can all share your data. For your own good, 'eh?)


Silicon Valley’s most influential companies, alongside healthcare companies (A:  They’re HUGE multi trillion-dollar businesses.), US intelligence contractors (A:  Naturally, you know.) and the Commons Project Foundation, recently launched the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The initiative’s ambitions reach far beyond vaccines and will have major implications for civil liberties.


(A:  Ttt.  Oh, my goodness, ‘eh.)


Multiple airlines are now testing a Digital Health Passport called CommonPass, [unintelligible] health information needed for travel and secure, easy to update app, the Commons Project.


(A:  And who's involved with it?)


On Thursday, tech giants with deep ties to the US national-security state—Microsoft, Oracle, and the MITRE Corporation (A:  Remember the MITRE one.) —announced that they had partnered with several health-care companies to create the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) to advance the implementation of digital COVID-19 vaccination records.


(A:  There ya go.)


According to a Reuters report, the VCI “aims to help people (A:  ...to HELP you...) get encrypted digital copies of their immunization records stored in a digital wallet of their choice” because the “current system [of vaccination records] does not readily support convenient access and sharing of verifiable vaccination records.”


(A:  It's a public-private partnership.  Like all the big fascist ones are, they use your taxpayer money to fund their programs, and they collect all the profits and ownership. Isn't that wonderful?  There ya go.  So, they've got different versions, slightly different versions.)


The initiative is essentially built on a common framework of digital vaccination “wallets” called SMART Health Cards that are meant to “work across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries” as part of a new global vaccination-record infrastructure. 


...and make them digitally assessable, you see.  That's the stuff I talked about long ago, years and years ago.  And folk, that will never happen. Well, here it all is, folks, and you're paying for it as usual.


WHO warns against issuing ‘immunity passports,’ but looks at possibility of ‘e-vaccination certificates’ for travel

rt.com / 3 Dec 2020


(A:  You see, don't call it immunity passports, you know, call it something else. There you go.)


The World Health Organization has said it is looking into the possible use of “e-vaccination certificates” for travelers, but advised member states against issuing “immunity passports” for those who have recovered from Covid-19.


You see, if you recovered from it that means you've got antibodies.  You mustn't mention antibodies. All those folk get tested and then suddenly you don't hear about them. They didn't die, most of them, you see.  So many folk out of 10,000 new tests per day, test positive, they generally get over it, and often don't know they've had it. Then the reason they got over it is because they are immune to it now. They've got herd immunity, natural immunity. By their own body. Safely too. No side effects.


And yes, yes, but they're using the elderly like, because it's like mum's apple pie.  They had a choice of either hitting something for babies, or the elderly. Something we still might, might, MIGHT just care about, but we don't really, most folk don't.  We're so degraded now in society with our lifestyles and our indoctrination that most folk don't care about the elderly. And most folk really don't care, or a lot of folk really don't care these days about the babies either. We know that from certain records.


But they've gotta get something, you see, so they can use it as an excuse.  Well, you're just against the elderly, because you're warning them about this and warning them about that. No, you're warning the elderly, or, you're warning everybody actually, about the fact that this is a brand-new type of injection. As I say, it's not really a vaccination.  Vaccinations used to simply take weakened versions of something that can't reproduce, inject it into you, again with a lot of other stuff too, adjuvants and so on, which cause problems. But at least it didn't take off in your body and change the cellular structure in your body.  


The whole idea was your immune system would look at it and make a kind of duplicate key of it to attack it, and if it hit the real one the idea was that it would hopefully work against the real one because you had already created antibodies.  You see?  But this one here is different. It's meant to change the spikes in your own receptor cells in your body, you know.  First time they've done it, folks, this particular type. 


So they’re definitely coming out with vaccination certificates, like I said would happen a long time ago, and they kind of laughed it off, oh, that would never happen.  [Alan chuckles.]  I could go on and on, but I won't go any further with it. Because it's dangerous to say too much. It doesn't matter how right you are about things, or how much evidence you have and so on, it's not safe now. No.


There's also one called The Vaccination Credential Initiative...


Tech coalition working to create digital COVID-19 vaccination passport

thehill.com / 14 Jan 2021


The Vaccination Credential Initiative, announced on Thursday, is formulating technology to confirm vaccinations in the likelihood that some governments will mandate people provide proof of their shots in order to enter the nation.


(A:  Well, you know darn well it’s to be for internal as well.) 


The initiative, which includes members like Microsoft, Oracle and U.S. nonprofit Mayo Clinic…


(A:  This article also links with, another link to the Financial Times, a lot of this information is in the Financial Times.) 


…the Financial Times reported.


The Commons Project’s technology, created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, (A:  I’m really surprised.) is being utilized by three major airline alliances.


(A:  I-yi-yi.) 


Now, I've mentioned already Ontario's Covid 19 stay at home order.  I've said already I'll put up for sure, all the things you're allowed to do. This is amazing, what you're allowed and not allowed to do, 'eh, [Alan chuckles.] under Stage 1, 2 and 3 and the whole bit of lockdowns for Ontario…  


What is considered essential under Ontario's COVID-19 stay-at-home order?

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 Jan 2021


There is no word on what an individual would have to show a peace officer to prove they are exercising. Playgrounds and play structures were closed during Ontario's Stage 1. So far, most outdoor amenities are permitted to be open, save for ski hills.  But the question of permitted outdoor amenities have sparked confusion.


(A:  No kidding, 'eh.)


Traveling is permitted to another location if the person intends to stay there less than 24 hours, and is doing so for one of the other purposes set out in the order.  Otherwise traveling to another residence is only allowed if an individual intends to stay there for at least 14 days.


Try to figure all this out, 'eh.  You see, you're not meant to win. It's meant to be confusing. It's not meant to make sense either by the way. Or, it definitely doesn't make any scientific sense. It really doesn't.  It really, really doesn't. 


I guess you know, when you look at buying food or veterinary services for an animal, is something you might be allowed to do, if you can prove if that's what it's for, getting out in other words, 'eh.  Maybe you're starting to see that guy that wears the cow outfit with the horns, is way ahead of you for lockdowns. So, he can go out as a human being, maybe you get medications for his head, but also, as an animal as well, 'eh?  Maybe he's up on you that way, he can be anything he wants to be.  He can say he is a cow if he wants to be a cow, and maybe he needs treatment, 'eh.  Hhhhh.  I don't know.  Yep.  Another article too…


'It hurts and I'm scared': Ontario hospitals struggle amid COVID-19 surge as patients wait for life-saving surgeries - toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 Jan 2021


Well, that's why you get the death rate going up. We already had that last year when that came out in the newspapers as you well know.  Ron Paul mentions it too in his site, there's an article by another fella and it says…


A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths.

Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

ronpaulinstitute.org / 10 Jan 2021


Things seem to be working backwards at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York.


James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at syracuse.com that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also, Mulder’s article discloses, (A:  This article claims anyway.) seven days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents so far having been vaccinated.


Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died.


You'll get more and more of this. And I really think that's the rush to get the vaccinations out before any evidence... We already know about bad side effects, you know, just the minor ones are bad enough.  It makes you sick and you have diarrhea and you'll be off work and all the rest of it, etc. etc., and incredible migraine headaches. Some folk are definitely having neurological problems, there's lots of videos of them.  I don't know if they're all genuine, but some are definitely bona fide.  You can see who they are, they've got the proof of who they are, and you've got relatives with them and stuff like that. It's been in other papers too to show you that these folks have definitely got neurological problems now.


Another one too is interesting.  Because everyone got pooh-poohed about the, oh my, the Luciferase you know, the stuff that they're going to inject into you.  It will be like a tattoo, and it will see under a certain kind of light you've had vaccination, like a record.  Everybody was laughed at. And MIT was working on it, mind you, and they publish the articles from MIT in the newspapers about it.  It doesn't matter if you use real articles, 'eh, it really doesn't matter.  It depends if THEY can say it, or if YOU can say it. That's how things are now in the new, the new godly truth movement... the gods are up there, we can't see who they are anymore, you know.




British Scientists Developing World’s First Covid-19 Vaccine Smart Patch

unilad.co.uk / 6 Jan 2021


(A:  And it looks like something… it's got little pyramids on it [Alan chuckles.] that I guess are the pricks that will stick to the skin, that will just pierce the skin, you see.  I bet you anything… And also it says they can tell, it's got a, I don't know, it doesn't say why, they'll know, it's a record of your vaccination, it will keep a record of your vaccination, this thing will keep a record of your vaccination. Unless that's the thing we're talking about here.)


The patch will use microneedles to both administer the coronavirus vaccine and monitor its efficacy for the patient by tracking the body’s immune response.


(A:  It's going to track it, what, in real time? What is it, how does it communicate it, you know?)


… Swansea’s IMPACT research centre hope to carry out human clinical studies in partnership with Imperial College London (A:  Well, naturally, it's always the same, College of London.) with the aim of making the device commercially available within three years.


Using polycarbonate or silicon millimetre-long microneedles, the smart patch can penetrate the skin to administer a vaccine. It can be held in place with a strap or tape for up to 24 hours, during which time it simultaneously measures a patient’s inflammatory response to the vaccination


(A:  So, it's actually giving you, you know, the protein.  This is it too, it doesn't say here, but it must be using the protein, like the jab gives you. This jab gives you a very similar, you know, it will give you a bit of the protein from this coronavirus, supposedly.  That's why folk were testing positive after they were getting it, you know. You got a lot of folk now using the PCR test, will test positive for the virus after they get the jab. And they might keep, every so often, testing positive because now your body is manufacturing it. That's in other articles too, from official sources by the way, the authorized sources.  So, this one here too must be doing the same thing, since it says here it's going to monitor your inflammatory response to the vaccination by monitoring biomarkers in the skin.)


…by monitoring biomarkers in the skin.


Once the vaccine has been administered, the device is scanned to produce a data reading that can provide an understanding about the efficacy of the vaccine and the body’s response to it.


Those involved in the project received Welsh government and European funding as part of the global response to overcome the coronavirus pandemic, though scientists hope the smart patch could also be used to treat other infectious diseases, the BBC reports.  (A:  The link to the BBC is there as well.)


(A:  Basically, what they're saying is that if the body produces the immunoglobulins, that's basically the antibodies, right, to it, it says, if they can detect that...)


… are ‘good markers’ of showing the efficacy of vaccination.


But none of these things are testing the real wild virus, as they like to call it. Are they? And they skipped all the trials, even with the volunteers, they didn't want the bad reactions. Because when you hit a real coronavirus in the wild, that's not out of the lab or whatever, or even if it is in a lab, you can have the cytokine storm response, 'eh, massive response.  That's why they didn't, I think, really.  Why wouldn't they have given it to the volunteers rather than test it on the whole population?  Then of course once the wild virus comes along IF, IF too many folk had, do get bad responses when the real viruses come along, they can cover their tracks and say it's a different kind of virus, something, or a different strain. This is how I see this thing developing. This is my opinion. This is my personal opinion, what I can see so far.


Because to skip the human challenge trial tests is not completing the tests. That's how you know if something is more safe, you know. You can never guarantee any vaccination that's completely safe, but it gives you a higher safety factor if people don't overreact, if your body's immune system after getting the shot doesn't overreact when it meets a wild virus, a similar type, in the wild as they call it.  Amazing hey?  Amazing times we're in indeed.


Dutch gov't considering curfew in fight against Covid - nltimes.nl / 12 Jan 2021


I'll put that one up too.  And...


Putin Pushes Plan To Roll Out COVID “Immunity Passports” In Russia

corona-stocks.com / 4 Jan 2021


Russian President Vladimir Putin ramps up his aggressive campaign to stamp out COVID-19 once and for all (as Russia races to vaccinate its most vulnerable citizens ) 


(A:  Again, ‘eh.  They always go for the folk who can’t handle it.  A lot of folk, a lot of them CAN’T handle it, I think they’re so…  And then they just say, well they were so frail anyway.  Why would you do it to people who are so frail? When you know in the healthy folk there are at least side effects.  Hm?  It doesn't make sense, does it?  No.  It really doesn't. For what we're being told.  You can only say there's something else going on here.  You know.)


...the Russian government is considering the development and distribution of documents verifying whether individuals have been vaccinated. China has already road-tested technology transmitting people's COVID status (A:  That was done back last spring.) via smartphone apps...  (A:  You see, they test everything out in China first.  Then we copy it.)


So, I'll put, all these articles are from the sources.  I'll put up that one too that says…


'It hurts and I'm scared': Ontario hospitals struggle amid COVID-19 surge as patients wait for life-saving surgeries

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 Jan 2021


(A:  I put it up before, but it gives you an example of a woman who was diagnosed with cancer last October...)


... she worries her potentially life-saving procedure will be postponed.


...from Covid 19.  There's lots like that now, I mean, it's so sad. Because cancer, you've got to catch it in time, especially with primers when they are small, before they've spread to the secondaries and metastasized all over the place.  It's life-and-death, isn't it?  So why wouldn't you give them priority treatment?  You see, when things don't make sense, there's other things at play here. Really.   Also…


Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 - ola.org


...as a FLEXIBLE response to Covid 19. It means, they can just keep you locked down forever by renewing it every month. It gives you again all this incredible gobbledygook on what you can do, can't do, cannot do, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.  This one here is mainly to the police and so on, with powers to arrest, etc., etc.  The powers to revoke orders, powers to amend orders, timeline on application orders.  As I say, they can keep renewing it for YEARS if they want to. If you LET them.  [Alan chuckles.]   That's pretty well it.


Also, another one too is…


Report A Covid-19 Vaccine Injury - Del Bigtree - bitchute.com / 8 Jan 2021


I'll put that one up too for those who want to see it, it's a little video. And that's what folk should be doing. I mean, you've got to hold them… People can't do whatever they want to you and be unaccountable. That's no, no way, it can't be that way.  Another article, this one also goes into natural immunity...


Natural Immunity To Covid Long-Lasting - bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


That your natural herd immunity.  I’ll put that up there too, it’s got the links to it as well.  Another one too is from the Telegraph. This was in last June, remember, 2020.  People think that years have passed since last June, it’s astonishing.  Because it died off about the end of March, into April the Covid thing, remember they said that? Remember the people at the universities in Oxford said the same thing, and Cambridge as well, that if this virus disappears so quickly, as it's doing, they won't have any viruses to use for their testing. That's what they said back then, I've still got the articles, I put them out there at the time too.  So, here's back in June and it says…


Day by day, the coronavirus edges ever closer to extinction. (A:  It was disappearing that quickly, right.)  Time to get back to normal. - telegraph.co.uk / 25 June 2020


Well, after that they started testing, the mass rollout of PCR tests to give you the numbers, oh my God, oh my God. Well as I say, ah, it's like a magic test, you can get pretty well whatever you want on it, depending on what you want to use it for. If it's for a purpose for lockdowns, you can get what you want.  It doesn't, it can't tell you if you've got a live virus or a quantity of them, or if you've had it. It's just bits and pieces, bits and pieces, bits and pieces, multiplied through cycles in the lab so many times until, again, it's utterly useless, even for the basic possibility that you might possibly maybe have something.


Your car knows a lot about you. Who owns that data?  (A:  There you go.)

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 12 Jan 2021


TORONTO -- New cars are packed with technology keeping us safe (A:  Everything today is talking to you like you’re a child, isn't it.  They give you the excuse that whatever they're doing, like stealing data and monitoring and spying on you, is for your safety. Right off the bat they tell you it's for your safety.) and tracking our every move, but they're also transmitting data in real time back to car manufacturers.


(A:  And of course, they sell it to everybody else too, y'know. So, this talks about all the different folk who service our cars, and get it serviced and so on.)


The association (A:  Automotive Association.) says there are 500,000 jobs in Canada related to the aftermarket auto parts and auto service market.


AIA has started a right to choose campaign along with a petition that says Canadians should have access and control of their car's data.  (A:  Yep.)


… independent shops will be effectively shut out from repairing newer cars without the proper data.


“If they don't have that information they can not safely and properly fix your car" said Champagne.


The auto is to get put off the road eventually step by step by step. D’you understand that?  It’s the agenda for the 21st century, 2030 is the next part of it. They’ve already said they want them off the road by 2030.  I-yi-yi.  Yep.


Leftist activist who filmed Babbitt’s death (A: That’s the woman you saw that they shot at the Capitol building.  So, the activists who filmed it is…) charged for forcibly entering Capitol building during Jan. 6 riot (A:  That’s what he’s charged with.) 

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


…among other charges, “willfully and knowingly” engaging in “disorderly or disruptive conduct,” the Department of Justice said yesterday.


John Sullivan is the founder of Insurgence USA, a leftist activist group “started in 2020 in response to the George Floyd tragedy”…


(A:  This guy is a trained operative for these groups.)


Sullivan claims to be a reporter, despite not having any press credentials, who entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6.


(A:  You can actually see him on the video, or hear him too, talking about how they get into the building and, come on, come on.  That's the one put up by Giuliani, that clip.  But yeah, you got to understand, it's interesting too to see how some of these, some of these characters actually, some of them, not surprisingly have relatives, even parents in the military, high up there in intelligence.  It doesn't surprise you that they'd get their offspring into some similar things too.  I'm not so sure about this one though.  But you hear him calling for violent revolutions and so on in previous videos that he's done with the BLM as an example.  Also, you can actually hear him talking about burning down the building he was in there, on the 6th.)


Some of the comments he makes while storming through the Capitol building include the following. Time stamps refer to this YouTube video post by Sullivan to his account Jayden X:


4:30  Lets burn this s--- down!


6:53  We gotta get this s--- burned!


Now, the new normal again, and I talked about this years ago on-and-off...


‘High protein content’: Insects set to crawl their way onto Europeans’ plates as EU regulator rules MEALWORMS are SAFE to eat - rt.com / 13 Jan 2021


Again, I did that one earlier, but I'll do it again. Because it's important you realize the yumminess things of these people, who have your best interests at heart, you know.  As I mentioned already that Bill Gates also has patents on the meatless burgers, but they look like meat and all that.  They work waaay ahead to enrich themselves and to take control over everything, as they eliminate meat and beef and so on.  So, Bill Gates…


Bill Gates: America’s Top Farmland Owner - landreport.com / 11 Jan 2021


America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates - forbes.com / 14 Jan 2021




British Judge Rules Julian Assange Cannot be Extradited to the United States - ronpaulinstitute.org / 4 Jan 2021


It doesn't matter anyway; they'll keep him in Britain obviously. They can keep, they can keep you indefinitely just playing with you without even convicting you as guilty.  Of anything.  Anyway, this particular article has got the different links from the court decisions on it and so on. And Trump hasn't made a move to pardon a lot of the people, that one way or another even inadvertently maybe helped him get in at the time, when they pointed out so much corruption was going on.


This article is interesting too, just interesting to me, but I have to take everything with a pinch of salt because there's so much, that I've mentioned before, is run by the authorities. Soo much of it, of all dialogue that's given to the public so that you can have your debates and so on using their dialogue. It's all rigged as I say. When anybody says anything different that’s not authorized, it’s banned from this and banned from that, because you’re not authorized, you know.  Then you have to be careful. But anyway, this is from Reuters and it says...


America’s Epiphany Moment

strategic-culture.org / 4 Jan 2021


The blanketing canopy pressing down across the globe of TINA (A:  Now, TINA is a term that came out I think in the 19th century maybe where it says…)  (there is no alternative) (A:  That's what it means, there is no alternative.) is rupturing. The fabric is tearing at the seams. Now, with the U.S. courts having abdicated their role in adjudicating suits in connection with the 3rd November election, it seems that President Trump will make a last effort to change the course of events between 6–20 January (inauguration day). At point of writing, some 140 Republican Representatives say they will challenge the outcome of certain elections on 6 January. Whether this challenge will succeed (in all its dimensions) is moot.


(A:  This article was written January 4, by Alastair Crooke.)


What then? Well, Red America – whether rightly or wrongly – sees that 20 January may prove to be ‘the end of the line’ for them. Eight out of ten Republicans believe the election stolen; that the crucial Georgia Senatorial race likely will be ‘stolen’ too; that the destruction of small and mid-sized businesses through lockdown was a premeditated strategy to further consolidate Big Business Oligarchs; and that ultimately Red Americans (A:  Red Americans is conservative, that's the term they use.) will face ‘cancellation’ by an incoming woke ‘soft-totalitarianism’, orchestrated by Big Tech. This is their perspective – their Epiphany revelation. It is, to say the least, bleak.


(A:  It goes through different ideas that could be used, like secession...)


Secession, per se, however, is unlikely – and if attempted, likely would end badly. Separation however is already happening in a small de facto way: House moves (estate agents say) (A:  …housing moves…) are being driven firstly by the overarching ‘colour’ of the neighbourhood being vacated, as well as by the desired destination’s ‘colour’ (i.e. Red or Blue) (A:  That's how they work it in the States, is red or blue.  It's odd though because the so-called left in Britain and other countries often uses red for the revolution, you see, that's the red flag flying high, international socialists and so on.  But in the States the conservatives use, or if that's the real name for them, Republicans, are red and the left is blue, you know.), as America separates into two ‘tribes’.


Yes, many American (and western) myths about American identity and politics lie shattered on the ground. Many still are in a state of shock. They had imagined their elections as somehow sacrosanct. They had imagined the courts as arbitrators. And they never imagined to see a U.S. President ridiculed and humiliated so, by the MSM. (A:  MainStream media.)  Reality has arrived as a slap in the face.


(A:  That’s from Reuters.)


And yes – TINA is over (A:  There is no alternative.); a market for alternatives is now open for business. The ripples from this unexpected shock of an American epiphany will cascade into the European Union (though European leaders presently, are presenting a Nelsonian (blind) eye to the telescope), and the European media is compliant in simply ignoring anything, save the Tech narrative of reality.


But much more than this, the tear to that oppressive TINA canopy allows other civilisational-states assertively to reject criticisms, or policies, which have been weaponised against their value-systems. If Red America can utterly reject woke values, and vice versa, then why should other civilisations not reject western Enlightenment values?


This is already afoot: as Hungary successfully has faced down the EU over its particular values (which progressive Brussels disdains as illiberal), and as China has made it clear that a trade relationship with Beijing will come only when Europeans put an end to their virtue signalling at others.


Whether the U.S. was a democracy in any meaningful sense prior to Trump had been the subject of substantial debate.   (A:  That's what it was talking about earlier.  Before Trump got in the first time, and back when Bush was in with his wars, lined-up wars that were already set, preset, a lot of debate went on then too.)  A 2014 study concluded that economic power now was so concentrated in the hands of a tiny clique of billionaire-oligarchs…


(A:  Listen to this, for the hard of thinking I'll say that again. This is from Reuters, so I guess it's okay.)


A 2014 study concluded that economic power now was so concentrated in the hands of a tiny clique of billionaire-oligarchs that they had amassed virtually unchallengeable political power, leaving next-to-no power in anyone else’s hands. The report concluded that the U.S. resembled an oligarchy, rather than a functioning democracy. Big Tech’s narrative repression during the last months has rubbed painfully home the point of unchallengeable institutional power – to half America.


(A: In other words, no one is going to listen to you, to the other half of America.)


That debate about when U.S. democracy was lost, however, has been rendered utterly obsolete by the new realities of the Covid era: A combination of sustained lockdowns; the demise of small businesses; and of massive state-mandated pandemic support flowing primarily to corporate élites, has left these oligarchs, together with their Silicon Valley and Wall Street allies, further entrenched, with literally unassailable economic and political power.


And that’s the truth of it. You can read the article for yourself.  It’s longer than that of course and it’s an interesting article, it goes on quite a bit. But you get the gist of what I'm talking about.  And I do really think, starting with, at least starting with Bush Junior, it was rather open with the idea, well it's not quite working, this left and right anymore, we need more efficiency. Well, it's technocracy of course, the one system, the Chinese system, experts and scientists running the population, just like Brave New World, right down to how long you should live, should you be allowed to breed, all that kind of stuff.  Isn't that what it's all about.


Also, ha, this article...


'Help the Police protect you': Christian Police Association (A:  Christian Police Association, I didn't know there was one.) urges people to stay at home as fines get tougher

premierchristian.news / 12 Jan 2021


(A:  So, they're telling you to help the police.)


…Policing Minister Kit Malthouse has warned police will be quicker to act against those breaching the measures in England.


At least 32,000 fines were issued up to December 2020 in England and Wales, of which 8,000 were issued in November last year.


Executive director of the Christian Police Association, Lee Russell, told Premier it's hard to say if the fines are helping.


(A:  Yeah, just keep persecuting the people, we don't know if it's helping or not.  [Alan laughing.]  They're already broke because they can't earn money, so let's just fine what's left off them.)


"There are a number of fines being issued. But of course, there's been some high-profile cases where people have said that they'd really hadn't broken the rules. Of course, that makes it really, really confusing for the street police officer trying to do a difficult job."


(A:  Well, you see, maybe they should read the rules, and when there's exemptions and things like that, maybe you should take that into consideration.  Hm?  Meanwhile…)


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been heavily criticised for riding his bike seven miles away from Downing Street and two women recently had fines revoked for meeting up for a walk with coffee five miles away from their homes.


(A:  I think Hancock too was in one of the papers there with I think it's a soccer ball or something. I'm not quite sure, but he's in some park somewhere. With no mask on, nothing, you know.  But, ah, who's looking, 'eh!) 


Anyway, it's been made deliberately confusing.  What it does, you see, is increased anxiety, exactly what they want, ‘eh, for compliance.  If you don't understand something you're anxious all the time, and you might be more compliant when they shout at you, you know, hey, you!  Who?  Yeah, you! 


So anyway, that's about it for tonight actually. Cuttingthroughthematrix.com, remember, send a few pennies my way because it certainly helps me tick along. And hopefully we can all stay pretty safe through all this nonsense that's going on. Because the reaction, the first time in history where they've locked down the healthy.   They've shut down an entire economy pretty well, except for the BIG, the BIG, again their pals that owned the huge mega food stores and so on, 'eh, corporations. What does that tell you?  That it was all arranged before you heard of Covid obviously. Yep. 


And you've not to come out of this... the world will be completely different when you emerge from this.  They're going to have it down for you on and off for years, folks. They've already said, like I’ve had all the articles, everything I say is from their articles which they put out themselves. By the characters who say it. Even Fauci said it, well you know, you get the vaccination… Before they were trying to say, yeah you might go back to normal if you take the vaccine. Then they say, if you take the vaccination it doesn't mean you get to go back to normal. And you still have to wear a mask. And you can still catch it and spread it, dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut. 


This is from their own mouths for goodness’ sake.  Which would tell me, my opinion, there's a much bigger different agenda in play right now. And it's much closer to Mr. Klaus Schwab, who's awfully happy about it all, with his little old-fashioned spacesuit jacket on with the big shoulders that you see in the old, old movies, 'eh.  Like Things To Come.  By the Masters, 'eh.  Hhhhhh!  I guess that's how he sees himself.    But don't forget, for his comic figure, this guy has got a finger in every pie. He was around all these different meetings and the different agreements, and even the tests that they had with the European Parliament, the Commission, on how they would manage it BEFORE it happened with Covid.  He was there, I'm sure it was him that was there telling them all what to do and how to react to it all. I thought, what does he have to do with medicine, or health? And so on. 


Well, it's the great reset you know.  Great reset.  HHHHH.  And the world will never be the same again, that's what they said back last year, remember, at the beginning of it. Fauci said it, the world will never be the same again, you'll never go back to normal.  What did HE know?  Because you could obviously, if healthy folk could still go out and work and everything was still open, and you took care of the more vulnerable, I mean real care and really protected them, and gave them good medication and antivirals and so on, hm.  But the first time in history, let's lock down everybody, and the healthy, especially the healthy.  And it's the healthy themselves that often don't know they've even had it. And if they've had it, they're obviously over it, meaning they do have antibodies to it.


So yeah, talking about beyond confusion, isn't it?  If you were to go by the authoritative sources at the top, the so-called authorized Masters of truth, and I don't know what God authorized them to do that, but it's obviously amongst the oligarchs up yonder.  Who, are getting richer and richer and richer off this as they take our tax money, handouts, billions of dollars to each one of them, to make this gadget or that gadget or passports or whatever it happens to be. 


Remember folks too, that you can send cash, you can use PayPal, you can use other means of getting money to me at cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  Remember too, don't force people, don't turn people off by overloading them with anything you've discovered or found out about what's going on. Because they can't handle it.  And you cannot compete with folk who are addicted to mainstream television every single day.  Incredible indoctrination. I heard some hype of the stuff they've been putting out on television, to terrify the public, and it was soo produced... with a fast narrative, and the anxiety, and the voice, all done by actors, to terrify the public. This is on the NEWS, like the guidance for the public, you know.  I thought, whoof, ha, no wonder they’re neurotic now.


So, all you can do is give your opinions on things to those that you can.  And of course, don't tell them not to take vaccinations because you'll definitely get hammered. You can't make the people do that anyway, they'll do what they want regardless.  But if you're asked, you can give them what you know or show them the evidence, or the links of official sites that show what you're talking about. That way you're helping them to look for themselves.


But this is a huge agenda, massive agenda, with a lot of fallout in so many areas.  I mean, no war has done this, shut down everything, crushed economies.  This is the whole sustainability agenda they've been prattling about since Maurice Strong and his Rio Summit and so on, even before then. This is the whole agenda concentrated into this time.  And rammed through, immediate, all at once, BOOOFF, shut down everything.


And you've just started because they're going to drag this on. The World Bank said that, maybe five years they are preparing for, and that can be renegotiated for another five years automatically, just straight, without a break.  Yep.  You can change society in a huge, huge, huge way in a matter of five years.  Quigley, you can get more done on a social planning system in five years of war than 50 years of peace and propaganda.  Hm. 


So cuttingthroughthematrix.com and let me know you're there, and what you noticed and what you see yourselves. Because you're living through history and your eyes and your mind and what you see really gives you real history that you can pass on.  Not the official stuff that comes out later that was written before the events happen.  [Alan chuckles.]   That's how things really are done, you know, pretty efficiently.


We are in a time, it's not a matter of giving up either.  It's a matter of thinking and being aware that you are not, you really are not alone. There's lots of people like you.  It's a matter of connecting to people and having your own little support groups. Because you'll need support groups as we go through the chaos.  Right down to how to even get food to you, or to each other, things like that.  Or even taking someone out, where they have to go somewhere, and they can't get out themselves and so on and so on. You've got to work it out, make sure you know all the rules, the latest rules, that can change by the day if they want to, to keep yourself safe from it all. You've got to keep safe. 


If you have support groups, that can really help you come through really nasty times.  The people who had the hardest times even during the Soviet era and the hard times of the Soviet era, and hardest times, were people who literally had no friends, or they were really completely isolated for other reasons. The ones who came through it and who knew what was going on had their own little support groups.  Careful ones, they didn't go boasting about what they were up to and so on.  Because the state doesn't tolerate it.


We are in the same state now, aren't we, where the state doesn't tolerate any dissent. This is martial law, and you will obey. Look at the statements by Doug Ford, 'eh.  Woah!  Nothing, hello people, I know you're suffering but this is what you will have to do for all blah, blah, blah.  No, just tells you what to do.


So, cuttingthroughthematrix.com and as I say it's best to download it for MP3s or whatever and play it at your leisure, an hour at a time perhaps. Remember, you're not alone.  Don't just throw your hands to give up. 


And all those too who fell for the last four years, into disillusionment and got set up at the end, and abandoned in a sense, you know, with no real leadership at all, don't blame yourselves. You're going through psychological operations ON YOU by your own governments using professionals, massive think tanks and operatives working full time.  They've done it all across the globe folks over many, many years. So, they can pull it off quite easily.  Don't fall into anything and be a silly patsy. Don't let anybody convince you to do anything that's going to get you in trouble, anything that's illegal. Because that's what a lot of them do.


And be a support to each other, that's all you can do in the meantime. Some things will happen, I know certain things will happen as they unroll more and more of what they are planning to do, and there will be fallout from it, big fallout from it. People will start to notice things and so on.  That's just the way it's going to be.


But anyway, don't get yourself in trouble.  Because you're dealing with professionals who will go around the world causing trouble, you understand that. 


This is the evil time, it's a very evil time that we’re going through. No doubt about it.  This took years of planning what's happening now.


The will has to come through eventually, the will of the people has to come through eventually. And all sides will in all different areas. Forget all the manufactured sides that they've given you already, right down to ethnic groups, what do you belong to, what do you believe, what do you blah blah blah. Forget all that stuff. It eventually comes down where everyone gets suffering equally and that's where you get things done, you have cooperation.  All good things come out of cooperation.


For myself Alan Watt from Ontario Canada, it's good night and may your God or gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


What Do You Do If You’re Injured By The Covid Shot? - Del Bigtree

bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


Ontario mom faces COVID-19 lockdown charges for leaving kids with grandparents to pick up groceries

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


COVID-19: Stay-home order does not allow random police checks, official says; Province begins 'big box store blitz'

ottawacitizen.com / 15 Jan 2021


Three people are charged with assaulting police after officers entered family's home 'after being told too many people were inside'

dailymail.co.uk / 7 Jan 2021


If You Asked Me If We Are In A Police State I Would Not Know The Answer

youtube.com / 8 Jan 2021


Police in Scotland barge into house. Coronavirus/Covid-19 'Laws'. Attack Family.

youtube.com / 7 Jan 2021


Ontario still considering COVID-19 curfew

cbc.ca / 8 Jan 2021


ONTARIO INVOKES STATE OF EMERGENCY: Stay home, except for essentials

torontosun.com / 13 Jan 2021


Ontario temporarily pauses residential evictions for duration of state of emergency

theglobeandmail.com / 14 Jan 2021


More seniors impacted by COVID outbreak in Sudbury

thesudburystar.com / 12 Jan 2021


What is considered essential under Ontario's COVID-19 stay-at-home order?

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 Jan 2021


'It hurts and I'm scared': Ontario hospitals struggle amid COVID-19 surge as patients wait for life-saving surgeries

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 14 Jan 2021


Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020



Trudeau says Canada needs to 'buckle down' as cases surge, vaccines delayed

cnn.com / 15 Jan 2021


Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two

bbc.com / 12 Jan 2021


Matt Hancock says it is ‘highly likely’ Brits will need annual Covid jab as 200,000 are being vaccinated every day

thesun.co.uk / 10 Jan 2021


Tony Blair ‘advising Matt Hancock on pandemic response’

independent.co.uk / 10 Jan 2021


Scientists urge No10 to increase social distancing to THREE METRES as Matt Hancock blasts people for flouting lockdown after Britain endures deadliest week so far with average of 931 deaths a DAY

dailymail.co.uk / 11 Jan 2021


Norway urgently changes Covid vaccine guidance after 23 die in days following Pfizer jab

express.co.uk / 17 Jan 2021


Ontario premier kicks MPP out of party for saying ‘lockdowns aren’t working’

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


'Spend as much as you can,' IMF head urges governments worldwide

reuters.com / 15 Jan 2021


Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records

unlimitedhangout.com / 15 Jan 2021


WHO warns against issuing ‘immunity passports,’ but looks at possibility of ‘e-vaccination certificates’ for travel

rt.com / 3 Dec 2020


Tech coalition working to create digital COVID-19 vaccination passport

thehill.com / 14 Jan 2021


Putin Pushes Plan To Roll Out COVID “Immunity Passports” In Russia

corona-stocks.com / 4 Jan 2021


A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

ronpaulinstitute.org / 10 Jan


British Scientists Developing World’s First Covid-19 Vaccine Smart Patch

unilad.co.uk / 6 Jan 2021


Dutch gov't considering curfew in fight against Covid

nltimes.nl / 12 Jan 2021


Natural Immunity To Covid Long-Lasting

bitchute.com / 15 Jan 2021


Day by day, the coronavirus edges ever closer to extinction. Time to get back to normal.

telegraph.co.uk / 25 June 2020


Your car knows a lot about you. Who owns that data?

toronto.ctvnews.ca / 12 Jan 2021


Leftist activist who filmed Babbitt’s death charged for forcibly entering Capitol building during Jan. 6 riot

lifesitenews.com / 15 Jan 2021


‘High protein content’: Insects set to crawl their way onto Europeans’ plates as EU regulator rules MEALWORMS are SAFE to eat

rt.com / 13 Jan 2021


Bill Gates: America’s Top Farmland Owner

landreport.com / 11 Jan 2021


America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates

forbes.com / 14 Jan 2021


British Judge Rules Julian Assange Cannot be Extradited to the United States

ronpaulinstitute.org / 4 Jan 2021


America’s Epiphany Moment

strategic-culture.org / 4 Jan 2021


'Help the Police protect you': Christian Police Association urges people to stay at home as fines get tougher

premierchristian.news / 12 Jan 2021


Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero

anncoulter.com / 16 Dec 2020


Professor Chris Shaw, Moderna Vaccine is a Vast Experiment - Del Bigtree

bitchute.com / 14 Jan 2021


Report A Covid-19 Vaccine Injury - Del Bigtree

bitchute.com / 8 Jan 2021




Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"