Jan. 27, 2019 (#1705)
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)
Training the Public to Suit the Product:
"Socialism is Our System, We're Society's Saviours,
While Experimenting with Novel Behaviours."
© Alan Watt Jan. 27, 2019
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt -
Jan. 27, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
P.O. Box 815
Keene, TX
76059 USA
EMAIL: alanwattcuttingthrough@yahoo.com
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The
Matrix on January 27, 2019. First of all, I’d like to welcome everyone who tunes in and
listens to these podcasts for years and years and years, and for newcomers too
who… We forget that, every year there’s another bunch
that will hit a certain age and are looking for answers to what ticks in the
world, and what makes them tick, and makes everybody else tick at the same
time. Because we don’t get the answers. In fact, we have so much data thrown at
us every day to try to keep us from looking at really what’s happening on an
individual basis. And it has to be individual basis,
because after all, it’s you that
wants to know, right, hopefully. It’s not we.
It’s you.
And you have to do your
searching as an individual. Because it all reflects on you and your own
behavior, your own desires, what you
want, what maybe you don’t want, just like advertising does, and what it’s all
about. And you come to
the conclusion of course when you really go into it, that there’s a
massive machinery, you might say, that dumps all this data on a daily basis on
you… to control you basically, and to keep you from looking at areas that
perhaps you should.
Because after all, it takes time, and it’s time… You
understand, time is an awfully
important thing in life, it’s all you have. Really, it’s all you have. And when
you think about the time, and I’ve mentioned this before, that you look at when
you’re growing up your parents, I used to look at my parents watching
television and it was like watching people suddenly smiling at a thing on TV,
looking serious at a thing on TV, and then suddenly looking depressed or angry
at some tragic seen on television. It came across very evidently on the
watcher’s expressions. And I thought, what a
power, what a power this is. And
of course, even Spielberg had said the same thing eventually, that it’s the greatest powerful tool ever developed.
Because it can, it can train people to believe
anything that the masters want them to believe. If you add music in the
background when you’re putting across different documentaries, with the dah-dum, solemn, dah-dum, dah-dum, dah-dum. That’s how they show them to children at
school, these documentaries on the environment or whatever it happens to be. They
can make anything seem possible, and all humans seem utterly evil to the little
children, it sticks in there, it’s all done by professionals you understand,
nothing left to chance.
I remember years ago too, that someone, a talk
show host phoned me up with another fellow who worked in Hollywood, who was
putting out information and collecting data on mind control basically through
video and music and how it’s put across, etc.
We had a long conversation and he put that into his own book, etc. But
I’ve always known it, and I think lots of people have always known down through
the ages these particular things, just by studying
other people and how all these things affect you yourself. It’s true that, for
instance, a good Hollywood movie can switch folk from anger to tragedy to utter
fear, or horror, into laughter very quickly, by triggering your emotions. And
that’s a tremendously impressive tool. It works very well on most people.
You have to sometimes
stand back and separate yourself from being most people to study these things
and analyze them. When you analyze them you’ll really
see how much indoctrination goes in to what’s called entertainment.
That’s where you get all your ideas from and your updates given to you on
what’s okay to talk about or think about or say, and what’s not. It works very,
very well on most people. But it never
stops, you understand, it never stops. There’s hardly a thing out there today
that’s entertaining that’s not full of messages. It’s highly weaponized.
I’ve mentioned before too that even authors of
children’s books, regardless of the age, are paid by cultural departments and
governments to insert all the PC updates and things that they want that child to grow up to believe, or
even behave in a certain way. It’s quite
interesting to see how much of your tax money goes into brainwashing you. You get the simple things like
Bertrand Russell talking about the techniques in use, in use in the 1940s and 50s and how already, he said, the
techniques are really advancing so quickly, in behaviorism psychology
and so on, he said, that eventually
anybody will be able to convince anyone else of anything. He’s talking
about the controllers of course. And he
was quite explicit in different areas of control over the general population,
he was all for that.
Socialism, remember, was born out of the minds of
the intelligentsia. And the intelligentsia were a part of the elites. It’s the
best form of control that they could think of, a
uniform control. Individuality, for the
masses that is, was taboo. They could never predict what an individual could
do. And, an individual, like
Russell said, that couldn’t be won over
and who had a good intelligence, couldn’t be won over to the crew who
rule the world basically, the dominant minority, and accepting the scholarships
into the Ivy League schools, the old ones, old schools, and refused to part ways with their own family, of the lower
classes for instance, they could be dangerous
because they could, they’d have the intellect and understanding and
study abilities to put across information to the general population, and they could unseat those who ruled.
Therefore, he said, they’d have to be eliminated. And he
meant killed, literally, if they
wouldn’t join them. But most, he
said, could be bribed over, and
the doors would open for them and they’d go up through the ranks. It’s awfully
impressive the list of people down through the last 150 years who got up the
ranks that way, in all walks of life. Still very much so today. Maybe even more
so today than ever before.
But anyway, that’s only part of the control
system. Most folk still think they’re living in a free society. That’s really wonderful to see how such intense indoctrination can
work so effectively, isn’t it, when you can live with two opposing opinions in
your head, on a myriad of topics, and believe in them both at the same time
without thinking you’re crazy. Because that’s how we really are. When I talk about the organizations that boast about controlling the system,
the technocrats, the Trilateral types, and the Council on Foreign Relations,
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Royal Society, all the other ones
that have got their talk show hosts now constantly using my archives and
bringing it out although they never mention where they get it from. But it’s
fascinating to see it in your face today, the techniques are so prevalent.
Some countries like Canada have even had them
come on television occasionally, rare
occasions, like the CFR, taking the credit for drafting up and being behind the
whole NAFTA deal, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which is now, they’ve
changed the name but it’s the same organization exactly. Their
goal ultimately was the unification of the Americas, complete, including the
Caribbean countries as well by the way. And it hasn’t stopped. Back in around 2005 they came out with a lot
of this stuff, with some of the main players and I think Mr. Axworthy in fact
was one of the members that was on television at the time talking about it
quite openly. And other reporters too, because lots of reporters of the
mainstream, top reporters, not them all, but some of them are definitely members of the CFR.
We can read about it from their own writings. You
can even get some documentaries put out by them on video, from the Council on
Foreign Relations, about America’s ruling establishment, meaning
the CFR, by the CFR, boasting about it.
And yet still people will think that somehow
we’re free to make our own decisions and that somehow the future is just
developing by itself. And it’s never been that way. When you think that, long
before we were born, most of us, that the
same organization was on the go with its British grandparent running the
European side of it all, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The
goal was always the same of a system of control over the entire planet, and
first setting up the European conglomerate union, trading block, including
Scandinavia, and then the American one for all of the
Americas, and then the far Eastern bloc. And they’ve got organizations, parts
of their organizations dedicated specifically to that particular
agenda. You can read about it from their own writings.
You’ve never had a vote on this anywhere in the
world. Most folk are still oblivious that this organization, that puts their
members into politics, puts their members into all the top bureaucratic
positions in every country, that runs the media pretty well
in every country because all the top owners of the papers, etc. are members,
and editors, etc. They decide what you’re going to hear and what you will
believe. And then television too, it’s
the same kind of thing on the newscasts there. So how on earth can you possibly
believe that what your vote is supposed to do, to change the world, and the
same agenda will continue regardless of what color of party, red, blue or
whatever they call themselves, happen to be in power. It’s always stunned me to watch it.
Remember too, it’s a legality in a sense. Everything is very much a legality in the
system where you’ve got to vote.
When you vote, legally you’re giving someone authority to rule over you.
And these are people you don’t even know. You’ll get the marketed image of the
person put across to you. But as you know, they’re pretty
well all figureheads who sign whatever’s put in front of them. And the
top bureaucrats in all governmental positions and important people were placed
there, who really know their business and they work there their entire lives
until they retire, they are the people who draft up all this stuff and manage
all the stuff behind the scenes for the politicians. In
politics, as Carol Quigley said, he said, they’re allowed a certain amount of competition between parties,
he said, but in reality, it doesn’t
matter, the top members of every party belong to the same one organization, the CFR.
So therefore, as I say, we’re living in a bit of
a fantasy, in a dualistic fashion, believing that your vote counts and that somehow you’re
making history. You see, everything works the same way, the future is planned,
as I’ve mentioned before, by those who control it today. George Orwell knew the
same thing. And that’s how you keep a
hold of history, by making it happen,
what you want to happen. You could even
write the books in advance, how it’s supposed to happen. No matter how many
flaws it has in its actual working out, that are discovered eventually and
found out to be, they’ll never change their plan or the original story.
It’s kind of like where I live here in Canada. I’ve been keeping my own records of
temperatures for the last few years, and snowfalls for instance in winter, and
I’ll often find, especially since the snow started here in September, last
September, and it still looks the same today, I mean it’s just freezing. Last night it was -38° on the Fahrenheit
scale. Once it hits about -40° it’s about the same on both scales by the way.
This is quite normal here now. And the winters are getting longer and longer.
And more snow. And a lot of the days, in fact, the temperature doesn’t get
above zero Fahrenheit, in this last while.
But if you keep your own records and you listen to the forecasts, you’ll
find what they predict is going to happen, even if they’re 20° higher than what
actually happens, their particular one is going to
stick as though it had happened after the fact. They don’t change it and say,
well, we’re wrong, here’s what actually happened.
Because after all, were supposed to be going into
global warming, right, therefore you’ll find that the real weather, the actual
weather is not cooperating with the agenda. It doesn’t matter. It really
doesn’t matter. Because most people will,
after a month or two, maybe in May or June or so, when they’re told that the
last winter was the warmest on record, which it’s actually
the coldest on record as far as I can see, they’ll go by the official
report. And that’s known too, that they do take official reports on
things. They’re taught to believe in
experts. That’s why you get so many presented to you. If a new field was found tomorrow, discovered
tomorrow, they’d instantly have their experts on television telling you what to
believe about it. Because they must always keep themselves in control.
But anyway, as I say, the whole agenda is to use
the weather especially and terrify
the public when you get hot summers or freezing winters. That’s what we had, summers and winters
before in climates like Canada. But now of course they are ‘arctic vortexes’, ‘polar
vortexes’, we don’t get ‘winters’ now. They changed the terminology to terrify
everybody. As I say, it doesn’t matter,
it really doesn’t matter, facts don’t matter anymore, you go by the official
reports on anything. And that’s just the way it is. That’s the way it is.
If you watch politicians, and when 9/11 happened
it was awfully interesting to watch.
Many of the folk who worked around Bush Junior at the time came out
afterwards and admitted that they were all told to give the most negative
reports on Saddam Hussein and different people, to match their agenda. The
agenda was already planned for the invasions of the different countries before
9/11 happened and they needed, basically, the
Pearl Harbor event, as they said themselves, to get it all going and to get the public on their side. Now,
it doesn’t matter that this all came out, it doesn’t matter that everybody who
was on television at the time, or any report at the time from the cabinets
around Bush and the rest of the characters in the presidency, they all said the
same statements, same quotes, short quotes, short quotes, short quotes, short
quotes, weapons of mass destruction.
It didn’t matter that they never found them. It
didn’t matter that they probably never existed. The fact is, they had to keep
saying it to the public and have that drummed into their heads through
repetition. And like a bunch of robotic clones, everybody you saw had the same
quotes on television for the general public, all planned in
advance that you’ll all say this when
the public come up with the microphone and reporters come up with the
microphone, this is what you’ll say
to them. And they did it dutifully.
Well, it’s the same with everything else today
too. Those who are getting up the latter, who have been chosen to get up the ladder, you must get picked, especially for the CFR. And you will, you’ll be vetted and
not even know you’re being vetted, before you’re asked to join. You’re asked to
join if you can be used and if you’re trustworthy. And they’ll have tested you
already. And yes, doors will open, but you’ll do what you’re told.
They already know that the ones they pick will happily do what they’re
And by the way, it’s fascinating to go way back
into the past to the books that were put out by this group, from their own
meetings, they had annual meetings across the world. I have some here. And the
one, I’ve mentioned this before, that was held in Australia in the 1930s,
before World War II started, a big, big meeting and they brought everybody in,
politicians, prime ministers. I’m sure
there may have even been presidents there from other countries. The top bankers from all
across, the central bankers across the world attended it. They had
members of the Communist Party from different countries. Fascist parties. All
different parties. And Quigley said it himself in his book, he said, they don’t mind what you are, if they can use you they’ll bring you in, you simply have to agree on
certain topics.
Now, the topics they agree on are control of
the public across the planet. And all of its resources. Awfully interesting isn’t it. That’s
why you meet some of the richest communists on the planet, that are multibillionaire
some of them. So, don’t fall for what people say they are or pretend to be. To
me, standing back and watching it all, it really does seem like the
biggest organized crime gang on the whole planet, that’s ever existed, even
more beautifully so because it’s a camouflaged under the pretenses of doing
good. We’re here to do good, you know, we know what’s good for the public, the public don’t, but it’s to do good, you know, and we want to help
feed the world… By controlling it eventually, all of
the world’s food supplies under about five different agribusinesses, five
corporations, which they of course own… And running the world’s complete
financial system, which they’ve pretty well done from
the central banking conglomerate, and the World Bank, and the Bank for
International Settlements and so on. They even put their own bank managers from
the CFR in as presidents of some countries occasionally as technocrats when
there’s a bit of chaos.
It’s astonishing.
And yet people still think they’re living in democracies where they can
vote. And of course, are taught to believe that those that they vote for are,
they know them, that you know them. It’s very much like being in the music
business. In the music business, people forget first and foremost, it’s called show business. It’s showbiz. Even
exposes of different musicians or bands or whatever are often paid publicity
stunts, and reporters are well aware of it too. And
sometimes, if they’re really busy, the bands, or
completely out of it through drugs or booze or whatever, the managers will give
the right of whoever they’ve chosen to do writeups on them to just make this
stuff up… I talked to so-and-so today and he’s still doing his own thing here
and blah blah blah. That’s how they do it.
It is business. And it’s show business. And when you create, for a long time,
creating the bands for a long time, it’s a corporate thing, a
band is a corporation. Members
can leave and bring in new members, and keep the
trademark of the bands name because it’s worth so much for the following that
they have, even though you bring in occasionally different members, you see.
It’s business. Big, big business. The trends
of music are part of the culture industry, it is a cultural part. In the 60s
they brought out the rebellious types. In the 50s they even started it in the
movie types with the Marlon Brando’s and different ones, the bad biker boys, you see, the rebels. They also had Dean, the Rebel Without A Cause, that kind of
stuff. Then the 60s came along, they
put out the Bob Dylan types, The Times
They Are A Changing. Revolution. It
was all about revolution.
Young folk really thought at the time as they
bought all the records that they could, if they had money to do this kind of
stuff because it was not good times for most folk across Europe financially.
They were trying to give them, the youth, a new idea of purpose, and of course
it was to use them and have them accept and swallow all the doctrine that was
being promoted to them as though they themselves were part of a
revolution. And it was a revolution. It was a cultural revolution. Planned. Directed. Well-financed. But the last folk to figure that out were the
actual youngsters themselves who could put on, oh, the bad boy pouts, that’s
what they liked at the time, bad boy pouts, and tell them they’re part of some kind of big, big change.
They threw drugs out there like you wouldn’t
believe, drugs are awfully important, by those who rule the world. Don’t forget
that Britain and America flooded, absolutely flooded the coast of China with
the bails of opium until China capitulated and let them in. They started to
divide up certain parts of the coastline there for British sectors, French
sectors, American sectors and so on. People forget that initially the Chinese
didn’t want anything to do with nasty folk from the West, you see. That’s how
they did it. There’s
well-known names today, I won’t go through them, old families who were, ha,
made a fortune off the opium industry.
Don’t forget too that George Orwell’s family were
a traditional intergenerational family of bureaucrats who serve the British
Empire, the royalty. His father at one time was governor general of, I think it
was Burma, and he was in charge of her Majesty’s opium
company. Not George himself, but his father was at one point. I think it was a politician called Thompson
in the 1930s brought it up in Parliament, everybody thought that opium
organizations were done for, because of the terrible publicity when folk
started to find out what had been happening. Nevermind the facts that even
Britain itself had been flooded with opium in the 1800s by some well-known
characters who were awfully good at using it and pushing it under the term for medicinal purposes. Is that familiar
to you, medicinal purposes? Hm? Medical purposes, ‘eh. And they put the stuff in everything, from
cough mixture to whatever, to everything, absolutely, and lauding them and so
on, all the different derivatives, etc.
They were hooking people.
But it was lucky, it was actually
lucky for the working classes of Britain especially who couldn’t afford
the darned stuff. But the thing is, too, it was lucky, they preferred beer.
Isn’t that amazing. That saved them, a lot of them. So they shifted their attention to promoting
it across to other parts of the world. But yeah, they used it definitely against the Chinese. That’s the reason too that
Britain used to be into pushing up the Khyber Pass, as they call it, and into
Afghanistan, was for the drugs, for the opium.
Even today we have got lots of footage of Allied troops as they call it,
guarding the poppy fields. Because the first thing we did when they took over
Afghanistan was to start growing it again, the Taliban that ran it before had banned it. And once it happened again,
then you have the different heroin derivatives from it, and it gets flooded
across the world.
I’ve been looking at Australia recently because
there’s some good, put it this way, it has a lot of information going for it,
Australia, as a test bed for a good part of the world actually
in certain areas of culture. Every
country’s used a little bit differently occasionally when they’re testing different
parts of culture, even different drugs out by the way, for those who don’t know
that. Well studied. But even if you look
up Wikipedia about Australia and the drug industry and the drug problems and so
on, it’s interesting. There’s a lot of articles, spinoffs from it too you’ll
find about, that they quite openly know
that the CIA had a lot to do with the introduction of heavy drugs into
Australia. They also used the American
military bases there to bring it in. Even from the Vietnam era onwards in fact,
too. All kinds of drugs. Well organized.
But the CIA have always used drugs to either
takedown countries, and also to get the money, extra
black budget money for other black operations. And that’s not… Of course, a lot
of the world knows about that today. But it’s still going on. Big time. It’s
never stopped. It never will stop because it’s so lucrative, and it’s not traceable
either, most of it. But remember, drugs
are used as a weapon.
Sex is used as a weapon, even from ancient times,
used as a weapon. It isn’t just Sodom
and Gomorrah you get all the stories about debauchery and the terrible things
that were happening. You also had in Greece, they also
had the different Bacchanalia basically. They also had their different female
secretive societies where they would do a lot of different sexual things as
well in ancient Greece. But you also had these big empires at the time, and
then Rome after them. But they both went down the tubes the same kind of way,
when they stopped producing offspring. Rome even tried, remember, to mandate
that the nobility marry and have offspring. Even that wasn’t working well, under punishment if they didn’t comply.
They were so debauched eventually that, well, we know what happened
basically. They got overrun.
That’s always the way of it. But again, it will
be helped along its way. If you understand, it’s a formula, isn’t it… The
partying. Drugs. Alcohol. Lots of sexual
activity and promiscuity, massive promiscuity. Abortion of children and
infanticide and so on. And then they’re
overrun and that’s the end of them. That’s
the formula. So when you know what happens you can create the formula again
and again as a form of warfare. For those who don’t understand that. But they do. And I don’t watch the History
Channel, I don’t have TV, anything like that. This is just, this used to be
taught in schools, this kind of stuff.
So those who understand it, and there’s lots of organizations and
secretive agencies understand this and they can put it into effect. Very, very
well, in fact.
So what I’m saying is that, how can you possibly
believe you live in democracies? If you ask a thousand people what a democracy
meant to them, you’ll get a thousand different answers. Some people think it’s the causes they’ve
been given, such as the greening of the planet or environmentalism or
whatever. They get all confused what
democracy is. And why do you think they
give you parties in the first place? And why do you think the parties today
cater to the same groups that have been established by those who control the parties, like environmentalism and so on? They can use them as a voting block, it’s
quite easy to do. Well, so much for the
individual, when it’s supposed to be a free and open society where everybody’s
vote counts, every body,
their vote counts. They’ve got them all
into different segments of society today, all split up into the various different segments.
Labour Party is a joke today, has been for a long
time. During the Cold War they talked about the fact that they could never have
a successful, they knew this early on by the way, in the UK, for instance, at
least the Communists did, they could never have a real communist revolution
that they had in Russia, the Soviets version, the Bolshevik type. They knew it
would not work in Britain. It would take time, and they used Gramsci
ideas of subversion of the culture from within, take it over and do it
incrementally so they don’t really notice it, they’ll adapt to it. And that’s what they use, all the
behaviorists. That’s why behaviorism
really came into existence, it was for control purposes. And all the different areas of psychology
that are combined with it, for control purposes.
So they knew they could not have that kind of
overthrow, a sudden overthrow. The Fabian Society’s writings are awfully
thorough on that particular point. So they went to
work on the Labour parties themselves using the unions, and eventually the
unions cut their own throats by going overboard. It was meant to actually bring
the country to stand stills until
there was some kind of chaos, that was the point of it. Those in the unions, the
followers didn’t know that. They thought it was all for themselves. They had
coal strikes in Britain and Margaret Thatcher’s group brought in coal from
Poland during that period. Poland was
still a communist country. And I don’t
know how many folk saw the dilemma of this whole thing. Margaret Thatcher, the
supposed epitome of conservatism, was bringing in coal from the communist
country to put down unions in your own country of British people. It was quite fascinating to study that and
watch it actually happen. And eventually, of course, one by one the
mines were all closed down over time.
So they knew, as I say, they’ve known a long time
ago they couldn’t use that type of sudden revolution in Britain, the UK. The
people were more, I don’t know, collectively uniform in their Britishness or
whatever you want to call it, you might say. And it doesn’t mean the British
system is great because the British folk were abuse for centuries and
centuries. And they were used to abuse other people. And each other. There’s no
doubt about that at all. Because history is, it’s quite a nasty nasty thing to
look at critically. It doesn’t mean
everyone was bad. You’ll find people through the worst times of everything,
just trying to keep a sense of humor and slug along and get through things.
Because it’s never been easy for most of the ordinary people. Never. N-n.
But that doesn’t mean you jump into the clutches
of some other group that’s going to use you for their own agendas. The
United Nations, you couldn’t find something more collectively communist and
totalitarian in its viewpoint of controlling the populations of the planet in
every possible area. You can’t imagine them ever really claiming to
be Democratic in any way at all. Or the
EU for that matter. The commission that runs the EU, the parliament system, the
secretive group at the top, they don’t believe in democracy either. Even the
top Soviet ex-Soviet dissidents came out and said that years ago, after the
Russian system, the Soviet system fell they said that this EU is even worse. It was meant to be.
Democracy, as it’s promoted to the public, is a
tool to use the public and different segments of the public, which have been
created. Gender segments, environmental segments, all kinds of segments, to be
used, just like guaranteed tools basically, they know how they’ll vote on
certain things. They know they supply
the leaders that these people will follow.
And I keep telling people, to be individual. The United Nations said
that the enemy of this whole agenda is
individualism. And sure enough, it’s like the old Soviet system. The old Soviet system, Soviet means ‘rule by
counsel’. All kinds of councils. So they
had councils for the proletariat in manufacturing or welding. Just like unions in a sense, but councils.
And it didn’t really work out like that because the Politburo at the top
appointed those who’d be the head of all these different organizations to make
sure it would do what it’s told and go the way it’s supposed to go. It’s easy
to control society that way, when the folks think they have their own little
group running just their lives because they’ve got different needs perhaps than
those a thousand miles away in a different part of the country doing a
different kind of work or whatever. But in reality, as I say, they’re all used.
So if you belong to groups, I can
guarantee you, you’re being used.
I’m telling you. I’ve always noticed that. And I used to notice it too,
as I say, even with the music industry. The music industry was taken over early
by, you might call them the avant-garde of what at
that time was thought of as the Marxist communist group, when it was the folk
industry. Now, the folk music industry before that was traditional folk in most
countries with old old songs passed down through generations, that belong to
the land, the people who lived on the land and that area of the land and so on.
When the Communists took over, by giving you stars, because they always give
you stars, they create the stars, they have a massive machinery to create
stars. Big money. And people will be taught how to follow
them… Oh, they’re wonderful, oh that’s fantastic, wow… then they follow
them. Then the stars start promoting
certain causes, all planned in advance and so on. That’s how easy it is. It’s all done that
way. Still to this present day.
But they even took so many of the old traditional
tunes from the old folk songs and adapted them into old,
actually, Russian Communists, actually they weren’t even Russian
initially, [Alan chuckles.] but these communist songs to try to get the people
stirred up. And luckily in America,
luckily, in the folk area, it was some of the groups that were Irish groups,
and of course in Britain too. In America you had something like the Clancy
Brothers and so on and they managed by their popularity and their great singing
and great old traditional songs to bring the real stuff back into vogue which
suppressed the communist stuff, the revolutionary communist stuff.
So they used some of those guys like Bob Dylan,
his future was mapped out for him to come out and do the sexual thing. Sex is a
weapon, you see. Liberate people through sex, destroy the family unit, etc.
etc., and, the thing about drugs, the colors in
your mind, all these kind of things, blah blah blah. And then of course,
they’ll give the different groups that would promote the pop groups, and even
create the rock groups that would do the same kind of thing. Revolution.
Revolution. Revolution. A
complete break with tradition from the past, that was the whole idea. Very
successfully done. But it really didn’t
help the average person’s life at the time. No matter how much money the
Beatles were raking in, for instance, or the Stones, it didn’t help the average
person in Britain. It didn’t help the poor girl standing at the bus stop with
her plastic short coat on in the wintertime, and plastic miniskirt and plastic
boots, and she’s freezing to death. It didn’t help them any at all. But it gave
the impression that they were part of something, that was the idea of it, you
Then before the 60s were out, you could have free
access to the birth control pill for women across Britain and other countries
too I guess, some of them. Then of course for the ones who didn’t take it then
you had, naturally, as they promoted promiscuity, you’d have pregnancy and then
the state would come in, well we’ve got a problem here, we’ll have to use
taxpayer’s money, then you’ve got abortion. So they were fulfilling lots of
different areas at the same time. This is all planned stuff. It’s not
make-believe and it’s not conspiracy stuff that you’re just picking out of thin
air. It was planned and written about, by the way. Some people like Yuri Bezmenov talked about
it, the ex-KGB guy, many other ones did too, in book form. And I’m one of these oddballs that still have
a lot of the old books written by all these ex-KGB guys. Again, through
universities and professorships they knew what was going on. But don’t forget
too the big organizations that run all of
them, like the Royal Institute of International Affairs / Council on
Foreign Relations, they’re part of it too. They’re a big part of it because
everything else comes underneath them. Remember what Quigley says? We’ve got communist, fascists, capitalists,
you name it, we’ve got them all. And here we are today.
Now, I’m not complaining about things like some
old fuddy-duddy here. I’m just saying.
Because I stand back from it. I’m not here to change it. It’d be
impossible to change it, this way. When you lose
something that’s so important to humanity, you generally never get it back
without massive catastrophes. It just doesn’t happen. It doesn’t happen. And when you have old
values, that, yeah, could be used against people at one time too, to suffer and
pray and suffer and pray, by an establishment that abuse the people, yeah, hchh, that isn’t much good either, is it. But don’t throw
out the baby with the bathwater, remember. Because a
lot of the old values folk had from their religions helped them, helped them to
help each other, to get through a lot
of these terrible times, mostly to help, anything like that, they helped each
other. That was awfully, awfully
When you lose the last vestige of humanity…
everybody’s fair game for a terrible, terrible ending. Peter Hitchens mentioned
it too. He was in the Soviet Union when
it supposedly collapsed. And it didn’t
collapse the way they tell you, but. He
said that the crime went rampant, immediately terrible. I know from the
documentaries that came out at the time, it was the saddest thing to see people
in food banks, massive food banks, set up by the West, and charities from the
West’s, and even the religious institutions that they were taught to despise
and hate, as folk rushed over with money, supplies and food and equipment to
feed them. And to listen to the people, who were heartbroken… for everything
they believed in, they’d been brainwashed into it, every culture does the same
in whatever it happens to be, all just suddenly gone… and here’s their supposed
enemies feeding them. It’s a tragic thing to see.
But in amongst it all to you had the top crooks
who ran the old Soviet system who grabbed all of the
supposed shares of the corporate businesses that would be divvied up amongst
the people. They grabbed these, there
was gangsters, they grabbed this for themselves and became the multi
billionaires today of the resources of the Soviet system. But that’s an aside of what I’m talking
about. But Hitchens said that, he said, what
he’s noticed as a journalist is that the horror of countries that didn’t have
even the vestiges of religions left in them, of what happens in times like that.
And you’d better realize where you are today. There are certain little things
that hold humanity together at the worst possible times and if you lose that
you’ve lost everything, you’re fair game.
Anyway, what I’m going to talk about tonight,
[Alan chuckles.] and tonight’s almost gone again, ‘eh? I generally get lots of
topics, and I don’t like getting just topics off the media unless there’s a
reason for it. So in the last few days I’ve just looked up certain things and
then an idea came to me. And I was
thinking about the control of the system that most folk wouldn’t even think
about. Don’t forget, with the system we’re
living in you’ve got massive massive debts incurred by everybody. Encouraged by
everybody, they teach them in school how to use credit cards and borrow money
and so on. Don’t forget, at one time that was called usury. It was
looked upon as a curse, where folk
lost even small holdings, down through centuries and centuries, across the
world. Don’t forget, going back into the past people who lent money out, by
their own laws, could take your offspring if you couldn’t afford to pay,
as slaves.
And how glibly we take it all today. Well, it’s
just so easy, blah blah blah, it’s easy payments. You borrow a couple of
thousand bucks on a credit card and they’ll tell you, you have
to pay the smallest amount back. And it’ll take you may be 20 years to
pay it. And by that time, you’ve paid
maybe that $2000 over, many times, many times, maybe even 20 times, by the time
you pay it off with the minimum amount.
What a con this is, ‘eh. Obviously, it’s the poor folks that’s going to
use it that way. But everybody’s keeping up with the Joneses and you’re
promoted, your whole culture promotes that. Everything visual is run by
advertising, whether it’s television or Internet or whatever it happens to be,
and there it goes, bang, bang, bang, buy, buy, buy, have all that and be
happy, be happy, buy all this. Keep up
with the Joneses.
But don’t forget, though, that everything today
is run this way. If you buy a car, I know people who have bought new cars in
the past few years and had an awful time trying to buy a car straight out, paid
in full. Because the car companies now, the outlets are run by the guys who
lend the money. They can own chains of them and they
want you to take on loans from them. Because a car is worth in Canada maybe
40,000, plus all the taxes, it’ll end up being maybe 60,000 or even more before
you pay it off. And most folk don’t pay
it off, they simply trade it in for a new one before it’s paid off and the try
and work out, juggle the payments that way. It’s like houses. Think about it.
But yet,
everybody wants you to buy things, pay it up, from their lenders, you see. The
whole world is run this way. Our
countries are run this way. The governments run to them too to borrow. And
we’re taught this is all normal. We’re all slaves, you know. And every
convenience store or any supermarket or whatever, do you have a convenient card? No. Do you have a loyalty card? No. Oh,
you have to pay extra for the same goods then. You see, you’re penalized. You’re penalized
if you want to just pay without taking on their credit card type thing, that
takes all of your data and everything you’re buying
every month or whatever it be, and they can even watch what your diet is. It all goes into banks for agencies in your
governments and so on. But you get a discount, ‘eh?!? That’s the mousetrap, if you just take this, that’s what they
tell you. And then they train the people too, you see them at checkout
counters, probably the same in the US but in Canada they do it. They’ve trained
folk, you’ll hear them in front of you asking for the data from older folk who
are pensioners, for their convenience card, oh,
you know, you got a loyalty card you get
a discount if you come in every Thursday, you get a discount. So they train them, everybody, then to come
in on Thursdays, you see.
What was it Bernays said? Bernays, the big
marketing so-called genius. He wasn’t a genius.
He learned from a long lineage of people who studied people intensely,
believe you me. But Bernays, he even worked for about five different
governments in succession, maybe more, as an advisor on mass manipulation using
psychology for behavior modification of the general population. He said to the big organizations that
produced goods like automobiles and fridges and everything else, don’t improve your product, to sell the
improvements, on how good it is or how long it’s going to last, etc. He says, you sell them a fantasy, but you change, you change the consumer to suit your product.
Everybody’s now a slave borrowing money all the
time from the lenders. Think about it. Even
older cars now, it’s the same thing, they’re all willing to give you loans. You know, oh, we can sign you up here and
it’s only so much interest, blah blah blah. And most folk think it’s normal
now. Their houses are the same. Why do you think houses are so incredibly, like
half a million, three quarters of a million for a little townhouse
somewhere? What!! Why is that? Because the big bankers will
give you easy loans, working in cahoots with those who set the big prices, big
corporations, and chains of them.
Governments love it because they get a higher tax back from the
homeowners every month, local governments love it too. So, they can stuff their
pocket. Everybody lives off the public. We are the product, really.
You go to a dentist now. A dentist, there’s
dentists that will offer you, through relatives or whatever, loans to pay off,
you know, so they’ll take your work on. Isn’t that amazing? Folk get really ill and they have to have operations and so on
now, or get cancers, can go for better treatments in other countries at times.
And you get videos and courses given to them by the companies that will give
you these treatments, telling you how to convince your peer group, your friends,
your relatives to give all that they have to pay for
your treatment. Salesmanship marketing. It’s incredible.
This is the system they have given us all. We are the products. And by the way, we
are disposable. We are. After the big planned crash of 2007 and 2008 when the
banking system, and it was planned, there were folk who knew all about it long
before happened and didn’t try to stop it or anything. Then you find that,
remember, since then people with any savings in the bank, and everybody’s got
money going either through the bank or cashing things or whatever, or using the
banks, or electronically using the banks. The banks now have all that cash,
especially electronic money, and they loan that
out all over the planet. But you can’t
get a penny back pretty well in interest on anything.
And it’s done so slickly folk think that’s now normal. It was unheard
of not to have to pay anything, in the bank, even 20 bucks, and leave it
there without getting interest accrued. But now it’s normal. And they call it
negative interest, you might owe them
money. Train the public to suit your product. Train the public to suit your product. Think about it. Think
about it, folks. It’s all there, isn’t it. And
everyone thinks is normal.
The articles I’ve read the last little while too,
because they do the same investigations every other year for the big
universities, how far away is the general person from the street basically if
they lost their jobs tomorrow? And it’s
about 400 bucks. Even in the middle
class, a lot of them. Their holidays are
all done on borrowed money and credit cards and so on. Appearances, appearances, ‘eh? But yeah, you
think about it. Now that everything’s going electronic, why are they pushing
the electronics? Apart from monitoring everything you do and buying and so on,
it’s also to keep the banks going. The banks are happy then because now they’re
guaranteed the money’s going to flow through them each time folk use their cards for everything.
They can use that money that’s going through it,
temporarily, even overnight. Look at the money every bank, big bank and
investor company, they used to have Merrill Lynch, they would invest big chunks
of money across the planet. There’s many of these organizations do that, these
corporations. They might move them from Tokyo, after six hours, to another
place for a few hours, and overnight they can make massive amounts of interest
on the money they put through. That money could be transitory, going through
all these electronic machines and so on. But the people who are basically,
supposedly, earn the money are getting nothing back when it goes through the
banking system. In fact, you’re paying for it all. Isn’t that wonderful? And you get nothing back in interest at all.
Not bad, ‘eh. Train the people, the
public to suit your product.
Most things in this system are so slickly done
the folk adapt into it without thinking. And believe you me, those who manage you all
are not in the business of telling you.
[Alan chuckles.] They give you
lots of other crisis to distract you. Many things to
distract you. Even fun is a great
distraction, isn’t it? How much time of your life is wasted on entertainment,
for instance? Hm? But they train you to be egocentric and narcissistic,
it’s all about you having fun, don’t say
this, that’s negative, I don’t want unpleasantness, that’s a downer. Well, there’s
nothing you cannot do with the population you’ve trained to avoid
Now, remember, change the public to suit your
product. As I’ve already mentioned about
Australia, it’s a good example of testing of intergenerational cultural
changes, planned changes. Because it’s summer in Australia and they’ve got all
these different big parties on, and huge parties in fact, Australia Day and all
that kind of thing. I’ll put some
articles up on it and you can see how these revelers as they call themselves
there, that every time you see the big parties over there across the big cities
in Australia, you’ll see them, young folk with very little on at all. Often now
it’s just glitter on some of the women that attend, young women. And the drugs are just flowing like crazy
with overdoses. The more severe ones you
here about in the newspapers and the media. Other ones too, there are stacks, a
lot more than that, that will be helped up by their friends that will have been
taking all kinds of drugs.
Now, change the public to suit your product,
right. And the taking of these different kinds of drugs today is quite, quite normal to them. They’re heavily promoted,
always easily assessable. And yet, the public are adapting into it and adapting
and adapting. Every few years it’s like
a big jump to the next step, the next step, the next step. As I say, we’re becoming like Sodom and
Gomorrah in a sense. Because sexual freedom, as they call it, was always a big,
big push, even in the late 1800s HG Wells pushed for it then too, to
destroy the idea of marriage so that the governments could control the general
public, experts would control them all. And it never occurs to you when
you’re having fun, you might say, that you’re being controlled. Just like
dumping bales of opium on to the shores of China, they want to make your own
military bases basically in China in the old days.
Drugs, drugs, drugs, and with things which
destroy your ability to judge properly, in comes the sex too, big time. Then you’re well on your way. We’ve watched it for many, many years, this
war, this cultural war. They call it a war, a cultural war. The sexual
revolution wasn’t mistakenly called the sexual revolution. [Alan chuckles.] That was all planned and directed with the help
of the culture industry. In Britain it was comical to me to see the so-called
staid BBC pushing stuff that was sometimes ahead of even the US and other
countries in that department.
Anyway, Australia, so there you’ll see them, the
revelers as they call themselves, and you see some of them with MDMA pills,
methamphetamines and so on getting pushed there. All kinds of drugs, though.
And there’s kids dying, some of them. Because to them it’s all being promoted
as normal, you see.
Teenager 'with more than 500 MDMA pills' is among 10 punters arrested on drug charges at Australia Day music festivals - dailymail.co.uk / 26 Jan 2019
And I’ll put up too, the results for drug
overdose deaths.
Search results for drug overdose deaths - dailymail.co.uk
… a whole bunch of links for those who care to
look at it. Most folk don’t. Again, don’t look at the unpleasant, look at the
happy stuff, happy, happy, happy, and that’s what you’ve been trained to do.
That’s why you’re all sitting ducks for more big crashes and more
unpleasantness or austerity plans. And eventually mandatory, either one child
families, which is on the cards... Remember, China
is the model state for the whole world to follow, according to the
United Nations. Although the wealthier
folk and those who have proven their worth will be allowed to have more
children, you see. That’s even happening in China. The proper
eugenic type of program.
I’ll put up all these links to do with, you see
the revelers. I won’t say what they’re
wearing. [Alan chuckles.] It’s what
they’re not wearing perhaps.
Sun's out, tongues out! Thousands of revellers masquerading in a sea of showstopping, barely-there outfits flock to Australia Day music festivals across the country as temperatures soar to 45C - dailymail.co.uk / 26 Jan 2019
Again, you’re looking at… They’re probably the
last generation really, many of them will never ever have children. They’ll
have lots and lots of sex but no children. And it’s been planned that way and
folk haven’t figured that out yet. And the abortion industry is just doing
great-guns as they say.
Now as I’ve said before, Australia is interesting
when it comes to social experimentation in, well, I call it the social
scientists, of course, that are behind a lot of the cultural creation and the
cultural changes that we’ve witnessed over many, many years. You find,
combining different aspects of it, odd things happening here and there. Not
just in Australia, of course, but Australia has been ahead of the game for a
while in certain areas. Here’s an oddball one to do with drugs and someone
flipping out completely, picking random people in a store, deliberately, I mean
coming into a store with an ax and attacking them. So I don’t advise people to
go into this and look at it. I can put
the link up for those who are interested in crime or dysfunctions in society
that are becoming more prevalent today, and drugs, etc. etc.
But it was apparently a transgender who had been
let down with some date, I have no idea what it was, really, I’m not interested
at all. But the thing is, this character went into a store, after warning
whoever let him down with the date, that he was going to go into a store and
just start killing people.
'I will kill people it will be your fault' : Transgender woman flies into a fit of rage after a failed Tinder date and storms into a 7-Eleven with an axe trying to 'cut a man's head in half' - dailymail.co.uk / 26 Jan 2019
But when you see the drugs this character was on,
legal, illegal. And with the legal
drugs, antidepressants of all kinds, probably the SSRIs, selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors and so on, no doubt, and plus cannabis, hah, got a cocktail
of drugs altogether, that they were told were okay, and some of them were even administered
by physicians in this particular case. Why aren’t
these characters, these physicians and psychiatrists being called up for their
actions? When people, and there’s been so many, many accounts of people, even
mass shootings in the States, they’re all seeing
psychiatrist’s, these guys in the States, and you find that they have
histories of the same kinds of antidepressants and so on. It’s just phenomenal
that there’s no, hhhh, there’s no come back on the
so-called professionals that put them on these mind-altering drugs.
There’s no doubt about it, generally you’ll find
there’s some mental disturbances long before they’re put on the drugs. But the
fact is, I think it definitely exacerbates it in a lot
of cases. But they’re put on all kinds
of drugs which generally upset the chemistry of the brain. And when you’ve
already got pre-existing other mental problems that are there, I think the
psychiatrists should be really held to account for letting this kind of thing
going on. It’s just getting worse and worse all the time. And I think if that was the case, they’d be far more diligent in what they recommend
for different patients. They really would. And they could maybe… We know, for
instance, some of the shootings in the US over the years, the psychiatrists had
long, long records with these
particular people, and they even had warnings that things are going to happen
in some cases and did nothing about it.
If you’re going to prescribe these kinds of drugs to people, they were definitely disturbed, I think there should be some kind of
definite inquiry into it. Because I think it’s becoming worse. It really is.
It’s becoming worse.
But again, there’s a lot of social
experimentation going on. As I say, Australia is a big one. It’s an interesting
case, this particular one, from different
perspectives. But what gets me too is the sentencing now is becoming a joke. It
has been for a long time. And for
attempted triple murder, and deliberate, I mean, this was no holding back at
all here, would you really risk putting them back out there in four years or so
and say they’re fine? Really? Anyway,
it’s definitely of interest to people who want to
study the social phenomenon of social engineering that we’re living through in
this day and age. Including the justice system, and the psychiatric system, and
the medical system, who are all making a lot of money off different things to
which perhaps they shouldn’t be.
Now, as all this is happening, go back, think
back to even the opium dens they flooded Europe with at one time trying to get
them to take off big time. You can read about…
The Marijuana Billionaire Who Doesn’t Smoke Weed - fortune.com / 16 Jan 2019
It’s a big PR piece, naturally, to promote
Canada’s big big cannabis business. And it’s not just one person. Don’t ever
believe that the fronts they give you, any more than the ones who run the tech
industry, don’t think it’s them at all. They are the front people. These
are massive businesses. Multibillion-dollar businesses, all ready with massive
corporations behind specialists to promote it all. And payoffs all over. I
mean, you’ve got ex-police chiefs, you’ve got governor generals involved. And
you’ve got another one here to do with…
Tilray - International Advisory Board - tilray.com
…in Canada, and massively, anybody that’s a who’s
who in the Who’s Who directory for Canada and the US is on the board of this
thing too. Including Lord Axworthy of
Canada who was up there, way up there
in politics next to the Prime Minister, and who also was one of the heads, I
think he was the head for a while of
the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations. They’re
awfully good at making business to suit themselves, aren’t they, with their
national trade agreements, etc. Oh yeah, massive business now in drugs, drugs,
drugs. That came out, again, just like the opium business in the medicines, it
was for medicinal use initially, for health reasons, you know. And of course,
it isn’t simply for pleasure. And there
ya go.
I’ll put these articles up anyway, for those who
care to go into it. And lots will actually. There’s
another one too…
Israel's grass to grow greener, cabinet about to approve cannabis exports - jpost.com / 23 Jan 2019
…big time.
We'll be competing, I’ve no doubt they’ve already preplanned the areas
that, they’ll divvy up the planet basically, and it will be interesting to see
how it works out. They might all be
related in fact, for all we know, which wouldn’t surprise me at all, the big
corporations that is.
And also…
Sharp rise in number of Australians accessing treatment for amphetamine use - www1.racgp.org.au / April 20 2018
That’s one thing I did look at is the incredible
drug abuse system they’ve got there too. Remember too, you need to create a
system of pleasure and recreation, as they call it. In other words, leisure
time for all these kinds of things to take off. All of them. If you’re
struggling like the people did struggle, you know, hand-to-mouth basically for
a long time, before they gave you time off, there was no time for all this kind
of stuff. But now they’re giving you time off. It’s a great way to make sure
that you’re not protesting on the streets.
You’re having great fun, it’s all about you. And you’re taking drugs and
they get lots of sex. And any fallout from the sex will be dealt with by the
state on your behalf. And the rest of the public will pay for it probably. Not
bad, ‘eh? As I say, it’s a good thing to
study. Believe you me, it’ll be the same across the planet. If you had the same
kind of weather in Canada, for instance, you’d be seeing the same kind of big, big massive parties and dressing the same way. But there you
And Australia is an interesting study to watch
what’s happening there. And even to see
the general population standing back, at what used to be called the older
generation, whatever they happen to be today, standing back and letting it
happen too. Because they in turn, in their turn too they were also altered in
preparation to accept it all, step-by-step to the next step and the next step
and the next step. But there’s quite a few articles I’ll put up for you that
ties in.
Remember, change the public to suit your product.
Whether it’s drugs, money, borrowing, whatever it happens to be, change the
public. The last folk to even notice they’ve been changed, to do it all and go
along with all, are the public themselves.
And at the same time, as you get fallout too, they’re going to the next
step, as I say, across the world…
New York celebrates legalizing abortion until birth by lighting One World Trade Center pink - lifesitenews.com / 23 Jan 2019
(Alan: So yeah, now they can
kill a child up until the age… of them getting born basically. And they’re celebrating
it as a great achievement.)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) directed that the One World Trade Center's spire be lit pink overnight on Tuesday to celebrate his signing of a law allowing abortions until birth in some cases, and letting non-doctors commit abortions.
(A: Bring down the populations, ‘eh? And it says…)
The law, the Reproductive Health Act, (A: Doesn’t that sound wonderful, Reproductive HEALTH Act, it’s health, you see, it’s unhealthy having children as far as they’re concerned, that’s how they name things like that.) also erases the state’s recognition of preborn babies older than 24 weeks as potential homicide victims. (A: …because that’s how they used to be seen as, you kill life. You see, pregnancy is not classified as a disease, except by those who run the planet. And they don’t belong to the same class as you, according to themselves.)
Cuomo called the
bill an “historic victory for New Yorkers and our progressive values.” (A:
So, killing children is progressive, it’s progressive, up to the age of
birth, the day of birth basically. M-hm-hm-hm.)
By the way,
I mean, I know a lot more about it all because I’ve followed this kind of stuff
and I know the different groups that are behind it you might say, who even
wants to do it after birth. That will come eventually, I
guarantee you. And as everyone’s having fun and stripping off in public and
taking drugs, that’s called progress. As you devalue life, you’re
obviously devaluing your own life. And so, when you’re demanding rights you’re
going to get to a stage where folk are going to laugh at you, absolutely laugh
you, your betters as they call
themselves will laugh at you when you
demand rights when you’ve stood by and let all this happen.
I’m not
kidding you. I’m not preaching here
either. I’m just telling you how it’s going to be. Because it’s planned this
way. Everything is control. Drugs are control. Sex is used for control. And
naturally everything that happens, including pregnancy, pregnancy is now
treated as a disease obviously by those who control the planet, and they’re
cheering it on as a great success story. And we’re all paying for it. So even if you’re not involved in it,
you’re complicit, legally. Interesting, ‘eh?
But what I’m
saying here is, it’s interesting just to look at Australia at the moment, because Australia has the climate, for sure. And they think
they’re progressive too. And step-by-step every 10, 15 years they go to the
next step and the next step and the next step and the next step and the next
step, until those who are older, even the parents of the youngsters you’ll see
wearing their glitter, some of them just about that’s all they’re wearing is
glitter stuck on their body, the parents will, oh well, they’re just young, you know, young ones. But what does it
remind you of, ‘eh?
Now, getting
back to world government and those who created the central banking system
across the whole planet, one organization, gave you the United Nations, this
one organization gave you the Bank for International Settlements, this one
organization gave you the Council on Foreign Relations, that’s one of their
groups. And gave you the abortion agenda. Give you the drug agenda. And it’s
for control of the world. And it’s all mapped out how it’s to be as the people
die off having fun, but not having children. Interesting, ‘eh. It really is. It really is.
What I’m
saying is, it isn’t spoilsport stuff. It isn’t like an old-time profit just
decrying how bad it’s going. I’m just stating how it is. I’m stating the things they don’t want you to think about. Because
you’re supposed to all be complicit, legally, in your own demise. Because
that’s how history has already been written.
remember, if you want the books and discs I have @cuttingthroughthematrix.com, go into the website and you find out how to order them. You’d be
surprised at all the different names out there, and I mean pretty
well all of them use my website and my archives on at least a weekly
basis for their own talks. It’s astonishing, really. But it’s good, it’s good
that it’s got out that far from what you might call humble beginnings long ago.
So remember, order the books and discs of the talks I’ve given, and you can
donate as well. You can find a how to do it @cuttingthroughthematrix.com. Remember, cash is okay to pay for things or
donation and other means are explained on the website too.
For myself
from a very freezing Ontario Canada, I’m Alan Watt and it’s
good night and may your God or your gods go with you.
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Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering
Information: |
"Cutting Through" |
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"Waiting for the Miracle....." |
Ancient Religions and History MP3
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Blurbs and
'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc) |
Check Part 1" & "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom,
Esoterica and ...TIME" |